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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Aug 1903, p. 4

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“'ATEB T0 BU RN. It now seems clear that we have a certainty of a. waterworks system with a supply sufllcient for domestic pur- poses as well as for fire protection. The operators who struck the magnifi- centafluian well have had much ex- pain-co and declare that they never “flu-Magma the one curler On Monday night last a full house was in attendance at the Town Hall to discuss the advisability of purchasing the artesian well lately struck hythe Gas and Oil Company, and installing a system of waterworks for the town. Everyone seemed alive to the importance. from a sanitary standpoint, of having good pure water instead of being obliged to use water from the filthy wells 80 common in the place. A standing vote of the utepnym present gave almost a un- animous opinion that council pur- choe the spring at once and develop it later on, This is one of the finest water flows seen anywhere, and the town, it seems, would make a great mistake not to accept it. The Oil and Gas Co, will start another well as soon as they can get their machinery in position. An Editor sat in his sanctum writ- ing a finished editorial on the subject “Support your own Town.” He was always a firm believer in the import- ance of building up his own immediate community and not sending money away when it could be spent to as good purpose with the home merchants. The introductory portion of the article was well rounded up and the second paragraph, which might be epitomised as “internal local co-operation,” was Well on the way, and had it appeared in type every man, woman and child Who ever sent a dollar out of town Would feel paralysed at his own mean- ness fer the guilt of such an uncharit- able piece of picayune economy. .lust here a merchant came in to request the. editor’s assistance in rousing ans tipathy against peddling interlopers, and the delighted quill pusher who felt just then that he had risen to the height of his literary genius was in full accord with the local merchant and was on the point of promising to annihilate all intruders when his arder Was damped at the glaring inconsist- ency of the self~seelcing merchant banding in a change of ad. on a sheet of stationery printed out of town. The faint hearted editor suddenly collapsed the article was consigned to the waste basket and the world has lost a literary treasure. This town, like many others, is visited by agents who convert them- selves into mere fawning sycophants to secure a trade that can be just as well done at home by the local print- ers, and furthermore when any public- ity is sought by an individual or an institution, the local press is the best medium to which to appeal. All things considered. there is nothing gained by going out of town to get your printing done. Durham today is the best place on earth: the Durham merchants are the most honest: the Council is the; most progressive: the newspapers are the most up-to-date, and the job de- partments are fully equipped for all kinds of work. This. at least, should be the feeling of every true loyal citi- zen. and when possible he should al- ways patronize home. DURHAM CHRONICLE Strictly Pure Durham, Aug. 6, 1903. MacFARLANES’ Church’s Potato Bug Finish and other Insecticides at THE MAN ON THE STREET. ” A chiel’s amang yo takin' notes, An’ faith he’ll prent it."-â€"Bma. '. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. SANCTUM SIFTINGS. .\ LMUST UNANIMOUS. Paris Green ‘ 0.. DRUG STORE. new HOVHES. Building operations in the town are progressing favorably. Had there been a brickyard within easy reach so that supplies could be had at reasonable prices, many other buildings would have, been erected. But it is about the appearance of the new buildings we wish more particularly to speak. Early in the season we appealed to those about to build to erect houses of a more modern type than those already in the town. \Ve are pleased to say that our appeal has not been disre- garded and that the new houses are decidedly up-to-date in their style of architecture and in their appearance generally. Messrs. Sparling, McCrack- en and Catton are. especially to be commended for the taste displayed. \Ve feel sure their extra outlay will have its full reward, not only in the satisfaction which they must them- selves feel and in the gratitude of their fellow citizens, but also in a fair and equitable cash retprn. There are few peopleâ€"we believe there are still a few howeverâ€"-who would not willingly pay a higher rent for a home of which ‘ they can be proud than for one that‘ disgraces them. I PIG STIES. Several complaints are heard con- cerning the nuisance created by the proximity of pig sties to dwelling houses in the town. This is undoubt. edly a nuisance of the first water, and the owners of the four-footed offenders should not expect any citizen who has any regard for the general health of his family or for the comfort of his nose to tolerate its existence near his dwelling. \Ve are informed that trouble and expence will be saved offending parties by taking this hint and removing the grunters beyond the statutory limits. Complaints would have been laid before this but for the dislike of citizens ’to impose unneces- sary expense upon their neighbors.‘ OFFICIAL TREE-PBUNER. Would it not be well for the Town Council to appoint some experienced person as oflcial tree-prune- for the has sustained. Notwithstanding this, we fear that Dundalk, like Durham, is cursed with a few individuals who would even vote against a fire By-law if submitted to the "atepayers. No (own is safe without a good system of waterworks, and as we write this we entertain the hope that our council will avail themselves of the flowing Welland instal a system that would easily supply the whole town with an abundance of water. Dundalk had a very destructive fire last week, and with other valuable property the Herald Printing Office became a prey to the devouring ele- ment. A town without agood, live local paper is certainly a back number and nothing reflects the business char- acter of a place so well as the advertis- ing patronage that business men show their weekly paper. There is no one power carries with it a wider influence than a well conducted paper notwith- standing the sneers and jibes of those who make fun of the editor’s efforts either through ignorance or good na- ture. Just as the. fire started the Edi- tor of the Herald was writing an article on “The Necessity for VVater- works for the Village," little dreaming that his fiXed opinions would he forced home to the citizens before the article was half written. We’ll venture to say that the article was a good one, because we believe that most of those who push the editorial quill are. en- dowed with a great deal more common sense along practical lines than the majority of their readers are. willing to give them credit for. The article never appeared, but instead of that a more potential energy has stirred up the citizens --More potential we say because of the financial loss the village WEED THEM OUT. Work on the abutments of the bridge is going on rather slowly it seems to us, Much complaint isheard on the street about the shitty charac- ter of the men, a number of whom, if reports are true, should get the G. B. and be allowed to go some place else to do their loaflng. The Council is largely to blame for wasting public money, and they would be perfectly justified in dropping the drones. The idea of keeping a lot of human orna- ments hanging round simply because men are said to be scarce is no good and the quicker the officials assert their authority and rid themselves of the parasites the better it will be for the general public. ' consideration. They had to do with‘ boring for the artesian wells that sup. ply the waterworks in the town of Berlin, and they tell us that the total output from the whole of the Berlin wells is not to be compared with the -‘ gusher” they struck in this town. The water, too, from appearance and temperature is all that could he de- sired. It is clear and sparkling as it gushes through an eight-inch pipe to a height of about fourteen inches and an actual test of temperature shows it to be about 44° Fahrenheit or 12° above the freezing point. At the present flow there is no need of an expert to figure out the chances of the supply being sufllcient for a town like Dur- ham for all purposes. WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PEIL none in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a In 0 capital. to call upon merchants and agent. or successful and Profitable line. Permanent engagement. Week- } cuh salary of 818 and all traveling expenses and hotel Mlle advanced in each each week. Ex- perience not month). Mention reference and enclose alt-addressed envelope, THE NATION- AL. 334 Deerborn St. Chlago. May ateâ€"m. l v ‘ - in-“ i 7 ’ run MILL DAM. . Tallow . . . . , .. , ., , . . . .) to 5 The mill-dam has been let off to give ' Lard ................ 10 t0 1‘3 a chance to the builders of the. new _ [Jitlllbtuil St. bridge. For one who is fond of reverie the adjacent banks ‘l‘ ke furnish a capital and commanding on a . ' 9‘ position for the pastime. The scene' 0 at its best when the dam is full of wat- N0 Rlsk ’is not pretty, for instead of a «:lean ‘ sheet of water, that would provide ex- . , '. . s 1celleiit boating facilities on a small . In purcnaslng Dr’ .113?“ . scale, the surface is marred by Tagged Celery-iron Pills. timbers, sunken stumps and seraggy . : shrubs until its beauty is rankest de- ; wa Gum-ante. Them to Cure or Your ‘formity. But now when the water is : 'Money Cheerfully Ref;.nd6d. ‘ gone, its ugliness speaks out so strong- ? ly that every citizen who has a spark ; The curative qualities of DR. HABTE’B . of beauty in him or any desire towards may-130}: PILLS are so absolutely i the highest good ot the town cannot ; certiin in 99 clasestgiit of .a hgp‘gfgtgfi- ~'.. ,,,.-, . - . wosave no em ionin l. . lbu't toil thagiinul that in em \uy} mitten Guarantee that they Wm p081- uiidst is to be found such an ugly spot. tively can such troubles as Thin and 'ls it any wonder that on the street Watery Blood, Pale and Sallow Com. 'there is a movement to ask Messrs. 2' plexion, Pimp?” ”‘3 gfiphgrmgngg :MeKeehnie to cleaxrit out and failing! 0:83:51: 813::Ii’nesfiegsdnd Fggrgetfulneu, ‘ response fiwom that firm to petition the l Boar Appetite, Dyspepsia» and hinges. Town (Jouncil to have it cleaned outi tion, Nervous Headaches, Palpitation of [as befits any up-to-date municipality? l “I! 11931312321? iiid 52$ 83:;E'nm 'Apart altogether from its appearance!‘ fixtyfr?nda :lxll'disgzsea and disorders ‘ the dam bottom should be thoroughly l mg from a. rundown condition of cleaned. It takes no scientific expert tho nervous system, or weak and )m' r. . . .. ° ,_ - - verished blood. ito see that fioina sanitaiy pomt «it ”With every 6 boxes of DB. man's view, having so much stagnant water mp1”! PILLS you purchase at one in the heart of the. town, cannot fail time, we give our written Guarantee to be injurious in the long run. It is that if you don’t derive benefit from more hosh to say that under normal :23: “$2,!Ig9m‘zllfg; 7°“ your money conditions the (lam contains moving‘ we“ we mm pretty m. aDr.EIrta’l Water. An examination of the bottom Pill! would do mg w. M for than, deposits, especially on the east side, i '0 wouldn’t dare not; such an 0‘53; shows a clear foot or more of sediment ‘ a! the ““81. box 9 Hill ”9 which is anything but clean and pure, ; It will he a revelation to those who;] JOHN A. DARLING claim that the sewage from some of j 7 ‘ our largest blocks is carried out to CHEMIST "" AND "" DRUGGISP moving water. Let something bedone DUR}[ A )1, ONT and at once to put this beautirul sheet J of water in a presentable and sanitary ' â€" > ‘ - "W ‘ ' ‘ " W” . condition. \Ve feel sure there are . 1 many citizens who would freely give a VOterS, LlSt, [903, 3 day or two to help either the McKech- nie brothers or the town Council to' Municipality of the clean up and remove all the rubbish r ‘ that now mars the View and endangers ()WnShlp 0f Glellelg$ ' the health of our citizens. There are: COUNTY OF GREY. prob‘tbiy many people in town whoI m 1â€"-â€"-:_ 7" y ‘ .i would gladly remove much of the' TOTIL" lb BEREBX GI.‘ MN . .L that l have transmitted or delnered sunken amber“ and stumps for wow I to the persuu~ mentioned in sections eight 0 i 0 ‘ ' a ’ v i were the informed the were at llb- gand nine of 'l ”E \ orbits Lisr ALT. the ' y y icopies required by said sections to be Roi 911W to do 80- i tronumiflnrl nr (laiivnrnd (if ”in lint mnrlni Inly milsâ€"J WILSONâ€"MCCRACXEN-On Wednes- day. Aug. 5th. at the Manse. Dur- ham. by thn Rev. Wm. Farquhur- 80!), William 'lhomas Wilson to Elizabeth McCracken both olGlen- elg. ing deformed in ‘ shape so that the eflect is becoming incongruous to a haimonious and beautiful view. In this way much could be done to beau- tify some of the streets that at present look neglected. The expense of prun- ing would be cheerfully borne by those whose property lies adjacent to the trees, for it is their duty to protect the trees. and the matter of pruning is often neglected because there is no experienced person available to whom the task can be entrusted. It is in matters of this kind the council can show its interest in the welfare of the town. and the aldermeu ought to be big enough men to give some consider ation to every plan or scheme that will result in good to the corporation. In very many towns throughout the Province there is an official tree-prun- er and we should have one in Durham. DRY WELLS. , The usual sequel to the emptying of 3 the mill-dam. namely, the drying of ‘ most of the wells west of the river, has come to pass. Apart from the incon- venience to the parties whose wells are affected the question of the purity of the water from such a source is one of considerable importance. We are told that if water filters through twenty feet of sand or gravel the water will be perfectly pure. That is true for a‘ time, but experiments along that line: have proven conclusively that wateri from a polluted source will in time pollute the filtering ground through which it passes until large areas are poisoned and the water is unfit for use. g How long it will be till this is the case i with many of the wells in lower town, ; it would be diflieult to say, but it is} safe to predict that at no distant date i provision will have to be made for a: purer water supply. The draining of? cesspools or the emptying of sewage into any portion of the river within 1 the corporation should be strictly pro- 3' hibited if the present state. of affairs is 1 going to he continued to the prejudice ‘ of our town and the injury of our pen- 1 pie. ‘ town? There is no doubt that many of the trees in the streets are badly in need of a general shaping up. They are going too much to top and grow- ’OOD CEDAR SHINGLES MAY at municipal «lections. and that said Ii: . . . _ ; Was first lmsfl‘d up at my office. at Lot 24 h obhmed ‘t r “I!“ pnws from ; Con. 4. .\'. 1). IL. Glenelg. on the W. J. QUINN. Rocky Sauaeen- i Twenty-Eighth Day of July, 1903, on.- A Shingles for Sale. MARRIED. .LV that l have transmitted or delivered 1 to the persum mentioned in sections eight :' and nine of 'l‘mc Vm'I-Jus‘LIsr ACT. the 1 copies romuimd by said sections to be so :transmitted or delivered of the list. made : pursuant to said act. nf all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of ' the said municipality to be entitled to vote iiu the said municipality at elections for -memher.~' oftloe Legislative Assembly and ‘at municipal elections, and that said list j \gas firsg'ufiswg "It!“ :9 y office. at Lot 24. and remains there tor inspection. Electors are called upon in examine the said list. and if any omiskugs or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors corrected ac- cording to inW. Clerk of said Municipality. Dated :his :39thfduy ofJuly, 1W3. CELEBY-IBON PILLS are so absolutely certain in 99 cases out of a hundred that we have no hesitation in giving our written Guarantee that they will posi- tively cure such troubles as Thin and Watery Blood, Pale and Ssllow Com- plexion, Pimples and Eruptions, Nerv- ousness, Sleeplessness', Langour and De- ression, Bram Fag and Forgetfulness, oor Appetite, Dyspepsia and Indiges-v tion, Nervous Headaches, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizzy and Faint Spells, Nerv~ one Prostration, Weakness, General De- bility, and all diseases and disorders arising from a. rundown condition of the nervous system, or week and imo poverished blood. With every 6 boxes of DR. Ham’s Cunt-IRON PILLS you purchase at one time, we give our written Guarantee thst if you don’t derive benefit from ltheir use, we will give you your money beck. Isn’t that fair! Unless we were pretty sure Dr. Herte’s Pills would do what we claim for them, we wouldn’t dare make such an else. a; the single box the Pills are 500. MISS BANKS will also give Painting lesson Tuesdays end Thursdays. Cell and inspect goo-is es they ere the newest. McIntyre Block. Durham. Ont. Battenbnrg Braid: and Pnttornl, sunn' ' e, Embroidery Bub, Miss Banks Crochet Cotton, ands full line ofallFancyGoodsofallkinds. Stamping none to “MEI. Market Report. JOHN 8. BLACK, To Care a Cold 111 One Day mm gauze. mmWhT-m 6 %J 2.." Miss Bessie Benks he: opened 0. Fancy Geode Department in Mine Dick’s Millinery Store where she keeps DURHAM hauling-tum cwt. 7 AUG. 6. 1903. 68 to 3 7O 65 to 68 28 to 28 60 to 60 40 to 45 9 00 to 10 00 13 to 14 11 to 11 7:") to 80 1 90 to 2 20 ‘2 40 to 2 40 1 10 to 1 25 5 25 to 5 30 7 75 to 7 75 5 to 5 40 to 50 14 to 15 7 to 8 5 to 5 10 to 1‘2 July 28th.-â€"â€"3m.pd. The undersigned has now on hand at his mill at Lot 23 and 24. Con. 21, Egremont. a. large quantity of lumâ€" ber. Don’t forget the place when in need of first-class material Potato Bug Killerr PURE PARIS GREEN. 200 a pound. In quantity at a less price. LUMBER FOR SALE. PARKEH’S llrug Store. Potato Bug Killer is death to bugs and a. good Fertilizer. $1.00 for 100 pounds at Parker’ 8 Drug Store. J. G. ORCHARD, IheKingEdwaldEigatStme. For Choice ”WMZSEI Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes, tn 7 C

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