West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Aug 1903, p. 8

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it: Jog-pl: Sttlfiul'tl. of .‘vldiill l'ni- nx unit}. .‘-.i;.ii."."_u'.l. met with sudden .19 My: l.\' tuna. n» r. uri‘mrnt lint, EVPUh l): 51‘. .a' ‘Zt‘llflllbf lilx‘iiklnvt'ziwllt’.“'llO st in it: \‘-U'i:. li._.v.-.‘.-. of Monday lllul‘ll- 'Ui a; while she: slept. expired withl'l‘ lit-zit" Fax? :z'u. Six-a. Stallorfl haul .ti cont}; :ntz-nu-tl {ruin a ”11":0liliflllhj‘li‘l"il v34} ~\l'll lll i‘ brothers at “Piin'l', c. (301.. and. in tile lv‘rsf; of health and . u . \t'Jré yam; Moutl'eu', fl'lclids ’ t1 ’{ at their country L'o-sitleuce waiting . t: the; 'Lllll :n .2; of Mir imshmid, who. .9 'llil’llu, llift' “pumice. luiii been at the v lHolami "vl sht' ion at: Mttlph‘CcfliUJ’l‘lltCt’! V Ezlwâ€"o 'l island. 'l'im and news was .1910”. 'ilwil 1’;- Ui'. SizilfOHl. who T e ~.-:'. M1 Montreal on “Kaine-«lay and l I {0'in ’. aired-3;; there his sister, 3133.31, J. i'. H". ".‘h'll. Of this place, and his . 1; Mother. Prof. John Stafford. of La- :1. zone t_.'()llt';;‘.. Southern Cal., who is; visiting here. The remains were ‘1 l')_'.‘~'ius_;ht here on Thursday evening” to the hex-w of Dr. C)!te\'.'ellf01'inter- i] menu in the k’leslierton cemetery. but ' in deferemze to the wishes of the de. 1 ceasel'e brothers of Denver, who did 1, not tench Toronto in time to intercept {‘1 the mourners, the body was tuken‘1 back to Toronto on Saturday and in- terred alongside her parents in the family plat, in St. James’ cemetery. The casket was covered with beauti-' inl flowers from sorrowing friends. The deceased- nee Miss Kate Linton- net Clark, of Toronto,â€"wae in her 37th year, and leaves two little daughters aged 9 and 7 yeers respec- tively. She was en attrective and highly esteemed lady, whose denth is mourned by e wide circle of friends. The sorrowing hnehend, who is the third eon of the lnte Ches. Stefiord, Eeq., of the 4th line. Artemesin, in well known here, end hie runny friends sincerely sympathize with him in his eeeeon of grief. Mine Buford, teecher, Rockvnle. eccent- pnnied her brothers to Toronto on Sntnrdey. Rev. John Neil, B. D.. of Weetrnineter church. Toronto, who ten your ego married Dr. end Mrs. Stnlord. eeeieted by Rev._l_r. Ley- l, l l I in the ueam o in the: early )3; mg while sh heart. failure. cently raturm visiz with he U‘â€"-'~ .â€" ton, conheeied an a'ppwpriete service in the cemetery Chepel before inter- Many here have heard with regret the news received on Saturday even- ing that Mr. J. R. Anderson, former- ly of this place. had early in the week paeeod away at hie home at Manor, N. W. T. In May laet Mr. Anderson was bereft of hie amiable and beloved wife. Since then he has been in failing health and his call home no econ has made their eepan. tion brief. Mr. Anderson had many traits of character which made him a desirable citizen. He had good buli- W'I‘UVOV '- â€"â€"-â€"- - _ _ no” ability, was gent: a1 m disposition, teapot-Mo in habits and religion in Inuit. Known as the Scottish - Flesherton. ist. he was much sought after for entertainments, and with his line voice and Scatch songs stirred many an audience. l‘or seVeral yema- he led the service of praise in the Pr: 8 by terian congregation here 31141:!15011 sewed w1th. much acceptance in :1he office of elder. Du Sabbath {ev .111 Thom referred to his death. and the tribute paid to his 111eu‘.o1'y was no doubt the sent'mcnt of the entire congregation. Mr. Thou: spoke of meeting \lr.Ande1son on his recent trip to the \\ est. and at a social with ering I: curinghim sing with his usual 'effect1seness"1\iy Ain Countrie.” to {which it n as then little thought he L would so soon be gone. , Mr. A. Munshaw has this summer ‘expended a large sum in improve- imems on his hotel. The work is Enow completed and the building in- iternally and externally presents a finew and up-to-date appearance. “ Sabbath, July 19. was,” saysThe Presbyterian of last week. ”a. red letter day with the Presbyterians of Rosemont. On that day their hemi-l tiful new church was dedicated 1.0' the worship of God, and Rev A. Wilo son and his people are to be congreto ulated on the success of their opening services The congregations were large and enthusiastic. They have a ,neat, comfortable brick church free [from debt. and are now equipped to do better work for the Master than ever before. Mr. W ilsou’s pastorate has been a vUry successful one at Rosemont.” The Presbyterian church here was built during Mr. Wilson’s successful pastorate. and though §_"“.‘"‘ 3 Coughing “I was given up to die with quick consumption. 1 then bent! to use Ayer’s Cherry Pectorel. I improved at once, and am no'in perfect balmyâ€"Chas. B. Hart- mtn, Gibbstown, N. Y. It’s too risky, playing why you; cougi}. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and theplay will be over. Be- gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and stop the coilgh. may chengee heve teken piece eince his removal he has still many old friends nho are planned to leern of his continued success in the vineyard of the Lord. Fleaherton Police trustees have done well in enacting a by-law . pro- hibiting obstructions on the streets and animals running at large. ‘l‘he latter have been a great annoyance and the action of the town oficials will don btleea meet with general approval. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson lCnllen. back line, was the scene of a :happy but quiet matrimonial event on Wednesday afternoon of last week when their second daughter, Eliza, was joined in marriage to Mr. J. J. Little. of \Vareham. The bride’s pastor, Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson. B. D": of this place, performed the ceremony ; in the presence of only a few immed- iate relatives of the contracting par- ties. The groom’s brother, Mr. W. G. Little. and the bride’s sister. Miss Sarah Cullen, discharged the duties of groomsmen and bridesmaid. The bride and bridesmaid were pretty and becoming gowns for the occasion. After the wedding repeat the happy and very highly esteemed young couple drove to their new home near Wareham, where we hope they may long enjoy happiness and prosperity. At. the close of the prayer meeting in the Methodist church lean week Messrs. R. J. Sproule. W. J. Bellamy, Joe. Blakely and Robt. Best were re-elected the cougregation’s repre- pentatives on the Quarterly Board. The trustees have let the contract of repainting the exterior woodwork of the church to be done forthwith by Mr. Tyron. Sacramental services were held in the Methodist and Baptist churches on Sabbath morning last. The Flesherton and Markdale foot- buli clubs played a friendly match at the latter place last week. but neither clubs made a. goal. A christening took place at the hmm of Mr. and Mrs. And. Bentham Mr. Walker Sloan. of Eugenia, fell from his wheel on Sunday afternoon and broke his collar bone. Dr. Carter reduced the fracture. on Monday when their little grand. dwahter, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheppard, of Toronto. was bap. tized by Rev. L. W. 'l‘hmu Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard were on a {PW days visit at the old home. Mr. R. F. Downey, Principal of Port Perry public school, was tlm guest of Mrs. Joy and family last week. Mr. '1‘. J. Sheppard has purchased the Vanzant residence, which he has been occupying for some time. Rev. C. L. Mills Spent part of last week With old friends at Blythe, his former charge. Mr.N. Abercrombiu, of 0. Sound, spent, a few days at the Advance editor’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd. of Mt. Forest, Spent, [Hut of last week with their sons and daughter here. Mr. J. A. Boyd. accompam’ed by his father. attended the funeral of tie latter’s brother, Capt. Boyd, of 'l‘oronto. last. week. Miss Hattiv (1019, of Torontm is holidaying with {hair parents lune. Miss Walker, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. George Wilkas and family, of Toronto are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Loucks. Mr. Roy Loucks and the Misses Loucks, of Meatord, wen» visitors over Sunday. Mr. Herbert Wright. of Emerson‘ Man., is visiting friends here and at, Eugenia. Mr. Frank Howard visited his home at Collingwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, of Wood- stock, (the latter Mrs. Carter’s siSter) are the guests of Dr and Mrs. Carter this week. Mrs. Pye has returned from visit- ing her son, Mr. Chas. Pye, of Clarks- burg, who was in town on Monday and was accompanied home by Miss Fulton and Miss Dunlop. who have been the guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Carter. Miss James, of Metz, was the guest. of Mrs. W. H. Heard part. of last. week. Mr. Jos. Armstrong, of Toronto. who had been ona. holiday up the lakes. visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hickling. Among the Toronto people who] took advantage of their Civic holiday J and visited here from Saturday till. Tuesday were Messrs. bert and Jes. Field at their mother’s; Miss Ched- wick with her-aunt, Mrs. Bulmer; Mrs. Fisher and Miss Lena. Pierce with their aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Christoe ; Mr. H. Hooper with his uncle. Mr. A. Munshsw; Mr. A. D. Thurston and mother at Editor Thurston’s; Mr. Frank Bernbouse at his parental home; and Mr. Harry Ward, of New York, eldest son of Rev. J. Ward, ’iormerly of this place, visited old friends. Mrs. Mark Wilson and little daugh- ter. Irene, are in Toronto this week and were accompanied to the city by the little Misses Evelyn and Muriel Wilson of the parsonage, who have gone to holiday with their grandpar- ents at Newcastle. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. of Collin;- wood. were in town on Monday and Tuoodoy. Mr. Wesley Smith, who has been in New York State for months and didn’t. like it, visited his father, Mr. Wm. Smith, here, on Monday and Tuesday on his way to Port. Arthur. “INFORMATION wanted as to the whereeboute of Mel-tin Dunn. at one time of the township of Glenelg. Write or‘ see John Delaney. Postma- tor, Tuvouton.â€"8. LADDERS WANTED Will be run to ant-ions on Can. P“. in thitbba and Auiniboh. Wont. South-wont 3nd Noni-wont of Winnipeg as far as . noose Jaw. gar-van 10 Am: vonx'rou . _ AND vonx'rou QP IV ' Main USI‘ 18th from station: in Ontario. 330%00 rand Trunk. Toronto to Samifikfrd a]; Motions_N_orth {creep}. North of Cardwe o -. an __4.1_ n-.. amflnn\ North of Toronto on North Boy Sectiom. One-way ticket: to Winnipeg only will be gold. with acertiiiento extending the trip. before Aug. slat. without additional cost, to other point: in Manitoba and Auiniboin u nbove If purchasers engage as fnrm inborn" at Winnipeg. provided such farm laborer: will work not less than 30 days d produce certificate to that at harvesting. an ill be returned to ori nnl starting point at $18 00 on or before Nov. h. 1903. For further partict‘lhrs and tickets apply to nearest railway “out. Mr. Thos. Wilson and Miss Lizzie McCracken, of Edge Hill. passed through our burg last Sunday even iug. Misses Annie and Jennie Staples, of Toronto, who are spending a couple of months at the parental home at present. were the guests of the Hewitt family last Sunday. Mr. Thos. Vessie, who recently came home from Iowa. is at Present confined to his bed with typhoid fever. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr. Thos. Scarf sold a team of horses for the handsome sum of $188. A very heavy thunder storm ac- companied by a heavy downpour of rain passed over this part on Tues- day night. One of the important features of the storm was its violence and long duration. No harm as far as we can learn was none in this vi- cinity. but within our range of vision there Were three or {our large fires visxble. Miss Ruby Scarf returned home a week ago Wednesday from Waterloo, where she has been visiting friends. , She wason the train ho .xeward bound ; when the accident happened on the line betwegz Holstein and Durham but fortunately she escaped nnhurt. , Messrs Grant and Archie McComb. of Bunessan, visited at Mr. Alex. Morton’s Sunday. Tickets not good m “ Imperial Umlt ." tilv.vv-- .. N.--__, - Mr.’1‘lmmm Timmins spent Sun 'Mclntyre Block day before lust wivh friends around the Rocky. ” . .‘diss Lottie Brown. of Toronto, is pleasantly holidaying: witli ' her' ;pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown. I ,, We regret to announce that Mr. * .Geo A. Lawrence has not recovered l from his recent illness. It is under- ‘ ‘ stood that he intends leaving short- ‘ly for Toronto to consult a. specialism Huying is about over in this burg. Fall wheat. and barley lmrves: is now the order. v Our farmers are feeling full to the neck with Spirits over the fact that they are to reap another so abundant crap. Everything is looking excellent and every farmer has good reason to be jubilant. Hounds have been playing havoc. among; sheep in this neighborhood of Hate. Iv'essrs. Jfltques and (a‘reorgefi Lawrence have been heavy losers in this way. Such destructive brutcs are no use at, best and should never be allowed to run at largo. Jocund Miss Maud Whitmore ism. present cheering the home of her parents being home from Toronto on a. visit. G. A. Watson is recovering from a severe shaking up which he received in a. runaway accident on the morn- ing of July 13th. * Mrs. H Firth, of Markdsle. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tifi. of Hanover, visited the Eckhsrdt family the lore part of the week. Every person is in loving sym- pathy with Mr. Abrshnm Crutohley over the loss of his mammoth frame barn, so nestly and hsndsomely con- structed only one your ago, which i was burned to the ground by lighten- ing on Tasselsy night of last week. It ‘ ‘lu nâ€"n-AL‘A-,- 11.16 VII J “varâ€"w“ ._.u_ was “only through Mr. Crutchley’s prompt action that the fine brick house was saved from also going up in smoke. It came near completely destroying one of the most beautiful homes to be found anywhere in the township. A quantity of hay and fall wheat, four calves and part of the implements were also destroyed by the fire, The insurance, we un- derstand, is small compared with the loss. 'vâ€"wâ€"v The Lawrence Hall Sunday school picnic held in Ector’s grove on Friday last was well attended by a crowd of jolly good natured pleasure seekers. the afternoon being pleasantly spent in playing baseball, football and games of all sorts. The Bnnessan Cor. being head engineer will be able to give a more definite account. (i. A. Wo.tson I»; had his damaged baggy rophoed ‘by Rocky Saugeen. Spring Bank. 0% 0’. .H‘ HRH - llBDRERS’ EXCURSIUIS 8EOOND OLA88 ‘ new Car Load Lots TEAS AND COFFEES We give you the special privilege of taken them home with you, and it not satisfactory return. We can do this cheerfully, as you would be the only one in a hundred that have ever returned this quality of goods. JORDAN 6: BURNETT Millinery .__.___ 35 Trimmed and Ready-to-VV'eu-s. reg. $1.00 to $3 75, go at 75c. Children’s Accordian Plaited-Silk Hats and Embroidprwl Sil Bon- nets. reg. $9.00 to $2.753. take them at 350. 50c, 75c and $100. Ladies” Bonnets that were $3.00 to $3.75, now going at $1.50. 50 Plain Straw Shapes, were $1.00 and $1.25. now 250. Laces, Appliques a at 15¢ per yard 3; It’s E V ery Da y In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are compelled to sell out all our Summer Mil- linery which include many bargains. Black and Blue Serge Suits. were 87.50. now ............... $0.50 Black Worsted Suns. were $8.50. now ..................... $7.00 A few sizes left of Tweed Suits, were $10.00. now .......... $6 50 Gray Tweed Suits. were $0.50, new ........................ $5.00 Gray Tweed Suits. vsere $8.00, new ........................ 66.50 Fancy West of England Worsteds. were $12.50, now ....... 89.50 Waterproof Coats (on... ......... $2.25, $3.50. $7.00 and $13.50 MISS DICK We Have Often . Heard the Remark daddy of them all.” Iheobald, the Clothier We don’ I: buy car load lots of Groceries or Confectionery but just enough to keep our stock nice and fresh. We are not going to cut prices on our Teas and Coffees _b}1t-§im1_)ly_ to cql! your attentiqn to two agents : With us. We are always haying a clear- iig‘ sale, but at this season of the year we give in extra reduction which gives you Ready-to-wear Clothing at exact (cost of goods at the manufacturing es- mhlishment.‘ Just note a few prices in 0111‘ Nothing. The above named suits are but a small list of the snaps we have in our Clothing. We have no old stock. They are all new. But our stock of Fall Clothing will soon be to hand and we would sooner see a suit on your back than have it to look at on our tables. We want no old stock and our prices will prevent us having any. and Neck Ribbon “If I had it to do over again I would call and see your stock before I would buy.” Now that ’s all we ask for: Just call and see our stock and get pnoes. We know fees but simply to call your attention special blends for which we are sole ’ Phone 27. Golden lion Blend Tea. Our. Own Mocha Coffee. Special Attention 0‘iven to \VpEDDING CAKES which we shall tarnish on shortest notice. DURHAM, -â€"â€"- ()X'I‘A RIO. Prompt Delivery of all Goods. For Bread, Pies, Cakes, Buns. 6w. I'ROI 'RIETORS. $5,730 £7. 00 $6 .50 8.5. 00 $6.50

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