' . DURHAM CH RN ICLE. 1 THE abutment on the west side of Lunbton Street bridge is now ï¬rmly planted end the upper portion will be etrnight work. The bottom presenc- ed 3 diï¬culty in getting agood foun- : dation, but it appears they got it all right. \Ve how to see a foundation there as solid as the ewflasting rocke,end though we may have to reflect on its eXpeneive character let us unit we shall look on it with plenum u e permeuent crossing end monument to the town when the hen unpretruoture in properly u. 4‘ - 'i‘m-z monthly meeting of the S. G. Women’s lnsniture was held in the home of Mrs. W. J. Derby, Bentinck. on August 6th. Mrs. D. McCrie read an excellent paper on ‘° Dress.†An- orher on " Farm Life†was read by MN, W. J. Derby. and also two short papers on " Poultry.†Following this there was discussion on numer- ous household topics. These meet- ings ere held once a month. nnd all ledies, whether members or not, are invited to be present. LAST Saturday Robbie Radburn who is staying with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt, of Normanby, had the sad misfortune to have his leg broken in three places. It seems he was following the wagon on the farm and came in contact with a wheel which passed over him with the above result. Dr. Macdonald set the fracture and the little fellow who is but three-years old is doing as nicely as could be expected under the circumstances. Ma. WILL GLASS met with a serious accident last week by which he will have to submit to a forced idleness for some time. so far at least as tak- ing a free hand in moving heavy fnmiture. It :3me he was engaged in the furniture facture ripping a piece of lumber. when his hand came in contact with the saw and a severe and painful gash was the result. Fifteen stitches were needed to hold the parts. Tun Post Ofï¬ce Department urges all who send letters through the mails to have written or printed on the upper left hand corner of the en- velope their name and post ofï¬ce ad- dress, so that if not called for at destination it may be promptly re- turned to the sender, instead of going to the dead letter ofï¬ce. NEXT Sundey evening a Song Ser~ vice will be given in the Beptiet church by Mrs. Newton and the Choir. A rare treat is in store for all who will attend. Obliging ushers in attendance. Tun alternoon train due to leave here at. three o’clock ran «off the track in the Station yards and as a consequence was detained a couple of hours. The train carrying the afternoon mail was blocked until the road was cleared. q AT the lacrosse match in Hanover Mr. Theobald, the Clothier, got a nasty clout 1n the month which tore his under lip so badly that four stitches had to be made by Dr. Mearns who was on the g.round This 19 one of the means used by the ()wen Sounders to win the game. Wan-m you want to get a good farm horse. call and see what Bar- clay Bell have. The right kind for the right money. All prices. THREE By-laws were carried in Dundalk on Monday of last week as fol!ows:~â€"-(1) For streets and side- walksâ€"For 33.3, against ‘23. Majority for :32. (2) Town Hallâ€"For 43}, against 30. Majority for 1:5. (3) Waterworksâ€"â€"For 42, against 33. Majority for 9. STRAY block and ten bitch came to Middaugh House about two weeks ago. Owner may have her by prov- ing property and paying commâ€"3. 'l‘m: Quarterly Sacramental Sor- vico and Love Feast will be con- ducted at Zion church on Sunday at 2.3†p. m., by the pastor. HOUSE cleaning time at James Ire- hnd’a. Now is your time to buy any and :11 summer goods cheap. IF you want to get a good second- hand Stove cheap, call and see Bar- clay Bell’s stock. GmxnnAL Serum wanted to do light housework. Apply to Mrs. J. Kress.-â€"2pd. 6 BARS Comfort soap for 25¢ at Jas. Ireland’s. GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. M033? at. 47). MacKay . Dunn, Local News Items 37« THE Dundaik Herhld in last week’s issue makes reference to the very prompt. manner in which a number of his subscribers and business sup- porters have come down with the cash, a. most needful commodity in his present distress caused by the lat» ï¬re. Mr. McIntyre lost his sub- scription list in the flames. but we think under the circumstances that any one who will not pay up now without being asked for it is not- worth having A new plant is being installed. and the next issue of the paper will appear on the 20th of August. A GREAT Sermonâ€"The Central Business College of Stratford is the school that enjoys a great repu- tation for placing its graduates as teachers in other business colleges. It enjoys a large patronage and is placing many young men and women in good business positions. Write to the College for a catalogue. Mr. W, .l. Elliott. the Principal, will be pleased to send you one if you are interested in a business education. THE Sons oiSconland hade visit last week from the Camp at Price- ville. prominent amongst the mem- bers of which was Piper McArthur, who is said to be a musical artist of phenomenal excellence for the short time he has been working the keys. Information has leaked out of the Lodge that a number of the visiting brethren are excellent gaelic singers. YE Editor is in Toronto this week. and as all the work after Monday night is done by the staff. our readers will please give them credit for any excellencies that may appear in this issue. We can recommend them as a good reliable let with whom the public may feel perfect freedom in doing business, even to the paying of their subscriptions. The money will be properly accounted for and not one of them will take advantage of our absence. SINCE the Corner Cor.’s report. of the death of the late Mrs. Cook was in print, we learned that it was 39 years since Mr. Cook’s death. The surviving members of the family are Mrs. Henry Lawrence, of Glenelg, Mrs. Reddick, of Lima. N. Y., Miss Cook, of Rat Portage, \Villiam, of Vancouver, and John, of Manitoba. BEFORE buying your church Organ cull on Burcley Bell and ï¬nd out ebout the femous Kern church organ. They always lead. About ï¬fteen of them‘in Durham and sur- rounding country churches. Dancroas’ MEETING.â€"There will be a meeting of the Directors of the Public Library in the Public Read- ing Room on Friday evening. the 14th inst., st 8 p. m. sharp. All the Directors are respectively requested to be present. THE members of the Young Peo- ple’s League are planning to hold a Rainbow Lawn Party on the grounds of Mrs. Sutherland, on Monday even- ing. August 30th. A good program will be provided. Remember the date and be present. BARCLAY It BELL have a ï¬ne as- sortment of Twine on hand and are now prepared to supply their cus- tomers with the right kind of twine and :t the right price. Call and ex- amine our stock. Tm: Central Hotel is now under the management of Messrs. McGrath and McAuliffe. and as we referred a few weeks ago to the extreme eo- briety of the form gentleman, we have no doubt he will endeavor to conduct the business on proper lines. \VARNING 'ro Bossâ€"Mr. William Slatcher has laid a complaint to us about boys stealing into his orchard and damaging trees as well as carry- ing off his fruit. He threatens to prosecute all boys trespassing on his premises, and informs us that he has a gun ready {or any emergency. REV. Mn. STEWART will occupy the Baptist pulpit next Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor. who is away for a holiday. Law.--â€"Between Durham and Allan Park, June 5th. a black fur caperine. Finder will please leave at this ofï¬ce or Allan Park post ofï¬ce. Reward. BOARDER VVAxrmn.â€"~Gentleman ac- commodated with board and lodging in private house. Enquire at this ofï¬ce. THERE Is no juggling with facts like the low prices in cotton goods at James Ireland’s. THE Baptist Sunday School picnic takes place to-day, Thursday. at the Town Pnrk. CROCKERY is a new line with us. The lines we have in now are good ones for yankâ€"James Ireland. TENDERS are called for the lighting of our streets. See ad. on page 8. The Chronicle for the Balance of the Year for only Forty Cents. so}- He is a son of the late Dr. Woods.- who was drowned many years ago in the Saugeen at the Durham Road, near the cemetery. It is about thir- ty-ï¬ve years since Mr. Woods was in Durham, and naturally enough he notices a change. We found it mut- ually interesting :0 run over the names of busmess men and others who were here thirty or forty years ago, as shown in an old directory and formerly published in these columns, and hear reminiscent sketches of What Mr. Woods remembered of sev- eral. He was particularly interested in seeing Mike Kress. who saved him from drowning when they‘were school boys together. Mr. \Voods was ac- companied by his daughter. and came here from Mt. Forest where they were visiting friends. Miss Esther McCoskery came up from Toronto Thursday night and is Spending a couple of weeks with friends in Du1ham and vicinity. Mr. Stephen. Mr. Pritchard and about. half adozen ladies were over from Markdale Monday and went through the Cement Works which they enjoyed immensely. Mr. Arthur Woods, of Thornbury, was in town last. week and gave us a very pleasant call for a. half hour or Misses Minnie and F10. Sheppard, after spending a couple of weeks pleasantly at the home of Mr. Peter Watson, left Friday afternoon for their home in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Lawrence is on the sick list with inflmnmation. Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Misses Edith and Violet Blackburn, of Buffalo. area visitiugthe parental home here. Rev. Mr. Darroch. of Farewell, was in town Monday on his way to visit his home near Tara. Miss Coutts. of Toronto, spent Bume time with her aunt. Mrs. Far- quharson. and returned home Tues- day morning accompanied by her uncle, Rev. Mr. Farquharsou. Miss Norma Large, of Toronto, who has been with her grandmother. Mrs. Porter, returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Miller, of Brantford, visited friends in town. Mr. M. returned home Tuesday but Mrs. Miller intends to remain s week or so. Miss Lottie Hahnttle returned last Saturday after spending about six weeks with her aunt, Mrs. R. F. Miller. Mrs. S. Smith and daughter. Gertie. who have been visiting friends near Mt. Forest. returned home on Monday. Mrs. (Rev.) Irwin and daughter, of \Ncod Lake, Minnesota. who have bcun visxting the [owner’s mother, Mrs. Porter, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Hugh Rose, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Currie, and two children, has gone on a visit to Mich. Miss Wilda Freeman, of Chats- worth, is Spending a. couple of weeks with Miss Clara Aljoe. Miss Pearl Warner returned home Saturday from a month’s visit in Owen Sound. Miss Gibson. of Toronto, returned home Tuesday after a couple of weeks’ visit With her aunt, Mrs. Ireland. Miss Agnes Vollett visited friends in Owen Sound the past. month. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and family spent a few weeks in and around Paisley, Port Elgin. and other points. Miss Sarah Woodland, of Toronto, spent. Sunday in town. Miss Mary Marshall and her aunt, Miss Barbara. Marshall left Tuesday morning to spend a couple of weeks with friends in Owen Sound. Miss‘Marion Thornhill, Mt. Forestv is the guest of Miss Laidlaw. Mr. Ludlow, chemist at the Cement Works, left Tuesday for Stratford. Miss Millie Reid, of Owen Sound. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Moflatt. Mr. A. H. Jackson was in Toronto this week at. the Conservative Rally. Mr. George of his sister, of Port. Dover Rev. W. L. Newton left Tuesdav morning {or a couple of weeks’ visit. with friends in Goderich. Mr. Frank Lenahan was in Hamil- ton the fore part of this week as de- legate to the Grand Rebekah Lodge. Miss Pickering, of Manna Forest. was in town over Sunday the guesc of her brother. Dr. Pickering. Miss Dunn, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with her brother, Barrister Dunn. Miss Turner, of Toronto, is home on a visit. Mrs. Jackson is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Robt. Vollett. of Owen Sound, was in town Sunday. THE GOING AND COMING 0.‘ VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST. People We Know DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1903. Hughes is the guest Mrs. (Rem) Herbert Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 1100.. Eng., and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hos: Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Non Will be at the Middaugh Home In Wodnooday of each month. from 12 to d p. n. Mn. T808. SWALLOW invested in a ï¬ne clock the other day for his up- todate barber shop. and will now shave on time. SEVERAL new patterns in linoleum: and oilcloths have just been stocked as Ireland’s. HOUSE To Blastâ€"West of Furni- cure Factory. Apply at. once to Miss O’Donnell.â€"â€"tf. TEACHER wanted for Pricevillo school. See ad. on page 8. Miss Christene Jackson. Miss B. Crawford, Miss Margaret Munro. Miss Jessie Munro and Miss Emma McCanl. after camping ï¬ve weeks on the Rocky under the chaperonage of Mrs. Jackson. returned Monday after- noon. They all look physically im- proved and give evidence of having made good use of a period of out door life. sick list. Mr. Neil McAtthur, of Victoria, B. 0.. arrived on the afternoon train Tuesday and is now the guest of his brother. Merchant McArthur, after an absence of ï¬ve years. We are pleuSed to see him look so well. Misses A. C. and Maggie McKenzie left Tuesday morning for Cheyenne. Wyoming, near which they will re- side for a year before returning. Mr. J. H. Burrows is in Hamilton gttpnding the Grand Lodge of tho Miss Lillie Horn, of Lucknow, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Alex. McDonald is on the Miss Belle Parlow. who has been a guess at. Conductor Lavelle’s for the past few weeks. remrus to Toronto this Thursday morning. Miss Ella Robertson. we are sorry to learn, had to undergo an Operation Tuesday morning at the Hamilton hospital where she is in training, for appendicitis. A telegram to her parents here states that. she is get- ting along nicely. Mr. R. D. Dinsmore. who for the past four months carried on a cigar and tobacco shop, closed his business on Monday last. Miss Mary Hutton visited friends at Williamsford and Holland Centre last week. Mr. Chas. McKinnon left Tuesday morning for Toronto to be present at the Conservative Picnic. He will also visit Gait before returning. Blr. Thos. \V. J. Bruce, of Calgary. N. We'l‘., gave us a call on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlew returned Monday from a; visit in Detroit. Mr. H. H. Mockler is gone to New Yonk on a holiday trip. Miss Lizzie Chatto. of London, is visiting friends in and around Dur- hann Miss Cairncross, of Toronto, is via- iting her cousins. the Misses Hutton. of George street. The Misses Little, of Hanover, were the guests of Miss Id: Williams for a few days this week. Miss Clara Seigner returned last week after spending a. delightful month with friends in Sarnia. and Port Huron. Miss Eflio Barclay left Tuesday morning for Toronto to visit her sis- ter. Miss M. J. Hutton spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Miss Cora McClocklin and Mastor Willie N icbolls, of Toronto. are visit- in the farmer’s mother. Mrs. E. D. 1 locklin. Mrs. R. Jamieson. at one time a resident of this town, but now of London. is: the guest of friends in town this week. Mr. Charlie Hoare. who has been visiting his cousin. Mr. Tom Mc- Clocklin, for a few days. returned to his home in Toronto. Master Philip Boddy and his sister Miss Kathleen. are guests of their aunt, Mrs. Kelly. Inspector and Mrs. Burgess, of Owen SounJ, were guests of Inspec- tor and Mrs. Campbell from Saturday till Tuesday. Miss Mary Watt. of Rochester. N. Y.. Spent a. few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Johnston, and other friends in and arount town. S. O. Smith, of Mt. Forest, was re- newing old acquaintances in town this week. Miss K. Shaw. who has been visit- ing friends in Lucknow. Holywood and Mt. Forest. the last month, was the guesc of Mrs. Shaw. Father Hauck was in town Monday. 0R. GED. S. BURT. “M“"ï¬ 0.. .â€"¢ EXCLUSIVELY :§%%1%%#%%%†alééï¬a‘kvfiï¬lé %; §i€3§é$k$¥£ï¬mg °é $1.00 PER YEAR.