West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1903, p. 5

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Ready-Mixed Paints. Wire Fencing. About Apple Parers. Binder Twine. Good Machine Oil. Horse Muzzles. D elg, containing 100 acres, about 70 cleared and '25 acres of good hardwood bush and five acres of good cedar. The farm is well watered by a. never failing spring? creek and a well. fairly well fenced, in good state of cultivation, fit for farm ma- chinery. Convenient to church and school, five miles from Durham Terrns‘to suit tl‘ne No. A. DARLING ; Writing Paper! School Books and Sup- There is no paint to equal the Sherwin-Williams Ready-mixed paint, suitable for any purpose. Any person can work it. Every person their own painter. Near- ly every person erecting new houses, or remoddling old ones in this locality, is using it. There is nothing manufactured to surpass our Steel Wire Woven Fence for quality, and there is nothing manufactured to equal it for price. Apples is a good crop, and every farmer should have one of our latest improve Apple Parers. If you require any Binder Twine call and secure some of that celebrated “ McCormick ” Pure There is no Machine Oil to equal the "\V. Black” special. Every farmer that has used it; will have no other. Manilla. r‘ ”v ‘V‘w-uâ€"J-vwv Juniox Leavingâ€"Susie McClocklin, Get one Of our Horse ““2219‘ Ethel L1m1n Grace Everitt, May Mc- and you will enjoy cutting gram lClocklm. Maggie Caldwell. Margaret Hutton. Laura Hutton. Minnie An- drews. Bennie B'chrirr, Mabel Hunt, John Backus. Tom McDonald, Allie Blackburn. Tinted and Embossed Writing Paper seems to be in vogue hese days. Of course we have it and every othar kind of {ash innablp Correspon§aace Station. my. “'9 flatter ourselves that we keep up-no-date, and, more- over, supply Stationery of the worthwhile-sort. If you have never before patronized us, see whazrwe have to offer. plies of all kinds. See our stock of SCRIBBLERS. the, ingest in town. I’tices right. Farm for Sale. Chéinist andDruggiet. DRUG STORE A. The result of the Junior“ Leaving Examination was received Tuesday and again the students. teachers and people have good reason to be proud ation thirteen were successful or 81} per cent. of the total number of can- -_ ------ u- Just in this connection we feel to regret that the same stafi is not to be continued owing to the resignation of Miss Lick, whom we learned to re- gard as a lady of high educational standing and an excellent teacher. We hope. however, that her place will be filled by some one who can do just as good work and get as good re- sults. Changes are sometimes bene- ficial. 'but in any event, no matter who the teacher is, it takes time to get acquainted with the class and be in a position to render his or her best service. b ku-â€" -â€" yv _ a didates. Two wrote on Junior Ma- triculation and both passed, making in all fifteen out of eighteen. Seldom has a High School the satisfaction of reporting such an admirable record. and yet the High Schools are suppos- ed to have better equipment for the performance of departmental exam. ination work. Mr. Allan is an old stand-by, and notwithstanding the fact of his con- tinuous service here for the past fif- teen years. there is no let up to his work and no examination gave signs of neglect on his part. We must congratulate him on the success this time, and at the same time express pleasure in knowing the Board re- cently gave the best evidence of their appreciation by increasing his salary. Nothing puts a teacher in better trim for good work that the pessession of Our congratulations, too, are ten- dered to the candidates who were successful, and While we regret; that there were even three failures. we may say to those “ cheer up and try xgain.” The following are the Winv DOTS 2â€"" a light heart which néarly always accompanies a full pocket. MatriculationwErneSt Brooker, Lyal Ireland. \V e regret to learn of the death of Mr. R. McGowan which took place tin Toronto 011 Sunday last aftei a seterc illness resultinw from kidney trouble for which the old gentleman lrecently underwent an operation in St. Michaels Hospital. For some years the deceased has not been st1ong, and at the age of seventy- four a critical surgicaloperation is fraught with very little hope On Thursday last we made abrief call 1 From the way p1ices are runnin ;; up in Furnitu1e it seems to be only’ 2 short time till people will be forced to sleep or. the floor and eat their grub out of a tin pail. Last week another advance of 10 was made, this being the few th advance of 10/ since about ayea 2.1g0 The cost of labor of course. and the constantly increasing difficulty and cost of get- ting material are the causes assigned. ’1 be rapid increase in prices, however seems to be more than commensurate with the increased cost of labor and material. The total increase is near- ly forty- seven oer cent. As things now stand an outfit that would cosc 3100 under the old p1ices would now cost 5146.41. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. on the old gentleman. who. to us, gave evidence of approaching disso- lution, though he himself talked of: coming home the day before. The“ sorrowing widow and family have our sincere sympathy in their hour of trouble. The members of the fam- L ily are John and \Villiam, who Oper- éare the PeOpl'e’s Mill; Robert, at '. Rockmart, Georgia; Mary, at home; :Mrs. Lawdon, in Toronto, and :Mrs. Tunkin, of Oshawa. The re- 3 mains were taken here Tuesday even- .in;: and interred in Durham Ceme- tery this Wednesday afternoon, every member of the family being ' present at the obsequies. The legal columns of the Toronto daily papers on Monday of last week told a story that compels us to con- clude that human nature is not changing much. Two farmers in the township of Brooke got into adispute about some land, which one claimed the other was beating ‘him out of by the position of the line fenee. The la: d‘was estimated at 17 cents. but although the amount was small. it was sutficient to start a lawsuit on. Two different surveyors were en- gaged to run the line. then a suit was entered. ~The County Judge gave his decision. This was appealo' ed to the Division Court at Toronto It may stop here or it may not. but 'lin any event the costs will amount ito hundreds ol dollars. And all over g 17 cents! What fools we mortals 'be !-EXe THE Fall Fair of the Egremont Ag- ricultural Society will be held in Holstein on Tues‘day, September 29 The Prize Lists will be out‘ in a few Furniture Going Up. Robert McGowan Dead. A Line Fence Suit. Lucky Ones. thkfiwm ° QUICK TRAVELâ€"Mr. Robert. Mc- Gowen left Bockmarc, Georgia, at. 6:15 Sunday evening and reached here at. 2 :60 Tuesday alto-moo :. re- maining in Detroit about. six hours and in Stratford five hours. This. for a distance of about. nine hundred miles with several connecrious.‘ is good speed. If summers. like the present one, Had been the rule and rhyme, The chances are we’d never heard “ In the Good Old Summer Time.” A Western editor received the fol- lowing unique letter zâ€""Send me a few copies of the paper which had the obituary and verses about the death of my child in a week or two ago. You will publish the enclosed clipping about my niece’s marriage. And I wish you would mention in your local columns. if it don’t cost me anything. that I am going to sell. Send me a couple of extra 00pies of the paper this week, but as my time is out you can stop the paper. as times are too hard to waSte money on a newspaper.” On of the question on the examina- tion paper in the midsummer! review was, " who was the world’s greatest impostor ‘9” Tue propounder of the question had in mind Mohammed. But a student went one better. The examiner was aetonished to find upon the boy’s paper the answer. " The devil.” Unable to refute the correct- ness of the answer, the full marks were awarded. The editorial game laws are stated in an eastern publication to be as fol- lows: “ Book agents may be killed from October 1 to September 1 ; spring poets from March 1 to June 1; scand- al mongers from April 1 to February 1; umbrella. borrowers from August 1 to November 1, and from February 1 to May 1. Every man who accepts a neWSpaper for two years and then on being presented with the bill, says: ” I never ordered it," may be killed on the spot without reserve or relief. A ridicuious but amusing story used to be told of Charles Reade’s dramatization of Tenuyson’s poem,I ‘° Dora.” We do not,however, vouch for the truth of the annecdote. “Dora” was being performed one night years ago, and when Mary Morrison made~her exit to bring on her little Willie, aged about four, she was shocked to linda lubberly boy of at least fourteen, and, as he was the only Willie at hand, on he had to go. though he was well nigh as big as his mother. The Former Allan of the play, bein;~r equal to the emergency, instea' of enquiring " How old are you, my little man ‘9” eudeavored to remedy the matter by saying, “ How old are you. my strap- ping boy '9” But it was afailure, for the boy, who was insnructed to say from “four to five,” said it in such a hoarse, sepulcbml tone as to drive the good natured grandfather to ex- l claim, ” Forty-five. You look it my boy; you look in.” When a man is sent: as a delegate to Grand Lodge meeting it; looks bad that he has to Burrow the proceed- ings from the Daily Globe in order to be conversant with the tOpics dis- cussed. His runnine: mate is won- dering where he was on Tuesday. The Grand Lodge missed him. It’s question if there’s another town in Canada with more dogs to the square inch than we have right here in Durham. We have been asked to advocate the establishment of a Pound with a sausage factory in connection. It Would be interesting to know the exact commercial value of each individual dog and find out the profits after paying the dog tax. There are lots of different kinds of dogs, but the dOggondest dogs are the dogs that congregate in crowds on the sidewalks and force the public to take to the road. If the tax has been paid on all .he dogs in town it should go a. long way towards the cost of the new bridge. Here is a Pointer. Because you( haven’t used Uatarrhozone is the best j reason why you should use it right away. It will cure the Catarrh that makes your breath so heavy and your hearing so poor. Catarrhozone is a scientific cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma, recommended by' doctors and druggists as a certain cure. Mr. Henry A. Taylor, the oldest druggist in Halifax, says “ Catarrhozone gives satisfaction wherever it goes. It is simple and convenient to use, and enjoys fully three times the sale of anv other Catarrh remedy sold in the city.” Catarrhozone is guaranteed to cure, and if it fails you can have {your money returned. Price $1 for two months’ treatment. Small size 25c. Druggists or Polson Co , Kingston. Ont. ' KITS AND KISSES. Market Report. o-â€". 0-. M‘--. AUG.19. 190 ....S 68 tos .. .. 65 to 28 to 60 to .. 40 to . 8 00 tol 13 to 11 to 75 to .. .. 1 90 to 2 40 to 1-10 to 6 154:0 cwt. 7 75 to 5 to 40m .... 17 to‘ 7 to ... 5-to ...._.. lotto; THE PRICE DOESN ’1‘ MAKE THE PICTURE. KODAK Flexo Kodak ..... No. 0. Folding Pocket. Kodak No. 2 Bulls-eye Kodak. 75 MaCFarlane 6: Co. The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will reopen for the Fall Term on Tuesday. Sept. lst. at 9 a. m.. when pupils will be enrolled and classified, and classes organized for the General Course ; the Commercial Course ; for all grades of Teachers’ Certificates; for Pass and Honor Junior and Senior Matriculation. and for en- trance into all the learned profes- sions. Collegiate Institute 15 12 Stafi‘ and Equipment The Staff consists of nine teachers, ALL SPECIALISTS and men of the high- est professiona} standing. The equipment is thoroughly modern and eificient. and among the best in Ontario. The fees are: For pupils from Counties of (we); Bruc,e Welling- ton, Dufierin and Simcoe, Ten Dol- lars; from othei counties Twelve to Fifteen Dollars , For Annual Announcement: or other information. apply to THOS. MURRAY, Principal. JNO. RUTHERFORD, Sec’y-Treas. “’AN'l‘El)â€"SE\'I~ZI:A L l' X DUSTRIOUS PER- sons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and rofitable line, Permanent engagement. Week- y cash salary of $18 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Ex- perience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope, THE NATION - AL, 334 Dearborn St, Chicago. May (miâ€"10. Heflo !. New Boat and Shoe Stole VVe’re Clearing out the balance of our Colonial Slip- pers at reduced prices. SHOE DRESSINGS. Threshelfis’ M11398 Lufia'geniIâ€"idé and Calf. Aléo plenty of HARVEST- MI'IVI‘S.I Trunks, TelescOpe Valises. Club Bags. Spawl Stamps and School Bags Shoes Made to Order and repairing promptly attended to, THE OWEN SOUND Remember the placeâ€"Next to D. Campbell’s Implement Wareheuse. J. S.“ McIlraith Druggiéts and Booksellers. Eve1ything in high- grade Photoguapnic Material. These inexpensive cameras have full In Paste Dressings we have 2 ~ in 1,‘ Shinola. Superba and Black Cat. In Liquidâ€"Gilt Edge. Nonsuch , Packard’s Combination . Old Sol. Sunbeam (21:1, Royal What are you looking for? Is it a. pair of nice Boots or Shoes? If so. don’t; fail to call at the We have just added to our stock four new lines of Gent.’ 3, and two of Ladies’ Sovereign Shoes. All stamped prices of sole. These goods are equal to. if not superior. to the well- kdown Slater Shoes at; same prices. QUALITY. Favorite TERMS CASH. erms in WW

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