West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Aug 1903, p. 8

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The Phillipa Bros.’ shingle mill. on the Valley Road, was, with a lot of shingle stock, destroyed by fire on Friday afternoon last. The engine. we understand, is almost a total wreck. We have not; learned the cause of the fire nor if any insurance. A The mill will be rebuilt. Mr. John Corrigan. of the 4th line. Artemesia, who has for many moons lived all alone, has decided no longer to do so and will henceforth have a companion at his fireside, the young woman of his choice being Miss Jane Gibson, also of the 4th line. The marriage was performed by Rev. J. Hill at the rectory, Dundalk, on Wednesday of last week. On Monday of last. week Rev. L. \V. Thom united in marriage at the manse here Mr. W. Neithercut. of Melancthon, and Miss Edna Locke, of Dundalk. The parsonage, 171 Arthur street, Toronto, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding: on Tuesday afternoon of last week when Rev. J. P. Kenne- dy, M. A.. joined in wedlock Ethel M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitten, of this place. and Mr. J. P. Saunders, of Toronto. formerly of Watford. The bride was prettily at- tired in a crown of white silk, trim- med with ’ cream lace. Revs. A. White and J. T. Barnacks, of Toronto. were among those who witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders will take up their new home in To- ronto this fall. Mrs. Saunders is at present visiting her parents and is accompanied by her consm, Miss Sadie Quinn, of Dnndalk. The Scottish Concert Company, of Aberdeen, give two highclass and very pleasing}; entertainments in the town hall hem on Friday and Satur- day evening‘- last. and the liberal patronage» mittn‘ftled was very gratify -. ing to the Pro sir. Marian Ladies’ Aid. under who.»- nuances they came. From tirst ro last there was nor, an Objectionable number on either pro- gram and the audience gave unmis- takable evidence of their appreciation of the treat presented in the popular Sector. songs sung by Miss Mary Burnett soprano, and Miss \ellie Malcolm. contralto. and the beauti- fully rendered violin solos by Miss Jennie Thomson, followed by asplen- did exhibition of Scottish and other scenery anu moving pictures acccm- panied by o.pprog;»riete pinn o mnsic The moving pictures were pronounced by a. number the best they had yet seen. One of Mr. C. Patterson’s new Bell pianos was used on this occasion and was pronounced very fine bv Miss Malcolm, who is an excellent pianist. Miss Burnett sang "Lead Kindly Lioht’ ' with much feeling at the Presbyterian service on Sunday afternoon. Flesherton. Mrs. \V. W. rimble and Mrs. (Rev) L. \Y. Them entertained a number of friends at tea LWO vanings each 1213!: Week. the former in honor of her siSter, Mrs (Dr.) Reid, of De,- troit, and the latter in honor of her friend, Miss Beekenridge, of Owen Sound. Dr. Christ-00 occupied the Metho- dist pulpit on Sabbath morning: last. and excelled himself in a thourrhtful discourse on the second coming of Christ based on Acts1:10.11. The Dr. made no prophesy as to the (late of the event. but afi’irmed that cer- tainly it would take place, and there- fore earnesth urrred his heaters to be readv for says the words, “in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.” Some days ago Mr. Walter Taylor, who lives west of the village, swal~ lowed a piece of meat which lodged below the windpipe in the passage to the Stomach. The local doctors en deavored to remove it, but. finding their efforts futile advised him to go to the city, which he did, and was there successful in having the ob- Rev. J. .\I. Simpson, of Toronto is to deliver his interesting lecture. “’Gods Nat .,ion ” in the Methodist church this (Monday) evening. Under the Auspices of Durham Public Library. ARTISTS : Miss Mary._B1urnet‘t, ‘Sgpyanof fine chttish Nightingale, Scottish Concert 00. 0fttberdeen, Scotland Miss Jennie Thompson, the famous Scottish Violinist, Queen of Strathspeys. Miss Nellie Malcolm, Contralto and eminent Pianist Their delightful musical program is concluded by a Stand Exhibition of Scottish and Uihei Views Reserved Seats 35c. â€"-â€"-â€" TOWN HALL -â€"â€"â€"-â€" ‘ Durham, Wednesday, Sept; 2nd COMING! COMING! in her popular balfads and illustrated songs. and Pictures moving to appropriate music. ats 35c. . . Ordinary Seats 250. Hall plan at MacFarIanes’ Dru'g'Stdre. AT EIGHT P. M. and Accompaniet . Messrs. Pete and Fred Norris and Herb. Staples have gone to Colling- wood to-day (Monday) and may re- main in the lake town. Mrs. Perrier and children are Spending this week with their aunt, Mrs. John Sheppard. Mr. M. K. Richardson, who was for some days very ill in Toronto, recovered sufficiently to return to Ottawa lass week. Mr. Richardson regretted his unavoidable absence from the House when the vote was taken on the railway passenger rate. Two cents a mile our member thinks sufficient and would have voted ac- cordingly. Mics Kellv, of Toronto. is visiting her cousin. Mrs. W. Barnhouse. Mrs. Richard Smith, of Markdale, was in town on Friday lass calling on old friends. The Misses Brown. of Durham, are the guests of Miss Flo. Richardson this week. Mr. W. Allen has gone to spend the threshing season at Mayfield. Miss Bell Wilson. of Toronto, 18 visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Wilson. Mr. W. Hales and Mr. A. McIntosh of Meaford. visited on Sunday at the former’s home here. Mr. and Mrs P Loucks visited friends at Mealord and Thornbury last: week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. VanDusen. of Dundalk, spent part of Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. VanDusen here. Mr. A. Munshaw’s family and vis~ iting friends. and Mr. W. P. Cross- ley’s family. and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard, spent Monday picnicking at Duncan’s lake. Mrs George Stewart. accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. \V. E. White. of Markdale, is visiting friends at Bufialo. Dr. J. 0. Moore and wife. of VVil- son, N. Y., visited Friday and Satur- day last. at. the home of the Dr.’s brother, Mr. Wm. Moore. here. structure removed. Powders admin. istered caused it to pass into the stomach. Mr. Taylor has an inflamed throat and has been unwell for a few days, but hepes to be soon over the efiects of his mishap. Mrs. Pye, accompanied her daugh- ter,j Mrs. Tobias, to Toronto on Saturday and will make heran ex. tended visit. Miss Gertie Colquett. of Osprey, is Spending a week or two with Mrs. W. Neil, who is ill but improving slowly. Mrs. Swift and children. of Torom to, are visiting the farmer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Quizg. and sisters, Mrs. 1lzltlxamk Stewart. and Mrs. Andrew Ben- am. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. M. Armstrong and Miss Wright, of Markdale, were in town on Thursday last calling on friends. Mr. Geo. Richardson left last week to epend some time with his brothers at. Owen Sound. Mrs. J. W. Blakely. of Corbetton, visited a couple of days last week with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Best. Misses Alcoth and Pearl Blakely are visiting this week with their auntie at Corbetton. Miss Emma Armstrong. of Toronto. paid Mrs. (Rev.) Thom a short visit on Monday. Mr. H. Steeley holidayed last week at Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Mart. of the parsonage, ac- companied her son last week to his home at. Aitken, Minn., where she will visit. for some time. Mrs. Wm. Currie and little daugh- ter, of Toledo. Ohio, are visiting the farmer’s mother, Mrs. George Best. Mrs. Herman Radlay and family. of Toronto, are visitors with the farmer’s mother-in-Iaw. Mrs. Joseph Radley. Mr. C. W. Bellamy was at Barrie last. week a delegate to the I. O. F High Court. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid is spending this week with friends at Shelburne. arising from the formation of gas owing to improper digestion, is the source of great. misery to many. A very prompt and efiicient remedy for this trouble 18 found in Nerviline. It relieves the distention instantly, and by stimulating action on the stomach aids digestion. Good also for Colic, Colds, Rheumatism, Neu- ralgia and Headache. 1n medicinal power Nerviline has a value five times greater than any other. Test it and. see if it is not so. Druggists sell it. We saw Mr. Archie McDougall, of the Chronicle staff. in church one evening not: many Sundays ago. His many friends are always pleased to see Archie giving them a call and is always welcomed in Priceville and vicinity. Hr. Donald McDonald, teacher, at- tended the Foresters’ Convention held at the town of Barrie last week, and reports having a good time. Rev. Mr. Matheson held Prayer Meeting in our school one evening lately which was largely a_ttende_<_l. Misses Emma McLean, Mary E. McArthur and Sarah McMillen left for the North- west on the excursion a. week ago. -- '\ ..Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and boy, of Atlanta. paid a short fish to Mr. Cameron’s sister, Mrs John Mc- Innes, D. Road, and returned again this week. Councillor Sullivan let a contract of gruelling 90 rode on side road 40, S. 1). 1%., lately. for which he receives the blessing of the travelling com- munity, If non now later on. A social will be held in our school some time in September of which further notice will be given. Hugh McDonald (Red Hugh) pur‘ chased a Penn Hanmlton Binder from Arch. McArchur, of Durham, which is doing good work. Willie McLeod took advantage of Che cheap excursion to MauitOOa. and he intends to stay there for a. month or two before returning. Harvesais in full swing, Some are nearly done while others are on- ly comn‘lencing. Grain in general is good. Late oats are somewhat rusn- ed but nothing r0 hurt the g1 :.iu much Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Suliivan spent, one day in Guelph last week on a business tap. Mr. Archie McKechnie, Jr., had the misfortune to get his hand caught in a pufiley while working the slings on a lead of peas recently, and two badly bruised fingers is the result. We are very sorry to learn at time of writing that, Mrs. D. McArthm' is on the sick liSt. Hope to hear of her Speedy recovery. Miss Maggie Hewitt. bpem a few 0 . . f . ' days' With fnends around Axon week before last Mr. and Mrs Wm. Vessie. Jr, visited friends at the Rocky b‘m'sdzzy. Misses Annie and Mary Ritchie visited the Hewitt famxly one day last week. Mr. John McKiuuon. nf Tul‘outo. visited his brother. Angus, at she Rocky, recently. Mr. Andy Ritchie spent; Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Peter Mountain. Here we are-again. Mr. Editor, al- though we certainly have not. much news. but; you will kindly excuse us on the ground that the harvest is such a. busy time. Mr, and Mrs. D. McArthur visited friends around Edge Hill last Sunday evening. Miss Ada Middleton, acéompanied by Miss Jane Veesie, left for Chicago lass week where they intend to re- main for some time. We wish them a. pleasant journey. Mr. Wm. Ritchie, Jr.. who has been assisting Mr. Angus McArthur duringthe holidays. has left to re- sume his duties as school teacher again. Mrs. John Hewitt and daughter. Miss Maggie. accompanied by Miss Aurilla Dunsmoor. paid a flying, visit to Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hos. Meena’s last Sunday. Mr. Thos. Vesaie we axe pleased to learn. is rapidly recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. and is now able to be up d; '55? Rawqm' you 9- 9.9- an There is this oeculier thing about Ayer s Hair Vigorâ€"it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But graduallythe old color comes backâ€"all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. ioni w 7 0. 1376353? “toâ€"“Wm“ otyournmtm: 55AM, Y I! _.- -â€" for mrmw him. I: ha 'p! gny scalp he, frog) 51.9mm and his prevented my hair from m In. mu ”â€"Ifln A finial. Distresaing Dyspeptic Pains, “ 1 bag gated Ayer’ajigifl'jgog Rocky Saugeen. “”1“ 'm yH air Top Cliff. Laces, Appliques and Neck Ribbon at 15c per yard. JORDAN 6: BURNETT Children’s Accordian Plaited Silk Hats and Embroidered Silk Bono nets, reg. $2.00 to $2.75. take them at 35c. 50c, 750 and $1.00. Ladies’ Bonnets that were $3.00 to $3.75, now going at $1.50. 50 Plain Straw Shapes, were $1.00 and $1.25, now 25c. McIntyre Block. -â€"- Durham, Ont. 35 Trimmed and Ready-to-Wears. reg. $1.00 to $33.75, go at 75c. Millinery . - . IT’S ALSO TRUE that for HATS we have the 6 latest and most up-to-date stock in Durham. 3 Also Fancy Shirts and N obby Shoes. Everything a man wears can be bought 5 here and save money for the buyer. g k9. 5‘ Theobald, the Clothierg 4 Suits were $10.00 now $7.50. 8 Suits were $8.50 now $6.50. 6 Suits were $13.50 now $10.50. 5 Suits were $12.50 now $10.00. 7 Suits were $7.50 now $5.50. 6 Suits were $6.00 new $4.50. Are You Aware WE HAVE SOME LINES LEFT we we goino‘ to elem at a bzugain. Just dot those p1ices down look them ovel, examine the goods, then decide for yourself. ' In order to make room for our Fall Stock we are compelled co sell out all our Summer Mil- linery which include many bargains. me of chance MISS DICK Leave your order With us for choice Fruits. We have them and handle only the very best. That we have Tweeds for Ordered Tailoringâ€"the very newest? Give us a call. Only too glad to show you them. In buying our Clothing. You a1e 1unning no chance of hav1ng shoddy goods put on 1011 We have nothing but the best, and make special efib1 ts to always 191y in stock the best and most up-to date Clothing. Arriving Daily. MWM ’Phone 27. at .4" \ 4. -Ԥi .-:‘.‘a ‘ Special Attention given to WEDDING CAKES which we shall tarnish on shortest nonice. DURHAM, â€"- ONTA RIO. HIN D BROS. Prompt Delivery of all Goods. For Bread, Pies, Cakes, Buns, c. PROPRIETORS.

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