West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Oct 1903, p. 1

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Local News Items THE Anniversary and Harvest Home services of the Varney Metho- dist church were held on Sunday and Monday. October 11 and 12 Sermons were preached on Sunday in the morning by Rev. Wray Smith. of Durham, and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Dromore, Large congregations were present on each occasion. The choir of the church rendered suitable selections at each service. On Monday evening a con- cert entertainment was given. and as usual the church was packed to its full seating capacity. Musical selec- tions were rendered by the Durham Methodist choir, which, though lack- ing some of its members, won well deserved applause.' Miss Cornish in her elocutionary efiort did well in every number.‘ but was especially happy in her rendering: oft'sie "Amen Corner ” and ‘3 How the Deacon drove the calf” ‘ The gram-«phone selec- ion 3 by \lr. J. \V. Glass \‘Oll for m repeated encores. The pastor, e3. J. P. Bell, occupied the chair THE brethren of the Glenelg Bap- tisn church having had the painters at work on the inside of their church building for two weeks, re-opened their church'again on Sunday, Oct. 11th. The day was all that could be desired. Rev.\V. L. Newton, of Dur- ham. preached in the afternoon. His sermon was logical and methodical, and best of all it was a spiritual up- lift. In the evening Rev. Mr. W. Achinson. paStor of the Dornoch Presbyterianzchurch, preached a very able and intereSting sermon which was enjoyed very much. The 05er- mg for the day, which went toward the expense fund, was $26.56. The church and congregation are congrat- ulated for the great change in the church building. Particular mention may be made of the untiring efforts of two members of the committee, Dea. Baker and John Ellison. Jr” Many thanks to all who helped in; any way. | AFTER the heavy rain storm which struck here last week. the temporary bridge across the river was swept away and a breach made in the east 'side of McKechnies’ mill dam. rJi‘he latter has been repaired, but pedes- trains from the west side have to walk round by George Street to get over town. This makes us enquire all the more eagerly about the new bridge that should have been finished the first of October, but isn’t here yet. Reports say it will be on hand in a day or so, but there’s no telling. THE masons started work last week on the new block being built on the Stewart corner by the Hunter Bros. Good progress is being made by the “Ritchie boys who have the contract. No risk to the wearer when buying a pair of those Genuine French kid, 0 every pair guarantied at H. H. Mock- Ier’s. \VE regret to learn that Mr. Geo. Kress 13 suffering from a. severe at- tack of pneumonia, and has been con- fined to his bed. FOR SALEâ€"Three spring colts and a quantity of straw. Apply to Joshua E. Dean, Lot 5-1, Con. I}, E. G. R”, Glenelg.â€"â€"3w HAVE you inspected Mockler’s stock of underwear this season? He has some great values in men’s, women’s. and children’s. XV}: have at present the largest and best range of mens clothing ever carried in Durham, Jas. Ireland. Tm; brick work is now completed on Mr. .I, H. Brown’s new house on Bruce street. , \VRAPI’ERSâ€"«YOIJ can get one at $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50. at Grant’s. H. H. Mockler has just received a full fresh Stock of Groceries of.a11 kinds. OUR )Jillinery Department is in full swing again with Miss Brunner in charge. James Ireland. Tm: latest thing izf ladies leather belts at Grant’s If it’s good value in millinery you want you’ll find in at Jas. Ireland’s. a was eSpecially happy. with his Dple. Addr‘uSaes were given b‘; NS. Farquharson and Smit}. of ‘ ham. The success of the Services “very gratifying to the pastor. Igficials and members of the GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. \\’A.\'TED.â€"A young man to learn barbering. Apply to Thos. Swallow Tuaxxsan IXG Day. 1._ VOL. 37---N0. 1909. THROUGH the foolishness of acouple of Smarties who were racing horses on the night of the Varney Church Anniversm‘y, an accident happened to Miss May Saunders which may cripple her for life. On the way home, four from town were coming along leisurely when suddenly two conveyances flashed by. one on each side. This frightened the horse and he became somewhat unmanageable. and the lady occupants, Miss Saun- ders and Miss Lauder jumped for safety, and in doing so Miss Saunders had her ankle bone broken in two «places. in such manner that the at- tending physicians entertain the Opinion that the foot may be stifi. idiots who indulge in such pranks as to race along the public highway at- uight or any other time, seem‘fit sub- jects for the lunatic asylum. We do net know who the guilty parties are, but hope they may be taught a good lesson. " .n - ~ fnfiturer and the most noted specialist in these goods Private apartments are at the convenience of all who avail themselves of calling at the Middaugh House on the _ days of his visit. THE visit of Prof. Dorenwend to Durham on Thursday, Oct. 29, will afiord the ladies of Durham and sur- rounding country an opportunity of consulting him regarding their Hair, its needs. and their requirements in all Styles of Hair Goods. Prof. Dor- enwend carries with him a large and most varied assortment of his famous conceptions in Switches, Bangs, Pom- padours, Wavy Fronts and \Vigs. The equal of these high grade natural hair productions can not be procured from any hair goods dealer in Ameri- ca. Prof. Dorenwend has the dis-: tinczion of being the largest manu-i BALDNESSâ€"-Thi8 is a vital question with hundreds of men who are bald or partially so. How to overcome the disfigurement lent by baldness is a. simple matter when you consider the perfection of modern art in the making of Wigs and Toupees. The visit af Prof. Dorenwend. of Toronto, to Durham, on Thursday, Oct. 29th, at the Middaugh Hotel, renders it possible for any who Wish to consult him to do, so at his private apart- ments retained at Middaugh House .for this purpose. Demonstration of his Wigs and Toupees. Do not miss this Opportunity_. Remember the days and dates. THE Governor General has appoint- ed Thursday, 15th instant, as a day of public Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings of the year. and requests all Christian people to devoutly observe the same by as- sembling in their places of public worship. Accordingly there will be (D. V.) Divine Service in Trinity church at 11 a. m. and Allan’s school house at 3 p. m. struction of granolinhic sidewalks for the present. A long stretch has been put down and the work appears good. It was done by the Maple Leaf Paving Co., of Simcoe. Tm: Hanover cider mill is running every working day. Customers will find prices reasonable. Apple-butter Jelly and Syrup made here. J. B. HALLMAN, Hanover.â€"Sept. 30.-â€"-1~. FOR SALEâ€"‘2 good milk cows, 1 pair bob-sleighs (new), 1 heavy wag- gon (new box and stockvrack), 1 fann- ing mill (new).~~A1ex. Firth, Bunes- san.-â€"â€"-:2. WVHEN you want to see something good in a overcoat call and see ours, whether you want to buy or not. Theobald the Clothier. H. H. MOCKLER is showing some very stylish and nifty goods in ladies’ Dress Goods, Blousings, Stocks, and Belts. HAVE a look at; our Gents shoes. Our shelf space is too small. Must make room. Call with the crowds to Theobald’s. WE’D like to show you the kind of suitings we’re selling here, now when the ranges are complete, J. Ireland. FOR SALE. «First class newly calved cow, calf at sidej Apply to John Smith, Durham. â€"-â€"3 __._ w'_ w shoes both coarse and fine just arrived at H. H. Mockler’s. Dox’r buy unless you are satisfied, that is how we do our clothing trade Theobald the Clothier. Wanted-Firsc class general serv- ant. Apply at once to Mrs. H. W". Mockler. XVI-3 ask your opinion of our new fall suits and overcoats, Jas. Ireland. MONEY at elf/O. MacKay Dunn, Durham.â€"tf. “fORK has now ceased on the con- ‘ ~\ new stock of women’s and men’s The Chronicle for the Balance of the ‘ Year V ED on North side of Lamnton Street, first place outside town of Durham. every-‘ thing in first-class shape. good new brick house. good bank barn, 11 acres first-class land, large orchard set out last spring. A first class place for any body. Apply to KEELER, the Jeweler. -THE Rev. 'Wray R. Smith will con. duct "Home Services” at Mr. Geo. Twambly’s on the 20th of October; at Mr. Wm. Kenny’s on the 21st and in Zion church on Thursday night. Each service to commence at eight: o’clock. M12. Jon-x VVIIITMORE sold the 55- acre farm, advertised in this paper, to Mr. W'm. Wall, near town. He has another farm of 100 acres for sale yet. Tm: Rev. Judson Truax will preach in the Methodist church on Sunday morning and evening, and at Zion in the afternoon. __d _â€"_"â€" want, to Toronto and other places last Wednesday night and are now taking up housekeeping on Garafraxa St. \Ve extend to the happy young couple hearty congratulations. Mr. Emerson Kinnee and his bride returned from their honeymoon trip L- Mr. Hugh Mackav, returned from the States, where he visited daugh- ters he had not seen for twenty- five years, Islay. are spendmg a few days in Toronto. Mrs. J. E. Mantell, of Tilsonburg, is Spending the week with her moth- er, Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Pomona. Miss Brunner arrived in town last Thursday to take the position of head milliner at James Ireland’s. Miss M. O’Donnell left Monday for a trip to relatives in Duluth and Dakota. Oct. 13th, tf, Mrs. C. F. ‘tockton. of the Mid- daugh House, went to St Thomas \Vednesday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Wray . Smith are away visiting friends in imcoe and Port, Dover. Miss Pearl Irvine. of Holscein. spent a few days last week with her sister Edith at Principal Allan’s. You will find big bar- gains awaiting you at Come and see the beauti- ful goods at low prices. Miss Mary Sharpe returned from Toronto lass week. Mrs. Alex. Beggs is visiting friends in Chatham and vicinity. Mrs. George McKechnie is spending a few days with Brantford friends. ; rs. Oscar Godson, of Toro Vlsusmg her daughter Wilkie. 1 Airs. nto, is R. A. H. B. KEELEH SUN THE GOING AND COMING OF VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. People AgpABpE PROPERTY SITUAT- LISTEN . . . .Leading Jewelers . . . . DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. Big Jew‘elry Store. Keeler’s For Sale. a» QQwo-a Durham. Know A correct Qien will not only nourish a. particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be. its nutriment _is destroyed by indigestion “THE women in the city,” said a man who had just got back, " all look Falike. They’ve all got the same walk, a gliding gait with long steps and out-stretched necks. They all wear those scoopy hats that stick way up 03 their hair and their hair is all done alike. Notice how their skirts are all alike, too. Then all their sleeves are big at the bottom, and all their shoulders are long. and every waiSt has a full blouse. Actually their faces look alike to me. The hats and coifl'ures and gowns seem to give them the same expreso Sion. It isn’t a bit like that in the country. One girl you meet has on a sun bonnet, the next a man’s straw hat. the next is bareheaded. Onel wears a trailing blue muslin gown of. the cut of the sixties, and another has on a red sack and a short black skirt. My, but it is interesting, wondering what you’ll see next. A fellow has some pleasure being introduced to a. girl if he does not know what she is going to look like beforehand. They’re 3. lat prettier that way. dressing as - if each had a mind of her own.” .I v.â€" .. -â€"---DVVV‘V“ or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green’s August flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion. stimulates the liver to healthy action. purifies the blood; and makes you feel buoy- ant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Darling’s Drug Store. tf. l Brain-Food Nonsense. been branded by the most competent authorities. They have diapelled the silly notion that; one kind of food is needed for brain. another for Inuscles, and still another for bones. session all week. Three hundred delegates from all parts of t a two provinces are expected to invade the county capital with a number of ”big guns.” The sessions will be held in the handsome and massive new Baptist church just recently erected there. Rev. W. L. Newton goes as a. delegate from the Baptist church here. ' THE Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec meet in Owen Sound next Monday and Will continue in session all week. ’I‘hmn hnnflrotq THE divorced Wife of a millionaire advises girls not to marry a man of millions, and it seems like that all the girls of this section are taking her advice. None of them marry a man worth more than a quarter of a million, and from that down to thirty cents. uu “lursaay 30-day) at 2.30 p.111. Services preparatory to the Commun- ion will be held on Saturday also at 52.30 p. m. when the Rev. Mr. Aitcheson of Dornoch will preach. IT’S gratifying to grow. Our cir- culation is now considerably over 1400 and we Want to make it 1500 by the end of the year. We are not we appreciate the support of those who come in voluntarily and order the paper. THERE will be a Thanks-giving: service in the Presbyterian church on Thursday 30-day) at 2.30 p. m. 0.--.- WE hold over till next week an interesting article on the Imagina- tion in Eduction by Rev. Mr. Farqu- harson. We have it in type but have not room for it all, hence we hold it. OVGI‘. TEACHER wanted for S. S. No 14, Normanby, for 1904. Personal appli- catians preferred. Applications to be made on or before Oct. Slst.â€"-Jas. Peter, Sec., Orchard P. O PIE and Box Social at Hutton Hill schoolhouse on Friday evening, Oct. 93rd. Admission. ladies bringing pies free; gentlemen 10c. All are cordially invited. FOR SALEâ€"Three Spring Colts and two Brood Mares in foal. One pair well matched, bright; bay in color. Apply to Thos Cook, Traverston.â€"2. THE Rev. Wray R. Smith will preach anniversary services on the Holstein charge on Sunday. ANOTHER lot. of that canned Mack- eral in large flat tins for only 10 0123. at H. H. Mockler’s. I‘HE subject in the Baptist church next Sunday evening will be “ Mother and her Daughters.” HAVE you seen the worsted suit that Theobald IS sellihg for $5, 50 cts if you haven’ 1; its up to you to see it SATEEN walsts these are beauties at $1.00, $1.15, $1.50, at Grant’s. H. H. Mockler has some nice new rugs, reversible. for only 20 Cents. %*%%§%%%%%%$$$w Mm§§$%% P5P I4? .'°‘_ Sal -0- '7‘? «w, 53°F Nb 6-0“ m $12 J.J.HUNTER§§;:§ New tweed and worsted Suitings and Pantings in newesc styles New Fall Goods Arriving Daily: Alarge range of fall and Winter Overcoats for men and boys Highest Market Price for Produce. In two and alree pieces, single and double breasted. In the newest patterns and up-to-date styles. THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. Boys’ New Suits. Men’s New Suits. Overcoats. Suitings. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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