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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Oct 1903, p. 5

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THURSDAY, October 29th. PIN. DOMIWQIIG The Agent, Massey-Earns Showmums Just received another car- load of first grade Coal Oil. Bring along your 5-,qallon cans andget them filled. If V 11 require a Gun do not lose the opportunitv of se- curing one of our B111 (rams in Do11ble-ba11e1Guns.oAm- munition in abundance. JOHN LIVINGSTON Hardware Gentlemen who are Bald Even though you are bald or partially so you can regain your former appearance by wearing Dorenwend’s Wigs and Toupees. c . They are made to match any shade of hair. They are a pro- tection to the head and a cure for chronic cold in the head and catarrh. They are perfectly fitted to the head and bear no trace of artificiality. - PROP. Ladies 1 If you appreciate the added charm and‘the younger appearance lent to the face by having beautiful. hair, do not fail to see the grand assortment of Switches, Bangs, Pompadours, Wavy Fronts and W' , which PROF. Domes- WEXD will have with him. Consultations entirely free and demonstrations givm regarding these beautiful con- ceptions in natural hair. Coal Oil. Adv’t J Next Week. OF TORONTO Watch for Don’t forget the Day 'and Date. Will be at the Middaugh House on Guns. DORENWEND will take measurements and demonstrate the merits of his Wigs. _ , I Durham. Ont. Remember the placeâ€"Next to D. Campbell’s Implement Warehouse. J. S. McIlraith Others have and are greatly pleased. Now is the time to get \our rubbers and leggins, of which we have a. good supply. Also some good long boots, fac- tory make. Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, School Bags, Shoe Dressing in liquid and paste always in stock at. the New Boat and Shoe Stole Oxfords and Slippers A Lake Captain’s Experience. Capt. McDonald, one of Kingston’sl ;most prominient mariners, writes: _ ‘For years I have battled with the agcnies of Bronchitic Asthma often so bad that I could not sleep fox nights eta time. I spent hundreds of dollars ! 0n doctors and quacks without gett-; ing relief, but one dollar’s worth of‘ Catarrhozone perfectly cured me. The above testimonial was given two ye rs ago, and as the Captain lately ‘ stated he was still quite free from Bronchitis. i' proves Catarr'nozone a; veritable specific. Catarrhozone two ' months’ treatment. guaranteed tog cure Bronchitis, price $1.00 small: siz~ :2.) ms. Drug gists or Polson ' Co.. Kingston. é Dried apples are saleable from lst Oct. to ISt April but experience has proved that it is the wisest plan to market the goods early while the de- mand is good. Canada. has taken the lead in many other products and we are all interesr- ed in having;r this apply to dried apples as well. A little extra effort on the part of the dryer will accomplish much. Always cut the apples into quart- ers. this is very important. Sliced dried apples are non wanted. Do not dry on strings. Do not offer burnt apples for sale. Do not expect the merchant with whom you deal to give you good goods for poor apples. 3A few Valuable Suggestions to the f Dryer. ‘ As soon as the Apple is pared it should be cut into quarters, trimmed . and thrown into an ordinay sized pail : which has been about half filled with {water in which a handful of common !salt has been stirred. As soon as ienough apples have been prepared. drain off the water. which can be used again, and dry in the usual manner, The efl'ect of the salt water is to whiten the apples very much and prevents them from turning dark: try this way and you wil ‘be pleased with the results and proud of 3our work with really no trouble. DURHAM -. IS COMING SOVEREIGN BALS . . ' r em: “amus- au ay down 111 prlce as v. e re-: ‘ . 'Swanston. quxm the room for fall afnd \‘Z’ifltb r goods now arriving. j sum There are some barwains for Agedrmnâ€"R, you if we have your size left. -.--'1‘ R. Kennel . . . . Olive: R lie on Ha *e on tmed a. 3111' of lakes ' ’ ' ‘ 3 P‘ -Jas.01iver. I orgent’s V'\ e are selling the balance of our summer 1‘0 ere ads, but not too busy to try to attend to yo our wants when you call. I ..TO.‘... TERMS CASH. DRIED APPLES. The Greatest Hair Goods Artist - in America. 0.0 1y ‘ GRADES. m: Milch cowâ€"(12 entries) .1. Nichol. a; \\'m. Meade, Dougald NcLean. 2-yr "0 i chi lxeifer~â€"A. Muir. Wm Mends. 1:01.”. old heiferâ€"D. Campbell. .I. Eek- ‘H’: hardt. Heiter calf-â€"Jas. Oliver, 1). f McCormick. :2 yr 01d steersâ€"J. fBurnett. D. Campbell. 1.-yr old steer '_"'_ -â€"â€"Wm. Mead, D. Campbell. ' CLASSEi-orâ€"SUEEP, ourswom) . I Ram, aged-«A. Muir. Shearling mamâ€"«A. Muir 1.’ 2. Ram lamb-m ‘A Muir 1. :2. Aged ewes â€"-A Muir .‘Shearling Ewesâ€"A. Muir 1. 6'5 :2. Ewe {lambsâ€"A. Muir. CLASS 6â€"-â€"G11A1N SEEDS Fall Wheatâ€"D. McMillan, G. Swan- ston. Barley,6rowed-â€" Gr. Swanston, D. McMillan. Barley,2 rowedâ€" A. M11112 White oatsâ€"A. Muir, M. Mc- Innes. Black oatsâ€"A. Muir. J. 0. Adams. Large peasâ€"A. Muir. J. Nichol. Gears cornâ€"D. McLean, T. A. Ferguson. Timothy seedâ€"A. Muir D. McMillan. White beansâ€"~Thos. Cook T. A. Ferguson. Col. beansâ€"- D. McLean. T. Cook. Flax seedâ€"J Oliver. A. Muir. Clover seed 1ed-â€" \\. L. Dixon. ' CLASS 7â€"‘1100rS . VEGETABLES. Elephant potatoeSâ€"D. McMillan. T A. Ferguson. Hebron potatoesâ€"W. Mead; D. McMillan. Potatoes any otherjkindâ€"W. Mead. Col. Potatoes â€"D. McMillan, J. Oliver. Turnipsâ€" D. Harrow. A. McEachern. Tableâ€" D. McMillan, T A. Ferguson. Turni ps any other kindâ€"R. Nicholson. Man- gelsâ€"A. Muir. D. MacCormick. Tur- pip beetsâ€"T. A. Ferguson, R. Oliver Blood Beetsâ€"D. MacCormack. H. Watson. "Danish Sugar beetsâ€"A. Muir..D. McLean. Sugar beetsâ€"A. Muir. D. MacCormack. CabbagAOx heartâ€"D. McLean D. MacCormack Cabbage any other va’rietyâ€"D. Har- 1 row, D. MoLean. Cauliflower Thos. I Cook, H. Watson. Potato Onionsâ€" Dug. McLean, J. 0. Adams. Dutch Sets-~T. A. FergusonJH. Watson. Onions from topsâ€"Dug. McLean,- H. Watson Onions from black seed-4) Watson. Heavies't daz. ggésv;J.-L3. Adams, Col. McLean, and D. McMill- an equal for 2nd. - anâ€"\V.J. Adams. Br.’leghornâ€" Thos. Cook, A. McLeod. Plymouth rockâ€"Thos. Cook, T. A. Ferguson, Black minorcas--A Muir, ~W. Adams Pr. Ducks-W. Watson. J. Burnett. Pr. turkeysâ€"~Jno. McPhail. T. A. Ferguson Geeseâ€"O. Tryon H. Aged ramâ€"D..\1v.‘dillan. A. Muix. _' Sheariing lamâ€"'1‘. Nichol, J. Bum-sin . Liam hunky-A. \Iuir D. b‘wanSLuu. ;Agwl ewesâ€"D. McMillan, A. Muir. TShearlingewesâ€"~D. .\.ic.“ixllan. A Muir fl’r. ewe lambsâ€"i). McMillan, G. fSwanston. ' Boar, over 1-yrâ€"J. Sharp. Sow in fiigâ€"J. Eckhardc, Wm, Mead. Sp. pigs 1903â€"J. Eckhardt, A McEachern ' - TAMWORTH. - Boar. over 1-yr-â€"Wm. Mead. - {\Vm. Smith. Judges Wm. Willis, Robc.Brigham. CLASS 5â€"POULTRY. VVyandotte~W. J. Adams 1 2. Buff cochinâ€"‘l‘. A. Ferguson, 1. 2 Brahmasâ€"A. _ Muir. White 13::- hornâ€"W; Mead, D. McMillan. Houdy' CLASS 4â€"sw1x13.1 1.;ERKSmRE Boar, over 1 y.r -â€"Jno. Eckhault. bow 1n pigâ€"Jno. Eckhardt. Sp. pig 1903â€" J. Sharp. . Aged ramâ€"J. Frirbairn. Shearl- inc; ramâ€"J. Bairbairu. Ram lamb-â€" J. Fairbaim, \Vm. Mead. Aged ewes -â€"J. Fairbairn, Wm. Mead. Sheari- ing ew'eSâ€"J. L‘airbairn 1. 8:, f2. Ewe lambsâ€"\Vm. Mead. J. Fairbairn. “T. R. Kennel. Aged ewesâ€"oJuS. Oliver, 1%.. Kennel. Snearling ewes -â€"Jas..01iver. Ewe 1ambs~--R. lien- nel. Judges ’ Jno. H111. 1 A. E. Mazsh. CL ASS 2â€"0 1111.1. 111111111111. _ 151111.» - y1s oldâ€"Geo. Snell, D. Mc- f.1lille11.1$u11,1-y.r old J. lai111a1111 1.13ccles Bull calfâ€"WVm. Patton. IGeo. 811141. Milch 0011â€" -.J 1361111111111 W111. 9.111011, D .\lc\Iillan. 23120111 ‘heiferâ€"J. Eckhardt. 1 3'1 old heifer Qâ€"J. Eckhardt Heifer calfâ€"A. Muir Spanâ€"Jag Patton, D. \IcMillen, G Swauton. Brood Mare, with foalâ€"â€" Arch McLean. Two-year old gelding Pattdn,}no.1\1cMillen.1-yr oldJ geldingâ€":J. Caldel, J. Mc\lillen. Sp1ingcoiLâ€"J. McMillen, J.McI11nes GENE RA L PURPOSE . Spanâ€"J. Nichol, J. Sharp. J. Cald ‘ er. Brood mare with foalâ€"Alex. Mc- Rae. R. Nicholson J. McMillan. 2- y1 old geldingâ€"JV. L. Dixon J. Mc- Milieu. 1- yr old geldingâ€"Thos. WiI cock 1 85- ’. Spring colt R. Nichoison James Oliver. 5 I I 'A I 1 l I Spanâ€"J. Cairns. Brood mare with foalâ€"C. C. James, T A. be1gusox1.R Olive1.Sln01eDr1Verâ€"\ Campbell, Alex. \IcRae Faxmers’ trotâ€"Colin McLean R 0111 e1 :2- -v1 old gelding â€"-\Vm. Patton, C C. James 1-y1 geldi11gâ€". W L Dixon J. l‘airbairn. Sp. colLâ€"â€"-C. C. James. '1. A. Fergu son. Special for Lady Drive1 A. B. McAl‘thur. Aged rankâ€"R, Kennel. Ram lamb As we were unable to be present at; the Priceville Fair this year we are not in a position to make any com- ment, more than to $33; that we herad is was good and possessed all its old time excellence. Our thanks are due to Mr. Ramage for a capy of the prize list. CLASS 1, HORSESâ€"DRAFT. ROADSTER OR CARRIAGE Priceville Fair. SHROI’SUI RE SUFFOLK LEICESTER. 0x [JORDO p. K. McAthbr, CHEMIST â€"-_- AND â€"~. DRUGGIST If you purchase 6 boxes of Dr. Harte’l Celery-Iron Fills for $2.50, take 3 boxes of the Pills, and find you are deriving no benefit from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, “together with the 3 boxes you have not opened, and get your money back; N o fairer, squarer preposition has ever‘been offered, and \. we wouldn’t think of making it unless we were confident the remedy will do all that is claimed for it. By the single box the Pills are 50c. To cure Anaemia, Pale and Sallow Com. plexion, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Im- paired Memory, Depression of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Impure'Bl‘ood, Pimples and Eruptions, Poor Circulation, Heart Palpitation, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Female’ Weakness, Nervous Head- aches, Coldness of the~Hands and Feet, Loss of Vital Power, General Weakness and Debility, and all diseases and disord- ers arising from a run-down condition of the nervous system or weak and watery blood. '\ There is no other remedy which wills; quickly restoi'e you to health and strength and animation as Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, and there is no otheryou can buy which is accompanied by a positive Guar- antee of Cure or your money refunded. â€"D. Harro w, Jno. McMillan. Lamp cushionâ€"W. J. Adams. J. C. Adams. Bun cushionâ€"D. McCormack. ’1‘. A. Ferguson. SpiderWeb cushionâ€"D. McCormack, Mrs. Grier. Homemade Slipper Mrs. G‘rier, \V_ J Adams. Drawn Threadworkâ€"M. McALthur, J Mchail. Battenburgâ€"Mrs. Gricr, M. McArthur. Table centrepiece-â€" Mrs. Grier, M McArthur. Judges _{ Mrs. (Rev.) L. \V. Thom. [Mrs W. A. Armstrong. A. Ferqugon. Berlin woolwork lais- ed -_J \IcPhail. W. Mead. \V reath. any kindâ€"«D3110C01n1:1ck,'1‘ A Ferg- uson. Gent.’ 3 shirtâ€"l .0. Adams. W. J. Adams Hook matâ€"Mead, \V .1. Adams. Crochet in cotton -â€"-â€"J. C. Adams. Mrs whim. C1oohet m wool -. J. ;lcP}1aii. Mrs. Grier. ~ Knitting in woolâ€"~J. McPhuil. Mrs. Grier. Knitting in C:t.tox~-r«-J. McPhail. T Cook. Braidix'.u~â€"]. C. Adans,J.Mc- Phail. matting ---'i‘i1os. Cook. J. Mc- Phail.’ Embroidery in silkâ€"M. Mc- Arthur, Mrs. Grier. Outline workâ€" VV.J. Adams, “7. Mead Woollen workâ€"JP. A. Ferguson. Toilet: Set We Positively Guarantee J. McLean. Patchwork Quilth. MCUngall, \V. J Adam“. Log Cab i:H.QuiIt-â€"VV. Mead \V. J. Adan S. knitted (Jail-.tâ€"-Jno Ric-Arthur. 11. Me man. Cle/V (Milli-«“7111. Mend; \‘v'. J. Adams. Puff“! Quiltâ€"4V1)? Grier (find only). Fancy Quilt-â€"\I_yrrle Mcg‘u'tl'mr, J. -McP]mi1. Berlin wooi \Vox'k, not raised ---W. J. Adams; '1‘. { Jos. Anssum. 1' ud "(if ‘ « a ‘ 1.1110. hunstmiler. CLASS 1‘2“]9AUIES’ WORK. \V'uollen Yarn. Doubleâ€"J. M CPhail \Voollen Yarn, Single~-J. xlcPhail H. R. McLean. Hormemmle socksâ€"â€" J. Mcleil. .Ino. .thean. \Voollen Stockiugs- «J. McPhnil. Dug. McLean Men’s mintsâ€"~11 R. McLean. Dug. McLean Ladies mitts-«Mrs Grier, Roll Butterâ€"R Nicholson. W. Mead. H. Wamon. Tub bl.1ttrer.â€"â€"\V. L Dixon. W. Mead, J. McMiilan. Homemade buns..Jno. McLean. I). MoMiIlan. Homemade cheese--Geo. Swanston. Don. McLean. Homemade Breadâ€"Jim. McLean,J C. Adams, A'Iolassesâ€"JV. Adams. .1110. McPhail. Maple Sagarm-‘V. Adams. (11.9.55 11 --MA.\'UFACTUI’.ES. Set Horse shoesâ€"«H. McLean. Men’scalf shoes, men’s kid shoes, women’s shoosâ€"â€"~ Dug McLean. Rag: cal‘petâ€"â€"~Mx‘s. Grier. J. McPhaH. Plain Manuelâ€"Dug. McLean. \Vool- Ien Blul‘lkecs-r Jno McLean. 1). Mc- )1 w] 11 \d W. J. Adams. Fall applesâ€"H. Wat. son D. McCormack. Coll. applesâ€" Echardt, R. Kennel. Crabs, largeâ€"â€" \V. Adams. R. Oliver. Crabs medium â€"-H. R. McLean. D. Harrow. Pears â€"â€"Eckhardt. Dug. McLean. Grapes Eckhardt. J. Nichol. CLASS 9â€" FLOWERS, Hand Bouquetâ€"WV. Mead. H. \Vat- son. Table B ouqueth. \Vatson, '1' 000k. COM H0118. Pl an: 8â€"H \\ at- son. a _. (C. C. James, \ Judge: \Jos. Ana-sum. CLASS 8 - FRUIT. Applesâ€"Northern Spyâ€"Eckhardt. W. \Vatson. Golden Russetâ€"C. Tryon. A. M xiv-r W inter appl9s-~A. McEachern. V N Meads. Snowâ€"T. Cook. C. C. James. Colvertâ€"Don. McLean. Alexanderâ€"NV. J. Adams A. Muir. St. Lawrenceâ€"R. Kennel, â€"-D. McLean. T. A. Ferouson. Col. \egetablesâ€"T. A Ferguson. J. C. Adams. J. Adams. - Cucum‘Bers, ripeâ€"D. Mc- Cormack. J. C Adams. Radishesâ€" JOHN A. DARLING I'McCormack. Parsnips-â€"T. A. Ferg- uson. A. Muir. Field carrotsâ€"Her- mie McLean, H R McLean. Shortborn carrotsâ€"Arch. 'McArahur. D. Mc- Millan, Table carrots. any other kind -â€"â€"T. A. Ferguson. Yellow pumpkin â€"H Watson. D. McCormack. Pumbi kin, any other kindâ€"Jas. Oliver. Squashâ€"Dug. McLean, H. Wat300.i Celeryâ€"A. Muir. \V. J. Adams. Citronsâ€"Don. McLean. H. Watson. \Vatermelionsâ€"D. McCormack. To- matoesâ€"D. McCormack, ’I‘hos. Cook. Cucumbers, picklingâ€"H. Watson, W fl WRITTEN GUARANTEE. an . DURHAM, ONT. CLASS 10 ~-1)AIX{Y vnonuw DR. HARTE’S CELERY-EMN PILLS - -. futâ€"Lama :-

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