West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Oct 1903, p. 8

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We take Produce New Stock of Furs. Regdy for Business We have just open ed out an immense shipment of Furs consisting of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Coats, Caps, etc. Now is the time for you to make a. choice befo1e the lines are badly broken into. 0111 furs alwavs please. Of all kinds in exchange for goods or 3 cash. You need have no hesitation in # bringing merchantable products right a here to our store and We’ll take care of g them for you. Q With a full line of new and up-to-date goods consisting of Ready-made Cloth- in 3, Boots and Shoes. Men’s Furnishings, Ladies’ Cloths, and full line of Groceries right fresh from the manufacturers. Everything is brand new, and We Wish to do business with our old friends and to make a host of new ones. $13 - The taking up of roots is the order at present, and if all the reports be true, the crop certainly must be a record breaker. One man has man- golds so large that while attempting to pry one from the earth broke his crowbar- square in two. Another one has them so large that. after feeding a beast off one for two weeks there was still a good portion left. Another who always believes in Mr. Geo. Myers with his spanking team of horses and Deering mower cut 17 acres ct clover in 8‘ hours one day lately. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Watson visited Glascott. friends one day lately. Miss Ellen Lawrence has returned home from Toronto. after Spending some time in a Millinery department there. 5 The great dav has come and gone. :and the Priceville Fall Fair has lpassed into history. Owing to en: §ergetic management the Fair was a Egreat success financially and other- {wise. The exhibits of stock and ;farn1 products were exceptionally fine. The special prizes also aroused ? great inte1est. The saddle-horse and '1‘oothall competitions were well con- itested and great amusement was af- forded the spectatms by the unflinch- .i11;: heroism shown by the bovs in their onslauvht on the biscuit box. The evenin” concert “capped the climax.” Bennet was at his hem, :and the Hirrhl and dancing was ex- cel1ent. 0111 local talent in the p81- sons of Misses James and Grier and Piper McArthur acquitted them- selves velv creditably indeed The 1112111 11 as packed to the doors but un der the able chairmanship of 311. ,n1011111‘~1ic.\11.11ur the 011181 was per fect. Owing to the crowded con- 'dit ion of the hall and platform the military diiil lprcpated by the public school hms had to be omitted. This suggests the question. “ can we inot manage in some way to erect a hall in our village wh1ch will hold 5the audience without transforming th e111 into sardines and at the Same 1 time leave the stage for the pe1for1n- em?” “0 are safe in asserting ; that, given such a hall. the audiences fwould be as large or even larger f than in the average town. L. O. L. No. 1192 purpose having a Pie Social on the night of Nov. 55th. A good program will be provided for the occasion. Mr. Joe Watson, of Rocky Sau- geen, visited the parental home on Sunday. Mrs. David Hamilton visited friends 111 Elora last week. Mr. George Lawrence has returned home from Toronto somewhat im- proved in health although a com- plete cure,ha.s not yet been effected. Miss Victoria. Scott visited her sister, Mrs. ~W. R. Watson,_ for a. few days lately. Our senior football team have made a very good record for the first year. They played ten matches dur- ing the season and in only one case did the second game with any 0p- posing team result in a defeat. Strange to Say. all their bad luck be- fell them on the home grounds. The team referred to refused an in» vitation to a third game and so the boys have decided to suspend oper- ations for the rest of the season. There is much splendid material in the “Goppers” and we have no doubt that if they get to work early next spring victory will be the rule of the season. Already there is some talk of inducing some of the neighboring teams to apply for ad- mission to the W. F. A. Mr. Wm. Wright. who has been on an extended visit with friends here. left Tuesday for his home in Philadelphia. The Management Board of the Pub- lic Library are negotiating for the purchase of new books. Messrs. J. Conkey and A. McLean of Toronto. and Mr. John McArthur of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute were home for the Fair. The days of mourning; for the rabbgts are at hand. Some of our youthful Nimrods are having most extraordinary luck. So they are looking for'gas near Durham !- \Vhy did they not; come to Priceville with buckets the day after the fall fair? Quite a number have started to take up their potatoes which are turning out good, but the rot is near- ly as bad as last- year. Miss Elizabeth McRonald Spent Sunday at, her home in Mooresburg. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hepkins. of Proton Stat.ion,_ spent Sunday, the 4th. at the former’s home here. Orchard. attended the Teachers’ Convention and spent Sundav at her home here. Mr. Fred Noble has purchased the Brown farm at Aberdeen and intends moving there next Spring. The young folks of Hutton Hill have decided on having- a Pie and Box Socxal. "We wish them success. The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mighton was brightened by the ar- rival of a little girl on the 7th. Hutton Hill Sunday School enter- tainment was held in the school- house on Friday evening last. A very enjoy able evening was Spent. Spring Bank. --â€"-â€"-v-0-¢o. Hutton Hill. Priceville. I-â€"Bernie Hartford, Ida McCuaig, Cassie Sullivan Eddie Sullivan. Coughs. colds, bonneness. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresol'eno tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists IVâ€"J. S. McDermid. Mary McCuaig Sarah McKinnon. IIâ€"Maggie Hartford, Ada McLean. Kate McCuaig, Joseph A. Dixon, Nellie Sullivan. William Hooper, Saran ncEachern. IIIâ€"Lizzie McCuaig. Edna. Chislett Julia McKinnon. John McEachern, Charlie McDonald. , s. :3. NO. 10. G. E. Vâ€"â€"John L. McKinnon, Bertha Heaper, Bertha McIntyre. Jr' (b)â€"Roy Farquharson and Franklin Morlock Eq., Laura Bryan. Jr. (a)â€"â€"Harold McKechnie, Ian Campbell and Frankie McIlraich Eq. Sr. Iâ€"Alfie Sharpe, Russel Lavelle Katy Belle Black, Harry Falkingham Tommy Lauder. ' Intermediateâ€"Leone Rusell, Cald- well Marshall. Jr. Pt. II (b)â€"Ma,v Clifi, Nettie Daniel, Karl Lanahan, Allie McGow- an, Horace Elvidge, Evelyn Levi Eq. Jr. Pt. II (a)â€"â€"â€"Florence Barclay, Hurry Gordon, Ufie Walls. Lillian Crites, Vyvian Harvey. Sr. Pt. II-â€"Mark Saunders, Mamie Wilson, Zetta Marshall, Campbell Saunders, Mabel Payne. Jr. II~Rex. McGowan, Gladys Whitmore, Maggie Lauder, Annie Ector and Ruth Morran Eq. Mary Billings. Jr. Leaving PL, 11 (b)~â€"Rita Mc Comb, Carman Aljoe, Lily Walker James Ector, Sarah McLem, Sr. IIâ€"Victor Livingston, Nellie Hepburn. Harper Kress, Leo Becker Alister Cameron. Jr. Leaving Pc.II(u)â€"â€"Kate Mc- Donald, Uharley Farqunarson, Bella Binnie, Annie Penny, Clara Aljoe. Jr. Leaving Pt. (1)â€"Greorge Hut- tou,liattie Lawrence, Annie Cameron Ethel Morrison Eq. Carl Brown, Ida Pineo. Sr. IVâ€" Fanny Moran, Edith Allan MaryRicChie. Hazel Caldwell, Jean Crawford Jr. IVâ€"Irene Latimer. Effie Hunt- er, Charlie bowling, Annie'AJjoe. Katie Clark. Sr. IIIâ€"Bella. Ector, son, Foster Saunders, Frank McKay. Jr. IIIâ€"James McLean, Melbourne McKay, Catherine McDougald. Mag- gie Mitchell Lottie Daniel. The beef ring at the Corner has closed for this year and everything in connection with it; was very satis- factory. Next year there will be a. ring of twenty snare holders instead of sixteen, as there was this year. Mrs. O. Neil. of Galt, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G, Sackett at present. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mr, William Orr. of New England. Mrs. A. Ernest, has returned from- Walters Falls, where she was attend- ing the sick bed and funeral of her lnotner. Mr. I). Rudison paid the corner a flying visit. but has returned to his work at Markdale where he is engaged in running a. threshing outfit. Mrs. G. flaw got. her foo: hurt, at; the Priceville Faxr by a horse boning on the 'ace tr-ack and knocking down some five or six persons, Mrs. Haw among the res; we trusn will soon be Letter, Quite a number from around this part cook in the Priceville Fair and report a fairly good time. telling the truth goes one better. and relates that he has them so large that he has to skid them as saw-logs and draw them home on the waggon with sleigh-bunks, chains and bind~ ing-pole attached. If there is any- thing at the coming World’s Fair to beat this. we would like to hear lrom it. Ono Ayer’s Pill at bedtime GREG-3'6 a natural action next morning. â€"â€"-â€""v .â€"â€"v â€"â€" v.â€" sway.” £133.?an HYDE, Guthrie Centre. In. 25c.,50c.,81..00 J. c. AYER 00.. All dgflsu. for Lowell. Hue. Ayeris Doctors first prescribed Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. “I had a very bad whiter three rs. I Then I tried Ayers Chan-y Pectoral. y ore lungs yore soon headed and my cough dropped Old Coughs Sackett’s Corners. Cherry .’ectoral DURHAM SCHOOL. u. s DEPT. WM. L. DIXON. Teacher. HONOR ROLLS. P. S. Dept. v--. 00. 9-» Beatrice W'il- VVillie Gadd. Jheehaid the clothier GLASS we have just opened out? our well assorted scook will perhaps show you the very WATCH you need. If soâ€"you take it. \Ve feel sure is will please you. \Ve often wonder ourselves who we give such good values for $6.00 and $8.00, but; then you know It’s a hahit of ours of giving jam 8. little bet'er value than you expect. Have you seen those NEW STERLING GOODS and CUT Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician. Visit aur Stare. $1535; Increase of Business $9 Ranncoats. We me going to clean th 5 line 3: out in 01der to make room f01 othe1 goods. \- Get y0u1 eye on the snaps. 2.. 4:. C\ éfifl (A. WO x» on“. $9 . 7PM” 4%. Ordered Suits. Ready=to=wear Suits. AND WHERE A. GORDON Be Sam and an“. DON'T FORGET we Carry TRUNKS and GREPS. area DUIIS. We have a la1ge lange of Tweeds to select: from. No two alike The newest, the best and most complete. stock at the lowest prices. Drop in and see our Men’s Worsted at $5.50. . Are known the world over. We were si larly fortunate to secure the sole Age We suggest a trial. 25c, 35c Is a fair guage of public appreciation of the quality of any article. A short time ago we recommended our own special when in Doubt Hbout Buying a watch Overcoats. ’Phone 27. A full and complete lange from $6 to $16. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS {or sale his Dairy business in I {or sale his Dairy business in Durham, consisting: of eight cows. wagon, cans. and all appliances and good will in connection with same. There’s money in it for a quick pur- chaser. Terms on application. plete in Ready-to-wears, and a large assortment of the very newest and most becoming styles of Trimmed Hats at prices more reasonable than ever. See our beautiful goods. OUR STOCK is most com- McIntyre Block. Dairy Business For Sale. Hundreds of visitors to our Millinery Openings last week were pleased with the goods we had on exhibition, and in many cases showed their ap- preciation by making pur- chases of their Fall headwear. MESS DECK J. H. BROWN. Proprietor. pound “at: e wele slngu- sole Agencv. Durham, Ont.

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