West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1903, p. 5

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THURSDAY, _; October 29th The Agent, Prof. Dorcnwcnd K901130111 11015! comf‘mt- able by 111111119; one of 0111 H01 30 Blankets. Before buying;~ elsewhere inspect. our variety of heating: stoves. Massey-Hams Shawmums B111 one 0f0111 1001: scrap- 818 11nd 11i10 (1001 mz1ts,£1n(1 x<11111°111110t11211 e (111' 1} 110015. Examine our assortmen of Clauss Scissors and Razors whlch cannot be equalled. Just to hand, a, large ship- ment of Silverware, very suitable for wedding presents Have you seen our Nickle Plated Lamps. which throw a light superior to anv elec- 1110 light, and me sold at a 10“ pr i( e. If 3011 want anything in the Haxdware line come to the stoxe where you can get everything from a needle to an Anchor. JUHN UVINESTUN Hardware Gentlemen who are Bald Even though you are bald or partially so you can regain _ your former appearance by wearing Dorenwend’s Wigs . and Tonpees. They are made to match any shade of hair. They are a pro- tection to the head and a cure for chronic cold in the head and catarrh. They are perfectly fitted to the head and bear no trace of artificiality. PROF. Domwnxn will take measurements and demonstrate the merits of his Wigs. \ Ladies Z If you appreciate the added charm and the younger appearance lent to the face by having beautiful hair, do not fail to see the grand assoument of Switches, Bangs, Pompadours, Wavy Fronts and Wigs, wh 10h Pnor Deann- WEXD will have with him. Consultations entirely free and demonstrations given regarding these beautiful con- ceptions in natural hair. Adv’t Next Week. . Watch for OF TORONTO Will be at the Middaugh House on {’t forget the Day and Datp. Durham. Ont. Remember the placeâ€"Next to D. Campbell’s Implement Warehouse. J. S. McHraith Others have and are greatly 1119215911. No“ is the time to out \0111‘11‘11f1bexs and leggins, of whhh we have a. good supply. Also 5011111 good 1011;; boots. fac- tory make. Trunks. Valises, Club Bags, School Bags, Shoe Dressing in liquid and paste always in stock at the New 80111 and Shoe Stole J 1113' 98th â€";'-3m.pd Too Busy Uxfmfls and flippers The undersigx 1 has now on hand at his: will at Lot 2:} and ‘34. Con. 21, E gremonr a large quantity of lum~ be2. Don t forget the place when in "98d of fiTSC~CldSS material \\ ill be at tho Middaugh House lst Wednesday of each mom} 1. from 12.10 4 p.111. Specialist: Bye, Bar, Throat and Nose Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos.. Eng., and In (.‘mlclen Sq. Throat and Nose Hm. ‘Scott’s Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. itfeeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they igu'ii the whole body. For nearly thirty years ,‘ , ;:'t s Emulsion has been. the wrest giver of human flesh. Shylock was the man who wanted ?. pOund of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get itâ€"take Scott’s Emulsion. Torah: DURHAM IS COMING lunay down in price as we re- quire the room for fall and winuar goods now arriving. There are some bargains for you if we have your size left. IIi-Ufe': gnu tried a pair of ladies’ orgent's SOVEREIGN BALS LUMBER FOR SALE. \‘x' ‘ C To mi e a (1:, but, not too busy to try 0: mend to your wants when y on call. “’9. are. selling: the balance of our suznnwr DR SE0. 3. BURT. ..TO.... TER M 8 CASH. iil send you a couple of ounces free. .2:ch S x. w: ; 211 druzgists. L. x: NE. Chem!sts. Ontario. EXCLUSIV E LY The Greatest Hair Goods Artist in America. J. G . ORCHARD. Our teacher, W. J. Ritchie, has been re-engaged at an increased salary. Mr. W. J. Faikingham is making extensive repairs to his stables and has Charlie Canton engaged to assist him. Thé low-lying lands have gotten too much rain for the comfort. of the crickets. Mr. Charles McClocklin sold a y oung horse on Saturday for $110. Mrs. Jas. Mark and Mr. W m. Pin- der, returned Friday last from their trip west. Mrs, Mark. visited her two sons at Shskatoon and friends at other points. Mr. Pinder visited with his sister. Mrs. H. F. Caldwell, of Dauphin, and friends at Lumsden and Regina. Both are very much benefited by their trip and speak in glowing terms of the West. Zlomtes were more than pléased with the soul-stirring, logical sermon of the Rev Judson Truax on Sunday. Mr. Dick Davis, Smxthy, of Alliston is up on a. visit to the old home. Mrs. Tom Flynn and baby Mary returned to their home in Queen City last week. U\\‘O C Annie. The concrete flooring in the Base- ment of the school is completed, Mr. Geo Schram having the contract. Mr. and Mrs “’11). Gardinsr. of Egremont, visited at. the home of Mr. A. Luck, Sunday last. Miss McMillen, of Harrison, is the guest, of Miss Nancy McMillan. of Normanby. The concert. in Zion on Thanks-giv- ing night. though not so largely at;- tended as eXpected, owing to the weather, was most enjoyable and its programme mos: varied. The recitals were well chosen from grave to gay and well given. Miss Stella Jack is fast winning a reputiton as a recicer. ‘liss Dorothty Edge of Owen Sound, appeared for the first before a Zion Audience and won warm plaudits in both her selections. She possesses .ecut1onarlgower of high order and With 3‘ ‘ *’ re has developed the " a: 5. 65, ill Glass. of Durham, willingly and generously 1368'. d to the call for Gramaphone The rain~ storm of laSt week badly damaged the saw-mill of Mr. Aiex. Dodd’s. and also caused the mill-dam to break away. Mrs. Irving. of 01' mneville is visit- inn he: sistei in- Jaw, Mrs. JohuCorn- ish. Miss .Janec Blyth is enjoying a few holidays at her home here, be- fore taking up her duties as principal of the Owen Sound School. It, is to be hoped that \'11‘.COi'ni~';h is unlike the manerality of neopie who go west, an id will non think so favorably, of that countly. as to wan: to take his family out; there. Potmoes: re breaking the record in thia locality for size some do 1wt «mm- plain of r} e rot very much and other .~ say it is as ho. . ‘ 1138‘ year. “is? .19 e. ’"\V 2ison. of Toronto. is at pwsentx 0'iSitiNg; her pannm 3mm Mrs Ogiezree. who has been visir- in; her parents. 19ft last. Monday fur her home in Toronto. Intended for last week. Mrs. A] Hartford and Masrer Bwn. of i)ur1’.am.visited at, Mr. John Cal verst’ Saturdav 111.51.. Mr. John Cornish left 'I‘uvsdzu. morning; of last week for Lumsden when: he \viil visit his 80?: John and One would think it. was coming winterlast Sunday morning by tho look of a shower of snow flakes. Hm firs: of the Spason. \Iiss- \Iaggie ‘s'essie is a: prvseut P‘OIO wing. a holiday at. the 110mm of hex parents. Mr. and Mrs J. Vessle. We are sory to rpport, Mr. Jam-s Wilson on the sink list at. prGSOUF but. we. hope to hear of his Speedy menu-w V 3.31:. and Mrs. ‘Nm. Vassie. .h'.. visited friends at the Rocky Sunday before last. Messrs. John Ferguson and A Mm Jiechnie. 91'. took a bnisness trip to Owen Scum-:1 one day last. week. ‘1‘ . ‘ 0|le q f \; ”1'59 glw~ Ewen was the uuest u \\ adv f0? a. few iavs 2n»: Mrs Wm. Vessie and daughter, Mrs . Oglerree, of Toronto, visited [Hands at. BUULDSHH Sundm. qu. M m. Orchard and baby. of London, Om. accompanied bv \Iiss Ryan. of Durham. visited the form- er s Uude am hunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewitt, on 8::rurday. Mr. George Ewen is at present employ-ed with theTimmins Brothers Mr. and Mrs. George ‘McKechnie- of Durham. visited friends at the Rocky last Sunday. \ir. Wm, W'ade and siSEpr. Mi“: Mrs. Joseph Edge. Miss Dorothy Tillie. were the gueste of Mr. andfand Master Percy 0f Owen Sound. Mrs. John Ewen Sunday before layflJSpen‘f from Tuesday till Saturday A fine new organ was leceutlylmiemng with us and visited among Placed in the Rocky church which {friendsat Edge H'u' Mrs. Edge 15 a sneaks weli for the congrezarion. (woman Of fine character. and largely Mrs. Wm. Noble is the organiét ‘ .lmede her husband What he became. Master George Wilcox) left {or B C M1:eD}orothy m a glued maiden and / ~ . 'a 1 . ‘ 0 0 S recently We wish the little fellowa 1‘12]? one Pelcv has quflltle ‘lens‘ent r . that in future will make a reputation p , )‘UL‘I-DE).~ for him. The stone foundation of Mr. Walter Middleton’s dwelling house is now completed. The Ritchie gang had the contract. and made I. good job. Miss Annie Wilkie. who has be? Spending a month or so at. the paren - al home, left for Toronto a week ago Saturday morning. Some one will b9 sad Rocky Saugeen. Trave rston. hters. Misses Agnes and Orchard. (I SMaQEame Livinski I mm 1am PSYCHIC. DR. HARTE’S CELERY- IRON PILLS. - JOHN A. DARLING CHE MIST 7â€" AND _. DRUGGIST » DURHAM, ONT. Tm; mucA'ms'p LIVING AD'V'IS mu She «was an a glance whn The Remedy we Positively Guarantee will Cure You orYour Money Refunded. hand is :4. mirror. rvflm'fing: the mam: events the future F‘whis, also records tlm pasc __‘ , â€"A :1 mm Mm «(as an a glance wlm’ your troubies :m». and guides you to ultumute Sum-'05.; 'With nmrvellnus insight, of th:- most: phcnoznsmal char acter she 13032:!» the wax. Tl’n‘yusan'is have recognium :hie wonderful gift, which combimw a k:.o «nlmlge» of Pain) isu’y together with such inteileccnal powers that make failure. impatgih’e There is always two paThQ. she-3 helps you to 0110.439, the. wiser one. Mud- ame Liviuski mils ,you about B mi 11ess.anv Suits. Changes. Marriage. Divorce. Love Affairs. ULHHMI h. .--\c cideme. Dangers. and Enemies. The How One Million is Spent. Not less than one million dollars is annually spent. hv people seeking absolute cure for Catarrh. Bronchitis and Consumption. Numerogs are the remedies, but the one standing 3pre-emently above all others is ; Catarrbozone. It on res these diseases gbecause it is sure to reach them. iCatarrhozone is inlnmed into the lungs :thoat and nasal massages. and bathes ‘every part of the diseased membrane §\Vlih its germ-killing healing vapour. .fYon simply hremh Camrrhozone and ;ir cures. price 25c and $1 at Druggo :‘ists. or Poison 00.. Kingston. Om. At Knapp HwSe. There has never been a. remedy offered to the public with such an honest guaran tee of cure behind it as Dr. Harte’ 3 Gel- ery- -Iron Pills. This remedy is the best treatment in the world for such troubles Comm mg Monday, Oct. 6, as Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Pale and Sallow Complexion, Nervous- ness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, Loss oftaAppetite, Dyspepsia, Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Female Weak- ness, Pimple-s and Eruptions, Heart Pal- pitation, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness Debility. It is a great boon to weak, worn-out run-down men and women, giving them that vigorous health that makes life worth living. There is nothing better for pale, list- less, hollow-eyed girls to make them rosy-checked and full of bounding health. If you are anxious to try Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, we will sell you 6 boxes for $2.50 with the understanding and with the guarantee that if you feel you are not deriving benefit from the use of the Pills, after taking three boxes according to directions, you may return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 unopened ones, and have your money refunded.\ 1y By the single box the Pills are 50c. Paimisfis Brzx'mx ~- ‘V ILLIAMSUV â€"~ On Wednes- day. st. 21%, at [1* residence of HM» bride’s pan-n25, hv the Rev, \\'m. Furqulmrmn, Harry" Wm. Bantu): tn MarufU'i-EE June \Villiam- son, both of Durham. BEN’!‘(‘).\I»-In Durham, on Oct. 201%}, to Mr. and Benton, 2:. sun. .‘.I(‘:1f,‘.1.x:\"m.\'--.-Xt 3.1% U1]: on Sun. may Oct. 18th. Ro'n’. Ar'lcclimon, aged 88 years and 10 months. selections and the numbers were good ones. A solo by his siSter. accom- paniment by Miss Rita Irwin, was sweetly sung and Miss Rita made the old organ talk 'melodiously. Florrie Falkingham is our sweet little singer and gave a good number_. Mr. Falk- ingham sang twice Mrs. Falkiogham played the accompaniment, , and was loudly encored. It was a real enjoy- able night Faintness, General Weakness and (f )ne. 3V (:0 k (_ ) 1’1 5 y j; Fees, 350 and 500 Consuit ngcbico M A R RUB I) BORN. DIE D . a J J‘s-“s a Tuesday. " '~ mute: ’JWW. WHEN.» “ 4. :1. | 4 4. 4 .1 . . 3JH»:.-.HI.I1.JJI|I 4 .. _.QEVQPQMRHQMHOQWWHnfiHgganuHsHHchchHawk»: who... 3 34,44 .1 JUMP)” "i.

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