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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1903, p. 8

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12?: WW WW ”I"? New Stock of Furs. Reamy for Business r ‘ o Ems m 3G”€ai Variety. ."fl’OCC! I r3157: 7‘57; 357313-777 7- 771L757 7127.33, agwww+g§$ fimjfififlfi £3 9.5â€"3.5? an: 5773: '7 7712* :7 WEB-.7 77 777 7 7777: 77:7 73 7-7777 #757777 ”55777777? 777717779 7773””? P w elsewm wet that I“ :~mM"m~â€"nm Ad“! “1'9"133 ‘3- vvwme“ '. m .5 .v. .J‘l‘ 4’0 1.0. .. . ! it“ . . \ \.‘ , _ .«rfhwe «VNNLMLHcHug LIQQHHLN‘NTH u(MirroHothcWVWLHLHHg L»... (w ctr». With 21 1111 line of 11e11 and 11p- -to date needs eonsistino 0f Rend1 made Cloth. 1n ,2. Boots and Shoes. Men s FurnishinO‘s Ladies Cloths, and full line of Groceries right fresh from the manufacturers. Everything is brand new, and We wish to 110 business with 0111‘ old friends and to make 21 host of new ones. ‘3 ,m sense: :1 7515,; mi- trade paid for produce. “ ‘\ 1“ The B tore. yum-5 0 Cf) I’H53) (m Durham {"011‘0111 31119010. \011 111111 1Q. Rock bottom Dnnt 1.1.112 21.55101th 11111.1 111' 11 (3811 hr Coats in Persian Lamb. EIeCtric '.;':-u.:i:an. ranging: in mine from $2.5 to dub ...« “5w - -‘lg‘ w}. (,0. J31. I.‘ f‘. Mr. John Conkey, motorman, of .l'oronto Street. Railway, who has ibcez: sorely afflicted with mumps, Returned on Wednesday to resume . his work again. Mr. John Love started his new “Challenge ” thresher. manufactured by Geo. White and Sons, at. Mr. Dan Greenwood’s on Saturday last. It is a thresher and sceam cutter Mr. Harry \Villiams has the stone foundation for his barn completed. He intends to put his stxaw stacks on the foundation so than he wiil have comforcable Stables for his Stock through the coming Winter. We regret to report that Mr. Robt. McClinton. who has been residing with his daughter, Mrs. James Mc- Cracken, for the last few years, is seriously ill. Sorry also that the venerable Mr. Firth is not improving any. The Sons of Sectland Society of this place had a fraternal visit from Ben Nevis Camp of Durham on the 13th inst. Among them was Dr. Hutton. who is always glad to visit, Scots Grey Camp, as he wasa former member of them. The evening.r was an enjoyable one. Singing, dancing, c., were indulged in. Pipers Mch- thur and Atkinson played a few "skirts on the bagpipes.” After a lunch being partakeu of. provided in the Commercial Hotel. all returned to their respective homes, each man being proud of “ his aiu country.” The members of Edge Hill Fresh Beef Association held their annual meeting at Mr. Robt. Ector’s. The business for 1903 was satisfactorily settled and the ring organized for 1904. Following are the olficers:â€"â€" President, George Binnie ; Secretary, John F;irth Butcher, Thomas Turn- bull; Auditors, 18' ex. Firth Thomas McFadden; Inspectors Geo. Ritchie. Dan Greenwood County Coxn’r McArthur, accom- panied by Mrs. McArchur. was up in Markdaie on Wednesday on the House of Rerge busineSs. The building is a credit. to the coutracxor as well as the county. The Cozu’rs let. the con tract. of the “aver works at their re- cent meeting and the electric light will be installed this week. Mr. John Stothort is one of the gooa-head farmers of our vicinity. He is now building aStone founda- tion for the erection of afiue barn next year. Masona McLean, McAr~ thur and Reiley are the contractors. John will likely be looking for a competent young lady soon. Miss Ethel Green wood goes to town this week to attend the High School Department of Durham school. As Ethel is naturally clever and studious we predicc for her a successful course. A gang of Greek horse traders passed through our village on Mon~ day. They Stopped a short. while trying to create business but: failed doing so. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hos Greenwood vis- ited friends near Top Cliff last week. Miss Bella Binnie spent the 1 cter part of 19.3: week at Mr. Dan Edge’s. Mr. Dan N. Firth, of Markdale. was home on ThaukSgiving Day. Messrs. Allan McDonald. \V. Bill- ings and Colin McArthur are gone to the wiidsof Muskokuto mak etimbex Colin is a typical "bush whacker” and can wield the axe to the Satisfac- tion of the Co. he is employed with. Messrs. Geo. and W'm. Ritchie have each invested in a. furnace. There will be comfort on cold nights inhis winter. \liss Madge Collie: \isited her aunt, 3115 Jas Edve ovcz Sunday Mrs. Thos. Banks, of Owen Sound, has been visiting friends in this neighborhood the lasn week or so. Mr. D. McCormick is around again on his usual business tax collectin-r. Mo. makes his rounds on “ shauk’ s ponies" and has a record of that {am ous horse, '* Dan Patch.” Mr. and Mrs. Peter McArthur, of Hope ville Spent Monday at his uncle’s Com'r McArthur. of the village. Mr. Joseph McNally sold a horse in Markdale recently for 81:30. Thanksgiving Day (Thursday) was generally observeJ as a holiday in [his burg. Some of our local sports went out shooting and had fair good luck taking into Consideration getting Lin: downpour of min, 860} The Junior football match, Flash- vrton vs Pricevllle: played on Satur- (luy. resulted in a tiu,tl1esco1ebeix11: 1â€"1. The Priceville bow hold 11 1111-411 estimation of the 1195118112011 1.111.":3rs. as the game throughout. was keen and quiet. Afmr the: game and usual chums they matured 1.0 1.116 sclmul 1' 0111 wl. ere 111.» youth and L9: 1111 y of 1:11;.) villagre prepared 1111111011 101 1111â€". boys which they did ample justice; to 3112th 'J‘l1o111115u11. 0f lfleshm'ton Ielet' eed the game to the Satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Wm. Hailey pain] a flying visit recently 10 Buthul. \Vouder What, Willie. is looking for? A job I guess -â€""u job that’s nice and easy” on the teaching Staff or 54i)!lleLIIil}g' after that. sLylc. Mrs. Grier, who has been a resident, 0223216 Village for a. number of years. IS abnuc to remove to Unudnlk. hav- ing rented the store and du‘wiiiieg lately occupied by her. Mrs. Grier has a. 2:08L of hiends hul‘. and v.22 are Sorry to 1959, he: ° as a citizen but all join in wishing her all the guod luck that. fortune can bestow. Dali»? Dixon. of \Valkertun. been visiting her brother, mmrued home on Thursday. Priceville. Edge Hill. who has the D12, The Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Dro- moz-e, will conducr. cottage prayer meeting in tha. 11::an 0! Mr. John Sharp on Tuesday night. The G1een Grove beef ring held its ‘ annual meeting last Wednesday night and re elected its old officers with the exception of Messrs. J. Maine; and J. Hopkins as inspectors. They ' 'concluded that the dressed weight must not be less than four hundred .lbs. in the future. Re-engaged ML; 1‘. Turnbull as butcher for 1904. Ex-; pressed their entire satisfaction of7 the efficient manner that he had; conducted the afiairs this year and; gave him a heat ty vote of thanks 1n ' addition to his stated salary. Our 8. S. entertainment is to be held in the schoolhouse on the even-‘ ing: of Oct 291h. A good pregram.‘ of recitations.‘ speeches and songs will be given. Yen, and eatibles will; be supplied in abundance. and thei paltry sum of 15c. admitsone to the? entire performance. ' Unknowing ones may think We are nom. an agreeable people here, as we have two steam threshers at work right close together. But such is not the case, it is dire necessity. The hogs have got all the ground turned over now that farmers care to haye done this fall and will have to be fed in some other way. Horses have getteu so poor that they have to be smeared with coal-tar to keep the crows from taking them. Beds have had no fresh straw in them since early spring, and to make room for table setting on threshing days the stove has to be left out in the wood- shed or summer kitchen and it snow' ing and tlowing a perfect hurricane. Of course those of us who have to keep the two going are not suffering from cold. Although for many years smoke? had not hem: seen harming through: the cracks of the blacksmith Shoo on ’ tho Milli» farm, in was noticed regu- larly lasr \\ Eek. If the boys canonly‘ do the shoeing for the farmers of the= Neighborhood most, farmers With ai roll of {shoe wire and a good pair pliers can do general job work and almosc any kind of repairing. So' blacksmiths can now raise their charges and behanged to them for: anything this neighborhood cares. “ Now you have done it.” said by- Standers as Mr. J. Johnscon placed a handsome new stove in the home he recently bought. We expect in the near future he will make another ad- dition that will cause the remark, now you have .Denuect., by his many well wishing: friends. Com’r Allan was up to Markdale on Wednesday in company with hiS' Colleague. Chas. McKix‘mou, letting: the jobof burn building in connection ; with tine home for the unfortunate. His daughzer-in-law, Mrs. A. Allnn,‘ accompanied him to visit her sister (Lnubined with ascraw blower attach- ed It. gave good satisfaction and is a grunt Improvement ou the old style of tlH‘PSllHt'S. as the cut Straw takes up very little room in the barn and can Melly be handled by two men. With his eighteen horse power trac- tion angina, nlSu manufactured by White. «S: Sons. Mr. Love has certain- Iv the most, up-to-dute threshing out- fit in this pan of tl‘e country. and his enterpz-ize dt-swrx'es a liberal par.- 0 1‘1 :uxksgiving Day was spent in varmus ways hare, church 330113;; and gunning being the two leamng ones. :‘onage. But, the old Standby: Mr. James Hartley, still enjoys rhe reputation of " the best thrusher on the line," and Can always count, «41) his warn of the! threshing at. any rum. Mr. Abe Crutchley raisps his new harm on Tuesday to replace the: one burned by lightning; last; July. \Ir" J. E. Burrows. of Pai'ley. is visiting: in! “)0th and 01in 1‘ I: much. in this p121 -.,. a: present. 3.1: prank (nasby went to icnunto a {OI'lei;M, my; to be 3., the bmiSide 01" his \vift- win.) had taken SlidUHHl} iil mime. visiting: lu-t'daughter Thtef,‘ I‘eturn- :ii hmm- lztsL week and Hm in since sinwix' rccuvming. Hair Vi gor Weak Hair Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don’t. Do you like thick, heavy, smomh hair? Of course you do. Then why not be pleased? Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that’s the whole story. Sold for 60 years. “ I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a long time. It is. indeed. a. wonderful hair tonic, restoring health to the hair and scalp, and. at the same time, proving a. splendid dressing." DR. J. W. TATUM, Madill. Ind. '1‘. Comer Concerns. for Jo CI Ann COCO _I_._owell. Mass. Increase of Business NOW Wood’s Boston Stuyvesant Coffees MaCFarEane Co. JORDAN 8: BURN ET'F A Vest Pocket Kodak you might almost call â€"â€" THE -â€"â€"â€"â€" 108-â€"-No. 0. 1 and No. 1 A Folding Pocket Kodak N0. 0 FOLDENG 0ft. @fi. S? £2. 0., C \\‘ (I? Q I. (I. (1W x“: '7"? k‘: 'a‘.’ m. \i mm mg Fhaafimid, the Ordered Suits. Dru" Hgi ts and Booksellers. Ready=t0=wear Suits. ANE WHERE TO SECURE THEM Ramooats. We are going to clear this line out in order to make room for other goods. Get your eye on the snaps. PRICE = = $6.00. DUE"? FORGET we Barry TRUNKS and GREPS. BFBCI DUIIS. We have a large range of Tweeds to select from. No two aiike, The newest, the best and most complete stock at the lowest prices. Drop in and see our Men’s Worsted at $5.50. 25c, 35c Is a fair guage of public appreciation quality of any article. A short time 2 recommended our own special We might say that its sale has increased 300 percent. It isa good thing Or we should not call your attention to it. Are known the world over. We were singu- larly fortunate to secure the sole Agency. We suggest a trial. GOLDEN LION TEA- Overcoats. ’Phone 27. A full and complete range from $6 to $16. M! v‘ WWW M l fcr sale his Dair‘. business in Durham. consfitin: of eight «ows, wagon. cans and all app! iauces and good Wil} in connection .xith same. There’s money in it for a quick pur- chaser. Terms on application. HE \LJINQG W11) OFFERS {(31 Sale his Dair‘. business in McIntyre Block. Dairy Business For Sale. Bargain Day. 101 the lemaindn' of the season .\u will makes Saturrlav. bangain day. when two counters “i 1 be reserved for special Bargains. Call wherhar you wig}: to buy 02' not and we our special bar- gains. That’s what we haw: been doing all season and Wc’ re Still vex-v busy. This week we invite our many customers to visit our Show room and see the verv neweSL in TAILORED and OUTI\G Hats. and a grand «lispiav of Black vel- vet Hats with trimmings of Os- trich plumes. tips, etc. We al- ways keep a number of ladies’ bonnets in stock MESS DICK 961' pound â€"â€" J. H. BRO\\'I\', Proprietor. Durham. ()nt. 1 of the ago we

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