West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Dec 1903, p. 5

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There is no Harness Oil to equal the Eureka. Another bar- rel just to hand. Our assortment of Skates and Hockey Sticks is something more than ordinary. We can suit every person. . Chaff and Feed Baskets in abundance. Owing to the immense sale of Hand Sleighs we have been obliged to re-order, and our second shipment has just ar- rived. We have a. new sapply of Carpet Sweepers of different quality. Examine lthem. Nearly every day some person is picking out, one of our Fancy Lamps and having it put away for Christmas. Do not lose your chance. This week we are ofl‘eriug a fine line of Siverware. very suit- able for Holiday Presents. But we éap’t put. the new goods all in the window. You must come inside to see how much we have improved. Tells more than a page of newspaper advertising ~â€" not but what we appreciate all the neWSpapers can do for as. We want. you to see for yourself the class of goods we keepâ€"and the prices. Hardware. \Ve’re proud of itâ€"proud that we can offer such good values. Probably you’ll pardon us for Speaking with pride of the growth and prosperity of our business. THIRTY years’ experience-â€" pregress and success marks the name of " Gordon.” \Vatchermaker. Jeweller. Om A Glance at the Window Display 1873==1903 Evolution and Progress Optician. On Thursday morning last, secur- ing the assistance of .‘dessrs. M. Mowers. J. filly and C. Grenver, Mr. E. D. Weber proceeded to remove his acetylene gas plant from the cellar of the building to a more house in the rear. Great care was exercised in the work. A lamp being necessary it was placed away in front as far as possible from the gas machine, which the men soon disconnected and had separated all but one piece-ready for removal, when it caught on some- thing and refused to budge. With a view to getting more light Mr. Gren- yer proceeded to bring up the lamp. He had made but a few .steps to- ward the point where the dismantled machine lay when there was an ex- plosion and the three men standing about it Were severely burned and blinded by the flashâ€"Mr. Weber and Mr. Tilly so badly that they have been confined to their homes ever since. Mr. Mowers lost his mous- tache and eyebrows and had his face severely burned, but was able to con- tinue at work. Mr. Grenyer being farthest away from the explosion, escaped practically unhurt. Fortun- ately no fire resulted from the ex- plosion, and willing helpers soon res- cued the men from the cellar and secured medical attendance. It is a pleasure to know that no permanent injury is likely to result to any of the victims. and they W111 be around in a day or two. Mr. Weber believed every bit of carbide and gas had been . taken out of the machine, as he has 1 had a lot of experience with acety- lene. and fully realized the danger of 3 handling it with a lamp about but the i result shows that he was mistaken. l All topics- at escaping so well.-â€". WWW. _- - 1 X Sleigh load of youth and beauty frmn Zion, spent; a few pleasant, hours at the home of Mr. and \Irs. knjoh Hewitt last Fridav evening. and \"nileu away the time in songs, ‘games. and recitations, 1e caving for home in the \\ ecSma’ hours of the morning. I Mr. and Mrs. W m. Be! , of your ; town. were the guesm of the Hewitt family last Sg’nday. ' \iiss Cassie Wilkie, accompani , w . bv Miss Annes V essie left for Tormgfi :to a weekb ago Mondax . , Mr. and Mrs. George McKechnie, to? Durham. visited friends at, the ROcky Sunday. Catarrhozone for a few minutes and was relieved. It cured in a short time. ” No other remedy just like Catarrbozone,â€"â€"itl~3 the best. Two months treatment $1.00; trial size it is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal passages excited by germs that can only be destroyed by {rat grant healing: Catarrhozone which is breathed direct to the seat of the disease, and has never yet failed to cure. Pleasant to use, absolutely certain to cure. Catarrozone always gives satisfaction. “' 1 suffered from nasal catarrh so badly that I couldn’t breathe through my noscrils: writes G. K. Vilmor, of Meriden I used Mr. James Wilson, Jr. recently made the purchase of a fine horse. Mr. Chas. Newell has been work- ing for Mr. D. Kinnee in Mr. R Edge’s swamp for the past few weeks. Mrs. “’11:. \"essie, Jr. spent a couple of days with her parents at the Rocky last week. Miss R. Ewen left, last Tuesday for Durham. where she intends to re- main for some time. )1r.Bennetc Jenkins hada wood bee last Wednesday and "m. a nice lot of wood cut. Sleighing is now first class, and quite a. lot of teaming: is being done, and the merry sound of the sleigh belie make every boby feel in their best humor. Glab to see Miss McNiece home again after a month’s visit With friends in Paislev. George Petty arrived home from the North West looking as if the country agreed with him. Albexc Kipsley, from Hampden. cailed on C. Gada’s family on Mon- day and leaves for England on Wed- neaday. The Acetylene Plant in Webber’s Store Injures Three. If Billy did not have the fatted Calf to kill after gaining his suit. he did the next. bess thingâ€"Killed the fat. pig. Z. Clark is running his mill bv steam. Robt. Eden is doing some house carpenter work for Matt. Barber this week. So the Corner Gander has flapped wings over the fence again. News must be scarce around the comers and his eyes must be failing him since he does not know a venandab floor from a side walk or is it old age coming on him. C. Gadd could not finish the floor for the feathers flying. Old {owl molt, late in the fall. Our Blacksmith is doing a. rushing business these day’s may have to en- large his shOp to make room for the horses. The Varney teacher was treated to a sleigh ride by the school girls on Monday nigh c. the girls drawing the sleigh. A merry ride. Rocky Saugeen. GAS EXPLOSION. What is Catarrh? Varney. this county rggnired, to represent and advertise old establis .wealthy business house of solid financial standgng. Salary $2109 weekly with expenses addltxonal, all payable in cash direct e very Wednesda from head ofiees Horse and carriage furnish when necessary Algefergnoes. f... A‘-.__ _-“__Ij_-__-_I -___-‘_-_ n-A 'â€"â€"'vâ€"- v-v-A oi the provisions of the Regulations {or dealing with the disease. Regul- ation 3 states: Every physician or householder who has reason to know or suSpeCt that any person under his charge has diphtheria shall cause the person to be isolated-until the exam- ination of swabs taken from the nose and throat of such person shall have proved the absence of the disease. Regulation 8 provides that : When- ever a case of diphtheria has occurred in a child attending any school. the medical health officer’shall personally or through another physician. cause a daily examination to be made of all the children of the schoolroom for at least one week from date of occur- rence of the last amongst such chil dren Regulation 9 provides: That every person who has had diphtheria shall be isolated for a period of not less than 28 days from the onset of the disease, unless swabs taken from the throat and nose shall sooner, by bacteriological culture, have proved the absence of the bacilli of the dis- ease. WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHAR gpyer and. good rppqtapion in each atgtefi pne'in Ericka? self-addréssea eiééiéié'." ciéfi'fiif's'iz' Dearborn St” 01116380 The return of the Provincial Board of Health for the month of September shows that out of 96% of the pepulu- tion, or slightly over two millions. there were 2,028 deaths. The fatal- ities from scarlet fever were 670 diph- theria. 1'2 5% and typhoid fever 333°C There were 149 deaths from consump- tion, In reference to the usually large number of cases of diphtheria, 240. Dr. Bryce says : “ This disease as shown by the number of deaths. has shown a. definite expansion, the. places reporting being 38 as compared with 27 in August, the cases being 240 as compared with 122, and the deaths 30 as compared with 24. The remedy lies in the _prompt execution l One thing that makes us positively iwearv is to hear young men who {have gone to the citv, to the west or lto the Other side. belittling on their {return themodest town of their birth land everything we have from the {size of our mortgages to the amount lof the hot stnfi our topers are war- itanted to hold They can I under- ;stand how it. is the citizens have not in little push in them and wonder 1 WIN somebody hasn’t built up all the“ Wat-ant. lots or opened a fztctOl‘V that would emnloy a thousand hands That is what they would do in New IYork or Saskatoon. They cannot .endure the slow life in a town when a city or the American Republic offersl such premin ms as the presitlnntfiizs 01 ' gi‘hll\V‘d"S and a1.- intim 1t.” :u'quaintâ€" Ianon with jmlgesarm'l knigl1ts.-totl1~l in" co ild induce him to rem 1i11 here i ‘Am‘l yet u u have evet noticed that. 1!” 1 is to his unnspirin r oli {:1 hm cant, lho turns when the u or hi «goes against ihim and he \ ants a lift ”mChatq-l ‘ worth Bannm. l r v' wonxl VVV- Mr. Con. Knapp formerly of Durham, Who is conducting a bowl there, has a regular Klondyke.~â€"-Hanover Post. sou-in-law made up the party and they together bagged five deer. The daily press the other day told of the success of {our Toronto men who had captured two bucks apiece and one moose apiece 12 miles back of “Gatsb- wood. The doctor was at one time four miles off this spot but unfortun- ately did not pmsue hunting Opera.- tious at this point. Before coming home he took a. trip up to the Soo. vacation up in Aigoum was " the real thing.” and he .steppm‘l OH the car lust Fridav as Sprightiu' as u {our year-old. There’s nothing- like norm- ern omzmt.) give '4 man an appetite and nothing); like hard iétifis'. IOHg tramps and a breezy Senh‘t‘ of free- dom to build a man up and make him feeiyoun: again. To incidentally bag cwo fine (leer did not, offset, the general enjoyableness of the “Hair one iota. Bun then the doctor is a famous hunter who can tell shooting: yarns with as much slap-dash as Ralph Bruntâ€"and that is of the red and yellow order. The scene of his hunt this year was in the township of Spragge, 100 miles north of the 800. where his son-in-law resides. The doctor, his son of Penola, and his ”Doc” Rowers" ShOOCil‘l: (expedi- tion Was a. huge succew His mouth mention up in Algoum wag “ the Miss Emma Ermuerson. a former teacher in a. Melancthon school. has sued the trusrees for 32.5001'01- injury to her health, caused by the absence of fire and the dampness from a recent Scrubbing of the school, when she returned to her duties after the heli- days in January last The case was heard at Orangeville. but judgment has not yet been given. Mr. J. W. McNab was in town on Monday for a few hours. and is as enthuSiaStic as ever on .rhe cement. question He predicts that the fac- tory at Belleville will be in operation by the first of July next. Two of the buildings are. already finished, so is the railway. and more buildings are on the wav Thin factory will turn out; 125 barrels a dunâ€"Walker- ton Telescope in will be able to compete with any similar factory in exist.ence.â€"Walk- ermn TdIBSCOpB. The \Viarton sugar factory is a'gain in full blast and A successful season is confidently looked for. Thev are paying out $30,000 a month for beets. The product. of this factory last year gave the utmosn Satisfaction, and there is no reason to deuhc hub that Exchange Echoes. JNO. A. DARLING They are the best we have ever shown at the price. Smokers’ Requisites. VIOLINS. ,BOWS, STRINGS, MOUTH ORGANS. Stewart’s Confections THE BEST MADE. We are bound to clear out our Xmas stock if prices will do it. The Agent. All 138180113 13111115.; 118 011 T .11110 111111 Repail accounts me 1esp011m‘111 16111108th to call and settle 2111: once and oblige, Massey-Hams Showmnms Musical Nutation, Rhythmica Peclnnque key-board Location, Hmtury, Plano Work. Feh'v $m . 1).“ [3. Schools in 'l‘m'outo. This deservedlv popular system by means of chart, dril]§. 9. 1:: ckboard diam'mns and other interesting: devices brings the following topics within the child’s immediate (m'npr'ehension: with a big); load of Toys, Games and all kinds of" Christmas Presents. Don’t forget to call and see him. Santa Biaus Eggs ........... . . . Pocatoes per bag . . Flour per own ...... Oatmeal per sack. Chop per own. . . . ..‘ Live Hosts ......... DressedHogs per cw IIhles per lb ....... Sh e.epskins .......... For terms apply to DOP'I‘ED BY JOHN UVINESTUN FOR Chemist and Draggist. '{féyer’s Music Mamet}. PIPES from 5c to $10.00. Cigars, Tobaccos. Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases and Cigar Holders. PERFUMES, Nick Necks. Toilet Sets, Mamcure Sets, Hair Brushes. Military Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Leather Noveltives, Pocket Books. Purses, Card Cases, Bill Books. Music Rollsâ€"- dainty and nice. 0.... ........ g ...... 00.0.00... sv 'nlDOOoDooJOOOOC Bronco... .00... .0 I... 00.0....00000 '.oes per ban. .- ? per own ...... .. eal per sack. . . .- per mm: ........ H029 Market Report. has arrived at NOTHCE DRUG STORE DURHAM. M155 Bums ucm‘ GUN 'l'eagher M. M. M. ALL cwt. Durham. Ont. Dec. 2. 1903. 60 to 40 to 8 00 to 15 to 18 to 50 to 00 to 40 to 10 to 30 to 50 to z) to 40 00 17 to 7 to 0 to 10 to GOIHICIO LEADING Motion. Muswnl :03 to co 650 0. 9. 10 pv- m 50 7:? 27 60 45 J AS. IRELAND Men’s Fur Coats. Ladies’ Fur Jackets. CAPERINES:-â€"P1ain and Combination effects, texy hand- some and stylish. from $3. 00 to $25 00. RUFFS:â€"â€"Long and short Rufis and Stoles, from $4.00 to $15.00. CAPS:-â€"â€"-All kinds of Fur Caps. rices from $2.00 up. REMEMBER THE PM 0E Coon and Bishop Coats. Better treat yourself to one before they go. From $20.00 to $50.00 each. We’ve sold a lot of them, but we have a splen- didlot to choose from. You couldn’t find a more useful and handsome Christmas gift. From $25.00 to $50.00. We want all kinds of produce. LAIDUW’S OLD 87AM). mm? m

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