West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Dec 1903, p. 7

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Ut‘we M'er (invdnu‘s new .ieweliez'3 Shae. L:n\\",«2"l'(mu Dmimm. Aunanmun of zmnex tn 1mm at .3 per cent. on farm. [H'HDFI ty. D Mclntvre’ s Blot-.1; mer ‘I‘wn Dur- ham. Collectiun and Agency promptly. attended to. Seauhes made at the Regis- trv Utiive. MIlSlm Fortmagsiem advgnixcmgm qs C”. ~. “Es Inn: for the {1.3t 13%“ 2011, 3 U: is '. o . 0 line each 5.:bacm. 3m inscrziunâ€"-u.i.. me. Nessxoml can: , 11.)! excccdi “" ..c :.. ‘t‘fi annum. Am- cr rzt w urns “2627:: 5w.» 2:: $5.00 . W0“ “1le pULIEShCD‘ [11.“ n)? bid anti 4"""".. "-J â€", Mingl): Tmnaxcnt not”: 219 --“ I.cst,': “ 131'1' " . “For bale,“ etcâ€"so ccmx fat :1 st inichXOC, 25 t {or each subscquent Insertion. “av THURSDAY momma: 0mm mo noose, unmu my weelé, sheuld be V b: morning. W TH! Cmtomcr. P. will be sent to any address, free of postage, for $l.00 per . . ,paytblc r x advanceâ€"$1.50 Lm“ “LE2“ if no: so pan“ 'lhc date to which cv 1'”, Mia: is fiid is dsnc':d by the number or. the. opancr di «2 minucd unm all anew ”Manama: we 0. mp. . ofzhc p upric: or. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT D ancer,Etc.. Etc. Money to Loan at reasonable rates, and 0:; terms to suit. borrower. Office. McIntyre Blnck Over the lih “k. Anadvertisemcms owcrcd bystrangcrs mus: be: puzi’. hr m advance. ' Contract fates for vent.) alscniscmcms f 1minfza'. 0:: application t_o the off cc. D vewancers, Etc. Janey to' Loan. Offices: Hunter’s New Black, opposxte the Chromcle Ofilce. . A. G. MACKAY. K. C. HIE Illlfilfllfll flflflflNIflLE er. Conveyancer, etc. Private money to loan. Old accounts and debts of all kinds collected on commission. Farms bOught and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofliceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham, Ont. Laud \ aluatur and Licensed Auction- eer tor the Lountx 01 Grey. Sales pronmtly attended to and notes cashed. D; Auctioneer fer the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. (r). Orders may be left at the Chrouicle ofiice. d eased Auctionoe'r for.t.he County of Grey. Land Valuator, 331113 of the 2nd Divxsion. Cour_t Sales 3951 a}! other matters. Pun}; tly '1'tex.ded to. nghest refere’encs rni<hed if required. _ . 1.976%wa d. _;...u:ms'r}:1:. soum'mu. EX!“ I” All advertises-.- m, to en ur: imcrtxon it? Ct: {ording facilities wetk. . m ARRISTER. SOLICITOR. I'K‘C. . W. 3. Davidson. A RRISTER. NOTARY, comm- ARRIS‘TERS. SOLICITORS, CON- 9:11: AMES CARSON, DURHAM. L10- A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, CC)_M_MISSION- OBERT BRIG H. AM . LICENSED UGH MACKAY. DURHA M. ).\'0R, G. Lefroy McCaul. Caidcr l MacKay Dunn. ll L (if: HIVP In Miscellaneous. 3211.! [)i/‘c’c'iw‘i 0:: mt Mh‘ IS PUBLISBED m. 3.1-, :\ mf A " RK, LICENSED AUC- the County 9f Grey Sales led t0. Orders may be. left tW arer,ooms McKinnons e Chronicle Oflice. 0 Is completely stocked with all NB‘JV TYPE, thus en'- fo: turning out First-class *1 Y I J- D 1' k H\'( .3 F. ' Eft‘ “\r a 3; F m 124:: than Tuaszmv H \V. F. DUXX. ht ("flavit t‘.)t'ne. {X814}. 7 . I v I) V.“ }ih?81 Durham 0R0 I? ()2' '26"! H grave that gave 1111' 11 10 1:11". ago of :111 (1111'12'oss.11:>1' uric: fell on his 0211' 111111 1 1n ' went 0: :1 woman 1111;110:11 111‘- 31311 ' 111-01111. but 1:; o proud not to 11cm] :11ft1" and 31131: 1111.41 1311120150 who vore so far be: 10: 111 1101 11::1t without such aid from hm- 1110)‘ could never have addressed 01' have :1 pproachod her. "You have come, I trust, to withdraw your prohibition? Nothing vill give me greater pleasure than to bring his majosty’s notice to one of the best sol- diers his army holds.” “Pardon me. madame; I do not come to trespass so far upon your benigni- ty.” he answered as be bent before her. "I come to express rather my regret that you should have made one single error.” Error! A haughty surprise glanced from her eyes as they swept over him. Such a word had never been used to her in the whole course of her brilliant and pampered life of sovereignty and indulgence. “One common enough, madame, in your orderâ€"the error to suppose that under the rough cloth of a private trooner’s uniform there cannot possibly .w r...» Uncanngr r. Cm 27. a. 5 an: E 2. H. cw. 32.2.». a. 1‘? ix- wind and such a smooth saw. Am! 1â€"1 am just as well how. '10 rizln with the (-33.5391er is more ouiti. than to aid;- \'.'ith the Pym-1210;. .11: the ruies of the chambroo are sv-xz-m- mm'o touiuus than the rules of :1 m :tz-z. Nature turned me out for :1 Sabin-:2 tho ugh 1': shizm spoik‘d mm for om: 1 can 112 :1}; e a gwd ('rzunx):zi:;:'ut)1‘. I sizmvizl 11m cr make: unthing also. " .-I He startvd as the recollnction u forgotten izxszflt came baa-1; m; “So best after all perhaps." he said half aloud in the solitude of the rzzizwd and abandoned nun-«11m. “Ho (-ttrznv. WP}! come to shipwreck with Stu-h :1 1":1 r '. ind and such a smooth 2:93. And And he let his sword drop back 32:7? into the scabbard and quarrvlwi 2 more with fax. A Positive .ssurance of a has or Your Money Rafa :2 dm‘ .- He stood hearkening to the familiar music until it had died away. spiritvd. yet still lingering: . full of tire. m fai- ing softly down the wind. He {is tened till the last echo consul. 'I" m: he tore the paper that he livid in s.:3 . and let it float av-rufr. drifting down iiu- yellow current of the ready river (11".!2 nel. (m the autimrit)‘ n 9. ...-‘.1 Au. |£.\l\ 1.0‘ - A.“ gunman-u :::L~ :(IH ' ' " O: o t'ltl't‘ UH an \...-c'.lM': from Mai; :‘vu'ms. The distant mellow ringing notes of a trumpet call floated to his ear from the town at his feet. It was sounding the return to camp. Old instinct. long habit. made him start and shake his harness together and listen. The trum- pet blast winding cheerily from afar ofl recalled him to the truth. summon- ed him sharply back from vain regrets to the facts of daily life. It awoke him as it wakes a sleeping charger it roused him as it rouses a wounded trooper. (m the authm‘ity of 1121': Lroprietors of 11. I1.\1('I'1;’> . ..l.§.?:‘:’-1ku.\ rum, m gunman-u 1;:L~ nun-.233; to he :11: 31150-111112 mm- {or a '1 ‘12»:st :11111 «11501221143 11114111}. from W1 :11; 2‘2’.".6.‘>, \m 101:; 1110011 211' :1 111:5 31-22221 1.-;):. 01 the system, 5111:}; :14: ,‘.r..2.-12:1:L.1_3|.121'11514. 1222.18 and 5111101" (Km: unzxiun, .111011, “'111'11-(fllt 139011213, 3112212.“ ;.~.~2112~-2.<. .\'vr\«u:>~m-<~z. Dyspepsia. 11 2.11;: l‘.1E}.:L;1Ii2n.. 11:2;t;.:1'z211 3101110133 [infirm-1); Mann-5. ii'vficzm. 1512211510 W. '2111111055. 31.11 11'1v22.21..1.u1.. 1112;:1:-~i)2..‘ of Spirits, 11:1}:1 \‘ ca 10105:. .St \1 1.115 Dance, Pimu Em 1111(1 Eruptiw:~. :10.“ of \lta l lowc {1.2.1 (30".(21'111 D01 $11521 1.12. 11:11'120’3 " 911“) - 12.011 Pills cnnr 11 tho 911221;..3tzmc up 1.; mums and invigorate t 1 32:0 122111110 system. pruducing 1n sickly. ‘d'vdkh' men anu112221111e11 that strong, \ 32:1 mus. 1190.1 tln 19211 11;; that. makes life: K W01 1x13 _ JOHN A. DARLING CHEMISTiâ€" AND ‘â€" DRUGGIST DURHAM. ONT. x.) l; A GUARANTEE T0 CURE. his ‘ mar-chase. frum us 6 boxes of Dr. K 1’ ‘v'x-ry-Imn Pins, paying for them With "W'PE'j‘ such purchase we giv-c ' 'r'~.--<itiw written glmmntc-e fruit ii i.‘.f.:-.~: 3 hoxes of the Fills. acmr-E. > «inn-ctf-z‘nga you find you have dz.- m imzefit fzu-rn their use, you can , the» 3 empty boxes, together with :wzngmnm’; ones and get your money 3 .6 single box the Pills are . your :l't raced to take our word as iéls can accomplish. Try ' they don’t do you good. [110129 int lii( back. 'Isn’ti‘phat n- 0 AH 11 1 ho mo: in your treatment of it as an affront that I was without warrant to offer you. you showed the just indigna- tion of a soldier, andâ€"of what I am very sure that you ar%a gentleman.” He bowed low before her. “Madame, you have made me the debtor of my enemy‘s outrage. Those words from you are more than sum- cient compensation for it.” 112217.114; :ztxal :llmest chill i: uglier o." her [3:341:23] lilililllt“2‘. “Believe me. 1 regret (leeplr that you should have been wounded by this most course. imlignitg.. l gzziex'e sili- eerely that through myself in may way it should have been brought upon you. As for the perpetrator of it. (‘olonel Chateauroy will be received here no more, and it shall be my care that he learns not only how I resent this un- DRI'dODflLKU use of my name. but how I esteem his cruel outrage to a de- fender of his own flag. You did ex- ceedingly well and wisely to acquaint fore '2” He paused a moment. “Why, at first I scarcely know. We are antagonistic, I suppose.’ “A poor one. I fear. Your colonel is your enemy. then? And where- “But {3 it dsual for officers of his high grade to show such malice to thexr soldiers?" “Most unusual. In this service espe- cially so, although oflicers rising from the ranks themselves are more apt to contract prejudices and ill feeling against as they are to feel favoritism to their men than when they enter the regiment in a superior grade at once. Since I am here, madame, let me thank you, in the army’s name, for your in- finite goodness in acting so munificent- 1y on my slight hint. Your generosity has made many happy hearts in the hospital.” “Possibly not. Mine was the folly to dream that you would ever do so. I should not have intruded on you now but for this roason: The humiliation you were pleased to pass on me I could ueithor lvfllsv nor resent to the duller of it. Had I done so mun who are only too loyal to me would have resent- ed with me and been thrashed or boon shot :13 11:13'111ont. I was mmpollrd to {1121212112 it and to wait until 1 could re- t2:::2 ' (22:2 gilt to you. I have no right to oomph-23:1 that 30u pained me with it sinrv (11112 who occupies; my position 02.22.2211. l 1222229121110. to consider remem- l1:2::12(2<2. own by; an outrage. 2111 honor (11:1:2- to 113221 113: the Princess Corona. " A‘s l12 3:211 tho last words he 122111 on 11:22 “12:32.2 2.11:2: stood near him tlw gold of <‘Iz:1t<.222.:° (13.5: insult. She 11:11] lis- 12.2. 2‘: 4l 2.127.; :1 lztwildorod wonder. huh! i2; (hm-k l:;.2 1111» 1::211gl1tior 32111122512 of (.1'3'12;1:-2:= 11.272: :1 111311 in this 3.3221111! should 251211122212 thus to address. 111122: to ur- '.:T;;;; 11:31". As 212.2 laid the 3:21.333121-223 «2.32%: 12112-21 11012 table :1- 5139:: 01 the 11:31: (2:111:12 to 111212 11:12:12.2 22-:121122121: of what 3:012 oom- plniu of. I 91211: you no monrjs. '2.‘.'l::1z “I do not comprehend you." She spoke very coldiy. She repented pro- foundly her concvssion in admitting a Chasseur d’Afrique to her presence. . “Generosity! Oh, do not call it by any such name! What did it cost me? We are terribly selfish here. I am in- debted to you that for once you made me remember those Who suffered.” He obeyed and told to her the story of the emir' and of the Pearl of the Des. ert, and Venetia Corona listened, as ‘she had listened to him throughout, be such aristocratic monopolies as nerves to wound." She spoke with a certain impulse of candor and of self accusation that broke with great sweetness the some- what careless coldness bf her general manner. It was like a gleam of light that showed all the depth and the warmth that in truth lay beneath that imperious languor of habit. It broke further the ice of distance that severed the grande dame from the cavalry sol- dier. He wholly forgot their respec- tive stations. He only remembered that for the first time for so many years he had the charm of converse with 0. W0- man of high breeding. of inexpressible beauty and of keen and delicate intui- tion. He wholly forgot how time pass- ed, and she did not seek to remind him. Indeed she but little noted it herself. “You seem to be aware of some mo- tive for your commandant’s dislike?” she asked him. “Tell me to What you attribute it?” At last the conversation turned back to his chief. 2 WC 1111 ix1m]y."sho askvd him. up 11mm whore .9110 imam} 111:» MW couch into “1105013031111 $181": :11; 110 had Spokm «21.5 12:1 5 -111d 1110 111mm. «11:11 as 1 £11 1110 (3111159. <1‘1"'i(-“.’" 11:45:: not. ‘ .xitcr “11:15'011 :=:1‘r‘. :1? «1:330 I Kiu‘uild have :1':-:1:‘1-:'13' Y O {119' SO I f'.;f'::::';i. inf: ::i 22:1 1111.11'11111111'11 11\111i- . .. 1 .. n. Tl . . (NYE. 1:1'1'1'11‘11: 1111111 salt {lull'u‘ l" i 111 4!" "".‘ " .'"':\ I. 00 ' 1 ;‘ . 1. 1.‘_..T. 1.(‘ 3.1..1'1l‘d lli'l . ii! 1::lx'r- ‘ ‘ 3 ~ .0 ‘ 1- n s‘ c ..... . . cv est -1 -r. f. 111‘ 212111111211 1101' >3 ”111.1111; 11ml 3321' '~‘.'<1:‘.1.1‘!'112<Elle111‘11(11'111'1'11VJII w: rid had MEI-ed 1:1 <1-l1 :1111115111 them (iv-Spite the pride which made her i211- pan-:11. (11' lvz‘dixu: :40 111111111 illlt‘llllull 111 :1 were ('I;:1.~I.<e'111‘ d'Ai'riqUe. .She dise-wered the 1111;: of true geld in his 1.111115 and the (-1111'iage (11' pure breed- ing: in his actions. He interested her more than it pleaseds her that he should. A. 1111111 so utterly beneath her. dummiess hreaght into the grade to which he had fallen by every {ind of error. of i:11p.'m'idenee. of folly. of p10hahly worse th :121 1011?! She laugh- ed a little at he1::elf as she stretched out her hand for a new volume of French poems dedicated to her by their aeeonnflished writer. who was a Pari- sian diplonmtist. “One would imagine I was just out of a convent and weaving a 122m wious miuziuco from :1 mystm'y because the first. soldier 1 notice in .\.l.;:v1'i:1 has a gomlonmn's \'Oi“0 and is ill treated by his officers.” SIH‘ 111012 :lit. with :i smilv. “Such a man as that buried in the ranks of this brutalized army!" she mused. “What fatal chance could luring him here? Misfortune, not miscon- duct. surely. I wonder if Lyon could learn? He shall try.” “Indeed! I saw him as he passed out, and he saluted me as if he had been a marshal. Why did he come?” with an interest that sne rarely vouch- safed to the recitals and the witticisms of her own circle. _ “Ah! The man has been a gentle- man. I dare say. So many of them come to our army. I remember Gener a1 \‘illelleur’s telling meâ€"he command ed here awhileâ€"that the ranks of the Zophyrs and zouaves were full of well horn men. utterly good for nothing, the handsomest scouudrels possible, who had every gift and every grace and yet come to no better end than a pistol shot in a ditch or a mortal thrust from Bedouin steel. I dare say your corpo- ral is one of them.” “No one has ever heard it.” he an- swered her, while his voice sank low. “I will trust you with it. It will not pass elsewhere. I told him enough of -â€"of my own past life to show him that I knew what his had been and that I knew. moreover. though they were dead to me now, men in that greater world of EurOpe who would believe my statement if I wrote them this outrage on the emir and would avenge it for the reputation of the em- pire. and unless he released the emir's wife I swore to him that. I would so write. though he had we shot on the morro and he knew I should keep my word.” "Your chasscur has the air of a prince, my love.” said a voice behind her. “Equivocal compliment! A much better air than most princes." said Mme. Corona. glancing up. with a slight shrug of her shoulders. :13 her guest and traveling companion. the Marquise do Reunrdiere, entered. \‘cnetia Corona pointed to the napo- leons and told the story rather listless- ]; and briefly. “This barbarian is your chief?" she said as the tale closed. “His enmity is your honor. I can well credit that he will never pardon your having stood between him and his crime. But I have not beard one thing. What ar- gument did you use to obtain her re- lease?” “I 0:222 .2222 . 2222222322222 “£22221 \\'2 y“: “2322222212322 I am 22222.22 1222M 222222 it 122 2 22:2 12's to 1‘2211222221152222'1 11:22 I 2- "You :pz-nk 5221222; life 12:2v :1 1'051111'2‘2'L‘; “.\22\'2‘22'. 2222221: .22 3221: l2:2\'22 ;.;'Z\'2'n it"o \s'ill 22:2\'22 222.2 “2.22222 “It may be so. But this person is certainly unlike a man to Whom dis- grace has ever attached. Through his skill at sculpture and my notice of it considerable indignity has been brought upon him, and a soldier can feel, it seems, though it is very absurd that he should. That is all my concern with the matter, except that I have to teach his commander not to play with my name in his barrack yard.” Slit-V115 siient some moments. Joel'- iug on him vizh a musing graze in which some pity and more honor for him Won"1111‘221'1111'1 “You 11:711 him \ ur p;1st..'\'ill you C1)111':1*~:< it I ) 1121‘?" I}! A Form-t Society. M:zbolâ€"~.\ lot of usgirls have estab- lished a secret society, Jack. J ackâ€"What are the objects of it? Mabelâ€"Why, we meet together and tell secrets, of course. - 51 (:‘iz'o to ism 1011 VUl‘dllI l“ ‘ ‘7 'H [TO BE CONTINUED.) L am dmd. baron 11:90 in ym' :vmzm': name h'tiz-I' m 1210 ' that I v\.'1i.v'l.' he 1:; :1 t: timer himsolf. .::1’ 111‘ W111 1)(-:':':tuz.~;lu gran. '1‘1‘72115’ of mar future. ; (l ri new-22nd with 113:: cap as film plumvd 11:21: 01" a (-Eiml slowly fawn] 1102‘ Lad :11: my :1 t‘inta- 10113;: 2'; cf :1 tlm'n.::‘:'nrnn. is vyos caught the ar- m'y (4105's :11'21. Tht‘y gz’nw ' m1 had not Loon (1(11 .‘s [21' (.\":'t1d for 501.. .umr. ll 01 it." :ro‘.<"11 110110.. 1113631110. ' 52:11 is to 111111111 -1:11:1110:1 1:1“1; 1,12; -:'( 1n )1! (‘\'i '1' ‘01}(1011111 yours-w} it my brothm":s 41:20.30? lzilzxsvl“. 9" 1121 :11!) I t. Emur Vâ€"_â€"_-__ a-I~-l v-u. 01;} New Method Treatment will purify. the blood. heal up the sores. remove all pains: the hair wm grow infigam. all organs will be restored to their normal copditmn. and the patzent prepared to renew the duties and pleasures of lee. We guarantee marrmge possible with absolute safety. VLI For over thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. . Our New Method Treatment is original with ourselves. and never fails to eradicate the. poison from the system. Beware of mercury and other mineral poisons. which so many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease. as they will ruin the system, Other treatments drive the poison into the system. whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or pmson in the blood and removes it from the system entirely. so the symptoms can never return. If you have any or the following symptoms consult us before it is too late: Blotches. eruptions or pimples; falling out of the .hair. itchiness of the skin. stiffness or pains in the jomts. soreness in the muscles. sore throat, ulcers or bad taste in the mouth. sore tongue. sourness of the stomach. enlarged _glands._ _ ru_nr_i_in g _ sores. 7 etc. 2“ ______.fla_ 1‘, Q C Q a _ THE PEOPLE SAY NEE: GOODS ARRIYING DAILY Also a. full line of Crockery and Glassware always on hand. COme in and inspect it. A fresh loi of groceries alwc *s on hand. : : McKechnies are Always Busy : : cums emamawan «an no PAY GRANBY RUBBERS We now have about thiltyc cases of H: ”I on hand. , They are the best. THE POPULAR ’MSH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. i"‘-:. 11"“ m5; uur 1V CW M 0" 110d No matter who has of C1 413,0. Cl urges +VQ" tt' 1‘ '1 ‘roatmont {-1 ted you. usonable. *5: 04(1' Opposite Midas. HH WORKS. “IQ'P 'Q.‘ _ ._-v.mm

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