West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Dec 1903, p. 8

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7“ ll. a» . Ker ’VO‘I. Tun? .,-U1. .5? ”fig EALEX. RUSSELL g“ D0 Yeur Xmas. % Shopping NOW #4? . n-fi m- «If»! Boots and Shoes. Fres’n Groceries Mways on Hand. .. Hunter Block. Opp. Chronicle Office. .rcqrchTHLbeLsKrc chL“- .rHr, vHanHan Not a hit too soon to do your Xmas shopping. We would advice you not to put it. off until the very last minute Those who take advantage of early Xmas ShOppingâ€"~-will have first choice of our com- plete stock. They will also be able to make their selections with more comfort by avoiding the rush of the “ eleventh hour ” contingent. Our goods are all newâ€"â€"and of course of the up-to-date kind. The last few weeks have been recordbreakers with us. Crowds visited our store and secured bargains that will bring them back again. Once a customerâ€" always a customer. Isn’t that it? That is many a person’s experience with ordinary wool Underwearâ€"to have them shrink and shrink until it is impossible to get into them without strangulation. There is a way to avoid this un- pleasant experience by going to "Burnett’s” for your Underwearâ€"the kind that don’t shrink or irritiate you. Our Underwear sell on sightâ€"as a consequence our stock which was big when we 'Opened out here is fast disappearing. But still there’s more to follow. We have all sizes and prices in both heavy and light weights. Don’t shiver when you can buy Underwear here. Ready-Made Clothing. V .. . - a ‘ l , _ FAHQrHrHNchFCUTB VChcirf Groceries. ‘Clu‘ 'I‘ "II. for Jr,fiWrer. ‘0‘ "l|.I.l| ’A‘ ‘ 4 [5‘ 4m? The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilcox. wes't back line. was the scene of a happy event on VVednes- day evening of last week when in the presence of a large number of invit- ed guests their second daughter, Ella. was united in marriage to Mr. George W. Alton. of Markdale. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ivison Wilson, B. D.. of this place, and the bride was attended by her Sister. Miss Annie Wilcox, and the groom was supported by his brother, L__2J-_._-:.J 1 g‘vv... vvwvâ€"vvrr- , M. Alton. The bride arid bridesmaid lace. The bride’s travelling suit. was navy blue broadcloth with stylish hat to match. After the ceremony and usual congratulations to the happy couple a choice wedding sup he At the annual election of officers last Week of the Grey County Old Boys’ Association in 'l‘oronto we now-2e Flesherton and vicinity old boys wvre much in demand the fol- louing being among: the elected : Dr. R. H. Henderson and Thorpe Wright, honorary presidents; J. W. Arm- Strong, vice president; C. W. Chad wick, recording secretary and Harry Hooper financial secretary. We con- grmuiate our old boys on being in such favor among their fellows and we graciously acknowledge the hon- or that comes to us through them. Murkdrle is also to be congratulated on its worthy representative in the person of Mr. W. J. McFarland, hou~ ovary president, and likewise our esteemed neighbor, Feversham. the energetic and popular young prusid~ out, Ur. Edgar W. Paul. J08. Crow. dt‘ivm' of the Patterson bus. “'18 before Magistrate Van Dus- en last week changed by Mr. W. Trimble with having: used abusive and insulting languagv. In answer to the charge Crow Said he Was drunk and did not remember anything he said. The magistrate} gave him some Wholesome advice for his; future con- duct and fined him SSMO and costs, in ail $11.66, which he paid. Some weeks ago while speaking on military matters in the House of Commons Mr M. Ii. Rielmrclson. Li. R. referred to the large sums of money that were being expended on drill halls and armories in the cities while the drill sheds throughout the'l country built thirty or more yearsi ago were being; allowed to go to ruin. He instanced the one here Stating that again and again the officers of the district had made appeals for sufficient money to make the much needed repairs. but Without success. Seeing these conditions the young men of the country said Mr. Richard- son must be impressed with the] thought that the government have1 but little interest in the rural corps Mr. Richardson was pleased to learn that the Minister of Militia would give this matter his attention. On i Wednesday of last week Colonel Gal. lloway of Toronto inSpected the ar- lmoury and drill shed here and for the needed repairs got estimates from some of our mechanics which he has submitted to the department of Militia. On Saturday last sudden and sore bereavement befell the home of Mrs. Mary Jamicson, widow of the late James Jamieson, 8 con. Artemesia, when her second son. William John, aged 17 years. died unexpemedly af- ter but a. few days’ illness with in- flammatory rheumatism. Interment took place on Monday at Salem cem- etery where the deceased’s father was laid nearly two and a half years ago. Rev. W. Sinclair, of Eugenia. conducted the burial services. Many friends .sincerely sympathize with Mrs. Jamieson and family in their renewed sorrow. Mr. John Flynn, an old resident, is at the time of writing (Monday even- ing) very low, not expected to revive many hours. Evangelist Kennedy arrived from Prescott on Saturday and commenced his special work in the Methodist church here with two earnestly de- livered sermons on Sunday. In ad- dition to the evening meetings there will be services on the afternoon of Tuesday and Friday each week. Rev. L. W. Thom exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Peter Fleming, of Maxwell, on Sunday and by order of Presbytery declared the pulpits of that charge vacant. ' Mr. Fleming having resigned to accept. a call to Minto, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell visited the latter’s parents at Feversham on Sunday. Mr. J. P. Bunt. of Hanover, spent from Saturday till Monday with his brother W. H. here. Dr. and Mrs. Murray visited friends at Feversham on Monday. The Dr. is investing in a. driving outfit. which will doubtless be much enjoyed by himself and family. Mr. T. Bnlmer returned from an extended stay with friends at Sing-5 hemptop. Mr. Lew. Karstadt and bride, of Moorfield, on their wedding tour made a short visit at the home of the farmer’s .brother here iastweek and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Karstadt to Elmwood on Saturday. {i1 Millinery '. . Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime, just one. SATURDAY ‘ A V BARGAINS W: Age [’8 WWII” HIS WEEK we are showing: the greatest bargains in HATS. We have just opened out over fifty hats-«new from the wholesale. We bought these hats cheapâ€"and we are going: to sell them at a great bargain on Saturday. We will show some of these hats in the window. All shades of Neck Ribbmm and Fancy Collars and Belts. Ribbons. Collars. Baits" Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Speniai Bargaias Every Sammy McIntyre Block. “ I have used Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in my familv for eight years. There is nothing e up! to it for coughs and colds. especxall for c - dren."-â€"Mns. W. H. Damian, She by, Ala. 2310... $300, 81”?) f i. O. #IYEFMCO" 1 « ruggis s. owe . ass. W or l LIV IS man.» than busy doctor’s medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. Bronzed and hem (y with 1'1: three months out, \V (33c, Mr. 'ihos. Jack arrived home. on Semsrduy evening. BMW is general rejoicing in the home and neighborhood. Uulmly and peacefully, after an ill~ ness of seven months, Mr. Robt. Jardme passed away 1 t, the noonvtide hour on Monday of last. week. The deeraased v. as born in Dumfries Scot- land on Anger-.2 the lirh. 161‘.) andI was thus over Hal years of age lnl! 1851-7 he came out to Canada and for" several years lived in Nassa, where he wedded, Miss Ann Potrie who; died 17 years ago. To them were' born {our children. one being laid 10‘ rest in 1869, the rimaining ones are‘ John, supposed to be in British Columbia, Miss Janet in 'l‘oronto and Miss Annie, who has so. devotedly nursed him through the tedious months. 'With Spartan courage, she has tended to him and helped tc‘ run the farm as well; but Miss Lizzie Firth has stayed with her thrOUgh it all and proved the true and faiihiul friend. The neighbors have proved . most kind and helpful; but Mr. Chas. l Arnott, wife and family deserve special notice. in politics. Mr. Jar-. dine was in early years a Reformer; l but for some years he was an out and ion: Independent and an ardent ad- mirer of the Toronto Sun. Though n0t closely identified with any church, yet, was he a true believerl and we have seldom seen such trust-' ing faith. Most thankful for God’s mercies here. yet, he longed to pass over to the other side. Kind, Oblig- ing, industrious honeSt to the heart’s core, he wasa true neighbor during his 43 years of residence in the neigh- borhood. The funeral took place on Wednesday and was largely attended, ' Rev. Wray R. Smith conducting the service, eloquently and impressively. L Messrs. John McArthur, Donald Mo. l Gillvary,George Blair, Thos. Cook. 3 John McNally and James Nelson were pall-bearers and as they lower- - ed the handsome coflin into the white | lined ever-green decked grave, many E thought of the kind life and the sym- pathetic heart of the departed. That is four of our pioneers, living within a mile of Zion, who have been laid to rest during a year. The sympathy of the neighborhood goes out to Miss Annie ingthese her hours of bereave- " Fur-"ml ment. Lats Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 303., Elm, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. Specialist. Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose ,_ ____â€"- â€" BADULATE -of London, New York and Chicago. . _ Diseases of Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at} Knapp House; Durham. the 2nd Saturday m each month. Hoursâ€"1545 pan. Will be msLuannwuflufifugflugnvdnfipnfllfiwflfiu N . vibrrfuh.’ Gyro... Cherry .3‘ectoral MESS DEQK EXCLUSIVELY at the Middaugh House let Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Traverston. DR. EH]. 8. BURT. DR. BROWN . C. P., 'LONDON, ENG. Durham. ()nt Compare These: 71km. Al Cooking: 9"igs for ......... 3 lbs Best Clean». Currants for. . .. 3 lbs. Best Raisim for ............ ‘2 lbs Seeded Rais}. .5 for .......... . 6 burs Comfort So; 9 for .......... . 6 lbs. Best. Rice for ................ 6 lbs. Best Tapioca for ............ 6 lbs Best. Sago for ............... 3 lbs. Valencia Seedless Raisins for 3 lbs. Icing Sogar for ............ . .3 lbs. Royal Mixed Candy for . . . . . Peanuts. per 1b .............. 15c Walnuts, per 1b .............. 150 Crose Blackwell’s Peels . . . . London Lemon Peel. per 1b. London Orange Peel, per lb 5 lbs Nice Clean Candy for Also many other such snaps in Groceries. Buttei, Eggs, Pun 0- 00. 06. .6. 90 ofiVoaG. CA“ 0 1“ It ‘ .u 1... I! 1! cflvfiu§rla§fl¢ $4 $4 $4 $11 0‘? $4 (11‘ é)â€" R? They must be Willing to save from “4.25 to $1.50, and range from four to sixteen years of age, wear suits from size ‘31 to 33. We have Sixty Boys’ Suits to clear, and have marked them down below cost. Note the following : Also 1 size, each, Call in and see the bargains offered in Clothing and Furnishings. ~ THE CLOTHIEB. DON'T FORGET we, Barry THINKS, and each, size 25. 27 and 28 at each, size 26, 27 and 28,5115. each, size 24 and 25, as. size 26 at ................ size 23. at..... ........... Suit... Also Shelled Walnuts and Almonds. 3=Piece Suits CHEAPER GOODS = Then we have these in the WE MEAN our prices with the lowest in town or neighboring towns. The quality of the goods cannot be excelled, but still we have the cheaper googs if you want ’em. size O‘o‘ 'J" o o 33.. 231.. 31.. 31.. 0‘ O ’uy, Biied App for for for for for for for .for .for .for .for .for .for .for .for ’Phone 27. «0F $1 .6. . « Quafiuvc 4 $41. wfiu. «Wm mva/W >06 ' $4.27) 0) â€"’ 0.13) 2.50 .08?80(T.(Lâ€"00¢(« OUMOVHNUMOG..C.UL(. C.OC.C.OC.OOC.O Almonds, per lb .............. 150 Filberts, per 11) ............... 150 es Feathels Wanted. Suit....size 2=Piece Suits ......... 90c per 1b. for for {or for for for for for ,for for . for .for .for .for . for . for L. 7.) 2.00 120. 25c

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