West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jan 1907, p. 1

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'BY the 'death of Mrs. Andrew Liv- _ ifigston on the L’S‘Lh of Dean, another of the old pioneers has pusSed away, «4‘ death being due to at \\ ca}; heart aftex ' aseVexe attack of let "tipzw. l‘he de- 088581 was boxn July 1th, 153), in the .Counjty of Y0: k whew North Toronto -_now stands. About fifty yea-us ago she came to Bentinck with her par- - AN interesting budget has just reached as from the House of Refuge _ at Markdale, But not in time for this "' issue which should have been off~ the . press before now, Thursday morning. . The racy writer is Mia Fred Gee, a 5.. _ gentleman who has evidently _seen ‘ _ better days. He tells us that paralysis ,_i.’"forces him to use his left hand in writ- ing and that he hasn’t used a pen and w“; ink £01- 'years. He is an old army man "but we have fox-gotten the position he ’ ‘held'and when and where he wasen: ' W , gaged. He states his position in short- hand as newspaper correspondent, D'House of Refuge. Hope to hear from .' 7' him frequently. WHAT’S the matter with Laidlaw ? The boy didn’t get round to collect his telephone accounts till we 3rd of J an. He 5 usklly the t caller on the first of each mthb. everybody wexe as " prompt as Mr. Laidlaw in collecting trouble saved, and business w ouldn’ t :s'ufier much'by it either. I - year 1832 she married he: first, bus- (and. Mr. Christopher Mills, \\ ho died , in 1871. The children of this union .. now living are Mr. \V. D. Mills, Dur- gm and Mrs. Henry Muir, Hanover. 1'. .» Mr. Andrew Livingston, who pre. . .. her" about five years ago. . children of this second marriage . MThomas of Durham-FranLA ofl ‘ead. mg to a. weak heart . 5. vingsmn has for anumber of PI ' been almost an invalid. As a hearted, motherly woman she ’ I. 8 unsurpassed. An example of this 53833 the. three families. consisting of .. 12 children, growing up together under ' kilo: are and guidance to manhood and ! ants, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLaungin, and settled on _the old homestead near flan Park, gut-ham Road. In the’ in: towns and the London Harpers ._ will furnish the music. son; Deputy Master, ‘Vm. Leggette; Chaplain, Thos. Davis; Rec.-Sec., W. J, Ritchie, Edge Hill; Fin.-Sec., Ed. Kress; Treas., John Williams; D. of 0., Sam Jaques; Lecturer, William Ritchie: Committee. ‘John -Ea.rvey, In... “(DA V 6,, Geor‘e Moore, Chas. Ritchie, Thomas Smith, W. J. Ritchie, Durham. THE annual meeting of the Durham District L. O. L. will be held in Cal- 'der’s hall on Tuesday the 8th day of January, 1907, at 2 o’clock p. 11). Also on the 14th at 8 o’clock p. m. in the some place the Scarlet Chapter will be opened. ' The election of officers and other business. will take place at both; these meetings. A-large attendance ‘ is-requested.â€"J.. W. Blyth, District Master., ~ THERE are twelve “ perspiring” for Municipal honors in Durham. two for Mayor, two for Reeve and eight for the Council. ‘ Four of them will cool ofi after Monday night, but we 'hope they’ll not: take a chill. ' 1 l l . A 3mm. of the Oddfellows were at Mt. Forest New Year’s night to vis- it the brethren there and see ho‘w Bro. DID you hear anybody say “ The same to you and many of them.” Warn: 1”? now. g‘:N EWS , AROUND TOWN surpassed. An example of this! ham, é acre 1°" $°°d 119%. ‘ bank aim-ea families, consisting of‘ stable, a. few bearing-fnlitjrees, good [reggmwingnp together under'wen‘, A1803 Park lptcontgining six 6 and guidanqetomanhood and I acres, 8004 property t0 build on.- C. Jackoon, D. D. G. M., would do and Benedicts of N0. 2077. Thursday, January IOF-Ih Baptist Church, subject. “Missions," speaker Rev. A. A,_Bice. ‘ Friday’ January ll-In' Methodist; Church,” subject, “Revival,” . Revs: Newton, Farquharson Bicp and Calling. . - Monday, J an. 7â€"1!) the Methodist Church, Rev. ‘V5 L, Newton being Q19 speaker, subject “ The Church.” Tueéday, Jan. éâ€"In Presbyterian ,ChLix-ch. subject “ The Spirit,” speaker Rev. '1‘. Coiling. ' . \Vednesday, J an. 9â€"Church of Eng-" land, Rev. W. Farquharson, speaker, subject “The Home and Cou‘ntry.” ° .Prayer services will be held in the town churches each evening next week as follow" :â€" 3 THE Baptists of Priceville gave a tea-meetingon New Year’s Eve which E was a grand success financially, social- t ly and otherwise. Their pastor, the Rev. Mr. Kipp, who has lately come on the field, is stirring his flock as never before, and future prospects seem bright for pastor and congrega- ; tion. One would think that the Bap-J tists of the pretty little village to the ’ east of us were not very sociable ' as it is quite a number of years since they had a tea-meeting of this kind, but judging from the good natured people of the congregation and their friends it is an assured fact that there will be more to follow. The choirs of the Durham and Flesherton Baptist churches were on hand and gave a good account of themselves. 'lhe choir from here had quite a time reaching their destination as the roads were quite bare in places, but having Mr. Allan Bellas chaperon Priceville served‘in the church and was pro- nounced fit for King or Q‘ueen. ' A program was rendered consisting of music by the choirs, recitations, club swinging and , shdrt addresses. the speakers being- Revs. Roach and Math- eson, Priceviile‘, Thom, Flesherton, I and Newton, of Durham. \Ve learned that the men of the cloth made short, pithy addresses, and all were real anx- ious for a job in the matrlmonial line, all'of them offering special induce- ! ments. Mr. Kipp was chairman, and everything was “Kipped ” just right. Mr. Allan Bell was also. one of the 1 speakers and seemed quite at home, i even ‘ with preachers. Proceeds i amounted to nearly thirty .dollars. . An°anniversary sermon was preached- J by-the pastor Sdnday afternoon. '.‘ Good lobation in the A QUIET but beautiful marriage was solemnized on W'ednesda'y afternoon at the home of Mr. A. Milne, Louise, when his daughter, Aggie L., became the wife of Mr. Thos. A. Boyle, ‘of Davidson, Sask., fermerly of Bentinck. Rev. Alexander M. Leslie. M. A., offi- ciated. The bride looked beautiful in a‘handsome gown of cream Silk and carried a shower bouquet of bride? roses .and lily of the valley. The , house and tables were beautifully dec- orated with holly and Chinese prim- roses. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to a large number of friends and relatives M r. and Mrs. Boyle leave soon to make their home in Saskatchewan. evening, January 8,1907. Visitor; welcomeh W. E. Brooker, W. M; Jas. R. Gun, Sec’ y. REGULAR theeting of Durham Lodge No. 306 A. F. A. M. on Tuesday evening, January 8, 1907. Visitors A. H. JACKSON, ~District Deputy Grand Master I. O. O. F. will install the officers at Grey Lodge No. 169 on Monday the 7th inst. All Odd Fellows welcome. rm Property for sale. WEEK OF PRAYER SEE of A HAPPY NEW; YEAR We Wish you one and all . . 'â€"'â€"-â€" ‘ 1 . InVWhat‘you 'want when sickness happens at. night Can you possibly find the equal of Nenviline? No for it stands unequalled in curing pain iniernaL op glocalg Earacbe, toothd ache, and neuralgia. disappear in a- jifiy.‘ 'Rub it on angi aWay flies the1 main. For cramps. vomiting or in- digestion, all you need is ten drops in pweerened’water. Sick or well you’ll find Polson’s Nervili‘ue inval- unbleih your house. Get; a large bowie to day. The Independent Order of Forestexs will hold their annual oyster supper in Calder’s Hall on Tuesday evening the fifteenth day of January inst. The members and friends are cordially in- vitedto be present. Bro. F. S. Mearus, Past High Chief Ranger, of Central Ontario, Bro. Geo. A.-Mitchell, Super- intendent of Field Work. and other prominent members will be in atten- dance and give short addresses . WM. J onxSTox, R. S. ' .Cenrt Durham No. 111. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean. of near Priceville. and Misses Kate and Marie McArthur, of Owen Sound and Dun- dalk, respectively, spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall. Mr. Thos. J. Watson of Toronto, has been visiting friends in town and vicinity during the holidays. ‘Ve .Were pleased to have a call from him iVVednesday. He never lets his paper get behind. Rev. C. S. G. Boone, at one time pastor of the Baptist church here, but more recently of Eighteenth Avenue Baptist church, Detroit, has been call- ed to the pastorate of Clinton Avenue Baptist church, of that city and enter- ed upon his new work the beginning of the year. Miss Mary Vollet of Hamilton, vis- ited hex parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vollet over the hglidays. Mr. Thos. C. Morton spent a. 'few days last week with relatives and friends in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholls of Tor- onto spent the Christmas holidays W:th E. D. McClocklin. Mr. Oscar Becker, 'of Pottstown, Pa. Win accept thanks for- remittance 'on subscription. - Miss Ifloyin Moran, left Tuésday for Stratford Where she will attend Business College. Mayor Hunter is getting in his store fittings and will be ready for business shortly. Mr. Stanley Morningstar, spent the holidays with friends 1n Detroit. ' Mr. Archie Park of Michigan, is via- iting friends in the vicinity. Mr. J. C. Capper spent the holidays at his home in Ohio. Miss Jean Br'oWn, Spent New Year’s in Mount Forest. HELP NEAR AT, HAND. . O. F. OYSTER SUPPER. DURHAM, ONE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, i. Miller, of Hanover, was PERSONAL. Group can positively bu stopped it 20 minutes. No vomitingâ€"£31m to nicken or distress your» wrist. plenum “a safe Snub 6:115: _1_V_ _. â€"'-vâ€"W, Wu “uwamlu case. Finder will be rewarded by re- turning same to this office. 1. Group can nositivalv be 5131111565. 0 . Ifl’ MONE’Y LOSTâ€"In Durham or vicini. ty, on Monday. Dec. 24th, a black leather hand bag, containing between four and five dollars, the return half of a ticket to Toronto, and also a card CUSTOM sawing at the Durham Foundry, by Robert Smith. â€"3 .TENDERS WANTEDâ€"Tenders will be received up to January 5th. ‘1907. for 20 cords ot sound body hard wood, 24 inches long. Geo. Aljoe, Secy-Treas. LOSTâ€"BetWeen here and Livings- ton’ 3 corner, a. black floor mat With White strip 111 it, used by undertaker-s. 'Flfder Will oblige by leaving it With Edward Kress, Durham. .~ ! SAWS gummed . at the Durham Foundry. MONEY FOUND.â€"-5A gold coin, by Mr. S. Scott, merchant; Owner will re- ceive same by proving property and paying expenses. 500 CORDS lath timbét wanted. ROBERT SMITH, Dmham Foundry. â€"-2 FOR SALE--A good young driver. Apply to H. Burnett â€"tf. Charles Far'quharson, A‘Jmie Adams,- Lizzie Aldcorny Ruby C.‘ Berry, Edith A. Dingwall, Jean'_M. DiXon, Ethel- R. Greenwood, Lillie P. Hopkins; Mar: garet, A. Lawrence. Hattie I. Law- rence, Attinie E.,McGi1-r, Sara 8. Mc- ‘Lean, Rosette E. Morrison, LillianB. \Valker. ' were awarded Third Class Certificates: Wm. Bailey, Stanley Ferguson, Geo. A. Weir, J essie Farqnharson, MargarÂ¥ et Knox, Rita L. McComb, Sade V. Sharpe. Mary 0. Troy, Mary Wallace. ' The following passed the examina- tion and will be awarded Third Class Certificates when they have complied with the Regulations of the Education Department as wage and non-profes. sional standing :_â€"-â€" ' *-~â€" No. 359â€"The ald Orley. Durham Model Schobl Examinatjon { No. 9304Many Cargoes, W W. J acobs.~ No. 93Iâ€"The Invasion of‘lQlO, Wm. LeQuent. N o. 932â€"The Call of the 'Wild. J ack London. N o. 933â€"White Fang, Jack London. A number of subscribers Who have books out, have had them long over the time allowed. These will please take notice and return same at once. There are other subscribers waiting to read the very books you are holding} up. SOD. N o. 478â€"Builders’ ‘ Architectural Drawing, Hodgson. ’ N0. 479â€"Modern Camnonfmv Una" N‘oJl52â€"Half a Rowe, Harold Mc- Grath. ‘ No. 153'â€"-The Fighting Chance, Chzunbers. ' N 3. 143â€"Prisoners, Mary Cholmon- d‘eley. ' N o. 144â€"The Camerons of Bruce; Richardson. No. 145â€"11 Knight of the Cumber- Lland, I no. Fox Jr. No. 146â€"When it was Dark. Guy Thorne. ' No. 147â€"Follow the Gleam, J as. Hocking. ‘ No. 148â€"The Woman of Babylon, J 05. Hocking. No. 149â€"The Man Who Rose Again. J 08. Hocking. _ N o, 150â€"-I Will Repay, Baroness Orczy. , No. 151â€"B); \Vit of Woman, A. Marchmoqt. New Boo ks at the Library which will be given out Friday night next. CLASS K. No. 480â€"The Horse, Robert-s.\ CLASS E. No. 359â€"The Boy Tramps, McDon- N o. l39â€"The Doctor, Ralph Connor. No. '. 479â€"Modern Carpentry, Hodg- BUSINESS LOCALS. CLASS F. I 30â€"Many Cargoes NEW BOOKS. CLASS D. Treasure of Heaven, We will consider it a ple‘asulfie' to show you these goods, Whether' you want to buy or not. New Prints m . W8! 870 ms on TI! 3 f; . 5 808! 00 am I New Goods CASH AND ONE PRICE. New Ginghams New Whitewear . New [faces and Embroideries' FOR 1907‘ New Chambras i . New Vestings $1.00 PER YEAR.

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