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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jan 1907, p. 2

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t I i We open rmr budget bv wishing the Ed tr»? and Srafi a Merrv Xmas-E tide and a bright ard trosperous; NOW Yves“; the sad act-idea? ‘shit‘h twin]! Mrs. John Staph-Hm Saturdav afternoon hat. and came m2»;- ending fatally. Mr. and Mrs S epic-s drove to the station. the train being in at the time. and Mr. Stapies entered the in the cutter. The engine started to shunt cars. frightening the horse which ran away throwing Mrs. Staples out, injuring her so serious 1y that she was unconscious for some time She was removed to Mr. W I. McFadden’s residence. and medical aid Summoneni and at time of writ- ing she is improving as well as can be eXpected The horse was caught over town having escaped almost a. scratch. but the harness and cutter were badly wrecked Mrs. Staples. we are pleased to learn was not in- ternally injured, the injuries being on the head. hreast a We hepe to hear of her speedy re. covery. c'e had the mis- e steer recent- Mr. Wm. Jacques we learn has been thP lose Mr. Charles Ritchie‘ of a fine two u-ar old We observe Mr. Thos, north this “bile hack. 5 tions toward the Arctic Tom? Mr. Henry Hoover and son Isaac called on the Hewitt, family one evening 1228‘ week. Miss Jennie Staples of Toronto, 9 MM Monday night to her who got badly cident the Sat- arrived hon; wait on her no: hurt. in a runaway ac urday pr€\'iou:-. ’ but were callers at thei home (f 311-. and Mrs. S. R. Jackson: in the (Hen on» evening recently. } Mr. and Mrs 'Joseph Atkinson; gave the \oung people a card party} one evening; lasn week. About! twenty wwe present and 3:1 enjoyed? themsflve-s thoroughly. ‘1 Miss Annie Devi-3 of Lime-Kiln: Valley \‘isifrd the Staple: family for'; \ a. few days lately. . I ‘ ‘ Little Miss; Marjorie Ethel Hewitt of Gienroaden has been visiting her grandpa and grandma. Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt the past week. Mr. Jas. Staples was home from Grand Valley for a few days. Mr. Archie Ector and sister Miss Mr. Archie Rotor and sister Miss Maggie were visiting their Sister Mrs. John Little in Proton, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson of Toronto are spending the holidays with the Morrison families here. Miss Nellie JOpp of Moosomin, 888k., is visiting h_e_r_ grandparents Who, 13 VIDLUJHB u"â€" fiâ€"w__r.__ -_V_ 1' M . and Mrs. Jae. Edge nd other relatives in the neighborhood. She leaves this week to attend Business College in Toronto. A Two sleighloads of our young poeple numbering about thirty, drove out to Durham and were photo. graphed by Mr. Kelsey. It will be: up the picture and look over the familiar faces of old schoolmates and recall the many pleasant occasions on which we have met atogether. Darkie’s Corners. All the new equipment required by ‘ the new School Act is on hand. ready ' for the Opening of school on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Mofi'at visited the latter’s mother Mrs. Robert Ector this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dixon of Eg- remont were visiting at,Mr. Dan. Edges on Saturday last. There was considerable discussion on the New School Regulations at our Annual School meeting last week. However things went ofi very smoothly. Mr. Archie Ector was elected Trustee for the ensuing three years. -â€"-v' d Mr. Scott. of Toronto was. visiting his grandmother Mrs. C. .Williams during the holidays. n. . . A happy event took piace on Christ- mas Day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Greenwood when their second daughter Miss Nellie was united in marriage to Mr. John G. Firth second son of Mrs. D Firth. The ceremony yes performed by Rev. VVOVâ€"vâ€"J 7 __ Mr. Calling in the rpiesence of only the immediate relatives of the, con- necting parties. ‘T_he young cenple Wm. Jacques W9 have gor‘nmenced housekeeping on MLFirth’s farm adjoining his old home‘. We extend congratulations. We also congratulate Mr. Fred Staples who was married on Monday last to Miss Porter of Bentinck. They‘spem their honeymoon in Owen Edge Hill. \ Hewitt, one? and son Isaac family one es we are sorry to p loser of a fine cow never comes singly. :chie was the loser - old heifer lately. . Thos, Davis going back. some attrac- Arctic regiOLS eh uni Bible class of Dr. Sloclm’s Brut To. and Disease 003mm VJ â€"â€" â€"â€" THOSE WHO don’t know what Psychine is and what it docs are asking about it. THOSE WHO do know what Psychine is and what it does are using it. They regard it as their best physician and throat, chest, . troubles. It is a scientific prepm tion, destroying all disease germs in the blood and system. It is a wonderful tonic and system building remedy, and is a certain cure for COUGHS, Bronchial Coughs, LA GRIPPE, Chills and Fever, Colds, Diflcnlt Breathing, Pncamonia, General Weakness Bronchitis, Female Troubles. Catarrh, Pickle Appetite, Ween Voice, Hemorrhages, Sleeplessness, Night Sweats, Nervonsness, Consumption, -Al_ ($006115, LA GRIPPE. Colds, Pncamonia. Weak! Voice. b“. 'vâ€".â€". ' Plain-i3, Catarrh of the Anaemia, Stomach. All these diseases are serious in them- selves, and if not promptly cured in the earl y. stages are the certain forerunners of Consumption in its most terrible forms. Psychine conquers and cures Consump- tion, but it is much easier and safer to prevent its development by using Psy- chine. Here is a. sample of thousands of voluntary and unsolicited statements from all over Canada: iEzige Hill Sunday School met to- lgether and went 1:) a bodv to the ’ghome of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mofiab land presented her with an address i and a comfortable rocking chair as a lremembrance of her services in the l: Sunday School. Charlie made a very E suitable reply in behalf of Mrs Mofiat land the remainder of the evening lwas spent in playing different. games. _gFollowing is the address. I l MRS. C. H. Mom‘A'r, UT. '1. A. DIUUu-‘u. Minna-V‘- . Gentlemen.â€"I feel it my duty to advise you of the remarkable cm e ufl'coted by your Psychlne and Oxomulsivm. which have come under my chsonal observation. Thu-e men. well known to me. Albert Townsend, Hazel llipson and John MeKuy. all of Shelburne County. were pro- DOUHPL’d by the best rm-dival men to have consumption. and to be inmrable and beyond the reach of medical aid. Thur uwd Pwl-hineund Oxomulsion and they are now in good health. I feel it a duty I owe to sutl'oring humanity to state these facts for the benefit of other aufl'erers from this terrible disease. Yours very truly. LEANDER MCKENZIE. J.P.. Green Harbor. NS. Psychine, pronounced Si-keen. is for sale at all up-to-date dealers. If your druggist or general store cannot supnly vou, write Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto. DEAR FRIEXD,â€"-For several years prevxous to this one that is almost past you have been a faithful teacher in our Sunday School, and although some time has elapsed since you worked with us yet we wish to meet With you again in remembrance of your services. No enlogy of your teaching is necessary since all know of your un- tiring energy and enthusiasm for the Work. We regret the loss of your assistonce and co-Operation and to show you in some way that. what. you have done is appreéiated by us we ask you to accept this gift as a mark of esteem and regard. Wish- ing you agd Charlie a. very Happy New Year. Signed on behalf of your associates in the S. S. AMY I. EDGE. MAGGIE I. ECTOR. W. J. RITCHIE DAN. H. FIRTH. UNCHEOKED, â€"It Finally Strikes the Heart and Kills Its Victim. It originates in the blood and de- velops most quickly in the system of persons who are run down and lack- ing in vitality The only specific of ALL forms of Rheumatism is Fen-ozone, which is perfect. solvent for uric acid and a Splendid stimulant for the kidneys and liver. No remedy is so successful as Fer- rozone. It has never failed to cure, because it attracks the cause of the disease in the blood. It neutralizes the uric acid poisons, quickens the sluggish circulation, and relieves the system of all irritating matter. the arm 801(1 pelsons, quwxens nne . . . sluggish circulation, and relieves and m placmg all Its graduates. the system Of all irritating matter. Each student is taught separately at Every distressing symptom is cur- his own desk. Trial lessons for one ed, swollen muscles and aching _ . joints are relieved of theirpain. The week free. Vistors welcome. disease will not return if once cured W. T. CLANCY, Prin. by Ferrozone, which does its work thoroughly. Its cures are lasting. ‘3' DAY and EVENING classes. Unlike other treatments. Ferro- zone does not depress the heart or deaden the nerves. It rebuilds the system, promotes better health, as- tablishes good appetite.‘ sound sleep and freedom and aches. The perfection of all rheumatic remedies is found in Ferrozone. It is in tablet; form easy to take con- venient to carry. guaranteed to cure, and costs only 500 per box, or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggists; don’t fail to test Ferrozone. LBW refundthemonoyflfi 3‘ .L 1W. Grove’a 31mm“ on ' Rheumatism TomnBA COLDINONEDAY Eats Up Strength Racks the Joints. Prevents Sleep. from weakening pains Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag ...... Apple.~ per bag. ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack. . ’. .. Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... : Dressed Hogs per cwt ‘ Hides per lb ........ Vâ€"Maggie Derby. IVâ€"Edward Barran, Nathan Grier- son. Wilford Livingston, Gertie Cor- bent. James Coutw, Stanley Livings~ IIIâ€"Douglass Donnelly, Ruby Alexander. Blanch Wise,Allan Wise, George Reay. f , _ V'vvâ€" Sr. IIâ€"IJina Torry. Annie LaW' rence. Evelyn Coutte. Agnes McLean. John Hopkins. Jr. II;â€"John Derby, Lily Torry, Amberzine Bailey., Norman McRon- ald. Evelyn McLean. ‘ Pt. IIâ€"Ethel Derby, Freddie Cor- bett. Ella ¢Park Mary Mather, Cecil Reay James Miller, Brigham Livings- ton. Jean Miller. Eddie Lindsay, Ed- gar Lawrence. Sr. Iâ€"Maretta Park, maggie Hop- kins, Rex Lawrence, Bella Park, Maggie McRonald, Annie Reay, Ruth Miller. Jr. I-~Wi11ie Mather. margaxec Lindsay, Johl George H. Torry. 1V-~Arthur Backus. Willie McAlis- cer, Eva McAlister, \Viilie Wallace, Arthur Gadd. Sr. IIIâ€"Minnie. Keller, Mary Backus Albert Keller, Lizzie Burns‘ Jr. IIIâ€"Tommy W'allace, Myrtle Caldwell. Bert morice. Jimmy Mar shall, Dinah Thompson, Arthur morice. Sr. IIâ€"Walter McAlister, mary MCAlister, Fella. Marshall, Grace MOuntain. John Kerr, Elmer Fee. Au\' “I‘v- Geome VV ebber Henrietta Keller. Jr. IIâ€"â€"Jean Morice, Leslie morice. Annie Dean, Melville Morice. Harry Caldwell. Sr. PL. Iâ€"Arthur Mountain, John Baer. Pt. I Jr -â€"J. Burns, Andrew Mar- shall. Dawson Marshall. Lisetta Baer. Pt. I (a)â€"Maggie Petty. Average attendance, 32, M. M. Adair, Teacher. Pt. IIâ€"Mabel \Valiace. Stanley Mountain. S. S. No. 2, EGREMONT. Sr. IVâ€"Scanley Mead. Jr. IVâ€"Esther Tucker, Joseph Morrison, Archie Allan. From Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"Sarah Allan, Margaret Woods, Earl Mead, Myrtle Allan, Gertrude Pollock, Sam Morri- son, Agnes Allan, Andrew Gray, Hazel Dennett. From Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Wilfred Bar- bour, Ella Baird, Annie Ker. George McLaughlin, Willie Gray, May Allan. Bridget Woods. Pt: IIâ€"Alice Gray. Willie Finni- gan. r! Sr. Iâ€"Harold Baird; Howard Baird, James Finnigan. Jr. Iâ€"Eva McMeeken, Elsie Mc- Laughlin, Elmer McMeeken. Average attendance 27, CLARA ALJOE Teacher. Wheat .- ......... 3 1g Wheat. ..... . . ..000000 0... o... o LEADS IN BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING Business College . For which we will pay the fellow- mg prices :â€" . ‘ Elm. Ash and Basswood, $10.00 to1 $15.00. ‘ Maple, Beech and Birch, $8 to $14.1 Spruce and Belgam. $12.00. Hemlock, $10.00. 0 An extra. high price Will be paid for first class Bock Elm. ‘ .. All logs (with the exception of the Hemlock) not to be out over 14 It. |(12 ft. long preferred.) 1 ‘ 10000 Ft. Logs Wanted S. S. No. 1. NORMANBY, HONOR ROLL- DURHAM. Jan. 3. 1907 No. 3, BENTINCK. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE | .. 8to 3‘2 to 70130 40 to ....13 00 to 20 to 20 to 50 to , 50 to . ‘2 10 to 240 to . 1 25 to 6 00 to cwt. 8 50 to 9 to 90 to 29 to ..... her, Edna Reay‘ Johnnie Hopkins» 68 to$ 70! 50 '1 14 OOi 2:3 70 1 00 ‘2 30 2 45 1 2O 6 50 8 50 7O 13 To THE ELECTORS ()1? THE TOWN OF DURHAM: LADIES AND GEXTLEMEN, â€"I beg 1111sp1111tf11111' to state that 1 :1111 in the fi11111 as :1 candidate for the position of Mm (111. I1 (111 the past 11111 11:11:41 11:11 (3 11111111 :1 11111111111111 (11' the C11111111i11 :11111 (111 :1(1 11.1(‘11111t 11f (101181111112111111111 115511111 being 1111111154111 to 1111:11 (111 11111 111: 1tt1111 I 11:11 (1 (11111111111 to :111111â€"1pt :1 11(1111i11. 1111111 f111 the 1111 war: 1111', :11111 111151 1111111'i11 f11111 f1 (10 t1) gi111 11111 :1 1i11111:11 511: 11 (1. 111’ 1111111 sup- 111111.11' 1111111 111111 1 511: 111 1111 1111 111151. for ; the. i11t11111sts 11f 11111 1111111. \Vishing you a happy and prospm New Your whether L‘lCt‘tOd or not. I am yours truly, T. MORAN. To the Ratepayers of the Town of Durham. Your vote and influence is respect- fully requested for the position of Mayor of the Town of Durham for the year 1907. \Vishing you all a prosper- ous and happy New Year, I am Yours truly, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : [it] Miss Charlotte Ellis isspending a few days with friends here. Mr. R. E. Mickleboro, of Regina, arrived here on Monday and will be the guest of friends here for some time. Edgar Schlimm and family are in Hanover during the holiday season. Jno. Weddell has 561d his business here to Mr. Philip, of Balsam, who will take possession on or about. the first of March. ‘4. Mrs. Jos. Long, of the Queen City, t is the New Years guest of her par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith. I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Keith have de- ‘ cided to remove to Toronto where ‘ they will reside in future. ' Messrs]. D Main and J. Swanston were elected School Trustees to fill vacencies caused by the expiration of , the term of P. F. Thair and the res- . ignation of W. Waddell. Mr. Alex. Brown and family, of Regina, are home {or the winter. They arrived on Monday evening. Nelson Main, after an absence of some years in Saskatchewan, is home The municipal nominations for the township of Egremont, were held here on Monday. The attendance was very large in fact many could not get in the hall was so full. The meeting was of the most orderly char- ‘ acter. The present reeve, Mr. Wal-j ter Hastie, was elected by acclama- ' tion. Walter Ferguson and T. J. Gor- don, are in the field for the position of Deputy Reeve. There is a full slate for the office of councillors, Messrs. Robb, Hunter, McArthur. Lothian and Philip being the aspir- ant-s. The nomination for the oflice I of trustee for the Police village of Holstein also took place on Monday. '. Messrs. Moyerg’Morrison, Dr. Brown, Sharp and Drummie being in the field. The anniversary services of the Holstein Methodist Sunday School were held on Sabbath last. The Rev. ‘ A. D. Robb. of Elora, was the preach- er at the services throughout. On Monday eVening he delivered his lecture entitled " The Santa Fe Trail to the Golden Gate.” . ‘Mr. Robb de- scribed his trip ‘taken last summer. He passed through Chicago on the dearth of July, visited the city of 'San Francisco after the earthquake. but the vrsit to the . grand canyon of Arazon of which he ,gave a very ELECTION CA'RDS. Holstein. , ‘r \ B . .w. -..... ,. »-. -- W. CALDER. ON THIS SPACE. ‘OUS ‘3 DR!!! STEEL ROLLER Has Draught Bracket givin low down bitch and removing all neck we ght. 80nd Pressed Steel Bonds of a. special shape in bearing to cut, 5 ueal or grind. None enuine without t. 6 name “BISSELL.” nquire of your Agent; or address T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. 0N7. Write for Booklet “ E." graphic account was the feature of his lecture. He possesses remark- able descriptive ability and holds his audience throughout. Winfield Hunt has gone to Toronto for a. short visis. Mr.J Collins anfi family, of To ronto. who spent Xmas with her mother and father here, returned on Friday of last week, Principal Allan. of Durham Public School, spent \Vednesday of last week here. Miss Ella Holmes came from To- ronto on Saturday and remained till \Vednesday. Mr. Ernie Hunt is home for a short vacation. Simple Way to Overcome the Dangers of this Disagreeable Disease. Catarrh is an inflammation of the mucous membrane ofthe nose, throat and lungs, with many annoying symptoms. In this climate there are few who do not sufier from this disagreeable disease. often in a chronic and dangerous state. Fortunately within the last few‘ years, a simple and reliable treatment for catarrhal troubles has been found, â€"-Hyomei. a combinations of healing balsams, that. when breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, reaches the tiniest cells in the respiratory organs. carry- ing its healing and health-giving proprietiee to every part where the catarrhal poison is present. Used inrthis way, Hyomei kills all catarrhal germs drives the poison from the system and heals all irrita- tion that. may be present in the mucous membrane. if you have ordinary catarrhal symptoms, such as ofiensive breath, burning pains in the throat, cough, raising of mucous. difficulty in breating. sneezing, huskiness, dis- charge from the nose. drappings in. the throat. coughing spasms, etc., begin the use of Hyomei at once. The complete outfit costs but $1.00 I extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents.} We do not want anyone’s money un- less Hyomei gives relief and cure. and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. -‘ Q “- L- All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will€ send it by mail on receipt of price,‘ and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Write to- day for a symptom blank, which will be sent free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. ;When you fill in and return to us *the symptom blank, our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charge. The R. T. Booth Company, Bufialo, WHAT IS CATARRH. Of The National qutland Cement Co. Limited. Notice is hereby given that a diviâ€" dend of five per cent. on the paid up capital stock of this Company has been declared for the half year ending Slst December, 1906, and that the same Will be payable on and after Wednes- day, the 16th day of January next. The transfer books of the Company will be closed from the first to the fifteenth ofJanuary, 1907, inclusive. HALF YEARLY DIVIDEND be able to or we will ON BRUCE ST., DURHAH, NEW brick house. 30x32; 2% storeys high; double cellar, cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station. Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to \ quick purchaser The owner is going For further particulars apply tn _ WM. LEGGETTE, June 14. tt. Box 92, DURHAM. M R.. Bentinck. Buifd‘idg lot on Bruce St., Durham. Brick house on. Bruce St". Durham. Apply to Wm. Legzette, Rocky Saugeen. or John Lezate. Durham- Jan. 25, ’06 ti. Housea nd Lot For Sale ONTAINING 100 ACRES. BEING Lot. 14. Con. 4. N. D. R.. Glenelg. About. 85 acres cleared. balance in good hardwood bush. Well watered. well fenced. good frame house. bank barn an'l implo- ment‘house. Good bearing orchard. about twenty-five acres ploughed. four acres in tall wheat. Possession may be had after Mar lst. For further partxculars apply to DONALD BEATON, Prop., Jan, 20th. 1906â€"tt V about Si; miles from Durham. Good mle. Possessxon at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD. Durham Feb 22nd 1905 -â€"tf. ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham, in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu. lars applv to - A good solid brick two storeydwelling. alongside Presbyterian Manse pronerty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry. closets. cenent. floored cellar. etc. Good airx' location in good locality. Good frame stable. hard and soft. water, one acre of land. Snan fur quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to J. P. TELFORI’J, Dec. 2.â€"~tf. Vendor’s Solicitor‘ Durham. JOHN W. I\icl(1~:cux11;,0wuer, Aug. lst. ISJOG-tf. Rockv Saugeeu P. O. Being: Lots 10, 1:2. 13 and 14. Con. 2, Glen- elg, and 50 acres adjoining. 450 acres in all, four good farms. ()n the property are three good barns and an extra good brick farm bonse. contamixig seventeen rooms. Hard and soft wa er in kitchen, and an abunfidange of good running ‘spripg water 01$ :3 AND? OF_1§;~(_3_OINT. 1. vy. G. on the farms. Three good bearing orch- ards, farms in good state of cultivation, with excellent grazing lands, well timbered . convenient to church‘ close to gravel road and within four miles at village and post oflice. Will be sold in one block or in separate parcels to suit purchaser. The proprietor, George Twamley. has purchas- ed land in the West and pas decided to sell at once. Snap to quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to Aug. 4, 1906.â€"â€"6m. JJ - Eession West of the Garafraxa. Road, 111 the Township of Normanby, m the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD, Jan. 3. 1906.-â€"-tf N THE GARAFRAXA ROAD-â€" JANUARY 3, 1907 A number of improvea valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to J. P. TELPORD, 7-18-06. Solicitor for Vendor. 7-18-06. Good Farm for Sale. UL“V‘ â€"' â€" Containing 100 acres. 0n the premc ises is a brick house, fifteen rooms. heated by hot air furnace. Soft water in kitchen, never failing well of good hard water at door. GoocLbearing orchard. Barn 50x60 with stone basement. Hog pen 16x30. Nevenfailing well at barn. 85. acres clear- ed. 75 in good state of cultivation. balance new land and bush. Fenced throughout with cedar rails and wire. Convenient to Post Office, Church and School. on ieacling road between Markdale and Durham. Sold cheap to quick purchaser as proprietor is fining West shortly. Apply to Nov 13th 1906fâ€"tf. OT 21â€"IN THE SECOND Q‘ON} To cash in advance subscribers we give the Chronicle and, Toronto Daily Ma?! {or ...... . $4.50 AKA -VV Toronto Daily Mail for ...... . $4.50 “ “ Globe for ....... 4.50 H “ World for ...... 3.10 “ “ New for ....... 2.25 “ “ Star or ........ 2.25 “ Weekly Mail ......... 1.70 .. “ Globe. ...... 1.70 Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.7 5 Montreal Witness ............ 11.63 Farmers Advocate. . .......... 2.30 Weekly Sun .................. 1.75 and other papers at equally low rates. Remit by postal note. money order, express order or registered letter to The Chronicle. Durham. Ont. Park Lot For Sale. Nurmanhy Farm for Sale FARM FOR SALE. EING LOT 5, CON. 11, GLENELG, u nnntaining 100 acres. 011 theprem: Farm for Sale. House tor Sale. Farm for Sale. Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. FOr Sale. CLUBBIN G RATES- ROBERT TWAMLEY, Crawford P. 0 F. KERNEY, on the premise ’. 0. address, Waudby. Ont. Barristen Durham. POMOSA 1’. O.

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