West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jan 1907, p. 3

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‘Who by using only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality. second to none mode in Canada. WENGER MILLING CO. A blend of best. Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba. wheat is a. Strictly AYT ON MILLS Made of best Manitoba wheat. obtaifi- .able is in every respect. aflour of Give these flours Ia trial you will be delighted and will want no other. MATTHEWS 8’ LATIMER ifiâ€"PURE MAN11mm:g:g:-i rig.“ IMPLEMENTS Melotte Cream Separators, McLaughlin Buggies and Cutters, White and Standard SeWing Machines, Clothes ‘Wringers, Harness, Etc.,Etc. To change his advertise-mtnts but new ofi'ers some NEW BARGA 1N5 ; 1% ACRES Beutinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. very large barn. frame stables and pig stables.’ good mil, good orchard. good bush Price .~ln- uld e W but will .~ell lnr less than S: (Mir sold at. once. 2’50 AC 8 pnar Durham. a good farm, splen dly Improved. was asking 37 ill), will now take grea: deal less 100 ACRES. in Glenelg. near I) xrham, a fine well Improved farm. will sell very. cheap or trade. } ACRE LOT near Durham Furniturn Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. .A PROFITA BLE Blacksmith shcp sung], well located. ' A large sum of money to lend at‘ lowest “tel. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Diflienlties avnwged. C P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for ale. Everytlnng private. F. E. SIEGNER STOVES PIPES. ETC. ALL KINDS or HARDWARE AT Lawnsrrmcns NOW 15 . . THE TIME Superior Family Flour Are now being Operated by JANUARY 3, 1907 Our Graniteware is the best and at lowest prices. To consider about getting ready for fall We have an exce lent Stock of J8 H’- H. H. Miller HANOVER CONVEYANCER Superior Quality Frost 8’ Wood SEE MY STOCK OF CALL AND SEE â€"l-‘OR SALE BYâ€" ° : HASBEEN : : 2 BUSY ENCORE To select from. DURHAM. Middaugh House Block. H. H. MILLER. :‘a’iUHBUEH A number of the young peeple from Hutton Bil; drove through here Sunday night looking for a place to have prayer meeting. Mr. and Mrs. James Livingston, of Guelph. visited at W. A. Livingston’ s On the 26th met, there passed away at her residence on the Durham Road. Bentinck, in the person of Mrs. An. drew Livingston. one of the first set~ tlers of Bentinck township. Death came after a very short illness due to la grippe. Deceased was born at Cooksville, Ont., 67 years ago and as a child moved with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLaughlin. to their new home in the bush in Bentinck township. She was twice married-â€" in 1863 to Christopher Mills and in 1873 to Andrew Livingston, who died about 5 years ago By her first hus- band four children were born. two of whom pre deceased her (Charles Mills and Mrs Henry Reay) and surviving her are W. D. Mills, Durham, Vice President of the Farmers’ M’f’g Supply Co , and Mrs. H. Muir, of Hanover. Her second family con- sists of 3 sons and one daughter as follows: Thos. Livingswn. Durham, Manager of the Farmers’ M’fg Supply 00., Frank A. Livingston. Guelph, travelling representative of the Mellote Separator, Herb Living- Ston of the homestead and May Liv- ‘ ingston still at home. Also the fol- ‘ lowing steposons and daughter sur vive: John Livingston. Ottawa. ; Eastern representative of the Oxford Separator, Jas Livingston Guelph, travelling representative of the Per rin Plow Co., Wm. Livingston, farm- er, of Bentinck. and Mrs H. Rich- mond, Winnipeg. The funeral took place on the 28th (Friday) where the body was borne to the tomb in San- geen Cemetery by her sons and step- sons. The services were conducted by the Rev. Colling. of Durham. Miss Mary Vickers spentXmas day at her home here. Mr. Herb Chittick and two sisters Spent one evening last week with Miss Mary Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. F. Livingston were home to attend the farmer’s mother’s funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCaslin were at Mr. and Mrs, Donnelly’s for Xmas. The Hunt family ate Xmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mills, Dur- ham. Mr. Chas. Lawrence is Spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. Joe Lindsay, who is attending Business College, Mount Forest. is home for the holidays. M rs. Fred Reav and Miss M. Torry Spent Xmas in Meatord. Some time has elapsed, Mr. Editor. since we wrate you last, so we will now try and tell yen what has hap- pened in and around our burg in the past two or three weeks. First, we wish you, your scafi and many read- ers a happy and prosperous New Year. ‘ Mr. :nd Mrs. A. G. McComb and little daughter. of your town, spent Xmas week with the farmer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComb, of this burg. Mr. Archie McArthnr had a. has one day lass week hauling lumber from Proton for nis new burn which he in tends building next summer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson spent Xmas with Mrs. Watson’s parents on the tenth concession. The annual school meeting was held last Wednesday, Mr. Donald McFarlane was elected the new trus- tee in pla-e (f Mr John Gray the re- tiring one. The contracts of supply-- ing wood and caretaking were not let owmg to the small crowd in attend- auce. Miss Mary Kennedy, of Toronto. spenrlast week at. her home here. She left lasr Saturday for Harrisnon where she will Spend a few days vis~ iting friends there before returning to the city. Mrs. Britton and her daughter, Miss Violet. are spending the Xmas holidays with the Karma; family. of Waudby. . Pleased to see Mr. Duncan Stone- house back in this part after an ab- ~~ence of several years in the States. Anumber of the young folks. of this place. drave over to Waudby concert and report a. pleasant time. Mr. John Watson, of Hamilton, is at presnnt. visiting her brother, Mr. C R. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Haughtby. of London, spent. a fnw pleasant days at the lat- car’s old home in the Glen. Miss Amy Edge, teacher at. our Schnol. is spending her vacation at m-r homg as Edge Hill. Miss Millie Brown visued friends In Durham recently. Mr. Jas. McNally, of Waudby. mnda a flying trip to our burg one .my msn week. Jim always wears a smile when coming south. ' Mrs. Albert Luelie. of Mt. Forest, is spending a week or so with her brother and finer at old Bonessan. Pleased fo‘ learn that Mrs. Leslie is getting on so well after her operation for appfiudicitis. Mr. Dave Brown has got the job of blasting on the railroad. They surely h-we the right man in the right place this time. Mr. Jack McArthur, of the Glen, purchmed a fine driving home from Mr Andrew Ford for a. not“: sum. W -.tch out for ‘snow flying. MR. Fm A. LEWIS, piano tuner, expects to be'in Durham in January. Bunessan. Vickers. THE FERROL 00., Lnnun The bottle of FBRROL I secured from you, I havofonnd to do great good. My .021 used it for a bad cold! and itcured ”n anon Ill Luz II Lulu. wsu,‘ mu. up vuw him. I know it to be on excellent remedy for a bad cold and for building 3 person up Aftor sicknou. I might say that it was t prominent doctor friend of mine in the city, who mod it for Mason, md spoke to: no of it; I Inn lino. recommended it? togputmonyofmyfriondltotry. I You: truly, I. 3. Tuna Gm, \1\.u.....wv.vu, uuwu u; Au, nu ouut u, cu; uuu “VKILLLIJGLIJ uuuluo lUl I hl\l\Vh, auu ulUl'U. The more I investigated the more enthusiastic I became. It is no longer a question of my Willingness to handle the preparationâ€"FERROLâ€"but how can I bring it to the immediate suffering of this city? It is a. heavy responsibility, but I have faith in the honesty and fairness of the F errol Company, Limited, of Toronto, and the unequalled merits of their preparation, F ERROL. (Signed1MacFARLANE co. \\\\\\\\\\‘\\\3 I find also that the druggists in other cities have taken upon themselves the solemn responsibility of standing.r behind this medicine; and that these druggists have made in each city a daring and remarkable distribution of hill-sized bottles. Impressed by the action 10f our fellow-druggists, and convinced that they would not have given this remedy such unqualified approval withOut positive knowledge of its merits, I have decided to follow their example and distribute tree of charge 75 Large Bottles of FERROL Free to the Sick on SATURDAY, January 12th at MACFARLANE 00:5 Drug Store DURHAM, ONT. Maintaining a first-class Drug Store, the above named Drnggist occupies a com. manding position in the retail drug trade of this city. and almost every remedy that is offered to the public seeks an outlet through his store. But with an eye single to the interests of his many patrons he is careful to handle the most reliable preparations. Consequently when a medicine is recommended and endorsed by this Druggist, that medicine must have merit. a Q The above Druggist, after a rigid investigation, described elsewhere in this announce- ment, has decided to make, upon his own responsibility, the most remarkable distribution of medicine ever attempted in this city. Convinced by personal experience of the extraordinary merits of He has purchased from the Ferrol Co., Limited, of Toronto, 11 large number of bottles of this remedy, for free distribution, and he herehy invites every person suffering from any form of blood trouble; any person who is run down, discouracred and in need of a powerful tonic , any pm «111 suffering from Coughs lolds, Bronchitis, Group and all Bronchial or Lung Trouble, Chronic Rheumatism, heur 1101a, insomnia, Loss of Weight and all wasting diseases; any person who has sounht renef in any other remedy or Cod Liver Oil preparation, and failed to find it, cut out the cerzificate printed herewith. fill out the blank lines, present it at the store on the dates given, and get a bottle of this wonderful preparation, FERROL, Free. It was necessary for me to purchase a. large quantity in order to have the privilege of making this free distribution, ami the respnnsibilitv assumwi by me in this matter, I am positive will be appreciated by the pumic, and the izmneuse sales that are sure to follow will more than c nupcnsute me for the ewcnditure ixz'mlved. There is absolutely no sentiment in this endursunwur (3f FFZRROL. It is mcrcly a. business remgnition of a. preparation chat pOSSBMSCS wsitivc mvrit, and a keen desire on the part of a progressive concern to always supply the best; guuds at the lowest possible price. No other distributian WM be made, and it will be necessary for you to come eariy in order] to he sure of securing a large size bottle of FERROL ABSOLUTELY FREE ’ REMEMBER, only ONE bottle will be'given to each family. ell your friends of this Wonderful Offer for fear they will not see this advertisement. THE pm CHRONICLE May 24th, 1905 WIIA'I‘ Fulton newsâ€"A careful perusal strength and the system is rengiered peculiarly of the foregoing will readily suggest to the susceptible to the attacks of dlsease., reader what [use]. does. It strengthens the muscles. tones up the It builds up the run down constitutionas no net-yes. improves the vitality, strengthens the other preparetioncen. actxon 0! the heart. and bmlds up the whole It cures Anaemia, no matter how chronic. by system so that the germs of disease can obtain 'mp lyin the blood with just whstlt hires no foothold. in e on y form in which unpoverished load It has a. wonderful recuperative effect on the can be an an nnlied. Bramâ€"bring“ P0 i}- '9 pm” ‘9"! Lghfiia: can lieâ€"eoiuâ€"nplied. Brainâ€"om to it In proper term rnue- It prevents Consumption by tortitying the phome. the u’o‘ chief constituent; attacks constitution against its “tacks. _ ' of depression and morbidneeo. " brain tag,” It restores Nervous "tent! in e manor etc... or. dispelledâ€"theme h heal, construe- little short of marvellous. , tive and complete. It eupea Caught, COldl, Etonchifil uni kin- WIIA‘I‘ IT IS NOTâ€"It in not 8 “Patent Medl- drod am by building up the constitution cine ”â€"the ingredient: one treely made known, so thnt the system will throw on the diocese by only the method of memento secret. RAW vaccinesâ€":9 "it! a???“ @198 #20“ _.%TEÂ¥S_“ 9.11. ”2. “1“,? W .“U WU D, Iwm "u. ' 'â€" â€"v “' â€"â€"' vâ€"â€" NATURAL Pnocnssâ€"o very diflerent thing from MIDâ€"There is only one Emulsion the usual method of treetment hy ndminister- of God liverOn, Iron and Phosphorus, end in: mug medicines end other which ore the: one is MOI. sure to on and ore wen debili- It you feel the need of: Bostontivo see that 61 totinzin oil-em mnmtheother youcetFlRROLnnd donotheputofl'with hand, while removing thediseese,“ theseme something “Just as sour-there is :otlmua time men-um Taxman. “moans the allowed-seeding “faction” Pro- nLoon end improves the. rodent in every . "erect. - . _ . ‘ ‘ I muthodemtddomh-Mpmdflmh, hinges their merits WHAT IT [5 AND WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE IT WW Properly filled out and signed, en- titles the holder to one large sized bottle of FERROL (Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus), if pre- sented ._ .. ._.. . M ,. Address, ............... Name of Patient,... WW“ At MacFarlane 8’ Ca.’ 3 Drug Store, Jan. 12 from 9 a.m., until samples are exhausted. Disease, ............................. The bearer of this certificate hereby agrees to give this medicine a thorough and faithful trial and to report to the druggist named above, within three weeks, the improved condition of his health that is almost absolutely certain to follow. rhis Coupon must be presented by aduits. THIS CERTIFICATE, Banks vâ€"wv vâ€"vâ€"_ _ T50 own, 11* 'oxtn_â€"'mtâ€"im tho. hunooqnolhiapocunn where in hand a: the following moo can“ reasons: It oomhhooin pol-able formal MCI. tho m hue-bonda- and Ila-hm knowntomodialmwith Iron. the no and t blah will Wm ploudflfi tho'rod cot-pm}, '1?” it nut râ€" 'rv-â€"w available. In "an301." that hope has at last Dee. {fully realized and the practical benefit. Resulting from its use have tar exceeded the most sanguine ezpectations. These nts are combined in a scientifically prepared ulsion so Palatable that even a nursing infant can an Will take it . even groominpo easily assimilated that the most elieate digestive organs will disposes! it with less dl-enlty than th would exped- sneemthedigesflonotthenlaesttood. WIN! ['1' Is.-â€"“ 'mb. as its name will: is compolglod mai on and Im- short. a ”to: cum! or 000 Lima 01:. um 130:. with a modienlrd benefit of their H’t‘ ‘ . ,

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