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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jan 1907, p. 7

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D veyancers, Etc. Money to. Loan. Oficesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. G. :W. F. DUNN. D Ofiice over 'Gordon’ 3 new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- nage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness iransacted. ‘ U tioneer for the County of Cirâ€"6):. June 06 DURHAM. ONT. d tioneer for the County of Grey. _S;l‘es promptly attended t0. Orders ma. be left at his Implement Warerooms. Mc ' on’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiice. U tioneer for' the Conn of â€"G' - Tergrs moderate sud satisfactzion mix: teed. The mangements and dates ales 98.120 We at}?! 099211014. (35 ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ofice.â€"Calder Block, over Post Oflice Dr. W. 6. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. Will be at Knapp House. Durham, the 2:16 Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€"Iâ€"G p.10. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose EXCLUSIVELY Will be at the Midiaugh House 13: Wednesday of each month. from 12m 4 p. m. 1 fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 m 9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence Op- OOSite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. 3112:, and to Golden Sq. Throat and N086 Hus. U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at. foot of bill. Office hours-941 a. 111., 2-4 0.111., 7-9 p.m. TelenhoneNo. 10. Nov. 9, ’03. U short distance east of Knapp’s; hote‘l: Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office I Bea"'°aene¢ ind P. 0; '“w” moWn. ' ' Ceylon. w 'l'ransicm notEch-“ Lest," “ F.~.'_‘..“.'E F“ e,“ etcâ€"50 cents for first. insertion, 2;; an' h “5 sabsequcnt imcr: ion. Quad'ertisemcnts utdcl'cd by s:mgers must b..- pa; hmadvance. mes fwgtzarly at. crtiscrncms finished a. c Wontotheo c. a All advertise :1: m, to ensure insmicn in 2mm "a â€".._. mktsbould be bought in no: later than I‘UE‘at'n‘. { W] [8mg For transient advcrtficmcnts 8 Ccrn‘ -, ,, ‘ITES «no. for the first insertion: 3 cc ”8 ;.< . . . Sine mch subwquem mscnion~ .n; mional card» rut cxccedi. g 3“: irr: “09W perannum. Advcrnxmcnts WXIDO'II Suct, :1- WV.” be publiahcd t I for bid and charrzui ‘4;- _‘_ THE JOB :: KS PUBLISHED my THURSDAY momma: cum: manna noose. Emma 1112:? 'OHN KI_NN_EE, LICENSED AUG mu”. 1n: ux‘r} )mcmc an“ be sent to an} “IE address, .rftc of pes‘tage, for $I.oo re. ,. . 0.. . , payable x :axcvanceâ€"5L5o ma}- bdlargd If not so pun}. 'lihc date to wnich en'srv W 3 aid is (13'er by the number on me “dress hbd. '0 paper (iii-«.2 ntinuei um): all arr-cm. a; mid,“ a: the: Optmxz of m: pmprictor ogN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- ’ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, QON- THE BWHIII BfififlfllflLEm .9- --------- J. P. Telford. ARRISTER, - SQLICITORI Efrc. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. \FEICE AND RESIDENCE A l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) L. R. C. P., LONDON._ENG. _RADULATE of London, N91}? York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR fAfii‘HEfi’l.‘ I: completely stosked wv't» ‘ Italian cigars look like Pittsburg sto an NEW TYPE, thus a. gies, with bits of straw sticking out fading facilities for cumin: out Firebcla of them, MGPHAIL, LICENSED AUG Dentistry in all its Branches. MacK’ay 8:. Dunn. The Funeral'Bell. The tolling of a bell at a funeral is a purely pagan custom. The idea was to . a drive away evil spirits. Funeral bells i are known to have been used by the church in the sixth century A. D. JANUARY 3, 1907 Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Directory Medical Directory. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. DR- GED. S. BURT. Legal Directfiv. DR. BROWN The on Spot. In the gulf of Mexico ten miles south- west of Sabine pass is a calm stretch of water two miles long and three- qnarters of a mile wide. It is known as the Oil Spot and is always placid. Knightn’ Chargers. During the middle ages so heavily, burdened were the horses of the' nights with their own armor and that of their riders that only the largest and strongest animals could be employed. Frolssart says that between 600 and 700 pounds weight was carried by a knight’s charger. Nenpolltan Cab Horsey. Neapolitan cab horses are all stala lions or a' diminutive breed. They are driven without a bit. The bridle car- ties a device for closing the nostrils, operated by the reins. The idea that birds select secluded places to build their nests has been proved false. Birds have been known to build in themoisiest or most con- spicuous places. A sparrow’s nest was discovered in an electric light on the fiames embankment, London, where the lamp was lighted and put out each of the range for two hours or more. This dries the moisture and is often sufficient to put it back into commis- sion. Camera Shutters. If the shutter of the kodak fails to move when you snap a picture, try putting it into the hot closet (not oven) Venetian Riulto. The Rialto in Venice, where Antonio girded Shylock many a time and oft. has stores on either side full of cheap wares. Elephants’ Teeth. Elephants, like human beings, have two sets of teeth. The milk teeth, which are smaller than the permanent molars, fall out when the animals are about fourteen years old. These baby teeth, which are nevertheless enormous, are occasionally picked up by circus men among the fodder and preserved as cu- rimities. Hoxv ‘A'nrzn 18 Ice? Ice is a eonmnrativeiy warm sub- stance, for its uhgolute temperature is 491 degrees. Scientific- men, that is to say, invite us to believe that below the freezing point of our thermometer there are 490 degrees before we reach abso- lute zeroâ€"the absence of all heat. From Sour to Sweet. A plant in Trngfivzll Afl'iz'a has a fruit which can elm-.340 the flavor of the most :uri‘l subsl‘nzxve into :1 delicious sweetness. It is seldom fuund ne; 2‘ the coast. The fruit resembles a small plum with the seed invested in a thin soft pt'lp. wherein lies the peculiar sweetening 1): 0pm ‘ y. Gold Abrasion. A gold coin p mm from one hand to another 2.01)".0 "W? .) times before the stamp or impszi )2: upon it becomes obiiterated by I'riviinn. while a silver coin changes hawk .-,‘.’ ZUMHOUO times before it bcvmiie< vutir'cb defaced. A Bag of Coins. At Lullingebone castle, the Kentish residence of Sir William and Lady Em- ily Tart-Dyke, is preserved a leather bag of coins. The tradition is that whenever the heir is married he and his bride must place a coin in the bag. The legend further enjoins that this matrimonial oft‘ertory bag must never be counted or some dire misfortune will overtake the newly wed couple. was one grand carousal. Kings, princes, lords and vassals lived in their cups. Drink In the Middle Ages. The middle ages lasted about 1,000 years, and in that period the feudal lords hunted the fox or the stag all day and went to bed dead drunk every night of their lives. Their existence Pkg Eaxative Bromo Quigine Tablets; Diamond Test. There is a very easy and simple way to tell it a diamond is genuine, says an expert. Make a small dot on a piece of paper with a lead pencil and look at it through the diamond. If it shows but a single dot, the diamond is genu- lne. If it shows more than one or the mark appears scattered, it is false. mmmmhmlzm France. .They claim that the' poison enables them to ascend great heights without experiencing any difficulty in breathing. Eating Arsenic. The practice of eating arsenic is very common among peasants in the moun- tainous districts of Hungary and Drink and Food. The average man takes five and a halt pounds of food and drink each day, amounting to a ton of solid and liquid nourishment annually. In sev- enty years he eats and drinks 1,000 times his own weight Italian Cigars. $%$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*%w 3% $15.00 Cash. ."D. ‘vfi’ié In MITS and GLOVES we have a good assortment at prices that cannot be beaten for same quality. A few lines of HOSIERY in black for Men, Ladies and Children. We have not Space to mention all the goods to be found here. but if you just ask we will deem it a pleasure to send you anything in our store and let you judge the value Terms, Cash. Eggs same as Cash. ”We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber footwear suit- able for the present: weather. Also BOOT and SHOES in abundance. Outlines of Men’s Women’s. Misses’ and Chil- dren’s Slippers were never so nice as this season. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Geo. H. Stinson When Going Up Street: John J Do not delay. These lots am sellinw fast. to-day. Map and full paticulars on applicaciou. PrOperty in this district is an al-xsolurel; sound. gilt-edged investment, and has been emphatzcally endorsed by the Mayor of Fort; \Villiam, local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. HIGH. is the only preperty subdividud into residental lots W that actually adjoins the J. 1. CASE COMPANY’S SITE, offers an unrivallpd opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a preposition of almost unbound- ed possibilities as a money maker. Leggings for all Classes at Moderate Prices Custom Work and Repairing Done as Quickly as Possible at WHO SAID RUBBERS ? Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM d. S. McILRAITH CHRISTMAS EA TING Why not have a. look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a. look when once tasted. 'Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. 34 McClill St., Toronto. THE DU REA M (7 Price from $65.00 up. G. Lawrence’s Old Stand. $5.00 per Month. IIUNHTLE Day and Night Calls promptly attended to Call or write “b9“ DURHAM. ONT. a? a]? m K S Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrudin" Piles. Drv" gists are authorized to refund money if PAZO UIN' ‘MEKT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 500. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES {LL WORK GUARANTEED at "Live and let live” PRICES. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. Wm: Pumps. tended to. BEG LEA VE T0 INFORM MY 01$ I‘OMERS and the. public m general that am prepared to furnish . _ vâ€"-.- -, a-L‘u lUlJ‘ n11\i‘. \V :‘Jla’ DRILLING. RE-CURBING AND l’xmsscuamxn done with Cument, concrete. , 53" ALL ORDERS taken a? the GM 313an near McGowan’s Hill wil‘: be prommlv :r- fits-‘1'..-) 4.- Use The Chronicle Columns. GEORGE WHITMORE John Bell, No. (37, 3rd Gun, E U R; and 4. lst Con X I) R Chris Firth No 5, lat Cm) N D R \Vm Young N0 3 Can 1, S D R; No 6‘ 1 \Y f\ r\ Abraham (Jmtchlcy, No.62, 3rd Con. E. G. R; No 3, 4th Cun. S I) 13.. \Vm. “’21”. No. it 4th Con. S D R. Thos. McGirr, No. 61 and (32, 2nd 0011. E IN“ AI] perspns are warned not to trespass on the tollowmg lats wnh dogs. guns or other- wise. for_the purpose of hunting or prosec- utions W1“ follow :â€" NOV. 133â€"va FORE AN D DWELLING IN THE Village of Priceville. Apply to MRS. E. J. GRIER v. 15â€"va 4 Dundalk. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. TO RENT. 3, Con

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