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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jan 1907, p. 6

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Miss Mae Livingmon has gone Guelph to visit her brother Frank. Misses Jean Milligan and Alice Lawrence. of Hutton Hill. attended church here Sunday. Mr. and 31m. \V. G. McCulloch Snndayed with the latter’s mother. Mrs. \V. Herd. Messrs. Willie and Ted Vickers vis- ited their brOtber, Mr. Sam Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reay Spent Sun~ day with Mrs. Marshall. of Durham. “-J ‘1.-â€" _â€"_~__ ts’ Sorry to h at of Mr. John Gout illness. Hope he will soon be hatter again. .- f A‘_‘A_k â€"st. John Menalf, Sunduyed with her f: 003, recentiy. Mr. \\ es. Hunt. Durham, visitea his brothers here. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. annbull. of Durham, spent New Year’s day with Mr. James annbull. Mrs. Langrill. of Hutton Hill. vis- ited her son, Mr. T. H Lawrence. Mr. John Bailey, who underwent ' ' ital, is home and much improved in health. Mr. W. A. Livingston is under the doctor’s care at present. This is a valuable report of 96‘ pages, containing interesting reading for farmers. The report contains a summary of the business transacted, areprint of the Constitution, By-laws} and Regulations of the Association, registered seed, the names and ad- dresses of seed growers who are pro- ducers of registered seed, and in- structions as to the methods of grow- ing and selecting seed grain and Other seeds of various kinds. Part III of the report contains papers and addresses of the following personsz-ibr. James \V. Robertson, “‘1 [VA] pcxavu: .â€"â€"u.. Jun.-- .. _ __ Manager Macdonald AgriculturalCol-l lege, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Queg‘ Hon. Sydney A. Fisher, Minisxer of l Agriculture, Ottawa; Hon. W. 11., Mmherwell. Minister of Agriculture.‘ Regina. “ Wheat Growing in the, Canadian West ;” Prof. R Harcourt.‘ O. A. C.. Guelph. “ The Relations be- tween {Soil Conditions and CrOp Im- provement ;” Dr. Chas. E. Saunders, Experimental Farm, Ottawa. “ Quali- ty in Wheat? Prof. F. T. Shutt. Chemist. Experimental Farm, (1); "Soft \Yheat Problems,” (2),“The Action of certain Smut Preventives on the \‘itaiity of Wheat ;” Mr John Buchanan, O. A. C., Guelph. “ Some EfleCts in Varieties of Cereal Crops, arising from different Conditions of1 Growth ;” W. T. Macoun, 0}). P., Experimental Farm. Ottawa. “The Imnrovement of the Potato ;” Mr. Geo. Robertson, St. Catharines. Unt., “ Some Results in Horticulture: from the Selection of seeds;” Mr. L. S. Klinck, Macdonald Agricultural Col- lege, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Que., “Methods of Storing Seed Coru;” Mr. W. L. Smith, Toronto, “How best to Encourage the Dissemination of High class Seeds.” . ort of Third Annual Meeting the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association. Vickez's. Every Nurse will tell you “Invalids require nourishment that’s easily digest- ed, for in cases of sickness the gastric juices are so weakened they cannot act properly on ordinary foods.” Some stimulation is also required, but it must be stimulation without reaction. Tea, coffee, spiritous. drinks and similar preparations, are stimulants â€"â€"stimulants that react. Beef tea and .meat extracts are also stimulants, but Witl} thls dlfi‘erence, they don’t react. Yet while they have stirnulat. ing 'fireperties! they are ‘ practically devoid of nourishment. “ Bovril ” not only. stimulates but nourishes as well, for m 1t the nourishing qualifies of beef, fibnne and albumen are fully preserved. BOVRIL emalf, of Lamlash, her father, Mr. G. visited t0 Ts’fimsn ANBTHER u wounmrm woman " VV' wâ€" _ If I went for a. drive I bud to lie down when I came back. If I went for a mile on two on my wheel I was too Weak to lift it through the §ate- way. and as: time 1 came in from having 9. spin I dropped utterlv helpless from fatigue. My father Would give me no peace until I promxrvd Phy- chine. knowing it Was cxvellcm fur decline or Weak- ness Imus: my the results are Wonderful, and peeple remarked my improvement. inmead of a. iittle. pale, hollow Chet ked. listleSs, mulnzieholy girl. 1 am today fun uf life. ready tor :1. slvighxide. a skating match. or an evening party with anyone. and a. ten: mouthsugo I could not struggle to church, «needs from my home. I have never had the slightest muse to fem: any return of the disease. ELLA MUKXEL WUUD. Brownsville. Ont. Thousands of women are using PSY- CHISE, leeause they know from exper- ience that in it they have a safe friend and deliverer. Psychine is a wonderful tonic, purifying the blood, driving out disease germs, gives a ravenous appetite; aids digestion and assimilation of food, and is a positive and absolute cure for disease of throat, chest, lungs, stomach and other organs. It quickly builds up the entire system, making sick people well and weak peOpIe strong. 2'5": 4:73: R‘ ,. f .5731 ‘f-fl‘ak’? '.--J. “a :34 0"“ e . g - ‘ f' ' I Q , .1. - _I am- ufi» m Nu" ~ The Seed Control Act, 1905, con- Circular cn Seed Testing. giving an outline of the objects of testing seeds for purity and vitality, and some general notes applicable to the condition of the trade in agricultural seeds. fur sale at all dmgzists at 500. and $1.00 per battle. or at Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, Laboratory, 179 King St. \Vest. Toronto. Dr. Kent’s Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright’s Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 250 per box, at all dealers. bilious. or have a sallow lifeless complexion, try Lax-ets just once to see what they will do for you. Lax- ets are little toothsome Candy tab- letsâ€"nice to eat, nice in aflect. No griping, no pain. Just a. gentle lax- ative effect that is pleasing desirable, Handy for the vest pocket or purse, Lax-ets meet every desire. Lax-ets come to you in beautiful lithograph- ed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by MacFarlane Co. 5-x...w 3% 82.0ng GEO. H. CLARK. Council met Dec. 15th. Minutes read. Robbjâ€"McArthurâ€"Thai minutes be amended by reading that S. Robb W89 Paid $3.50 for 230' tile and' he paid into council $4 for 420‘ tile. Com’r Philip reported timber from C. Dezell for bridge lot 20. con. 6. 324; R. Aitkens drawing timber and building bridge lot ‘20. con. 6. $9.50, com. fees 31; also inspected drain No. 1 40 rods, completed. To ~W. P. Ellis. contractor, $60, fees $1.25. adapted. Com’r Ferguson gave a detailed re- DOI‘t 0f work on hill 10!: 7, con. 20, by dEY’S labor, amounting to $11.93. Report adopted, com. fees and over- seeing $13.â€"-Carried. Com’r McArthur reported a final settlement of water grievance be- tween Messrs. Cantlon and Nicholson. Said parties signed an agreement. The sum of 38 was paid.â€"â€"Adopted Reeve reported expenditure at Dro- more on response to a petitionâ€"- Stoned 46 rods 8 ft. wide, 10 in. deep. graded and gravelled same by day’s labor. Amount expended $114. Adopted. com. fees $1. Carried. Com’r Robb reportedâ€"J . McDonald ; gravelling on E. and A. townline, $2, Egt’s. share $1 ; E. Robb drawing tile for 2 culverts Gardiner’s sideline $2; G. Evans repair oulvert lot - 6, con. 6, $4.75.â€"-Adopted. Also in. spected work on drain No. 3, recom- mended payment of $200 to J. Shea, contractor. Ins. fees $3.â€"Adopted. of Refuge. Geo. Hal-grave paid $2.25 road im- provements let in 1903 certified to by D. McIntyre. Upon petition, Mrs. Kerr was re. funded her land taxes amounting to $2.90. E. Hall was paid $6 drawing tile and putting in culvert on E and P. townline, Promn to pay { coat and $2 50 for tile. M. Bolger was paid $5 for farm bridge as per engineer’s award. Jas. Russell was paid $52 for bury- ing a dead horse by order of D. Mc- Queen. 9. member of Board of Health. Com’r Robb recommended payment of $10 to Mr. Hunter, gravelling ac- count E. and A. townline (a. grant).â€" Adopted. The collectors were paid $35 each, the clerk was paid $5 for drainage By-law No. ‘2, the other three 310 each. Jas. Myers was paid $220, was expenses in removing Mrs. Christie to Hamilton Asylum. Fergusonâ€"McArthur â€"- That the account of fees, Myers re Mrs. Chris- tie, be laid over until reeve consults solicitor, and if advised to settle to issue an order accordingly -â€"-Carried. By-law No. 203 to appoint D. R. O. was passed. No charge. Robbâ€"McArthurâ€"That Treas. be authorized to receive from Jae. Robv ertson the sum of 920., being taxes in full against. lot. 19. Orchardville. Said taxes having been returned as non paid, and Co. Treasurer be noti- fied of this action.-â€"Carried. Robbâ€"Philipâ€"That an order of 3110, part of commutal tax, be drawn in favor of P. V. trustees, and the following accounts be paid zâ€"Alex. Stephen work on sidewalks, $2.25; Mrs. Tanner, tile for do., $2.15; John Rice overseeing, $16.50 ; J. M. Dixon work, $3.75; Geo. Klempp do. $57.- 50; A. Durrant approaches to side- walks, $1.50; A. Moyer lumber do., 550.; W. J. Sharp expenses do., $5.75; Dr. Brown do., $1.05; D. Allan solic- itors fees on Debenture By-law, 35;; Wm. Moore part contract sidewalks,‘ $300; I Traynor survey of village, $100; Wm. Moore on contract. $1055. 84; Chas. Drumm cement for side- walks, 811.25; Thos. O’Neal use of lcouncil chamber. $12 ; Treas. § year’s 'salary, $50, postage bank exchange, $2 ; reeve and clerk making Financial Statement. $6; Com’r Philip tele- phoning, 35c; Com’r Robb do., 60c.; Thos. \Vrigbt gravel. $2; G. L. Haw gravel for Dromore. $4; clerk’s quar- ter salary, $38.75; do. postage, etc., s EGREMONT COUNCIL”. Fergusonâ€"Robbâ€"That an order be drawn on the Trees. for $350. a grant to aid the sidewalks in Holstein.â€" Carried. Philipâ€"Robbâ€"Thet the Financial Statement as read he adopted and 200 copies be printerLâ€"Cerried. Fergusonâ€"Philipâ€"That 9. hearty vote of thanks be now tendered to the reeve for his able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the council during the past year.â€"Csrried. The reeve made a brief reply. The council rose. “Before we can sympathize with others we must have suffered our- selves.” No one can realize the safe iering attendant upon an attack of grip, unless he has had the actual ex- perience. There is probably no dis- ease that causes so much physioial and mental agony, or which so sac-1 cessfully defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may ’be avoided by the prompt use of Chamberlain’s Cong11 Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has re- sulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. YOUR dollars last _longer at .Flarity Burnett’s. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The Grip. D. ALLAN. Clerk. . %%%” a’%%%%%%%%*fl*fi*§ é’éa‘éé.‘ *éé’s 299%? "f%%f€*%%§%‘é***%%%%%% Ontario 01 “13011310 U‘ HUI-v vv‘râ€" v' - I am sure that an exhibition of seed, such as indicated above. and the in- terchange of opinions regarding the care would be of great benefit. We trust that you will co-operate with your secretary and, if possible, ar- range »to have live animals at the place of meeting in order that they may be used by the delegates in illu- strating their lectures. The speakers sent out this winter have had special opportunities in preparing themselves for the work in hand. They were nearly all at the four day conference held at Guelph. and we are confident that the inter mation and suggestions received at that time Will prove of great value to them in their work. There will be more uniformity of methods than in the past and the delegates are fur- nished with a greater quantity of illustrative material than in the past You will be pleased to know that most of the meetings held during attended and the interest manifested by those present was not marked, according to the reports of the dele- gates. The greatest success can at- he work of the Institutes only whom the directors and members generally take a personal interest in the meetings. ‘ The delegates who will visit your riding in January are among our most experienced Institute workers, and I am sure that you will find in both Mr. Jones end Mr. Shearer men you will give these men every assist- ance you can in making the meetings efiective. Wishing: you the compliments of w-â€" by 'those present according to the r gates. The great tend the _wor1§_0f Wishing y 0“ the season. I am Department of Agricultureâ€" Farmers’ Institutes. ON THIS SPACE. 'o A. PUTNAM' Is a. Handy Dlsk. Frame locks to the Gangs with a. simple halfoturn. Scraper Knives combined with Cleaner Bars keep plates free of all sods or trash. Ball Bear- mgs. .40 anti-friction balls make draught: very lxght. Flexible. W111 fill furrows or fit uneven ground. Plates the correct shape, turns and pulverizcs the soil. Other Disks and cultivators tested agamsb the “BISSELL” get, a. surprise. Sold by our Agents. Manufactured by T. E; BISSELL, ELORA, ONT. Write for Booklet “ E.” A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Mrs. Michael Hart wife of the1 Superintendent of Cart Service at Kingston. Jamaica West Indies Is lands saxs that she has for years: used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedv! for cougha. group and whoOping. cough and has found it Very bene _ ficial. She has implicit confidence ini it. and would not be v: ithouc a bottle! oi it in her home. Sold at; Pmker’ 51 Drug Score. 1 Capy of Resolution adapted by the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Navy League Toronto Branch. 11th Dec. A. 1)., 1906. a political or from an economic pointi of View, that we should continue to neglect all preparation to take our part in the Naval Defence of the British Empire. and that it is a duty we owe to ourselves, to our floating commerce, and to the Empire, that we should lay the foundations of a broad National Maritime Policy, in which Naval Preparation will go hand in hand with the development of a Canadian Mercantile {.Marine. with the encouragement of a Can- adian shipbuilding industry, and with securing for Canada her fair share of the world’s maritime trans- portation ” “That it is not consistent with the true interests of Canada, either from Simple Way to Overcome the Dangers of this Disagreeable Disease. Catarrh is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs, with many annoying symptoms. In this climate there are few who do not sufier from this disagreeable disease. often in a chronic and dangerous state. Fortunately within the last few years, a simple and reliable treatment for catarrhal troubles has been found, â€"Hyomei, a combinations of healing balsams, that. when breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, reaches the tiniest cells in the respiratory organs, carry- ing its healing and health-giving proprieties to every part where the catarrhal poison is present. Used inâ€"this way, Hyomei kills all catarrhal germs drives the poison from the system and heals all irrita- tion that may be present in the mucous membrane. if you have ordinary catarrhal symptoms, such as offensive breath, burning pains in the throat. cough, raising of mucous, difi'iculty in breating, sneezing, huskiness, disl charge from the nose. drappings in the throat. coughing Spasms, etc., begin the use of Hyomei at once. The complete outfit costs but $1.00 extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents. We do not want anyone’s money un- less Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Write to- day for a symptom blank, which will be sent free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us the symptom blank, our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention. and write you a letter of advice without charge. The B. T. Booth Company, Bufialo, WHAT IS CATARRH. ON BRUCE ST., BUREAU, NEW brick house. 30132; 2% storeys high; double cellar. cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory and Cream Separator “’Drks. _ Will sell cheap to l quick purchaser The :wner is going l1Y7A_ For further particulars apply tn \VM. LEGGETTEJ June 14. ti. Box 92, DURHAM. Housea nd Lot For Sale “ R.. Bentinck. Building lot on Bruce St.. Durham. Brick house on Bruce St.. Durham. Apply to Wm. Legzette, Rocky 8111120611. or John Leave. Durham- Jan. 25. ’06 tf. U Lot 14, Con. 4. N. D. R.. Glenelg. About 85 acres cleared. balance in good hardwoml bush. Well watered, well fenced, good frame house. bank barn an'l imple- ment house. Good bearing orchard‘ about twenty-five acres ploughed, four acres in tall wheat. P0ssession may be had after Mar lst. For further partxcnlars apply to DONALD BEATON. Prop, J an. 20th. 1906â€"11 POMONA P. O. U about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possession at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD Durham Feb 22nd 1905 -tf‘ l. of Saddler sheet in the Town ot‘Dur- ham in the county nf Grev containing 4 acres more or less. F or terms and particu» lars applv to ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- A good solid brick two storey dwelling. alongside Presbyterian Mame prnperty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin streets‘. Seven rooms. pantry. closets, ceuent floored cvllnr, am. Good airy location in gum-l lccality. Good frame stable. hard and swft water, we acre 02 land. Slum fur quick purelxaau'. For further particulars apply t.) stable. hard and snft water, we acre 01 land. Slum tur muck purclum r. For further partlcnhzrs apply 1.» JOHN W. McKLcuxnz. Owner. Aug. lst. lmeâ€"tf. Rockv Saugeeu P. O Dec. 2.â€"-tf. JANUARY 10, 1907 Being Lots 10, 12. 13 and 14. Con. '2, Glen- elg, and :30 acres adjninimr. 450 acres in all, four good farms. ()n the property are three good barns and an extra good brick farm house. containing seventeen rooms. Hard and soft wa er in kitchen, and an abundance of good running spring water on the farms. Three good bearing orch- ards, farms in good state of cultivation, with excellent grazing lands, well timbered. convenient to church. close to gravel road and within four miles or village and post office. Will be sold in one block or in separate parcels to suit purchaser. The proprietor, George Twamley. has purchas- ed land in the West and has decided to sell at once. Snap to quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to 01$ gAND_3OE15_._cox. 1, W. G. J. P. TELFORD, Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf Barrister. Durham. Aug. 4, 1906.â€"6m. A number of improved valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount {or cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to J. P. TELFORD, 7 .18 06. Solicitor for Vendor. {OlfiTAINIfiG 100 ACRES. BEING .IJ â€" eession West of the Garafraxa. Road, in the Township of Normanby, m the County of Grey. For particulars apply to .D Containing 100 acres. On the prem- ises is a brick house, fifteen rooms. heated by hot air furnace. Soft water in kitchen, never failing well of good hard water at door. Good bearing orchard. Barn 50x60 with stone basement. Hog pen 16x30. Never failing well at barn. 85 acres clear- ed. 75in good state of cultivation. balance new land and bush. Fenced throughout with cedar rails and wire. Convenient to Post Ofiice. Church and School. on leading road between Markdale and Durham. Sold cheap to quick purchaser as proprietor is going West shortly. Apply to W. F. KERNEY, on the premise P. 0. address, Waudby. Ont. Nov 13th 1906.â€"â€"tf. Good location in the town of Durâ€" ham, é acre lot], good house, bank stable, a few bearing fruit trees, good well. Also a Park lot containing six acres, good property to build on. VVill sell both lots or one as purchaser requires. Cheap to quick buyer. Some one will get a bargain as the proprietor is going West; in the spring. For further particulars apply to ROBERT MCNALLY, Durham. N THE GARAFRAXA ROAD Take LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E. W. Grave's “nature in on each box. 250. Good Farm for Sale. OT 21â€"IN THE SECOND (EON-- EING LOT 5, CON. 11, GLENELG, Park Lot For Sale. Nurmanhy Farm for Sale Farm for'Sale. House tor Sale. Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. Farm for Sale. Town Property for Sale. For Sale. FARM FOR SALE. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham ROBERT TWAMLEY, Crawford P. 0 J. P. TELFORD.

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