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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jan 1907, p. 7

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A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Dificnlties arranged. C. P. R. an! Ocean Steamship Tickets for fish. Everything pnvate. Melotte Cream: Separators, McLaughlin Buggies nd Cutters, White and Standard Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Harness, Etc.,Etc. IMPLEMENTS - H. H.‘ Miller THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER Give these flours atrial you will be delighted and will want no other. MATTHEWS 8’ LATIMER To change his advertisements but now ofi'ers some NEW BARGAINS ; INACRES Bentinpk. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. very large barn. frame stables and pig stables‘ good soil god orchard. good bush. Price shonlcl 84!!!) but will sell tor less than saooogi: sold at once. 250 ACRES year Durham. : good farm, splendidly unmoved. was askmg $7.500, will now take great deal less. Made of best Manitoba wheat obtain- able is in every respect: aflour of A blend of best Unnario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a suicnly 'Who by using only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality, second to none mode in Canada. 100 ACRES in Glenelg 2. near Durham 3 fine wellnn 'ngroved farm, will sell very cheap or t e i £0813 L911?" 11939- ‘Durhany Ifumitnre WENGER MILLING CO. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stud, well located. AYT ON ' MILLS FWW. Will 393 cheap or trade. F. E. SIEGNER ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AT LOWEST PRICES STOVES PIPES, ETC. NOW 15 . ,. THE TIME Superior'Family Flour Alan We: Mute-t. Are now being operated by PUREiMANITOBA JOHN MUHUUCH JANUARY 10, 1907 ' Superior Quality SEE MY STOCK OF Oar Graniteware beat. and at. lowesc Frost 6’ Wood To consider about getting ready for fall, We have an excellent stock of : : HASBEEN : : -â€"FOR SALE BYâ€" CALL AND SEE ENCORE 2 BUSY Middaugh House Block. To select from. DURHAM. H. H. MILLER. is the prices. Ladies selling skirts and corsets are becoming as big a nuisance and as great a problem to the town merchant asare pedlars and itinerant dealers in small wares. 'l‘hey pay no taxes, are here today and away to morrow. ’l‘he Kincardine Reporter refers to these skirt and corset agents. as fol- lows: " There was a lady agent in town last week taking orders for ready made skirts and she received quite a number. How much taxes does she pay ? How much good does ahe do this town? Are the skirts sny better than your local merchants sell? You pay cash to these out- siders and give the local man the “finger.” He carries your account for two, three or six months. That’s right, When vou have a spare dollar sena it out of town. Don’t imagine the local man wants any money. He gets his light, water, rent, taxes and everything else free. Another funny thing about these outside agents is that they are always in hard luck.“ Have a sick mother and four or five children to keep. The sympathy dodge works wonders and you pay extra for the goods you buy. Say, don’t you think this kind of business is wrong. Spend your money where you earn it. You will get justas good value.” Why not cleanse and purify the whole system. Whv not strengthen the stomach. enrich the blood and assist your overtaxed digestive organs? Easily done with Dr Hamil- ton’s Pills; their action is most grati fying. In every case they give the exact assistance the ailing organs re- quire. You’ll feel fit and fine, eat with a relish, sleep like a tap. have a clear color, and restful sleep if you regulate your system with Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills. Price 25c. per box, at all dealers. A friend nnd comforter, an uncens- ing aid in every house for the hand. red and One ailments that do turn up. Nerviline is too velnable to be without. If some thing eaten causes trouble, if it’s cramps, indigestion or headache, Nerviline cores. For cold on the chest, aching limbs or lune beck rub on Nerviline and get one at once. - As o family’snlegnnrd nothingie known to excel Pohon’l Nerviline. _G-et t lugs 250 bottle from your dealer. “ What is Home without a Mother ?” Across the room was another brief, i” God Bless Our Home!” Now, what’s the matter with “ God Bless our Dad ” He gets up and lights the fire. boils an egg. grabs his din- ner pail and wipes the dew 06 the lawn with his boots while mother is sleeping. He makes the handout for the butcher. the grocer, the milkman and baker and his little pile is badly worn before he has been home an hour, He stands OR the bailiff and keeps the rents paid. If there is a noise in the night. dad is kicked in the back and made to go down Stairs to the burglar and kick him. Mother darns socks, but dad buys them in the first place, and needles and yarn afterwards. Mother does up fruit but dad buys it all, and jars and sugar costs like the mischief. Dad buys chickens for Sunday dinner, carves them himself, and draws the neck from the ruins after everyone else is served. " What is Home without a Mother?” Yes, that is all right ; but “ What is Home Without Father ?” Ten chances to one it is a boarding house, father is under a slab and the landlady isa widow.‘ Dad, here’s to you. You’ve got your faults, you may have lots of them, but we’ll miss you when your gone. â€"Harriston Review. you have indigestion. perhaps cramps, or in any case the system is overloaded with mutter that. should be eliminated. Breath gets bad, eves look dull. headaches are frequent. We happened in a home the other night and over the parlor door saw the legend. worded in letters of red. Even worse is the agony of corns. Why snfierâ€"onre is waiting in every drug store in the form of Pat- nsm’s Corn Excractor which relieves at once. cures thoroughly and with- out pain. For good results use only “Putnam's.” I On December 3lst, the biggest mail ;et*er received by one firm in Canada ! was delivered to the Family Herald ‘and Weekly Star of Montreal The number of subscription orders re- ceived by that paper on the above date would probably exceed the en- tire receipts of any Other payer for the whole month. The publishers were at their wits’ end for an hour or two but quickly met the emergency bv adding a complete night and day stafi. and will keep up to date enter~ ing the names. The public are realiz‘ in: more than ever what big value they receive in that great weekly. and are not slow to take advantage of it. The premium picture. “A Tug of \Var,” given to all subscribers, is the best ever issued. No family should be without Canada’s great family and farmer’s paper this year. WHEN YOU EAT T00 FAST BIGGEST MAIL ON RECORD. MOTHERS, HERE IT IS ! THORNS IN THE FLESH. TAKING ORDERS. ONE FOR DAD. m FERROL 00.,1mm The bottle of FERROL I eecured from you, I have found to do greet good. My eon used it for e bed oold.end item-ed him. I know itho be an excellent remedy forebedooldendforbnflding opal-eon up other eickneu. I might. any that it w a: prominent doctor friend of mine in the city, who mod it for hieeon, end spoke to not it. I have time recommended it b e greet mil! of I, fneede to :17. You! truly, I REMEMBER, only ONE bottle will be given to each family. Teil your friends of this Wonderful Maintaining a first-class Drug Store, the above named Druggist occupies a com. mending position in the retail drug trade of this city. and almost every remedy that is offered to the public seeks an outlet through his store. But with an eye single to the interests of his many patrons he is careful to handle the most reliable preparations. Consequently when a medicine is recommended and endorsed by this Druggist, that medicine must have merit. ~ There is absolutely no sentiment in this endmwement of FERROL. It is merely a busmess recognitzou of a preparatzon that possesses positive merit, and a keen desire on the part of a progresslve concern to always supply the best guqdd at: the lowest possible price. It was necessary for me to purchase a large quantity in order to have the privilege of making this free distribution. and the respunsibility assuixied by me in this matter, I am positive will be appreciated by the public, and the ixmnense sales that are sure to follow will more than compensate me for the expenditure invnlveti. No other distribution Will be made, and it will be necessary for you to come eariy in order to be sure of securing a large size bottle of FERROL ABSOLUTELY FREE " He has purchased from the Ferrol Co., Limited, of Toronto, 8. large number of bottles of this remedy, for free distribution, and he hereby invites every person sufl‘ering from any form of blood trouble ; any person who is run down, discouraged and in need of a powerful tonic; any person suffering from Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, Group and all Bronchial or Lung Trouble, Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Insomnia, Loss of Weight and all wasting diseases; any per-sum who has sought relief in any other remedy or Cod Liver Oil preparation, and failed to find it, cut out the certificate printed herewith. fill out the blank lines, present it at the store on the dates given, and get a bottle of this wonderful preparation, FERROL, Free. ___ ‘â€"oD-Vvu a“. VUL-LV‘ VLU U0 ILGVU ”1‘5“ standing behind this medicine; and that these druggists have distribution 01 full-sized bottles. a Impressed by the action of our fellow-druggists, and convinc such unqualified approval without positive knowledge of its merits distribute tree of charge 75 Large Bottles of FERROL Free to the Sick ' on SATURDAY, January 12th # at MACFARLANE 0035 Drug Store DURHAM, ONT. Orr? Ou‘ I find _ also that the drugcrists in tum THE DURHAM UHRUN [OLE my 24th, 1905 ~' responsibility, but I have faith in the honesty and fairness of the F errol Company, Limited, unequalled merits of their preparation, FERROL. '(SignedJMacFARLANE co. Iw‘u’ ] It. assists in the flank out of donut. ll- !anh and children. and “I uh. able "tor boys and girl: 3t tho gm mum WIIA‘I‘ Fulton. normâ€"A careful perusal of the foregoing will readily mason: to the reader «but. 333801. does. It builds up the run down constitution as no other preparation can. It. cures Ansel-la. no motto!“ how chronic. by imp lying the blood with Just: what it aim in a only form in which impoverished load can be so supplied. I It prevents Consumption by {omitting the ; constitution new nst its gggocxg, .UWIV "IUUI I"... ' ‘I'Vâ€""' acum'cféugm, ColdI. Bronchitis end kin. dred diseases by building up the constitution so thet. the system wizl throw of the disease by NATURAL Puocm-a very different thing from. the usual method of treatment. by edminhtec- in: (mug medicines and other which are? ant-em r distension and are wen debili- fitting in air effecu. rayon. on the m hand. while removing the clause. a; the nine time mammal rm: “war. unreal- fine noon and improves » the Marin every \vvuwvl mu .IVII "W' I II ' _ It restores Kenya"; Via!) in t manor hme ahort. of marvglqgs. .. -__‘L... _ Offer for fear they will not see this advertisement. other cities have taken upon themselves the solemn responsibility of .1: these druggists have made in each city a daring and remarkable WHAT IT IS AND WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE IT v' w"'_ -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" v-fi â€"v-â€"--"'â€"vâ€"â€""I '_â€" thtt anoi- mun. 1* :2: runaway: m“? 33:: mo “in: u [Dodo ' ’2‘ p. ‘g,’ “ MA_ALJ._ AIL-.5 5‘- “an. . air-nit]! first: not a. “Magnum. 0 ”-4110 Men In tree! made own. only the method g mmybomw IBMâ€"brill to i: h proper for. Phoe- Iphoma, the 'l chief constituent; amok: 0‘ depression and max-human. “ brain tug.” OW. ‘8 dimâ€"tho are in bud. construc- L.’__ _...j --_._.._ -4- v._ _ wvv-v 'â€" five and oomplot‘o. '- A I‘ I'D I. I'm ~OodLl van-'01 In. and Phosphorus m not M‘SnQLWF? ”: .3“ their not!“ ‘ _n_.‘ __..J Jun-g--- Introngth :nd the sy'otom as rendorod peculiarly sugcoptible up the” snack: of _disease R strengthens the muecles. tones up the net-us, improve. the viuhty, strengthens the action at the heart. and bund- up the whole system so that the germs of disease can obtain no foothold. It has e wonderful .g-egnpentive «greet 03 the n_-:_ L._3____1_ __ Address, ................................ The bearer of this certificate hereby agrees to give this medicine a thorough and faithful trial and to report to the druggist named above, within three weeks, the improved condition of his health that is almost absolutely certain to follow. Name‘ of Patient,.... Disease, ............................... Properly filled out and signed, en- titles the holder to one large sized bottle of FERROL (Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus), if pre- sented .. n . -- ... DUI-LUV u At MacFarlana 6’ 0333 DrugZStore, Jan. 12 from 9 a.m., until samples are exhausted. {his Coupon must be preswted by adutts. THIS CERTIFICATE, 60001 These ants are combined to a mum pnepared ulsion so alguble that even a nursing intent can en W111 puke it may, even greedzly ;__ao ego!!! usimxlegednthn the available. ' ' In “an301." that hope has at I»: been full refitted and the practical benefits“ teen ting from {ta use have far oxoeodod tho most. sanguine expecmciona. These 9.35.311me combing! it} 3. 991mm benefit; _01 their lite-giving propel-tie- and. ““500. x up;

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