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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1907, p. 3

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'Mrs. Alex. Beggs 8: Sons To change his advertisements but now ofl'ers some NEW BARGAINS ; AND PROVISION STORE The People’s Grocer) That always satisfies the Cook. zoo ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick ‘veneered dwelling, very large barn. frame stables and pig stables, good soil, 00d orchard. good bush. Price should 6 34000 but will sell tor less than 330001ir sold at once. 1.700 ACRES near Durham. a good farm. splendidly lmDrOV’ed. was asking $7.500, will now take great deal less. !0) ACRES in Glenelg. near Durham, a tine well improved farm, will sell very cheap or trade. :1 ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sellcheap or trade. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Difliculties arranged. C P. R,'and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. We can give you what you want and you will find our prices right. Give these flours a. trial you will be delighted and will Want no other. MATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER H. H. Miller THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER Manitoba Floats always give satis- faction. WENGER MILLING CO. Made of best, Manitoba wheat. obtain- able. is in every respect aflour of AYT ON MILLS 'W'ho by using only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality, second to none mode in Canada. A bland of besr. Uncario Fall and No. 3. Manitoba Wheat is a StrECtly Five Roses and Reindeer lismwel lions! Bread Ham McGowan’s Eclipse F. E. SIEGNER ALL KINDS or HARDWARE AT LOWEST muons STOVES PIPES, ETC. Superior Family Flour For F lours Are now being Operated by Always Promptâ€"Never Nleigcnt. PURE MANITOBA We carry also other well known brands of Flour. JANUARY 17, 1907 Our Graniteware best. and at. lowesc Superior Quality To consider about getting ready for fall, We have an excellent Stock of : HAS BEEN : : O O â€"FOR SALE BYâ€" CALL AND SEE ENCORE 2 BUSY To 36190: from. DURHAM. H. H. MILLER. is the prices. Thanking you for your pasta. t,rona.ge etc" .wiabin§ you the comp outs of the season, am, yours truly, All kinds of Graig bought at Market Heâ€"“ What a lovely complexion Miss Pinkloigh has !” 8119â€"“ Yes, that girl’s a horn ort- Xmas Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. Chopping Done Every Day TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. ' All upâ€"to-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it. come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Cho , Pea. Chop. Bean Shorts and Feed our. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in Eat, Drink -and Be Merry= A blend of § Manitoba and J; Ontario Wheat and is a strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba. flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba, wheat cannot, be beat; for either bakers’ or domestlc use. Is made from selected Winter Wheat and is a. superior article for making pastry, etc. MATH s EWS 8: LATIMER Dr. '1‘. A. Slocum. Limited :â€"Dear Six-s: Within the last two years my wife (who is of a delicate eomtitutionrhashad two Severe attacks of la grigge. both 01 which have been speedilv corrected y ease of Psychine. Vl e haw such faith in the efficiency of your remedies that as a family we use no other. For toning up a debilitated system. however run down. restoring to healthy action the heart and lungs. and as a specific for all Wast- ing discutses. your Psychine and Oxomulsion are simply peerless. Yours sincerely. Rev. J. J. Rice. 51 Wulker Avenue. Toronto. PSYCHINE, Pronounced Si-keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic preperties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. \ It is especially adapted for people who are run' down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. ‘ People’s Mills is for sale at all dealers, at 500 aiid $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, '179 King St. \V., Toronto. Dr. Root’s Kidney Pills are a sure and ermanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright’s isease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 25¢ per box, at all dealers. . The following letter has been sent to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- Iication. There is no other remedy “Just as Good” as PSYCHINE. Tells His Wife's Experiencq for Sake of Other Sufierers. Minister Sp eahs to Mothers . H John McGowan (PRENochED Eat-km) The unexcelled quality and the very low prices for our will unquestionably give you a. if you leave your orders With us. MERRY XMAS PASTRY FLOUR THEOBALD'S OLD STAND. SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP THE VF 5" It.“ i Cut. this out and take it to MacFer- lme’s drug store and get a. free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. ”These tablets are far superior to pills. being easier to take and more pleasant in efiect. .l‘bey correct disorders of the atom-.- ech, liver and bowels. ' Sold at Park- er’e Drug Store 5 ‘ I' ”b. 0 uflflcq The Railway Commissioners will hold a session in Ottawa on Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 11 o’clock. to settle the form or forms of bills of lading and to discuss and decide upon a system of operating rules for the' various railways subject to the jurisdiction of the board. The board will also consider at this meeting the petiti‘.m of the railway trainmeu of Ontario. dated the 28th day of April, 1906. and the representations of eniployes in relation thereto as made before the board on the 15th day of June, 1906- Mrs. James Elliott, of Hamilton, was awarded $1.200 damages by a jury in the Assizes there Wednesday for _the death of her son, who fell from a scaffold in the Savoy theatre. Adolphus Dean, farmer, .of Smith tawnship. aged 45, attempted to hapfl himself and was rescued by his Wife just in time to save his life. ‘ Wm. Brown, ‘ of London, was awarded $500 damages by a jury in the Assizes there Wednesday for the loss of two fingers by his daughter Irene, aged 14, in Reif Broe’ facnory. Messrs. J. R. Milli gen andB. F. Gaines. of Henley, Sasgk, are in Win- nipeg and deny that their town is experiencing a. food and fuel famine. Arthur Lemieux, of Pepineeuville, was drowned through the ice in the Ottawa. River, opposite Rockland, Wednesday morning. He was being driven home across the river ‘in a sleigh, when the sleigh went through. The five Other occupants saved them- selves. ' Mrs Miller. operating the Colum- bia. brewery at. Cedar Grove, was fined $75 and costs for Sciling beer :11 smaller quantities than the law al- lows. ’ The Intercolonial Railway is build- ing three big motor cars ia the Monc- con suoys for use on the line nexc summer. According to the report of Coroner McMahon, Montreal, five murders, twentyvthree suicides, three homi cides. and one case of manslaughter sum up the total of the more import ant verdicts of coroners’ juries at the morgue during the past. year. isaac’ and Thomas Burgoyne, 'of West Cave, Sc. Margaret’s Bay, see out to attend their lobster traps in Colma‘n’s Uove L'be boat was found overturned. , The bodies have not been recovered. Mayor Coatsworth and the Toronto M. P.‘s have been assured that an adjournment will be granted to ner- mit Toronto to Oppose the application of the railways to enter Toronto along the Beaches. Mr. Lavergne. M. P., Montmagny, has given notice of a resolution that. the French Language be placed on an equal footing with English in ml public‘matsers, such as in the coinage and posnaJaEairs. ' Maodonald. McMilleTn Co., rail way contractors, are reported to have Io’xfeited their 250 mile contract. on the G. T. P. from Portage la. Prairie to the Touchwood Hills. It is also reported that the firm has failed for a; quarter of a million. Witnesses before the Grain Com- mission ‘z-‘i'ting at, Moosomin swore that main crews held up 9hippers and accepted brib.s to suppi y cars at $10 each. The old man killed on the G. '1‘ R. near Komoka on Sunday has been identified as \Vlllium Hoes, of the Mount, Hope Home, London. Norman Graham. of Rodney, was seriously lujarwd while working on the Michigan Central block system at Victoria Wednesday. W. P. Archibald, Toronto, Domin- ion parole officer, was the guess of honor at the Canadian Club luncheon at. Winnipeg “Wednesday. The Railway Commission has con- sented to the‘conscruction of a. Cana- dian Northern Ontario bridge over the W'abnapitae. Hamilton’s tire losses for 1906 total $215,615 ‘29. Twenty-five people were killed on the I. C. R. during 1906. Some were suicides. Vancouver bank clearings.for 1906 totalled $132,000,000. against $80,- 000,000 for 1905. Six million dollars’ worth of 8.ng- cultural implements were sold from Regina in 1906. A scrutiny of the votes on the Mu- lock by-law in Guelph has been or- dered by the Council. At Ingersol two auditors at a con- cert eXpectorated on the floor and were fined 31 each. LLiib ral nominees for the B. C. secure for Victoria are Messrs. Cruy. Cameron, McNiven and Hall. Guelph Council have fixed the as sessment on the Dodds’ Cotton Spin ning factory at. $5,000 for five years Collections in fines from Scott Act violators m the County of York, N. 3., during the past year will amount to nearly $1,000. George McKaard, of McKeard Daugherty. of Hamilton, is dead, aged 83. ' The natural increase in Peterboro’s ponnlation for 1906 was 122. against 125 in 1905. GENERAL NEWS THE DURHAM CHRUN [OLE .1915 Manitoba’s municipalities have stimulated the cause of government ownership of public utilities not only in Canada. but in the United States. Winnipeg and her neighboring cities have voted favorably upon the Pro- vincial ownership of all long-disnance telephone lines and the municipal control of all local wires. The voice of those wise people can not fail to carry hope and inspiration to other North American States andProvinces that are victimized by the telephonic octopus Manitoba has placed her. self in the forerank of progressive communities. and economists ' and legislators alike will look eagerly yet with patience to the outcome of this taking-over. Conservatives and those afliliated with or interested in ‘ other public utility enterprises will frown upon this expansion of govern 1 mental control. and will hasten to ad- vertise and magnify every flaw and failure in the public service. But a peoyle who set the economic destines of our times as clearly as do these progressive Manitobans will not be misled by either a false convervatism or a false enthusiam. Almost every city on the continent is ready to do what the Manitoba municipalities have done. Many will look to Man- itoba to find out how! . __ nun‘h-...t-..i- Mr. Campbell had many years ex- perience in municipal matters, being first elected to the council of Coiling- wood township in 1880 as lst deputy 166% to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late William White. He held this oflire until 1887 and was then out of municipal life until 1892, when he successfully contested the township for the reeveship, hold- ing this reSponsible position which be filled with credit to himself until 1901. In 1900 he moved from his [arm on the 10th line to Thornbury and since then has lived a quiet re~ tired life, highly respected and es- teemed by all who knew him. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. The late Archibold Campbell, who passed to his rest on Wednesday, January 2nd, after sufiering for some time with dropsy, was perhaps one of the best known pioneers in this district. Born in 1836 in the Isle of Ila, Scotland he came to this country at the age of ten and settled in the Chinguacousy Twp.. near Brampton, with his parents, seven brOI-hers and two sisters, two of whom, Mr. Mal~ colm Campbell and Mrs. Dougald Paul, are living on the 6th line of Collingwood. Everyone who uses Ferrozone has {IOud color and great vitality. Reason for this is Ferrozone’e power to create nourishing blood. “I was broken down. had no strength 3110 comdn’t eat” writes M rs. Chas. Ben- ny oi Uloyne. Out. “My nerves were irritable, I was thin-blooded and con- tinually unhappy. I tried Ferrozane. It gaVe me a new energy, force, vim. It brought me strengthâ€"made me well.” Greeteet tonic and re builder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 500. boxes. Before coming to Beachcote the deceased taught; school for some time in Nomawasaga township, and after wards an Heathcote, lOLh line and 7th line school house, In 1867 he married Miss Mary Ann Spaui, six children resulting from this union. 'I‘Wo daughters, Miss Sarah at; home, Mrs, Jas. Fawcetn, of the 10th line, and his widow survive him. Mr Archibald Muir. formerly liv- ing near Ceylon, but for a number of years has been in the far West, and whom we are sorry to learn lost his life in a railway accident during the list week of 1906, was laid to rest in the cemetery here on the 2nd insa, beside his father and member. De- ceased was about 50 years of age and unmarried. A very large number attended. the funeral, Rev. J. A Matheson olficiatiug. Mrs. Hugh McPhaiI (Sarah Moo Lean) who has been aufiering with that dread diseaseâ€"cancerâ€"for many months passed away on the 2nd. The funeral on Friday last proceeded from the residene, South Line, Glen- elg, to the Presbyterian church where the pastor, Rev. J. A. Mathe- son. ofliciated at the memorial ser- vices Deceased was about 35 years of age. and survived her mother but a few weeks. A number of the people here drove out to the Union Church on the 4th. line to hear Mr. R. H. Stone, of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. His address was on Missionary work. Mr. Stone is a son of the late Richard Stone. James McLeod, of Owen Sound, who got his right. hand severely in- jured in a. saw-mill, is at home with his mbther. Mr. Sid Blakestou of â€"-â€"â€"â€" ,Man is visiting his father and sister: Mrs. J. Williams. 0. D R 9 Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, of Calgary, are visiting relatives on the South Line and Old Durham Road. Principal A. D. Cérmichael and Miss Ross take charge of our Public Sghool again this yeatj. 'Very mildw‘xyeather, but the major- ity of people Nara sorry to see the roads getting here this week. Mr. Malcolm McDonald, of Toronto. formerly of townline has been visit- ing friends here for some days. Matkdale Standard. A. D. McLeod. miller. was elected school trusr‘ee an the annual meeting. Health Depends on Good Blood. PRICEVIL LE. OBITUARY. -- We”, M 1544-“ as 4? _'Ol‘v .34 am _ F E 0L LA GRIPPE a“; THE W .BISSELL 3 Drum sml land Iollor A meal prepared With the help of a chafing dish has a great fascination for many. But the woman who usesa chafing dish and hasn’t tried what the addition of a few draps of Bovril will do, has yet to find out how delightfully piquant and appetising, a chaf- ing dish preparation can be made. Not only does “Bovril” add to the richness and taste, but also very materially to the nourishing qualities, and that’s best of all. ,___r "_ v_'_ _ Except in the cases where Pneumonia develops, La Grippe is seldom directly fatal 3 the real danger lies in the after effects. Even when the patient has fairly well recov- ered from an attack (and it is very hard to tell just when he has fully recovered) the muscles are relaxed, the nerves unstrung, the heart and lungs weak, the throat and bronchial tubes irritable and tender and the whole system depressed, run-down and in no condition to resist the attack of any other disease to which it may be exposed. This condition is fraught with danger and demands instant and intelligent attention, the system must be built up and restored to a normal and healthy conditionâ€"advice easy to give, often very hard to follow. v The appetite is liable to be poor and the digestion im- paired so that it is almost impossible to consume and digest sufficient ordinary food to do the work quickly and effec- tively. What is required is a concentrated food, palatable, easy to digest and containing the elements necessary to repair the waste which La Grippe has committed. Just such a food is found in La Grippe is no wrespector of persons; it attacks the young and the old, the rich and the poor with the utmost impartiality. “ - i 1 1' a scientifically prepared emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus, palatable, digestible and eflective FBRROL contains just what the run down system needs and all it requires. Cod Liver Oil to restore the lost flesh and make what is left firm and healthy, Iron to enrich the impoverished blood and restore elasticity and firmness to the relaxed muscles, Phosphorus to tone the nerve and brain as nothing else will. This distressing and unfortunately very common malady easily takes rank among the very “meanest” of the diseases to which people living in this climate are liable. 1 .1, Two or three bottles of FERROL, taken after the acute stage of La Grippe has passed, will do more to repair damages than can possibly be accomplished in any other way. Try it and see. KEEP YOUR For Clubbing Rates see Page Seven. BOVRIL A Household Necessity ON THIS SPACE. 4. M. Dawns: 9.08? 084. ans. 3â€". #858 a H...

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