West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1907, p. 7

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I ' . ‘ Elocutnon and ‘S PUBLISHED MR1 ransom: maul-no IBM: mama: noose. W 31355? mm Tm: CHR'mICLP. will be sent to any addrcsg f-rvc of pmzagc, for $1.00 per “753 o 0.0 0 year, paygmc 3'1 advancth-5p50 may h charged tf not so paid. In: date to whxc‘n cx'cry . O O . ‘ . . m a xd xs d:._;v:c. by me numbc.’ on tn: Edna m 0 paper 91 ~C ”Itmut’, unn} all 311w: “flew“ a: the own»: or 1:1: propnctor. BE WHERE flflfiflfllflfl m mm For transient adv :rtisemenzs 8 Ccr‘. (S pet hne for the first insertion; 3 cents per - 1E8 - - ~ J . . 0 [me each subsequent. xnsemon- xnxnzon we. Mssxonal cams, not exceedxnjv one Inch $4.09 per_annmn. Advertisements. without specifi. m wall be published :le forbid and charged an @631ng Transient no:ices:â€"“ Lostf: “ Found. “Fa e," etaâ€"50 cengs for mst mseruon, 25 cents bench subsequent mse_rt:on._ Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Dâ€"bfiw over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm All admisgments ordered bystmgexs must be paid h in advance. Contract tats for yearly ac. enisemeats furnished or. ”Ration to the office. a All advertise ne 1ts, to ensure insertion in cunem week, should be brought in no: later than Tommy 1 fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p.--m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. GRADULATE of London. Now York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Satuzdsv in each month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 p.m. HONO RGRADUATE, UNIVERSI- of Toronto. Graduate Royal College tyDental Surgeons of Ontario. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Ofiicesr-In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. THE JOB :: U Garafraxa and George guestsâ€"at foot of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"EH] a. m., 2â€"4 p. 01., 7-9 p.111. Telephone No. 10. Will be at the Mid laugh House lat Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. OFFICE: te Amistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Eng, and to Golden Sq. 'lfhroat and Nose Hoe. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham 06cc hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. .l. 6. Hutton, M. D., C. M. OFFICE ANI’) RESIDENC COR. Garafraxa and George treats-at HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office y Dentistry. in all its Branches. Ofice.â€"Calder' Block, over Post er Conveyancerf c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. June 06 DURHAM. ONT. d tioneer for .the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Orders may be left at his Implement .Warerogms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chromcle Ofice. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE ceive pupils for instruction in Elocution and Physical Culture. Classes Tuesday and Friday afternoon's in Calder’s Hall. Terms on applicw t'on. ' , MISS TWAMLE Y, Honol- Graduate Alina. College. Nov. Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. Nov. 9. ’03. l. P. Telford. ARRISTER,'__SQLI_CITOR_, qrc. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. : ls completely stocked with PARTHENT all NEW TYPE, thus af- finding facilities for turning out Firstoclass OHN LIN NEE LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. om: CLARKL LICENSED AUC- A. H. Jackson. 'OTAR_Y PUBLIC, COMMISSION- DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) JANUARY 17, 1907 Em'ron AND PROPRIETOR. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Medical Directory. Arthur Gun, M. D. Machy 8:. Dunn. Dental Dz'recz‘orv. ER- GED. S. BUM. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. Physical Culture. EXCLUSIVELY Over J. J. Hunter’s. On Wednesday evening last shortly after 6 o’clock a most dastardly crime was perpetrated on the East hill. when Miss Selina Gunn was brutally assaulted. She was on her way home and when near the brickyard on Campbell street, noticed a man ahead of her. She paid no particular at tention to him; but just as she was passing him he graSped her round the waist, and desnite her struggles and cries, dragged her into a small out building, a disused hen house. Between exertion and fright. she be- came unconscious; but when recover- ed she at once notified the police. From her description. which was full, suspicion pointed one way and the police got out on the trail. From the tracks about the scene of the crime, further elues were gained, but- they were unable to locate their game. The search continued with the result that last night John Ross, who lives near the brickyard. was arrested and appeared in Police Court this morning charged with the crime. The hearing was not gone on with. being adjourn- ed until Monday, morning. It is understood that Miss Gunn is posi- tive that he is the criminal.â€"Owen Sound Sun. A terrible experience had Edw J. O’Connor of Sault Ste Marie. "From; boyhood” he writes, "I have been a constant. sufierer from asthma and catarrh. My nose and throat was ahvays stOpped up and I had droppings in the throat When at- tacks came on I thought. I couldn’t iive through the night '1 would sit up gasp for breath and endure great distress. Catarrhozone made me en- tirely well.” No stronger prof is 2 .~ quire-d. Asthma is curabie, so is ca- turrh. Use "Catzxrrhozoue” and your recovery is guaranteed 'l‘wo sizes, 25c and $1 00 at an dealers. and wish it were night again. Your liver is wrong and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; they do cure all liver ills. At once the system is relieved of poisons, blood 1s enriched and purified, appetite increases and digestion picks up. Health and vigor return because Dr. Hamilton’s Pills make the body proof against weakness and disease. For your liver, your kidneys, your stomach, for the sake of your looks and feel- ings, try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 25c. box at all dealers. You know how you feel,â€""lue, sickly and heavy. Each morning you waken in a. dull ‘A‘dopy’fcondition We are foni of hockey, skating And the other winter Sports. But a longing fills our hearts and Almost drives us out of sorts. We are longing for the so mmerâ€" Not because of birds or flowers, Norto contemplate the beauty BARELY LIVED THROUGH 1'13. It is very desirable that this move- ment for better pay should every where he eXtcnded to teachers Never have the schools of this :coun try had so im portant a part to play in our civilization as at the present time, and norhing else is soimportant about the schools as the qualification and character of the teachers Monthly or yearly rates of payment of teachers that seemed ample 15 or 20 years ago are quite insuficient now. This is true with respect to the public schools, and it also applies to higher institutions, where the sal- aries of profession ought to be made sufiicient to attract and hold a su- perior class of men. The problem is a very serious one and it deserves careful consideration throughout the country. If there is one reason Stronger than another why the tax- ing of power should lay a firmer hand upon the growing wealth of great corporations and upon the income of vaSt private fortunes, it is because the state must adequately perform its responsible task of education. If there is to be compulsory attendance of schools, there must be schools worth attending, and ample provision for all the childern. If there is to be extention of child labor laws , and better enforced exclusion of children from factories. mines. and various grinfulemploymetts there”must be developed such a system of'educatiou as to add immensely to the efiicienoy of the child when at a later 'age he joins the breadwinners. Let as re- peat then that central fact in the school system is the teacher, and we cannot expect to have the right sort of teachers in the long run without paying them enough to justify them in regarding their profession as . permanent calling rather than a temporary makeshi ft. â€"â€"From “The Progress of the \Vorld, ” in the American Monthly Review of Re- views for January. 0f the landséape after enveâ€"ve'ers. We are longing for the warm days, For the gladdest days of all, For- hot sunshine on the diamond And the nmpire’s cry, "Play ball!” Young Lady Brutally Assaulted. FITS YOUR CASE EXACTLY. 2m. 93am Emma Qwe. am LONGIN G FOR SUMMER. Teachers Not Paid Enongho‘i :; ‘73? $15.00 Cash. '34 McGill St., Toronto. 9%%%%w%%%%q%%% %%%Â¥% $2? . o '0 W "a ?S fin 4’ ’4? 0 b no .u‘ S" o ’49 O ’I’ ‘ ad .3» .Q ,~ 0 :75 ‘0 When Going Up Street: We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber footwear suit- able for the present weather. Also BOOT and SHOES in abundance. Ourlines of Men’s Women’s. Misses’ and Chil- dren’s Slippers were never so nice as this season. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson In MITS and GLOVES we have a good assortment at prices that cannot be beaten for same quality. _ A few lines of HOSIERY in black for Men, Ladies and Children. We have not space to mention all the goods to be found here. but if you just ask we will deem it. a pleasure to send you anything in our store and let you judge the value Terms, Cash. Eggs same as Cash. John S. Mortimerifi Do not delay. These lots are selling fast. to-day. Map and full p..rt.iculars on application. Properw in this disrrIcc i4 an absolutely sound. gilt-edged investment and has been empb .-IL1Ca~11\ eI: domed by the \Iayor of Fort; William, local Bank Managers, and Icadlnv business and professional men. Hlu ‘H is the 011w DrOperr" s:.1h11vidud into fluids-11ml Int that actually mljaius thu J L OASIS ( «HEPAI‘ Y'S SI! '8, 05cm; 2111 1“}erth05);)11ta1‘1‘iL3 (141‘ MM: DU :1'11 {\65'01 to get in 011 the g”0unai 11101 in a. p10 194 1411 uf almost, 1112911111.}.- ed possibihcies a: :1 muncy maket Leggings for all Clas’ses at MBderate Prices Custom Work and Repairingjlone as Quickly as Possible at Syndigam Park FOR? WELL! am WHO SAID RUBBERS ? J. S. McILRAITH THE DURHA M C12“ m )\" Ii‘LE Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. Price from $65.00 up. MODEL BAKERY Barclay '59” Bell, Undertakerg DURHAM, ONT. Day and Night Calls promptiy attended to. $5.00 per Month. G. Lawrence’s Old Stand. Call or write tn‘l‘wobays. ‘1 ,6" 9} “I“ l '0‘ $3.“ 771$ 4% 74p Remit bv postal note. monpy 0rd ‘.I‘. express Older or regimemd letter :0 The Chronicle. Durham. Una. Famiiv Tic-raidund \Vevki‘y Star lffontroa': Wi: new ....... . . . . . TV 1' armors Advocatn Weeklv Sum. ....... . and other papers at equally v<,. ‘1 -1 ca 0 -l Cl ,_.HI¢»â€"Hâ€"- Q“C o 3 :‘EL’ (35'. ‘ -.‘. ? ' 0'10 cwu‘m hd'v’nhttr‘ cubscrxbers we gun the! I;IOL£1C;': and l‘ mm Daily Mai! { ‘ “ (Hahn CLUBBIHG RATES. t \Jccé The Chronicle Columns. I)!‘ I." ' John Bell. Na. (37. 31d Con EG R: X03 and n1 Ist Con X I) R Chnis Firth IN 1,:5 lst Con} D R “'m Young :NO 30011 1,5 D h: N0 6 COD 1. \ D R A1] Dersmls are warned not to trespass on 11m tolluwmg Ian.»- M 1th dugs. guns. or other- wiec. for Hm ".urlrua'e ut hunting or prosec- utiuns will fulluw :â€" Ahrah'am ()rutchley~ No.62, 3rd Con. E. G. R: IV) 3, 4th 0011. S I) R. “'11). “'21”. Xu. 3,4(11 Con. S D R. _ Thus. McGirr, No. (31 and 02, 2nd ConJE Adv. TORE AND DWELLING IN THE Villa :13 0f l’riceville. Apply to MRS. E. J. GRIER 15"? w Dundalk. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS T0 RENT.

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