West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1907, p. 3

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“AYTON MILLS ' WENGER MILLING CO. ”Who by using only best wheat and . sareful grinding are producing flour of superior quality. second to none .mode in Canada. fifiade of besn Manitoba wheat obtain- :sble is in every respect. aflour of (Jive these flours a trial .‘ieligbted and will want To change his advertisements buti’now - 05ers some NEW BARGAINS; .‘KBACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick ".eneered dwelling. very large barn. : frame stables and pig stables, good soil. d orchard. good bush. ‘ Price should $4000 but will sell tor less than $30003: sold at once. 213$ ACRES near Durham. :3. good farm, splendidly improved. was asking $7.500, mll now take great deal less. -2~(X}ACRES in Glenelg. near Dirnam. a line well improved farm, will sell very cheap or trade. .35; ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROFITA BLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. , A large sum of money to lend at lowest .zates. DEB PS COLLECTED. INSUR- ...9.)£CBS placed Difficulties a‘ranged. U ' ‘7. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for .~ ale. Everything private. K... Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. EMATTHEWS a? LATIMER A blend of best, Untario Fall " Manitoba wheat is a. ‘The People’s Grocer)- .AND PROVISION STORE 'IIEhat always satisfies the Cook. fiFive Roses and Reindeer ifiianitoba Flour. al~\’ay.s «,{i fummn. ‘We can give you what you Wan. and you will find our prices right. its. Alex. Beggs Sons pm, 031‘. 's'listowel lions! Bread Hoar JANUARY Are now being operated by McGowan’s Eclipse PURE MANITOBA For Flours HANOVER CONVBYANCER Superior Quality We carry also other Well known brands of 31011:. : : HASBEEN : : â€"l"OR SA LE BYâ€" ENCORE 2 BUSY 21. H. MILLER. . Miller 31, 1907 > Fall and No. is a. striCtly you will be no other. ~a'l ~ A blend of .1: Manitoba and 73" Ontcnio w heat. and is a. smictly first: class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour. made from N0. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot: be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. Is made from selected winter Wheat and IS a superior article for making pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop, Pea. Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. AH up-to-date flour and feed and Bracers keep our flour for sale. If )nlll‘ grocer does not keep it. come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Thanking. you for your past atronage, when wushmg you the comp iments of the season, I am, A GUARANTEED CURB FOR FILES All kinds of Gra_i_n_ bought at Market Itching, Blind. Bleeding. Protmdinz Piles. D1113 gins are authorized to refund money it PAZO OINTMENI mu home in 6 to ltd-ya. 500; NOW [5 . . THE TIME STOVES PIPES, ETC. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AT LOWEST PRICES F. E. SIEGNER John McGowan To consider about getting ready for fall, We have an excellent Stock of Our Graniteware best: and as lowesc a" It»; PAS ’E‘RY FLOUR SOVEREIGN CALL AN D SEE ECLIPSE To selecc from. DURHAM. WE KEEP yours truly, THE is tha prices. CANADA’S BANK FAILURES. Some of Them Have Been Almost Na-[ tional in the So0pe of Their Dis- asterâ€"Presidents In Jail. 1 I Bank failures in Canada are by no means so common as in the United States, a blessing that is partly due to more stringent laws and partly to‘ greater conservatism among bank man- ‘ agers. although the case of the Ontario Bank cannot fail to disturb accepted ideas on the latter point. Nevertheless, we have had our failures, some of them almost national in the scope of their disaster. some of them the result of reckless management. and even crime, and others due to the inevitable direc- tors, who regard their duties as purely nominal, and whose favorite jargon is “allow the manager a free han .” In the Canadian Encyclopaedia, are found several instances of bank failures due to either of these main causesâ€"â€"crime or inefficiency. The Bank of Upper Canada. The worst failure in our banking his- tory was that of the Bank of Upper Canada, whose collapse spread shame and ruin from one end of the province to the other. One who remembers the failure describes the cause in these terse words, “Lending money to the Family Compact.” The bank advanced large .sums on land, mills, factories, and ships to men who were of excel- lient family and reputation, but in many cases entirely lacking in busi- ness capacity. On the strength 0: their family standing and their own praise- worthy intentions the Bank of Upper Canada lent them large sums of money. Through the mismanagement of their clients these enterprises proved un- successful. and ran down, one by one. each curing the bank more than it could Strong though the bank was, it could not stand these heavy blows, and it went to the wall Its failure brought down many other businesses, sound in themselves and wisely managed, that could not stand the sudden call for funds from the distressed bank. Cri- tics reviewing the case say that if the Bank of Upper Canada had confined its operations to Toronto, where its di- rectors lived, and where their knowl- edge of affairs was greatest, it would have been all right But of business matters outside their own little circle the directors knew nothing, and they suffered for their ignorance. One in- stance of their mad banking was the cashing of bills of exchange, amount- ing to $1,000,000. drawn by Grand Trunk Railway officials upon London. This they did at the. instance of Govern- ment oilicials, but without the Govern- ment being responsible in any way. The drafts were returned dishonored. Depositors and note holders were paid in full. but a large debt to the Govern- ment was never discharged. Thus perished a bank that once owned the whole of St. J ohn’s XVard. Ruined by One Creditor. By a single creditor the Commercial Bank of Kingston was ruined. The creditor was the Great VYestern’ Rail- way Co., whose account was at first a small affair, but rapidly grew. The railâ€" way bormwed money to build a line across the State of Michigan to con- nect Detroit and Milwaukee. At the out- set the company raised the money ne- cessary for construction in England, but soon it needed it faster than it could be raised there. The Commercial Bank was asked t) accommodate the ;railway, at first for only a month. Gradually the amounts were increased” and the dates of payment deferred, un- til the railway owed $1,200,000. At this point the bank laid down, and tried to collect the debt from the company. It was paralyzed to learn from London that the directors of the railway repu- diated the loan altogether, and alleged that the money had been really borrow- ed by the Detroit and Milwaukee Rail- way Co. A lawsuit showed that the officials who had borrowed the money were officials of both corporations, and the bank was unable to collect from the Great Western. The result of the suit so alarmed the depositors that they caused a run. and the Commercial Bank had to close its doors. Afterwards note- holders and depositors were paid, and about a third of the bank’s capital was saved. The salvage was purchased by the Merchants’ Bank, The Central Bank’s Case. Since the memorable day when the Commercial Bank closed its doors there have been several other failures. That most familiar to Toronto peOple was the failure of the Central Bank, after a short life. In this case the manager was induced, by some means or other, to lend large sums of money on in- adequate security. The money was lent, and the crash came in due time. The Federal Bank was closed, but its creditors were all paid in full. In Montreal the Mechanics’ Bank, the Metropolian. the Exchange, the Corn- solidated. and the Banque du Peu’ple all failed. The wreck of the last was the result of a few years of reckless management, following a, conservative record of more than half a. century. The Maritime Bank of St. John, and the Commercial Bank of Manitoba suc- cumbed to a few years of pushing and ambitious enterprise. Presidents Sent to Jail. Of late years the Bank of Ville Marie has failed, and its president. Weir. long an honored figure in financial cir- cles. was sent to prison for two years for his share in the difficulties. Down in Nova Scotia the president of the Yarmouth Bank has recently been sen- tenced to imprisonment for making false returns to the Government con- cerning his bank’s situation. But 8 more distinguished man than either. country, was once sent to jail for two days for making false returns. This I l l was Sir Francis Hincks, president 01 the Consolidated Bank, at one time Prime Minister of Upper Canada, and one of the promoters of the Grand Trunk Railway Co. His high position and splendid service to the country did not save him mm the odium of a. jail sentence, once the oflenoe was proved against him. The Rev. Thomas Lord, who is 93 years ‘old. delivered two eloquent and fiery sermons last Sunday at Hornâ€" castle, England. He preached in the Baptist Church and the Comm Church to crowded contentions. A Million at One Sweep. Not Too Old at 98. THE DURHAM UHRUN ICLE Mr.’1‘hos. Moflat returned home ’ to Owen Sound lass week after spend ing a couple of weeks with the Mafia: ; family here. Mr Dan. Greenwood has been seriously ill for some time but is now slightly better. Miss Martha Firth went to Owen Sounfl on Wednesday last to take a situation there. Mr. Dan. H. Firth left: for Inger- soll where he has secured a lucrative position in a store there. Miss Alice Mofiat returned to Tor- onto lastweek after a visit with her grandfather Mr. Chas. Mcfiat and other relatives. Quite a number from this part at- tended the Scotch Concert last week. They all report it very good. We congratulate Squire Edge on attaimng his 85th birthday on Friday lasv We wish him many happy re- turns. Messrs. James and Thomas Weir, of Dromore visited at, Mr. Dan. Edge’s on Saturday 18.65 THE ORIGIN OF GALL STONES. They are simply dried bile. made up of crystalline constituents of that fluid. Very common is this disease among merchants. clergyman, shOp girls and those of sedentary habits. Prevention consists in maintaining correct action of the liver and bowels, .which .is best accomplished by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. No person using this medicine need fear gall-stones. nor will they ever be bilious. Sound digestion. good appetite. aclear color will evidence the health giving pro- perties of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. which are the safest and best for general family use. Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25c per box at all dealers. Barclay Bell Eat, Drink and Be iierryrâ€" Xmas Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. Popular music. Songs, waltzes ' and two-Steps MAT 2’ New music received each week. PM) 6. II. web‘sm Satisfaction guaranted in Embalming. Day and night calls promptly attended to. The unexcelled quality and the very low prices for our will unquestionably Give you a MERRY XMAS if you leave your orders With us. SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 (lent: Per flow l have placed in stock a. fine line of late. THEOBALD"S OLD STAND. Edge Hill. DURHAM, ONT. EWS LATIMER W hat mu» \7] V4 \ 7 O. \ \il €115 a? '0‘ Id? '0‘ I4? 0 N?“ 3614 a? THE W BISSELL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber footwear suit- able for the present weather. Also BOOT and SHOES in abundance. Our lines of Men’s Women’s. Misses’ and Chil. dren’s Slippers were never so nice as this season. When Going Up Street: In MITS and GLOVES we have a good assortment et prices thet eennot be beaten for some quality. A. few lines of HOSIEBYin black for Men, Ladies and Children. We have not space to mention all the goods to be found here. but if you just: eel: we will deem it e Pleasure to send you enything in our store an d. let you judge the value T011118. Cuh. 3338 same as Cub. G. Lawrence's Old Sand. 7A\ ’0‘ s", O-bâ€"O :‘VI in? “12 ’1“ «We ”0‘! s“) 43? \II I, oh“ «’4 7E? \ I; %;s I, 0“ a? \V :1? fl\ Leggings for all Classes at Moderate Prices FERROL is an Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and. if it were nothing more it would take front rank because of the quality and quantity of the oil used and the scientific method of preparation. But FERROL has special claims which take it out of the ordinary class of Emulsion altogether. For instance: Ul DIIIUIDIULI G‘LUSULLIHLO J. v. unuv-w_â€"-_ _ FERROL combines Iron and Phosphorus with the oil, and no other emulsion contains these ingredients, although it is well known that they should always be administered together, as each is the complement 01 the other. FERROL is so scientifically prepared that the first processes of digestion are actually performed in the process of manufacture, and the emulsion is ready for instant absorption into the blood. This is of the utmost importance to persons with delicate stomachs. unlike other emulsions, is positively palatable, and not one in a thousand find any difficulty in taking it. FERROL contains the three essentials of life, viz.: Fat, Iron, and Phosphorusâ€"they have never been combined before. FERROL holds the record for increasing the weight. FERROL has received more endorsations from medical men than any other preparation on the market. KEEP YOUR FERROL will cure any case of Consumption that is capable of cure. Mm Work and Romanian a: Possible at FERROL is an unfailing remedy for nervous pros- tration, Chronic Rheumatism and Neuralgia. FERROL is an absolute specific for Colds, Group, Bronchitis and all kindred troubles. Finally, the formula is freely published, and in taking FERROL you “Know what you take.” J. S. McILRAlTH Why not have a bank. at our window? Looking is free a: ail times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY ON THIS SP-\!.‘E. (None genuine without this name). This is our Specialty. We've been at in may years and going to keep on longer. For uality of work and amount of worhthil is]; is famous throughout 811 Canada. Construction is simple, compact. It" with immense capacity. Pulveflm makaq a tine seed bed. Ll ht ot Draught. No mm Weight. Sold , y our Agents Manufmcrzrcd by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Vfrite for Booklet “E.”

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