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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1907, p. 6

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The nndersxgned havmg been restored to health by simple means. after aufiering for several year;- with a severe lung aflection. and that, drew? disease Consumption. 18 anxious to make knowr to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. 'I‘c those who desire it. he will cheerfully 30ml, fret of charge. a copy of the prescriptiam 113ml. whim .hey will find a sure cure for Consumption Asthma. Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all Ilium! am lung maladies. He lmpee allnutferers will 11'} lie reuwci)’. as it is invaluable Those desiring llie preacriptinn. which will cost them nothing md mar: mm» a. iwlcmiug. wil please adilrem {e v. EDWARDA. ‘vVlLSONJSrmrklxu .N'W' Verb SHOP I'm, 31.00 per month. WI. JOHNSTON, G. 3mm. " MISS FLOSQIE MCKERRACHER. First Clan Cerdfics'o and thud year undergraduate or Qnoegn’a University. Scxenco, Hisoory and Geo Intending students 'ehgnld enter at the begin- nmg of the term if possxble. Board can be ob tuned“ reasonable rates. Durham is a health and active town, making it a moat deeirabfc pheo of residence. me school is thoronhly equipped in teachin. thility, in chemical and electr cal supplies am fittings, eto.. fooful: Junior Leaving and Metric. nhgion work. The following competent and a" ‘51: For u pwa'”’ DURHAM SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN, lst Class Certificate. Pun MISS L. M. FORFAR. ChaaicaQModerno at WNW “935 A nqrzcwxmv: . nmstmtoc weckty Largest 'ummM or am 5‘: yummy Jmlrnal T811118. {our {our mm a: in $1 Sold bv all_ newsdealmg Prices§Moderate, and StrictlyLCash. 11mg; 8 of a1! Kinds V Galvanized and Iron 2 mgr: ‘3 as; Brass Li and iron tlciinders. Any 01d Worn silver? It so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while I have the time. All WOI‘K guaranteed. HAVE YOU? to Yt‘ill SOLD BY Percy G. A. Webster JE \VELLER. m-u Machine Oil, Harness 0i} ; xle Grease and Boot Ointment, go to S. P. SA UNDERS T0 CONSUMPTIVES. 0 R116“. 3: 7»? u . £3 «a. ‘Q'Nhf 939 A- 5% 1 ~13" "Q? .. r3] . 1‘ § . o H EC 3316 Pub} :19 B I H' {5335. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. 11H! lilanufacmrer of Am} Dealer in -~ V‘x R“ SSH] Geo. Yiirs H31 t1 () PH.» VII _'a i “‘0‘ TRADE Ma. 33;: 7‘4 EIS'GNS _ "opvmcwrs m; a «an: h and descn um ma. mt: (Mann: 2'. “cc w ether if :.1‘n 3' p:;[{3.,1:1h‘. c Communm; .t«- 3.31. .12deumkot‘. Patent: -v m: 1- y fur soc-urn): mltenm . .{ul‘ufl .‘Aund C0 recehm mm, charge. m Vhe ’URCHASED THE Dray business from (MM. and wish to the pvnplv of Dur- nitj.‘. LIL-1L it. will he make the husizwss. 1y (nu-rim“ On by my {or [by past {Wu 31'0” The Harnessmaker. ermoon. Durham, Om. 3-22 upward. 1 (int!) vV _\' thh‘lldH New Ygtfi Mona “Good 0\ 011mg. :rontlmnen.” He in- dicated chairs. “What 01.11 I do for you this ex ening?‘ CHAPTER XX. OR the first time in his life Ray mond was lonely, almost to the point of despair. To have both Ann and Louis taken out or his life on the same day left a painfully empty space. He did not p€rmit himâ€" self to hope that Ann would returnâ€" he had, in fact, advised against itâ€" and after his supper was over he sat beside the fire listening to the wind and pulling at his pipe like one deserted of his kind. It had turned cold, and a great cur- rent of air was sweeping down from the peak, a movement portending some great change in the clouds. Kelly pre~ dicted snow, but as most of the outside work on the mine was done he was not concer ed about the weather. He was, in fa , taking account of himself and trying to address himself to a future without “IIesper.” The glow of his pride had died out. The confidence which sprang from his possession of gold had dulled into doubt. “Come in!" he shouted somewhat surlily, for he did not enjoy intelrlzp‘ tion. “Oh we just cailed to pass the time of night and inquite about your good health.” As he sat thus, pondering over his problem, he heard voices. and a mo- ment later a loud mp shook his door, ominous with a decisivmwss of stroke. Munro, Brock. Carter and one or two others he didn't know entered, covered with snow. Carter seemed very nervous and took a seat Without looking at his host. Munro was smiling. but his eyes were aslant as he replied: Ramlond glm 096 {10111 Munro’s \\ .11.; gish lips to the tunvniug or troubled faces of the otlwr men and braced him- self for trouble. Curler liilgetml on his chair. “\Vell. you see. it’s this way, 1:01): \Ve held a meeting today, 111111 we decided that in Vie“ of the Snuggle that labor is making how all the mines should either shut down or put their men into the ranks’ "You have asked my men to join, haven't you?” "Out with it. Carter! What do you want of mo?" "3‘05.” "What did they say?” _ Munro Chipped in, “They said, ‘Go to blazes.” ” taymond smiled. “How impolite of them! Well. now, let me say once again. Carter. I am in sympathy with your main objects. I think a man should he paid for every minute he works. but I don’t believe in any meth- od of forcing men who are working and want to work into a strike. I can't afford to go into any such organiza- tion." His tone angered Raymond. “What have you to say in this matter?" Strength. or Nerve Weaknessâ€"nothing more. Pos- itively. not one weak heart in a hundred is. in it- self. actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerveâ€"the Cardiac. or Heart Nerve ”Simply needs. and must have. more power. more “ability, more controlling. more governing Itrenxth. Without that the Heart must continue to fail. and the stomach and kidneys also have thsee sarne controlling nerves. 'l'ou can’t afford not to,” growled Brock. “I'm :1 member of the executive com- mitioo.” “Since when?” "No matter when. “'hat I say goes.” “Does it? Well, you keep a civil tongue in your jaws when speaking to Heart Strength Raymond faced him. "We will not close down, and you can't close us down. Carter knows, and you know, Jack, I’ve played fair in this. I have not believed in your methods. I stood with Larned, your own organizer, against violence. It you can’t convince my men by argument you needn’t come to me to dragoon them into your ranks. What difi‘erence will my hands make anyway?” Brock rose. “You’ll close down to- morrow or we'll close you down.” firâ€"v VVUUQVIAQtl. uUA'C3. This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful. palpitating. suffocat- ing heart distress. Dr. Shoon's Restomtivr-tnis popular prescriptionâ€"is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; it strennhens: it offers reel. genuine heart help- 11 you would have strong Hearts. strong (11- cestion. strengthen these nerves -- Wblish them as needed. with Dr. Sheep’s Besieraiivo Carter seized upon this. “It will make all the difference there is. There are a dozen of these small operators holding out because you and Kelly do. E“?! SW11. or Heart Weakness. means Nam MAO FARLANE 8: CO. COPYRIGHT. 1905. BY HAMLIN GARLAND HAMLIN GARLAND Brock sprang to his feet again. “Oh. rats! What’s the use heating around the hush? We know that you tellers are the backbone of the free miners’ association and that they would all come in if you said so, and we need you and your men. We want you to head ’em our way.” Kelly smiled. “Ye‘re not asking much. So far as I‘m concerned, Car- ter, I don't believe. a word in you and your schoolboy. tomt‘ool antics. From the very start ye‘ve g:._)ll(..‘ wrong. You began by defending a lot of drunken bluggurtls, and that queeredje with «very decent man. Go back to camp, arrest Denver Dun, San Juan Jones. 1101) Smith and the rest of the bunch and send them down to the valley as a peace offering; then serve notice on the men that blew up the Red Star that they’ll be hung tomorrow morn- ing. By that time I'll begin to believe in you and your love for the honest workingman.” Raymond interrupted. “We’ve been all over that before. I am not concern~ ed with your discipline. I have no quarrel with my men. They are satis- fied with our present arrangement. You’re going at this back end to. If you would turn your attention to re- forming mining laws and crushing out these speculative owners of mining lands, you would reaily be doing some- thing, but your assault on men who are paying labor full wages weakens your case)’ “What’s the meaning of all this?” he asked. Raymond coldly replied, “These men have come to serve a final notice on us to discharge our nonunion men or shut down.” “Not at all!” cried out Carter. who feared Kelly. “All we ask is that you recommend your mom to join the un- ion”â€" Kelly opened the door and entered While Raymond was speaking. Your men are all strong men and ought to be with us. Besides, it weak- ens our discipline”-â€" ‘ Carter, utterly unable to seem the flood of Kelly’s ind'gnnnt Speech, sat with drooping head. He stammerod, “Youâ€"Sou‘ro a traitor to labor.” “I am a traitor to nothing that is good, but I am worn out and weary with your yellin‘, cursin’, gamblin’, drunken loons that assume to he work- men. I have more respect for the weal: little dagoes, for they do want work and need it, but the bums that fill the streets are a sorry threat to a decent man, let alone a decent woman. And here’s Jack Mnnro”â€"-Kelly turned, and the smile died out of the young desperado's faceâ€"“he's chief of a gang 0! hoodlum cowboys and still pretends to he keepin’ the peace. If you want to help the cause of labor, Jack, me boy, close the saloons while this strike is going on, protect the women and children, arrest and throw out the men that blew Up the lied Star mineâ€"you know who they are"-â€"â€" “1 do not,” said Munro. Kelly was lionlike in his wrath. and the group of labor lemlers (:(HVt‘l't‘d be- fore him like l't"‘.’t‘:llt‘(l czgmspirators. Only Munro seemed nnahashml. " lccansc yc'l'c one 0‘ them,” answer- ed Kelly. "You lmast of your power. Yc‘rc a man of educationâ€"sonic say military education. You know what discipline is, but when it comes to con- trolling your men from insulting strangers and abusing women you set down. Now, listen to me. This is my last word on this subject. We are neutral. We have had no part in this row, and we will take none. Go on, work out ye’re jackass plan, rouse the whole state, make a political issue of yourselves, but lave Raymond and Kel- ly out of it. Lave our men alone. They are satisfied and earnin’ good wages. As for my good advice, take it or lave it. It you take it ye win; if you lave it ye lose. I am for peace. I’ve done everything a man could do to kape the peace; I must do so. Every- thing I have in the world is hereâ€"the mine, me wife and the babies. I want no quarrel with anny man, especially with a miner, for I have worked for wages halt me life, but I tell ye once more, boys, this mob business must not circle round that little cabin over there. It wan or your loafers‘so much 38 mm: his toe against my door I’ll kill him where he stands.” “That’s all well enough to demand. Matt, but to carry it out is another story.” He ended with a hoarse intensity that silenced the men who listened. and after a pause Raymond remarked. 701'! quietly: “I stand with Kelly on this matter. In there anything further you want to any?” Brock shook his heavy shoulders, as if to clear himself of a weight, and clumsny rose. “I reckon that’s allâ€"â€" you stay out?” “We stand clear,” said Raymond. Carter fumbled for his hat. "Of course you mustn't think we blame I 011. Kelly. You are right enough from ’0“? Point of view, but what would be- como of labor it we all stood aside '1’” “I don’t know,” said Kelly. “There m Wise men who have studied this Problemâ€"Emery Garge, for matance ~10 might look into his way. I’m (10!!! '1‘ H E DURHAM CHE-0N ICL E sure your ways of violence will nmmr cure the evil.” “I doubt it, Matt. His power will vanish the moment he goes against the wishes of the miners. He couldn‘t feed his men and their horses without the union. He is in their pay. for :n his boasting.” Kelly looked thoughtful. “That is true.” “I’m glad you’ve come,” M10 said. “My heart is lonely without Ann. I» you think she’ll ovor 0mm.» back. 1302"" BOOK-K EEPI NG SHOR'I‘HANI) TY I’ E \V R I '1‘! X G (30 .\l M IC RC] A I J L A \V COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDâ€" As they stood on the threshold Brock spoke with a vicious sneer, " \‘e‘ll re- port your answer.” As the door closed behind them uny- mond turned to Kelly with a 1001: of great solemnity. “Matt, this means War for us.” “Munro will stand between us the union.” “I can’t do that. I can’t leave here. Do you take the wife and the boys down to the Springs while I stay here and see that the work goes on.” They tossed this duty to and fro. each arguing in favor of the other, till Raymond said, “Very well; let’s leave it to the Wife.” As they stepped out into the night Kelly cried out: “Here comes the snow. Munro’s pickets have a hard night be- fore them.” Kelly’s sons were fast asleep in their bed, but the small mother still sat at her sewing, her head haloed with lamp- light. "1 hope so,” he replied. but his voice had no heartiness of conviction in it. “I’m glad she‘s awayâ€"just now,” said Kelly, coming straight to business, as usual. “And Rob thinks you’d better go down to the Springs also.” ENUE PLAIN BUSINESS \VHI'I'ING ORNAMEN'I‘AL \VRITING “I’ve spoken of that, but the little Wife will not go without me.” “Then you must go. It is not safe for them here. The people below are in deadly earnest. They’re coming up here with an army next time. You bet~ ter take your little family and get out." “And leave you here, Matt Kelly? I will not. You'd be sure to get into trouble at once. If I go, you go.” and in placing all its. graduates. Each student is taught smmmtoly at, his own desk. Trial 113530115 for one week free. Vistm's welcome. “Matt, you better take the wife and babies down to the valley.” Kelly looked at Raymond with a oom'cul lift of one eyebrow. “That set- tle-s itâ€"Wo stay!" ‘ M1010 wing to be 110111.110,” warn- ed R113 11101111, '111111 you 011_ ht not to be here. Mrs. K0113 . ’ He told her quietly While she rocked to and f l'O in her low chair. She seem- ed scarcely to listen, but at the end she said: “You did right. I am heartsiCK of these drinkin’, carousin’ miners who go about making trouble for others. The most of them have no one but themselves, and they don't care What they do. If Jack Munro is the man he boasts himself to be all the time, he’ll come in here and protect his friends.” "The I’iglltin’ will not he on the hill. You said so yersoli‘. Matt.” "I did, and I 11111‘.‘ i so still, but at the same time ’t“ ould be safer far if you and the lads were in the Springs.” “What has happened tonight, Matt? You were not so blue when you went out.” 31*: I) \Y and 1‘ \ E.\ \[\G Classes. “Jack is up against a hard streak 0’ weather. He's either get to stand in with the union or put up the money to Mount Forest Business College THE GURNEY-TILDEN C0. is so constructed that a How of pure. heated oxygen passes through it continually _wt_1en the Range_ is_in operation. - The Aerated Oven of the Souvenir can be secured on no other range. Every Souvenir is absolutely [Weed by the makers. Limited. Hamilton. Winnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver. 4: ’-.~ . .".' ’13.} If (I "it“‘H-Yv‘ KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. LEADS IN and Rexam: gréWW at GM aixm‘és :méf “Anyhow, that‘s What they believe up there, and they're hot against you. This neutral dodge of yours won’t work. I can't do much for you, but ‘ anything I can do to keep this little home undisturbed I’ll do.” He bowed to Mrs. Kelly. “But, as you said to- day, I can’t maintain my men without the help of the miners, and, besides, , boys. I believe in organized labor. La- “â€"-_ “-_. o â€". .A ._. “fi_._'A tonight! The report is that the sheriff has started up the old stage road, and the lads are crazy to do ’em up. I’ve got to go down the canyon and see." “It's another false alarm. The sherifl isn't going to march on this camp, even with 10.000 deputies.” A knock at the door brought a smile to Kelly’s face. “Talk of the devil and he’s at your elbow! Come!” reed and take care of his men and horses, and that’s no small item when the snows have covered the grass. If he should join us, his pow er xx ould be gone. He can ’-â€"t” he’s at your elbow! Come!” Munro entered the room hurriediy, like a man pursued. His collar was rolled high and his hat pulled low. He shut the door behind him quickly. but when he turned his usual devil-may- care grin was on his face. “Boys, this is on the q t. I mustn't be seen down here any more. This neutral game is Up. They're going to make war on you indeywndmt Opera- tors, sure thing, and I can't lm‘. mob with you. Oh, but they’re wild up the street Z¢®@¢®@¢¢‘ 6‘ 3 m. u. 50- nfi'b“ ”Lil uq This “neutral. game is up.” ’0¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢o¢¢¢o$ Wouldn’t there be a roar when they went home to their meals if they had to climb up on a high stool in front of a table on which there 18 no cloth, and eat their meals in that Hashion. ~\et the majority of men. ‘ when they go to a restaurant to eat :will pick out the high Steel and the a feed board with no cloth on it in pref Iereuce to a comfortable chair with a ’cloth COVEI‘Qd table, A than Will l l l ~fi~ . borrow a chew of tobacco and will set his teeth into aplugrignt over where some other than has gnaWed out a. chew. Ofler him a piece of pie at home from which his wife or one of the children has taken a bite. and he will holler his head ofi. At home he twill not drink out of a glass or cup Iii-om which some one oi the family thas been drinking. Call him into ‘j the hack stall of a livery stable, pull gout a bottle and he Sticks the neck half way down his throat in order to iget a swig, after half adczen fellows ihad the neck of the same bottle down ! their throat. A man is a queer duck. «.._.....â€".â€". .M._ n heard him, and placed him under ar- rest. It does not appear to be known to the people at large that the use of profanity is forbidden by law, and that one citizen may cause the arrest of anather {or this oEence. and that any policeman is as liable to dismis sal for failing in his duty in this as in any other respect. The law is a good one. and there is need for its more Strict enforcement. Boys and young men swear and use the muse reput- sive language in public places. deriv- ing from the gutter some n0tion that their abandoned conversation makes men of them, whereas those forced to iisten to them eXperienced no sensa- tion but one of utter disgust. There should he more arrests and finesâ€" there should be a crusade against this senseless evil.â€"â€"Saturday N ight. A man was fined five dollars and costs in the Toronto police court the other day for using profane language on the st_r_eet. A policeman over- If you are Constipaced, dull, or bilious. or have a sallow lifeless complexion, try Lax-eta jusc once to see what they W111 do {or you. Lax. ens arelntle toocnsome Cuudy tab- letsâ€"nice to eat, nice in aflem. No griping, no pain. Just a gentle lax- ative efiect that is pleasing desirable, Handy for the vest pocket. or purse, Lax-ens meet ever) desxre. Lax ets come to you in beautiful lithograph- ed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by McFarlane Co. “It’s a queer mixup.” said Kelly, with a sigh. “I have. a hatred of them dudes meself. They want to run our end of the county and their on n 100. They despise a norkin man. '7‘“ - dodge ’im as if be m “Why don’t you maintain it, then!" The smile dropped from his face 111:» a mask, and a sinister, older man faced them: “Give me time. What this camp needs is a little Napoleonâ€"the whit 0t grapeshot. It needs a dictator, and I may be able to lay my band on the scepter yet.” “It was till I entered the game. I am in control of the situation tonight. If I could command Slumfifl to who care of my men I'd bring order out of cmos or hang about forty of those lxulwm." nor “is an army, and discipline 1: every,» “If you‘ll make this cum-p ing, Jack, you will be one of mm of the state. Even the v p'uisn you. It's 11» to you it to Show your power." “Yes. but 11:011. are a WI» 01140' cousidormimm. I can't Munro was in deadly earnest now. “That‘s Where you are wrong. old man. In their blind, fool way they are fight- ing Iabor’s battles.” “It’s pure tinarchy now.” Bu." Ray- mond. “IL-:3. Int tlzvx-u are a whole Int of other consi(.1(.|x'::1i<m.<. I can't afford to may into 11:0 hands of 111950 cursed, .210 11:11:: dudes. If it were :1 question of men like you and Kelly hvrcâ€"-I)ut it isn't. The Iiwl Star (to nzxpxmv is made up of :1 set of pirut’vs. “ho bat- ten on labor like a lot of turkey buz- 2:1rds.'l‘h0y have 21:) regard for any human rights"-- “These howling dorvisbos up the street are not emu-mum! with rights, not even their own." JANUARY 31, 1907 “'AGAINsr THE LAW. MEN ARE QUEER (Tu be Continual.) t1 will

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