West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Feb 1907, p. 2

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Poor mother wears a. worried look. And sister wears a frown ; And if I venture up the stairs They send me straightway down. I’m going to the drug store now. Upon a hurried trip. To get some Other kind of due. For father has the grip. Iheard him groaning in the night, He said his head would split ; And then he thought his back would break; In just a little bit. He told us that his legs were sore. And soon it was his hip ; It seems that everything is sick When father has the grip. The doctor came to-day and left Some capsules and he said, To take one each three hours until The pain had really fled. Says pa, " That means twelve hours before I give this pain the slip ; I’ll bet he’d find a faster dope If he had got the grip.” And then he told ma that he thought That he was going to die; An’ ma says no, that isn’t so, An’ gave the reason why, Then pa got mad and told her that He didn’t want her lip ; Oh. there's no comfort in our flat When father has the grip. The first meeting of the County Council elect of the County of Grey was held on Tuesday afternoon, with all the members in attendance, 37 in number. After they had filed their certificates and taken their seats. Clerk, John Rutherford took the chair and read the regulations governing the eleccion of a warden after which he announced his readiness to receive nominations for the office. The nominations were as follows : Mr R. J. Ball, nominated by Mr. Preston; Mr.g~;Andrew Schenk nom~ inated by Mr. Bastie; Mr. Robert Agnew nominated by Mr. Eaton. and Mr. H. Pedwell nominated by Mr. McKnight. On the first vote Mr. Pedwell got 14 votes. Mr. Ball 9. Mr. Schenk 9, and Mt. Agnew 3. Mr. Agnew having withdrawn. the second vote stood, Pedwell 17. Ball 9 and Schenk 9. Mr. Schenk then withdrew. and the third vote was taken, which was final, Mr. Pedwell receiving 19 votes and Mr. Bell 16. The clerk therefore de- clared Mr. Pedwell duly elected war- den for 7.907 and that gentleman was escorted to the chair by Messrs. Mc- Knight and Stephenson. The war- den elect eXpressed his thanks for the honor conferred on him and took the declaration of office as warden. After reading the minutes of last meeting of November session, which was signed by the warden, the clerk read a budget of communications and accounts among which were the fol- lowing: Letter from Jenks Dress- er of Sarnia in refereuce to Priceville bridge. Presentment of Grand Jury at the December Court of General Sessions. Application from Head- quarters staff of Salvation Army in Toronto for grant to aid in rescue work. Application from Prisoners Aid Association for grant. Annual report of the East Grey Agricultural Soeiety. Letter from Maitland. Young Son in reference to County auditorship. Letter from Registrar McKnight asking for a clock for reg- istry office. Claim from Clinton High School for maintenance. Annual re port of Dr. Ego. physician of the House of Refuge. Applications from Messrs. A. F. Armstrong and George Binnie to be reappointed county aud- itors ; also for the same appoint- ment from Thomas Wallace 01 Var- ney. Letters from Neil McCannel in reference to Priceville bridge and from J. E. Farwell, secretary of the Western Good Roads Association were also presented and a large num- ber of accounts. \ On motion of Messrs. Leslie and Legate, the following members were appointed a committee to strike the standing committees for the year: Messrs. Preston. Stephenson. D. Sin- clair. Schenk. Patterson, Ball, Mc- Knight and Leslie, after which the council adjourned until Wednesday ath a. m. after sitting about two hours. At the Wednesday morning session all the members were again in their places and after routine business. Warden Pedwell made a brief in- augural address, in which he thanked the council for electing him to the wardenship. and expressed the hope that they would give him all assist- ance in' fulfilling the duties of the ofice. He felt that he would require their help and he thought also that he could bespeak it for himself judg- ing from the pleasant expression on ‘ their faces. He could not refer at any length to the business which might come before the council dur- ing the year. as much of it was not yet in sight. but hoped it would be transacted in a harmonious manner. He fully appreciated the honor that had been conferred on himself and also on the municipality he repreo sented by his election as Warden. Mr. D. K. Preston presented report of the Special Committee, appointed to strike the Studio: Committees for the you. The report recommended as follows: The clerk’s budgegwas an unosn- ally small one for this stage of the session and consisted of a. tew ac. counts and applications from Messrs. G. M. Franklin of Owen Sound and Joe. S. Rowe of Markdtle, to be ap- pointed county auditors. Grey County Council. (Owen Sound Adver‘ iser. ) Einance find Assessmentâ€"Messrs. Muir. McNichol. McKnight, Duncan, Haszie, Erskine, McFadden, Hemp. ton. Elliott. Schenck. Preston, Mo Ardlé, McClelland. Patterson, Sin clair (D. H) McDonald, Harrison, Raunders. Agnew. 3811. Stephenson. Sinclair (J.) Airzh. I Roads and Bridges.â€"Messrs. Ers- kine, Leslie, HaStie, Goldsmith, Mc- Clelland. Norman. florice. Eaton. Meade. Dodsworth. Johnston, Hnmp- ton, Fulford. This report was adopted and then the warden called 03 the names of each committee whereupoh the mem- bers as named retired into the Judge’s room and elected their chairman. While this was going on a little in. cident occurred. From the Judge’s room came the word that they could not agree, as they were divided six against six. It was found that the committee should consist of eleven members, but the twelfth man had mistaken another name for his own, they being somewhat similar. \Vhen he left the room, a decision was soon Communications and Memorials.â€" Messrs. Agnew. Johnston. Ferguson. McMillan, McKnight, McFadden, Patterson, Meads, McDonrld. Education. â€"-Messrs. Ball. Preston, Airtb, Locate, Goldsmith, Eaton. Stephenson. Morice, Harrison. Mo- McNichol, Muir. House of Refuge.-â€"Messes. Steph- enson, Preston and the warden. Warden’s Committee.â€"â€"Messrs. Agnew, Ball and Prestqn. County Property.â€"Messrs. Legato Agnew. Saunders, Duncan. Elliott, Ellis. Sinclair J . Bull, McDonald, Morman, Leslie, Patterson, McArdle. Printingâ€"Messrs. Schonk, Eergu- son, McMillan, Ball. Sinclair, D. H. Ellis, Dods worth, Legate, Eaton. Fulford, McFadden. made as to the chairman of the com- mittee. Mr. Preston was elected chairman of Finance and Assessment; Mr. Goldsmith chairman of Roads and Bridges; Mr. Leslie chairman of County Property; Mr. Ball, chair- man of Education; Mr, Schenk, chair- man of Printing ; Mr. Agnew. chair- man of Communications and Memor- ials, and Mr. Stephenson chairman of the House of Refuge Committee. A report of the House of Refuge Committee left over from last year was also presented by Mr. Preston, who with Mr. Ball, are the only two members who survive from the Coun- cil of last year. Mr. Preston had therefore a great deal of explanation to give in connection with different items in the report, which was con- sidered in committee with Mr. Ball in the chair. Accounts for supplies to the house of refure included one for bread $104, meat $103, groceries $96 and an undertaker’s account from J. Chapman for five cofiins and five funerals amounting to $75. Another item was for a waggon box $6.50. This Mr. Preston explained was a large box which Manager Harkness had made for hauling manure, as he bought the material by the load and wanted a large box in order to get good value. Some discussion took place over an item of $7 for use of a grader to work on the driveway from the street to the house of refuge. and the item was declared to be an ex- travagant one. However the report passed without? amendment and was finally adopted. The reports of H H. Burgess, in- epeccor of schodle for West Grey, and S. Hufi. inspector for East Grey, were presented. Mr. Jae. M. Thomson. ex-warden of the county, addressed the council giving information respecting the Heathcote bridge contract. Reports of Finance. Roads and Bridges and County Property were presented by Messrs. Preston. Gold- smith and Leslie and the report of judicial audit by the county clerk. All these reports were adopted. A by-law Was passed appointing County Auditors, the former audi- tors. Messrs. A. F. Armstrong and George Binnie being re-appointed. A by-law was passed appointing members of the judicial audit. Messrs Jas. Cochrane and J as. Leslie being appointed. A by-lew was passed to remind by- law No. 643 of 1903. giving a. reward to the informers on peddiars without license. Mr. Jae. McLauchlan was appoint- ed trustee for the Owen Sound Col- legiate Institute and Mr. Wm. Butch- art, high school trustee for the Mea- fora higgh school. On motion of Messrs. McArdle and Ball, the question of a re valuation oi the county was referred to the Finance and Assessment. Committee THE STANDARD BANK In our Savings Pepartment. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the h1ghest current rate of interest is allowed. No delays in making Withdrawals. / report upon at J une’s session. An John Kelly. Jim‘s:- BRANCH“ ALSO AT WON AND ’81ch f‘ mfi‘j'kfn‘fil‘,‘ .2" t ,, .r «A #5533 wanna-fl $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT DURHAM BRANCH ESTABLISHED 1873 amendment to this motion, stipulat- ing that they report at the present session was lost. At- the Friday morning session the report of Mr. W. N. Campbell, in- spector for South Grey public schools. was presented. also reports of Fin- ance and Roads and Bridges. T111689 reports of committees were adopted. Adjournment: was then made until Friday morning. On motion of Messrs. Ball and Mc- Ardle, the warden and Messrs. Gold- smith and Erskine were appointed a committee to take over all documents in connection with Heathcote bridge completed according to the contracts, as soon as possible. On motion of Messrs. Ball and Mc- Nichol, Messrs. Muir, McFadden and Goldsmith were appointed a similar committee for the bridge now being constructed on the town line between Artemesie. and Glenelg. The Road and Bridge Committee were authorized to take Pup the ques- tion of good roads re the Govern- ment’s proposition for good roads and report; an June’s session. On motion of Messrs. Hastie and Ferguson. the clerks of the various municipalities will be asked to for- ward the complete assessment roll for 1906 for the information of the council. when the matter of the equalization of the assessment of the county. is under consideration at the June session, as per resolution al ready passed, and council then ad- journed till Friday evening. Council met at 7 p. m. The warden presented papers which had been handed him by ex Warden Thompson. Reports of Finance and’ Education were presented and adOpted. Man- ager Harkness of the House of Refuge presented his annual report for the year. An account from J. J. Douglas of $7 for a. clock for the registry office was passed. Messrs. Hastie, Harrison, McFad- den and Morice were appointed a committee to report on the treasurer’s eureties. On motion of Messrs. Harrison and McMillan, it was decided that. the building of a. barn addition to left to the House of Refuge Committee, with leave to build if found necessary, at a cost not to exceed $800. An amendment was moved to this motion by Messrs. Hastie and Fergu- son, who wanted the question of ad- ditional building approved by the council forthwith, but the amend- ment was lost. The concluding session met on Sat- urday at 9:45. when the following reports were presented. Report of Roads and Bridges pre- sented by Mr. Goldsmith stated that the committee had inspected the Pot. tawatamie Bridge between Owen Sound and Brooke and although it could not be very well seen for snow and ice, yet they considered it was in need of repairs and it was recom- mended that the commissioners from those divisions have such repairs made as were necessary. The chief recommendation of the report was itbat the Road and Bridge Committee be authorized to ask for tenders for a fifty foot steel bridge with concrete abutments to replace the old bridge and report at June session. The re- port was adopted. Report of County Property pre- Iented by Mr. Leslie recommended Delicious Soups and Tas’ty Gravies Are what every lady desires to have served at her table. But unfortunately it often happens that when prepared in the ordinary way they lack nourishment and flavor. At such times “ Bovril ”' is invaluable ' A little “Bovril” added to a weak, taste- less soup gives it richness, strength, and a delightfully appetising flavour. The next time you make soup try a little “Bovril” in it. You’ll appreciate the A difl'erence. 4 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE that the chairman be authorized to advertise for tenders for fuel and to have the walls between gaol and courthouse whitewashed. Report was adopted. Report of House of Refuge Com- mittee presented by Mr. Preston recommended among other things that the manager be authorized not to receive any person as an inmate without a certificate that such person was free from any contagious disease. the eXpense of medical inspection to be borne by the municipality. to which sucn person belongs. Report was adopted. Mr. Hastie, as chairman of the Special Committee on the treasurer’s sureties, reported that they were found to be the same as last year. but recommended as two of Mr. Par. ker’s bondsmen were deceased. that the county solicitor be instructed to prepare a new bond, Mr. Parker him- self in 350,000, Mr. Chas. H. Moore in 525.000 and a third person also in $25,000. The report was adopted. 'QU’VVV. .Luv ovrv-v vv-a-v wâ€"vr-vâ€"u A by-law Was passe fixing the fees for entrance candidates at $1 and establishing the village of Feversham as a centre at which entrance candi- dates :may write. In reference to the matter, Inspector BurgeJ‘s and Huff both briefly addressed the coun- cil and thus the members drifted away from the order of procedure and finally wound up with an argument between Messrs. Ball, of Hanover, and Saunders, of Durham, the latter asserting that pupils from Hanover came to Durham to try the entrance, while the latter denied the statement. Mr. McNichol. of Bentinck, seemed to give the true explanation, which was that pupils from Bentinck, near Hanover, came to Durham to write. The messenger of the council was voted $1 per day for his services dur- ing the session. An effort was made by Messrs. Saunders, of Durham. and McFadden. of Glenelg, to have the June session held at Durham and the Owen Sound representatives adduced arguments why this should not be done, but when the vote was taken on Messrs. Legate and Leslie’s amendment that the session be held at the county town. there were so many. hands shown that Warden Pedwell did not submit the original motion and the hands were not counted. ‘ The motion of adjournment reads that the council will meet at the court house on June 17th at 7 p. m. Uvu.vuvâ€"â€"' 'â€" The members sang the National Anthem before separation and sang it well. and it only remains to be said that the county council of Grey for 1907 is composed of a batch of men who would have a fine show of taking the prize for appearance and intelli- gence, were such a prize ofiered for competition to the county councils of Ontario. The following are the members for 1907: Agnew 1%., reeve, Meaford. Airth Dr.. reeve, Chatsworth. Ball R. J., reeve, Hanover. Dodsworth J. H., deputy, Bentinck. Duncan, R. G., reeve, Derby. Eaton John, deputy.St. Vincent. Eliott John, reeve, Keppel. Erskine Jas., reeve, Euphrasia. Ferguson W., reeve, Egremont‘.‘ Fulton, H. Y., deputy. Sydenham. Goldsmith W. L.. deputy, Coiling. wood. Hampton, Wm.,reeve. Holland. Harrison F. W., reeve, Owen Sound. Hastie Walter, reeve, Egremont. ‘ Johnston J., deputy. Keppel. Legate John, 3rd deputy, Owen Sound. Leslte James, lst deputy, Owen Sound. Meads W. J., deputy, Artemesxa. Morice R. deputy, Normanby. Muir Alexander, reeve, Artemesia. McArdle J 03., reeve, Proton. McClelland I‘hos., reeve, Sarawak. McDonald Neil. reeve, Sydenham. McFadden. Tho_s. reeve, Glenelg. McKnight: S. 3., reeve. UOUIDg- wood. McMillan A. 2nd deputy, Owen Sound. McNichol David, reeve. Bentinck. Norman E. W., reeve, OSpray. Paterson Wm. reeve. St. Vincent. Pedwcll 3., reeve, Shombary. Preston D. K., deputy, Osprey. Saunders S. P., reeve, Durham. Schenk A.. reeve, Normanby. Sinclair, D.. reeVe, Sullivan. . Sinclair J., reeve,’ Dundalk. ‘ Stephenson J. E. reeve, Markdnle. 5g; Implements Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIRJL‘RS MOWERS RAKES SEED DRIIJLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS ' GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Ball Pianos and Organs. Implement Agent and Auctioneer. For which we will pay the follow- ing prices: â€" Elm. Ash and Basswood, $10.00 to $15.00. Maple. Beech and Birch. $8 to $14. Spruce and Balsam, $12.00. Hemlock, $10.00. An extra high price ‘will be paid for first class Rock Elm. [0000 Ft. Logs Wanted All 1023 (with the exception of the Hemlcck) not to be cut over 14 it. (12 ft. long preferred.) figeswsmgzgmsugxesxwve Sléfl’asw'fie NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL DRILLING, Rn-Cunzma AND Pansacunnma done with Coment concrete. % Bargains in Men’s and E % Boys’ Clothing. E4 awwwwmwmmwwafi 9" ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near MoGowan’e Mill will be promptly a1 tended to. ALL WORK GUARARTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. IMPLEMENTS Q Bargains in Ladies’ Fur % Coats. 5 %‘ C. L. GRANT Pumps. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Ploughs and Manure Spreaders. Deering Harvester Co.’s Geo. Rudd’s Harness, Robes, Furs, Blan- kets and Bells. White Sewing Machines. Sherloch 85 Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones OWEN SOUN D. I BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY GIL“- ‘IOMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish Bargains in Men’s Fur Caps. Bargains in Men’s Fur Coats. FARM MACHINERY JOHN N. MUHDUBK Bargains in Ladies' Skirts. Bargains A FULL LINE OF THE John Clark DURHAM FURNITURE CO. Frost 6’ Wood Toronto Windmills. GEORGE WHITMORE. AGENT FOR All Kinds of DURHAM. Middaugh House Block. ; Son Threshing Ma- chines. Berlin Pianos. ON BRUCE ST., DURHAM, NEW brnck house. 30x32; 2); storeys high; double cellar, cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. The owner is going : ‘xrna4r For further particulars apply to WM. LEGGETTE, June 14. tt. Box 92, DURHAM. -.|C. SMITH 8: SONS vvâ€"‘vâ€"u-‘-Vv- ‘Vovv5‘ql' "gu. D R.. Bentinck. Building lot. on Bruce St... Durham. Brick house on Bruce St.. Durham. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Rocky Saugeen. or John Locate. Durham- Jan. 25. ’06 tf. _ â€"â€"â€"â€"-v~ U Lot 14. Con. 4. N. D. R.. Glenelg. About 85 acres cleared. balance in good hardwood bush. Well watered. well fenced. good frame house. bank barn anl imple- ment house. Good bearing orchard. about twenty-five acres ploughed. four acres in tall wheat. Possession may be had after Mar lst. For further particulars apply to House and Lot For Sale DONALD BEATON, Prop, J an, 20th. 1906â€"tt POMONA P. 0. U about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possession at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD. Durham Feb 22nd 1905 â€"tf ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham, in the county of Grey, containing4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf l) Containing 100 acres. On the prem- ises is a brick house, fifteen rooms. heated by hot air furnace. Soft water in kitchen, never failing well of good hard water at door. Good bearing orchard. Barn 50x60 with stone basement. Hog pen 16x30. Never failing well at barn. 85 acres clear- ed. 75 in good state of cultivation. balance new land and bush. Fenced throughout with cedar rails and wire. Convenient to Post Office, Church and School. on leading road between Markdale and Durham. Sold cheap to quick purchaser as proprietor is going West shortly. Apply to W. F. KERNEY, on the premise P. 9. address, Waudby. Ont. ‘7 ‘n.I AAAA .IJ cession West of thg Garafraxa Road. in the Township of Normanby. in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD, A number of improved valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to J. P. TELFORD, 7-18-06. Solicitor for Vendor. A good solid brick two storey dwelling. alongside Presbyterian Manse property in Upper Town. Durham. Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry closets. cement floored cellor. etc. Good airy location in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft water. one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. MCKECIINIE. Owner, Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. Rockv Sangeen P. 0. Nov 13th 1906.â€"tf. Dec. 20â€"tfo RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Millwrights, Machinists,. Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. DURHAM F 0UNDRY Special attention to 02150- line Engine repairs. FEBRUARY [N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. pgs 2 AND 30F 15. CON. {OISTAINLNG 100 ACRES, BEING N THE GARAFRAXA ROAD OT 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- EENG 1,91: 5_,‘(_30N. 11, gLBNELG, Good Farm for Sale. Normanhy Farm for Sale Sash 6’ Doors Park Lot For Sale. C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS MANUFACTURERS OF Farm for Sale. Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. House for Sale. FARM FOR SALE. For Sale. J. P. TELFORD. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham Barrister. Durham.

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