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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Feb 1907, p. 7

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er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- u ness transacted. Elocution -afid Physical Chltnre. Classes Tuesday and Friday afternoons in Calder’s Hall. Terms on applica- fan. I MISS TWAMLEY, Honor Graduate Alma College. Nov. 20th, ’06â€"3m.3 ’ IflE 11mm saanNIBLE June 06 DURHAM. ONT. D Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm nropertv. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at hxs Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiice. Stiltâ€"15rd Bank. A. G. BIACKAY. K. C. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL ce§ve pupils _f_qr insprucpim HONOR GRADUATE UNIVERSI- of Toronto. Graduate Royal College yDental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry m all its Branches. Elocution and Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: OveraJ. J . Hunter’s. Oflice.â€"Calder lock, over Post Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"1â€"6 p.m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Will be at the Midiaugh House let Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. I. fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 3.1:: ., to 4 p m. and 7 to9 a. :11. Special attention giv en to diseases of women and children. Residence 0p- oosite Prefivterian Church. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. 3112.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa. and George Streetsâ€"at foot of_l‘1‘ill. Ofii_c_e_h0}1rs-â€"9:11‘g.m., 2-4 FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office Nov. 9. ’03. THE JOB : : ls completely staked with DEPARTnF-NT an NEW TYPE, thus afâ€" fording facilities for turninz out First-class IMslvu .v .u-v v--â€"- All advertise newts, .to ensure insertion in cuncm week, should be bromhz m not 12.th than Tcaswx “Ft! 323:," etaâ€"50 Cents for fus: mscrnon, 25 ccnb ‘0' each Subsequent inscruon. All advertisements ordered by strangers must he paxd bin advance. . . . . Contract rates for early at. cmscmems furnnsncu on Qplication to the; 0. cc. . . O A I! I A _ .A.... .A gay. n...- uneAI-OIA'I on N‘vvfin. WIISIE For .- uxxicm radx- -:. i~c'Â¥1€.:lt$ 8 Cer: p ,'. ”TE line for me n: st inset Lion' , 3 cc: 3: ~ , x s o o 0 line each subacs‘ucm xx-..sc:tiu11-rr;i::u.; measure. Frail-Siam! card 2.. : cx'cccdix‘g we mm. 54.00 per annum. Advcr“: me! 2,» withott sm-c; :3. was will be publisucdt ' ; turbid and charged .3: finding“ Transient notices-“L " OSt,': “ 3' ound - Fa 3’. “eggâ€"50 cams for 5.5: insertion, 25 ccm~ Tm: Cm: wxcuv. viii be sent to an,» addre.~<, £766 of postage, for $1.00 pc; ”118 . . . o yearqayalrlc i .admnccâ€"sl.50 ma; M if not so p331. '12:: date to which ewry Mia: '3 aid is d-wc'al oy x'zc numbcr or :0. m 1312!. o payer "i: =9 ' tune"; until all 2.170;“!- ”MW at the: 0.4M:- of 1:“. .‘ propticwr. OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- OHN KINNEE, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. 3mm 5mm: muse. am DURHAM, ONT. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. J. P. Telford. ARRISTER,_SOLI_CITOR_. Eire. MacKay Dunn. ’ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. J. G. Hutton, M. D., A. H. Jackson. 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, Now DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. vex ancers, Etc. Money to' Loan. s:â€"_Ig t_he McIntyre Block over EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Medical Directmy. Arthur Gun, M. D. IDR. BROWN FEBRUARY 7, 1907 Dental Dz'recz‘orv. DR- EH]. 8. BURT. Legal Dz'recz‘orv. Miscellaneous. p. 111. Telephone No. 10. Physical Culture. TH EXCLUSIVELY 'BLISHED V V 33? DAY MORNING instruction in Why won’t you use Ferrozone also, it certainly will do you gOOd in many waysâ€"sold by all druggists in 506. boxes. All vital activites of the body are quickened into new vigor by Ferro- zone, which contains all the conStit. uents necessary to make nerve strength. Its first action is upon digestion. It stimulates the secretion of gas- tric juice, ensures perfect digestion and prepares the food so as to be easily assimuluted. By Ferrozone the mind is relieved of those brooding tendencies, of morâ€" bid unnatural fears, of unwillingness to concentrate attention on things that should be done. Won’t you try Ferrozone? Won’t you give it a chance to win you back to health; it will do it; just as it did for Mrs. Creighton Zinck of Palm Stn Lunenburg, N. 8.. who says: “I want to give my experience with Ferrozone because I believe it will be of assistance to thousands of women who need it badly. I was very thin, run down in flesh and lacked color. My nerves were in a dreadful state. If anything fell I would jump and start. At night I would suddenly wake up, heart pal- pitating and all keyed u p. Ferrozone went riéht to work. It restored me poise and balance. gave me self con. trol, cured my norvousness. Ferro- zone increased my appetite and my weight came up so fast that 1 simply didn’t need to use it any longer. Eight boxes cured me.” strength to the nerves. Your Physical Condition is Below Par and Must be Built up. Try Ferrozone. I We are sorry to notice the death .of Mrs. McLeod 1n last week’s paper. ‘She was well known as Jessie Black ilin her younger days in this locality. We exreud our svmpathic feelings to the bereaved husband and family A Special meeting of the ratepayers of our section was called on Monday night the 28th Jan’y, to discuss the new school law. In the absence of our Inspector Mr. A. McCuaig in a very able manner gave some fine pointers which will probably appear in some of our leading journals as well as our local papers. Mr. Mc~ Cuaig is well informed and takes an We congratulate Councillor John A. Mchllan for being called to serve a. situation during the session of Barlaiment held in Toronto at pres- ent. horry to hear of the death of Arch. Black, son of Mr. Neil Black, North Line, who died down the country where he had his home for a number of years. Mr. Black was 9. Glenelg boy and a. fine fellow. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family and wife. Quite a number of people are com- plaining with colds or grip for the last few weeks, but are getting bat. Railroaders are busy down between here and Durham all winter. Edward Harrison Sons who bought the Orchard Mills lately and 140 acres have a number of men en- gaged cutting logs and woqd and carrying on a. pushing business all winter. Patrick Sullimn, of near Fergus, visited old neighbors lately. Arch. McDonald and Thos Mc- Dougall are cutting wood for John McLean at present. Mr. John McMillan. South Line, lost a. fine mare lately from distemper. Willie Mather is busy drawing telegraph poles to Priceville for the new railway. Our new teacher. Miss McCosh, is getting along fine. She is taking a. run up home Friday of this week to Owen Sound. This kind of weather bachelors as they have bed and stove warm. Mrs. Chas. McDonald. who had a severe attack of bleeding of the nose lately, we are pleased is getting bet- ter. but is in a weak state yet. Messrs. McLean Bros., South Line. Artemesia, (John and Alex) sold their tine farm of one hundred and sixty acres to John Burner. lately for the sum of $5.500 The weather was below zero during the most: of the last ten days, but is again milder. Sleighing very good if a sudden thaw don’t come and take it away in a hurry. The terrific high wind of two weeks ago scared some out of their beds through the night. but nothing serious occurred only getting a little cold before going back to bed again. ter NERVOUS ? Do You Brood? Have Morbid Fears? Toss In Your Sleep? Top Cliff. is hard on to keep the perior Court judgeé. Pneumonia is on the increase in Winnipeg, 30 deaths out of 120 last month being caused by that com- Hon. H. '1‘. Taschereau is gazetted Gh1ef Justice of Quebec. and A. T. Brunneau and P. G Yarcineau, Su- That rhyme in THE CHRONICLE of Jan. Slat. about Graham the suc- cessor of G. W. Ross was certainly true to life. If a man is not ofa certain creed and birthplace his good qualities count for nothing with the bigotted and the narrow-minded. The warden-elect. for Haldimand county is Mr. James E. Hoover. An Italian named Tony Cardello was run down by a. G. T. R. engine at Brantford and killed on the spot. We hear the dynamite explosions every day on the railway construc- tion. Why don’t they blow up the whole concern at once and save time. Say did you hear of that wedding that is coming off soon? Don’t men- tion it for another week or two. It is anticipated that hired help wiil be so scarce next summer that: boys over 8 years old will be required at home during seeding to harrOW. so they had better make good use of their time at school this winter. Miss Jean M. Dixon left on 24th inst. to take charge of a school near Strntton, near New Ontario, at a. sal- ary of $400 for‘the remainder of the year. The school being over a thous- and miles from here, she does not expect to board at home till they in- vent something quicker than bodily connecting trains, which took her about five days to make the journey. Tom Hargrave and his mother. of Swimon Park, visited friends here lately. The road from here to Dromore is one of the busiest thoroughfares in the township of Egremont. A rush- ing business is being done by the Dromore merchants and mill men. ChOp, eawlogs. lumber, 850., form tha bulk of many of the largest loads carried by the farmers. The road through the swamp is not too Straight and its sides have become more or less closed in by second grOWth~tim- ber. but our new councilman. George Lothian. Who by the way headed the poll in Egremont. has let thejob with commendable promptness of clearing this timber away, and now we can see right through from end to end. and can thus choose the most suitable passing places. “Before we can sympathize with Others we must have suffered our- selves.” No one can realize the suf- fering attendant upon an attack of grip, unless he has had the actual ex- perience. There is probably no dis- ease that causes so much physicial and mental agony, or which so suc- cessfully defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avmded by the prompt use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has re- sulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. We see that. W. J. Blakston’e contributions are always readable and we are pleased to hear from him -â€"oftener if it would suit him. Married at Mrs. McNea’s, Toronto, on the 16th January, 1907, Miss Ida Williams. of Toronto, hut 'formerly of South Line. Glenelg. to Robert Vause Esq.. of the South Line, Ar temesia. Miss Meadie Hincka acted as bridesmaid, While Mr. Vause’s brother supported the groom. The young couple are now enjoying their wedded life RC home on the South Line. \Ve join the many friends in wishing them long life and prosperity on the voyage of life together. We bad word from friends at Oak River, Manitoba. lately. Stating that the thermometer only regiStered at 56 degrees below zero during the last couple of weehs with lots of snow, but the Chromcle finds its way up that far nevertheless the severity of the frost. It created quite an excitement when Arch. Conkey’e horses ran with a load of hay under the verandah of the Poet Ofice, Priceville, one dav lately. Archie says they managed to get between the poets and door better than if he was driving them. No damage done only scattered hay along the streets and door at Post Ofice where load turned over. -We saw another fellow not long ago coming home from Priceville sit- ting comfortably in the sleigh when suddenly his team took a start down hill, bolt coming out of doubletree, they quicker than the locker on could imagine. took to their heels and landed home leaving d. iver and sleigh behind. Dr. Dixon, of Priceville. is kept busy as present attending to the sick. Miss Ada McLean is with her aunt Mrs. Neil McCannel, of Durham, for the last couple of weeks. interest in the advancement cation. Glenmont‘ The Grip. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE of edu- Group can positively be stopped in 20 minvtes. No vomitingâ€"nothing 3;- gang to sicken or distress your child. A um, for sweet. pleasant and safe Syrup called Dr. Shoop’s Croup Cure is for Group at Oak alone, remember. ls does no} claim 1g that to cure a dozen ailments. it’s for he lant- 31308 CO. Mr. Base is ason of Mr. Robert Dass, of Fergus. Mrs. Bass and family will remain in Stratford until spring. when they will also move to Wyoming. The many City friends of Mr. Dass will join The Herald in wishing him an extended prosperous career in railroad life.-Stratford Herald. - Mr. Dass was taken completely by surprise, as was made evident by his brief, but feeling reply. He thanked the staff for their demonstration of kindness and good will “ While regretting your departure from amongst us. we are pleased to know that it is for your advancement in railway life, the aspiration of us all.” “ We. therefore. deem it not only a pleasure. but a privilege. to place on record at this time our sincere appreciation of Your past career, and ask you to kindly accept this small token as a memento of the good-will and good-wishes of your associates. which will follow you in the far west. "Your high sense of duty, your untiring zeal and dovofion to the in- terests of the company, and, at the same time your candid. courteous and manly bearing towards all with whom you came in contacts. have an- tracted our attention. “ We, a. few cf your fellow-arm ployes. are desirous of placing on record our high esteem of yourself and our very cordial appreciation of the manner in which you have for many years discharged the various duties devolving upon you. For the past fifteen years Mr. Dass has been connected with the Grand Trunk in Stratiord, for five years as Operator. and the past ten years as despatcher. During this period he has gained for himself numerous warm friends, alike among .the office staff, railway men and citizens. As a slight recognition of their appreci- ation, the office and station Staff and a few friends surrounded him this afternoon and presented him with a well-filled purse of gold, accompanied by an address reciting as follows: An interesting event; in which a general feeling of good fellowship prevailed, took place this afternoon in the despatchers’ office at the Grand Trunk depot. For a short period the 809.5 quit work and gathered around their popular fellow deepatcher. Mr. Robt. T. Dass. who severed his con nection with the Stratiord ofice to- day to take up a more lucrative posi' tion as despatcher with the Southern Pacific Railway on what is known as the Oregon Short line. Mr. Dass will be stationed in the State of Wyoming. LEAVING FOR WYOMING STATE. Mr. Robt. T. Dass. Train Despatcher, Honored Before Leaving To-Day. “’6 hear that Mr. John Henry is keeping. the sideroad pretty well broken this winter gathering flowers for May. Mr. Tom Nichol. of Hampden, Spent a few days last week visiting his friend Mr. Wm. Hunter. Mrs. Geo. Hargrave, of Swinton Park, spent a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Jas. M. Allan. We hear that Mr. \V. Allan in- tends going West in the spring. Someone will say, “0 Willie we miss you.” As Henry’s Corners cor. has not been heard of for some time. we, though a poor substitute to the former cor.. will try and collect our scattered thoughts. Messrs. Charlie Reid and Wm. Hunter. Jr.. are home from Guelph Where they took a two-weeks’ train- ing on the care and judging of horses and cattle. It will be wise for any purchaser to call on either of them and be enlightened. Miss Belle Patterson was visiting her friend Miss Grace Reid last week. The hills seem to hold some charm for Belle. Mr. Tom Hargrave, of Weyburne, Sask.. has been visiting his sister Mrs Jas. M. Allan. Miss Hattie Watt intends leaving for the West in the near future. “Distance lends enchantment to the view." The fierce storm which passed through our burg on the 20th inst. did considerable damage. Mrs. Robert Hastie of Traverston, has been visiting her sisters Mrs. T. Patterson and Mrs. John Alien for a. couple of weeks. Messrs. Wm. and W. J. Allan have been cunning Wood for Mr. Robert Matthews. u Mr. Matthew HOOper visited his numerous friends up in Proton IaSt- week. Some of the young peeple from our burg attended the party at Mr. Bice’s. Henry’s Corners. Imfi%%%%%fi%%%%%fi%fi$$%%%fi%fi A". $15.00 Cash. Don’t waste your time and money on cheap, da'uremus, experimmtal treatment. Don‘t increase at yuur own cast your sufferings by berm: CX'u‘rPZiento-d on with rem- edies which they clam: to have just discovered. They give but tempcuarv relief. But come to :: in c-mfidence. We will treat you conscientiuuslv. huncaly and skillfunv. and restoreyou to health in the shortest possible time with the {east mc-dndne. dis- comfort. and expevse pracficabie. Each case is treated as the svmpinms indicate. Our New Method is original and has stood the test for {Wehty-five years. A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD We Guaranme {a 55:5 we gft'fiffifuféy Varic'maeéc, ”9:919;sz £39ޤfiéM 5‘96 0:! Psia mas, Wm! Weakgses$rc235 515%: 9,}! 39m? fiz’m‘zfi‘ar flis~ 832933 gas-521i £3! 533.939.3998 fi‘ac'wiiar 33 M‘em amd Wemena I48 Sheiby Street, HIGH is the only prOperty subdivided into residentalflots that actually adjoins the J. 1. CASE COMPANY'S SITE, ofiers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a proposition of almost unbound- ed possibilities as a money maker. PrOperty in this district is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged :fi investment. and haS'been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor $ of Fort William, local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. fi Do not delay. These lots are selling fast. Call or write to-day. Map and full particulars on application. John S. Mortimer $3 Syndicate Park FC‘RT WILLIAM mas. K. e; K. ESTABLISHED :25 YEARS. 34 McGill St., Toronto. Price from $65.00 up. FREE. Prices Low No Cure Consultation FREE. No Pay. $5.00 per Month.

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