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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Feb 1907, p. 8

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Most Stylish and Most Artistically Tailored Ready-2-wear Garments EvelrI Produced lur Sims in: the Wlwée gamsiy a a , Bums See the , New Spring Styles For i‘fien, Young , Men and Boys 7‘" dm just what you want in our» Grocemy rmeni 012w Groceries are always fresh XME’ ~33 . . S?EQAALS \Vnnllvn 13' mt M” Is hum 32...- 9' )IO $5. Millinery -â€"-(‘-'*‘s'~‘ ‘z‘nz' Lndivs and Gentlemen. -â€"â€"Silk Handkerchiefs 22 to 50 cents. Grccerszc for Xmas Tear-- . 1?? for 2.543. in green, red old rose and the wine colors. Also some very nice grey velvet hats with white plumes. VELVET HATs‘ DURHAM. Two dozen black hats in black silk velvet with plumes. Large assert. ment of hats in felt and silk suitable for mom-ping wear, I BLACK HATS hmbton St. Ribbons, Laces, Veil-ings, Fancy Blouses, Neckwer. Dress Skirts and Belts. Fxmx: nnw until January lst rhv fulhnving line‘s will he run mf :1. right prives :â€" l l w; \‘3.’ T Wi-vd. Shm‘rflng :nul thzwlette. Lruuvs” and .‘vleu’s Underwe; Rmui y IHMEv 'l‘rmlsvrs ) unifinsinnd Cum-ants, Candies, E’ewls. Spires, Oranges, Lemons, ans. (‘v-udies. Figs and Dates. S. SCOTT WT.RW Musâ€"43a” :1 «up for 10c. A LARGE STOCK OF We still have a large‘ assortment of trimmed hats we are offering at greatly reduced prices. Do not delay coming here to see our magnificent display of Clothing for men, young men and boys. Every new style, fabric, pattern and coloring 1s 1n the collection. Our prices are sure to surprise you. MISS DICK stuck) “a a ._kVV'ear Mutflers Uéoves stilt: The People’s Store A BIT UlFFERENT A MlTE SMARTER A SHADE NEWER foe my 180. ONTARIO. 250 f 01' 200. Zl 4?} 9‘ , 4"!) 7,3»? 4% W .‘ 875353135 if 123.3%. ‘UIJIJIE JJA J; 411 ‘T 'V 'AJJR 3;. ’3 , A513; T mflm.‘ w ‘ ' ' AIL-1b.! \‘z-L jV-u YOU’LL SEE THE WEARS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Artemesia Township Council held! their meeting {or this month on 89,-. -. urday last when the auditors? rego t 1 on the accounts of 1906 was DX‘BSGDT. ied the abscract of which Was as in Elowsf V. Cash on hand Jan let. 190', {$2641 80; taxes, 317183.77; fi ,., ,g $85 00; debentures, $3872 17; 1..n , l$2000 00; Miscellaneous. 311:“ 2.3; I‘POIice Trustees, $2.55 ; total xe :e.. 8 132685954. Expenditure: b‘alirie , letc., $1125 11 ; Stationery and pr. - Sing. $186.78;° law costs, $150 ; roads and bridges. $2035 17; cnarit ,‘ $47.06 ; county rate. $2489.86 . Schools. $8602.80; Board of Health. $427.81 ; debentures and COUDOUS. $4393.05; loans, $2033.15; sinsing fund, $318.48; miscellaneous. $342 44 Flesherton police trustees $817.42; balance on hand $4025 41; tonm. 826859.54. The assets of the town- ship were $7898.91 and the liabilities principally school debentures $9 488.03 The township’s finances are shown to be in a healthy condition. The Women’s Institute monthly meeting held in the town hall on Tuesday of last week was a very in- teresting one. There was a good at- tendance of members and anumber of visitors some being present from the Priceville branch. The Presi- dent. Mrs. T. R. McKenzie, gave an excellent report of the Convention held at Guelph in December last and was given a hearty note of thanks for the same. Home Nursing, Food for the Sick and Food Value of Ap- ples were the subjects for the meet- ing. and in the absence of two others , who were to take part, Mrs. (Dr.) E Carter dealt with the whole in a very t interesting and profitable manner for which she too was accordeda very ghearty voce of thanks. Married, on Jan. 20, ’07 at the res- idence of the bride’s parents, Stay- ner. Out... by Rev. 'W. S. Allison, Marion. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maynard, to Mr. E. B. F. Robinson, M. A., of Markham, Ont. Alisa Maynard retired from our pub. he school Staff in December last. 'l‘he oratorio “Saul of Tarsus” was splendidly rendered in the Methodist. church on Friday evening last by the Fies'uwrton Cncral Uniun and r the direcziuu of Mr Newton Large. who proved himself an efficient Cun- ductur. Mr. Large possesses a splendid v we; and was highly pleas- ing in the parts taken by him. About thirty members Ol the Society took part and were ably assumed by Mess:s Rowe. Rundle. Pimell and Jamie of Duzxdalk. and Mrs. Large. df Uweu Sound, W11:- fissisrel in the olzcrusw and plvased the audience xith n su eetly rendered solo Space does not permit us more than to say much praise IS due all the home tal out wuo toot; part in sozo: far the Highly pleasing manner In which Q. hey acquitted themselves. Mrs. W. W. 'l‘rimble was pianisn The at- tendance was not as large as had been lmpcd for an; it. is to be regret- ced that very many more did mt .tvaxl themselves of the magical treat afforded. A number were present irom Duudulk and Markdale. On Monday evening of last week a public meeting was held in the town hall at the call of the Police Trustees who wished to get the mind of the citizens on. sidewalk matters. There was a good representation who voted unanimously in tavor of putting down cement walks on the principal streets. It is estimated the walks required would cost about $3000, pro- posed to be raised by debenture. The trustees, were, however, asked to get more definite information to lay before an adjourned meeting next Monday evening. Bentham Bros. have added hard- ware to their grocery business. This makes three hardware stores here which ought. to give pleasing service to the public. - At ameeting of the directors of the Flesherton Hotel Company held here last week the new hotel was leased to Mr. W. W 'l‘rimlla who expeccs L0 Open in no the public about the lst: of March. Mr. Ed. Thompson. baker, decided l'lSC week upon making marked im- provements in connection With his business. The bakery will be moved m his own residence which is to be raised so as to have basement under- neath for bake Shep A new modern oven of good capacity will be put in and also an up to date mixer operated by a gasoline engine. Our Hockey boys enjoyed their trip to Durham on Friday evening last and were not discouraged at rheir defeat. Ed. Bentham. who refereed. and Will Samers accom. p mied the boys. L 7 Mrs. Dill, who for some years made her home with her sister‘ Mrs. John- athan Hicklinz. 8th con.. Artemesia, and recently in Collingwood. died at, the latter’s place last. week. Mr. F, W. Hickling here attended the fun- eral. OJ -vâ€"vâ€" at night. A graduating student of Knox College will preach in the Presbyterian church next; Sunday. Ray. Mr. Thom and Dr Caldwell had an exchange of pulpits on Sun. day evening. Mr Thom was sufier- ing with a. cold and the Doctor kind~ ly relieved him of Pie drive to Proton Rev. L. F. Kipp is conducting special services at his Rockvale up poincment. About forty young people were en- tertained on Tuesday evening by Miss Christine Richardson at a party given in honor of her guest Miss Carino Frost, of Owen Sound. Mr. R. J. Sproule attended the funeral of thalate Thomas Hanbury, of Dundalk, on Friday 19.35. Mr. M: K. Richardson visited the bereaved femily in the (orenoon. but owing to Fiesherton. Ayer’s Pills gFeatly aid theâ€"Cher " Pectoral In breaking up a col . other engagmm-ms was unable to re- main for the funeral. Those here who knew Mr. Hanhury were shock- ed at. the news of his sudden death. We sincerely sympathise with his family in their deep sorrow. Why Refer 50 Doctors Rev. L. F. Kipp was in Owen Sound last week attending the an- nual convention of the B. Y. P. U. of the Owen Sound Baptist A.~socia- tiou. Mr. W. Livingston, teller in the Standard Bank for some time. has been transferred to Strathroy and left for that place on Saturday. Miss Eva Loucks visited {liends in Dundalk last week. ‘ Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Ayer’s Cherry Pecwral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. Mr. Geo. WJdrobe is visiting rel- atives at Curgill. Miss Dillon. of Meaford, was the guest of Mrs. George Stuart laet week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sinclair. of I‘I-‘pworth, were visitors as Isaac Sinclair’s last week. Mr. M. K. Richardson went, to Owen Sound on Monday to attend thc annual meeting of the Children’s Aid Society there. Three boys from ”.6 Toronto Home were placed by Mr. Richardson in good homes in via vicmity has: week. Slims Mannie Hegg. of Eugenm. left hme on Thursday lust for an excend- ell visit with relatives in Toronto. Mr. ii. Gr. Thimble of Fibre, .u‘ichu is visimng his brother William here L. Mr. Gnorge Richardson left lad: week to take a position in Toronto Mr. \V. Trimble spent, Saturday and Sunday in Owen Sound and Mrs. 'J'rimblu is spending a few (3113511 Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A‘ Anderson. of Mon- tana. and Mrs. Will McKechnie, of Gmuelg. visiced with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnet the past week. Miss L‘zzie Stewart, who was visiting Mrs. Burner, returned to her howe in Normruby. Mrs. Harry Plper was in Toronto lass week with her sister, Mrs. Love. W910 underwwc a serious operatxon in the hospital. '* We 3.0.13"; -3¢..Lowon.mu. ,~ Loo mm: am:- of ... “kaAPARlLLA. ' . e," riLLs. mun noon. Will Wilson is home from Toromo visiting his mmher. Mrs. '1‘. W. Wilson. Mr. \V. E. Richardson has been Confined LO ms home the past: month With rheumatism. Mr 'l‘hos. Giavmn is about again after a couple of weeks illneas with grippa \vbiCh is prevalent Mr. Jens Sullivan and Mrs. Wm. Neil are bOth very ill. Barnâ€"On Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Porter, of this place, a son. When you Want a phyeic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant; in effect, take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price :25 cents. Every box warrantei. Getefree sample at; Parker’s Drug Store and try them. Mr and Mrs. Donnelly Spent a couple of days with friends in Car- gill. Mr. Archie Park and family visited in the vicinity recemly. ' Mrs. J. W. Vickers. visited her daughter Mrs. E. Hepkins back line. Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis and children are spending a few days with Mrs W. '1‘. McCullock. Mr. John Counts is ill at. present, hope to soon hear of his speedy re- covery. Miss Ada Rosy has an attack of la grippe, hope she will soon be better again. Mr. Wm. Calvert of Kincardine. visited his nephew Mr. Thos. Wilson. Mr. Wes. Hunt of Durhhm spent a few days wuh his brothers. Miss Mary Wise of Allan Park was the guest; of Miss Berta. Cufi. Mr. David Adlem and family have moved into their new brick dwelling which be erected on the farm pur- chased from R. Brunt. Dave is an hopesc hard working man and de- serves all the comforts of life We welcome them in our midst. Little Arthur Lindsey Hunt has had a severe attack of bronchitis but is improving nicely. A number of the youth and beauty from rround here apent n very plus. ant evening at the home of Mr. Joe. Betsy. , 3110 best kind of 3. tr stimonialâ€" Sold for over any years.” We hive no secrets! We publish the formula of all our medjcinss. The Best Physic. Vickers. Nothing like dealing in a store where you can get everything that you require Fan VVheat .......... : Spring VVheat ..... ()ats . ... ....... Peas . Barley .............. . Iiay ................. I Butter. .............. Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag ...... Apple per bag. ..... -. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack. . . .. Chop per cwz ........ Live Hoas ........... Dressed Hoes per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins ........... W'ool ........ A nice four-year-old cow, carrying second calf. due February 10th; also well-bred three-year-old bull in good condition. Apply Lo lw.â€"~â€"pd. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. FEBRUARY 7, 1907 6an Heads and Skilled Hands “0 the Front ! Attend the Famous mom. ‘ ' Wé'luf bu"? 'En 'mgh“ 'filde“ minus Routingâ€"tho kind every mun ond woman should hove. Our m has now the haunt attendaogg in ‘its history. n-.___-_-- ._-__ I‘A-____ , TORONTO, 0M. V l t max ”“63“ awn fag“ Our cont-em are through and “ractical while the mac ing is d 'n». by able instructors. The ambitious young men and women who desire to get the best r-ussible commercial training petronize this school while busmess men are in much of our graduates to fill responsible posi tions. The best time to enter our classes is NOW. Beautitul cam- logue free. Elliot! 8: Mclachlan Putz Metal Polish is fast getting known as being far ahead of any other Metal Polish. It does not scratch. it polishes easy and gives a lasting lustre. Clauss Brand Ladies’ Scissors is fully warranted. This is an exceptional Scissors and adapted for clean cutting work when stiflness of blade is required. Don’t run after your neigh- bor to help you lift your hay rack, waggon box, or hoist a. log, but buy one of our Self- lockiug Tackle Blocks which will make you independent and save you time. Every farmer should look after his colt’s feet and keep them in gocd shape avoiding biemishes. We have just put in a stock of Rasps which we can sell you a: a price never before heard of. Snow Shovels at 25c, and Stable ‘hovels at. 50¢. One carioad of Coalfiistribu- ted last week, and another on the way. Place your order at once. Skates in abundance at: re duced prices. Market Report. f5” szl STRATFORD, ONT. .__.â€" â€"â€"' vvâ€"wâ€"_ Cw“. N6 Mable 5r oni- 'gu<‘ulouto a n-L..I-.__.._ A..- _ W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor. Yongo and Alexander 83-. For OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO DURHAM. \VM. \VALLS, Durham ”wu wkuu-uw II: 30:! “30". . Pro mmnand smash mhlo rout m‘ufiawm Sale Jan 30 1907 13 mC'DP-‘IOND 68 to s 70 68 to 73 32 to 35 40 TO 70 40 to 50 00 to 1.1 00 ‘20 to 20 ‘20 to 25 50 to 70 50 to 1 00 10 to 2 30 40 to 2 45 25 to 1 2O 00 to G 50 50 to 8 50 9 to 9 9O (.0 1 00 ‘29 to 39 5 to 5 12 to 13 1L1“.

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