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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Feb 1907, p. 3

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The Big 4 rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR~ A.\CES placed Difficulties arranged. 0 P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. H. H. MILLER. 1(1) ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling, . very large barn. frame stables and p12 stables“ good 8011, good orchard, good bush. Price should be $4000 but will sell tor less than Wlir sold at once. 250 ACRES near Durham. 3. good farm, splendidly improved. was asking $7.500, will now take great deal st. 100 ACRES in Glenelg. near Durham. a fine well improved farm, will sell very cheap or trade. ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture ‘Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. To change his advertisements butf-now ofi‘ers some NEW BARGAINS : The People’s Grocery Extra heavy, massive, deep cut pattern, finish quality and‘ finish, all pieces have extra heavy pure burnt in gold decorations that will not wash off. 4-Piéce Table Sets, at $1.75 and $1.85 7-Piece Water Sets, at $1.85 and $1.95 7-Piece Berry Sets. at $1.75 and $1.85 AND PROVISION STORE For Flours One of the best farms in the Town- ship of Bentinck. 208 acres, new brick house, two large bank barns, land first class, all cleared except 29 acres. Snap to quick purchaser. $1500 down, balance at 45 per cent. Applv to MACKAY 8; DUNN. . ' Vendor’s Solicitors. Feb. 0th, 1907â€"“. Imitation Cut Glass Water Pitchers, 35 and 40¢ each. Crystal Water Pitchers, 25¢ each. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER ° : HAS BEEN : That always satisfies the Cook. We can give you what you want and you will find our prices right. FLOOR OILCLOTH. 1. 1% and 2 yds. wide, 25¢ a square yd. TABLEd OILCLOTEI, 45-in wide, 25c a. y . wyxmm‘m ‘ELANKETS, large A‘ A- Who by using: only been wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality. second to none mode in Canada. Manitoba Flours always give satis~ faction. Made of best. Manitoba wheat obtain- able is in every resgmcs aflour of He Sells Cheap Gold Nugget Glassware . . WENGER MILLING CO. Give cheaeflmrs atrial you will be delighted and WW Want no other. 11-4 size, in white or grey, $1.20 fir. PURE HONEY in 25\a.nd 35c Jars. MATTHEWS 89’ LATIMER Mts. Alex. Beggs 81 Suns DURHAM. ONT. - Five Roses and Reindeer AYTON MILLS A blend of best Untario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a. strictly W. H. BEAN A large sum of money to lend at lowest A; A - '_.._-_- -‘-lh‘--‘ listowel lionel Bread Floor MoBowan’s Eclipse 4-1?in Table Sets at 40¢ each. Superior Family Flour February 14, 1907 Are now being operated by PURE MANITOBA We carry also other well known brands of Flour. H. H. Miller Superior Quality Farm for Sale. Water Pitchers CALDER BLOCK --l"0R SA LE BY”- ENCORE 2 BUSY A blend of g Manitoba and § Ontario Wheat and is a. strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be Beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. Is made from selected winter wheat and is a. superior article for making pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats, Mixed Qhogz Pea. Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed lour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. All up-boâ€"date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Goode delivered anywhere i Chopping Done All kinds of Grgn. bought at Market People’s Mills SGBRED ANOTHER WBNDEBHIL VICTORY poo 1e terrier-Red my mprovemeut. lnsteadofa iittle.pale. hollow cheeked. unless. mt'S-slzr‘ilo'? :..'i:-I_. 1 am to-dny full of life. ready for n sl--i;:_£z.nde. a. skating match. or an evening party '-:1th nnyoue. and a. few months ago I (-onId no: strnzvle to rhnroh, m nude from my home. 1 mace ueVer had the slightest cause to fear any return of the disease. ELLA MURIEL WHOD. , Bro wusvflle. Ont. Thousands Women are using PSY- CHLVE, twcause they know from exper- iem'e that in it they have a safe friend and dehverer. Psychme 18 a wonderful tonic, purifying the Mood, dnvmg out {Ks-ease germs, gives a ravenous appetlte, aids digestion and assimilation of food, and 15 a pusmve and absolute cure for dxsease of throat, (:‘nvur, lungs, stomach and other organs. It quickly bmlds up the ennre system, making 8101: people well and weak peepio strong. :‘nr sale at all dmggists at 50c. and $1. 00 porbntfle or at Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, Laboratory 110 km" St. West Toronto. Ono Hon Added to the Long List 0! Cum lflocted by Psychin'c. .Thie young lady, who lives in Brown:- vflle, near Woodstock, Ont, tells her own story in a. few effective words of how she obtained deliverance from the terrible grip of weakness and disease. I heve to thank Psychine for ma prwent health. eareag'ol wasgoing into: ecline. Ieould Two hard y drag myself across the floor. 1 could not sweep the carpet. I! I went for e drivel had to lie down when I came beck. 11 I went for 3 mile on two on my wheel I we: too weak to lift it throughthe te- way. end set time I came in from having a spin I dropped utter] helpless from etigue. My tether would give me no peace until I procured Psy- chme.knowin It “‘38 excellent or decline or weak- ness 1 must any the results are wonderful, qxxcl Dr. Rnnt’s Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright’s Dismse, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 250 per box, at all dealers. {men 'mcw sa-sz) F. E. SIEGNER ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AT LOWEST PRICES NOW 15. . . THE TIME STOVES PIPES, ETC. r01 1nd to lie wn when I no btck. If I 1: for 3 mile two on my eel I ma too at to lift it mghthe te- r, 3nd 331: e I came in m having a. n I drop oed :rlly he!p plea ntigue. My [er would giviel nopeace unt rocured Psy- rae.knowin It mxoollent or line or weak- : I must any results are tam-(n: an d John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR Our Graniteware best and at lowest To consider about getting ready for fall. We have an excellent stock of SOVEREIGN CALL AN D SEE ECLIPSE To select from. DURHAM . THE Every Day is the prices. W, *0‘ n? Appetite improves, digestion be- comes good as everâ€"skin grows ruddy and clear, all sense of langonr, nnsteadiness and depression fades away and finally disappears. It cnn’c help but do you good. For men women and children, in fact any- one seeking strength and health, Ferrozone' 18 invaluable; try it, sold by all druggiats m 50c. boxes Note the consequenceâ€"blood is filled with wastesâ€"poisions weigh down the nervous systemâ€"rebuild. ing processes are absolutely stopped. Ferrozone clarifies the brain. enp plies tone and vigor. imparts clear- ness and strength. You feel like a new person, full of life. full of ambi- tion, ready to do thinge.-and able to do them also. Think it over. Fen-ozone is a. tonic that uplifts, upbnilds. that nourishes and restores the sick by supplying the elemen .8 their weaken- ed system need. You’ll note an instant change when you take Ferrozone. Instead of- being alert, having quickness of apprehension, there is langour, dullness, adisinclination to do things. . Three causes for this feeling. Lazy liver, lazy kidneys, and a mighty lazy stomach which does its work very poorly and compels the other organs to do things they are unequal to tor any length of time. You sleep well, but when you waKen there is none of the exhilira tion that. sleep and rest. should con- fer. How provoking these sympcons are! The man who thinks he knows it all is afool, who shuts the door of success against himself. The man who is satisfied with himself, and who concludes he has nothing more to learn from his fellows. may 'look at himself in the glass and say with Balaatn’s faithful servitor: “Am I dot thine ass?” When a man acknowledges himself a learner. only then is he in the path of true great- DHSS, no matter What her sphere. "Be not wise in thine own eyes.” is the suggestion of a man who was the wisest not only of his times but of all times, The surest way to wisdom in the sight of others is a conscious. ness of personal insuficiency. There are plenty of people whom if you could only buy at their real worth in Wisdom and sell them for the esti- mate they put on themselves, you would not need to go to the Yukon to get wealth. The Book says: ”Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards,” neveztheless there are people who are always on the hunt for more than their allotted share. A man has n0t to go far n'or hunt long to bag plenty, and that is probably what makes the game so popular. You can get all ~vou want across the back fence with your neighbor, or if you are more faStidious you can run up against enough to satisfy the most ambitious along this line in a church meeting Those pugs who go about trailing their coat-tails on the ground and flourishing a shillalah 1n the air, whether in an Irish fair, a town council or a Methodist conference are the despair of those to whom life means something more than a con tinuous round of physical, intellectuv a1 or spiritual conflict. The kicker is a useful member of society until his kicking becomes captions, narrow or personal, when he loses the sympathy of right-thinking peeple. There are some peeple who would rather fight than eat. They prefer a business row any time to business success, and would rather stand up to a re- ligious controversy than sit down with their neighbors at the Lord’s Supper. This is a spirit fatal to everything that goes to make a man full, true ann round in character. It takes infinitely less abilitv to find fault than to find worth in anything. The merest fool can make more mis- chief in a minute than seven Wise men can undo in a lifetime. The Wise Man says: “He that searcheth after mischief, it shall come unto him,” and it does. Just look around you, and note the fate of the quarrel- some men that :yon have known. There is a man who owned one of the Heaviness, Lassitude, Drowsy and Dull. When you hear a man impugning the honor of all the rest of his fel lows. shift your pocketbook to a safe place. When you find a man claim- ing tqat chastity is a name only, and that virtue is an unknown quantity in women, give the leprous creature a wide berth. “Honi soit qui maly pense" ; "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” is the scripture trans laticn of this old French proverb. It is the scoundrel always who de. sires to see everything brought to his own dead level, that cynically sneers at good and snifis at purity. It is the pulluted rotton heart that scents carrion in every other life. The pure hearted and true find everywhere wholesomeness and truth; the honorable and just find plenty of probity and righteousness even in this world. My friend, con- demn not thine own self by the esti- mate thou puttest upon the worth of thy fellows. \ STRAY SHOTS FROM SOLOMON. DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY? (The Shoe and Leather Journal.) DON’T GO CHASING TROUBLE. LOW MINDED BLACKGUARDS. AN EGREGIOUS ABS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE New music received each week. Songs, waltzcs Some people don’t know the difier- ence between meekness and weakness. A meek man is not an ass who lets everybody saddle and ride him. nor a door mat that lets every clod-hop- per wipe his boots on him. The creeping, wobbling weakling that adapts his posture to every new sur- rounding is not a meek man but a weak man. A meek man has back- bone enough to keep his head up, and yet of such flexibility as to allow him to get through an ordinary doorway. No one admires the aggressive nui- sance who disturbs and annoys every- body and everything with which he comes in contact. but we have no patience with the simpleton who has no Opinions or convictions of his own. and who hasn’t enough self as- sertion to wipe his nose without ask- ing somebody’s leave. Don’t go apol- Ogizing for being on earth. If you are a man that is enough. Stand out for the treatment a man should re- ceive and get it. Beware of being made a tool of by those who will traffic in your innocence or softness if they get the least chance. Re- member "the simple believeth every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going ” This does not mean that you should be suspicious of everybody. but keep your weather eye Open. Don’t be fooled with sugar sticds or fox talk. Be meek in the sense of being above giving or receiving Wrong. but beware of being weak. There is all the diEerence in the world between the two. Popular music.. Solomon says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Plenty of men can keep their mouths and restrain the eXpression that their lips would sometimes give to the forwardness of their secret thoughts. Many seem to be able to compel their minds to follow certain channels. and so dis- cipline them as to keep them employ- ed in the particular direction they choose. How few, however, give heed to the controlling of their deeper self. which is the mainspring of thought, word and act. The secret of keeping sweet is little understood, or at all events little practised. There are, however, some who seem to have brought the art to some de- gree of perfection. We all know people whose presence to us is a calm, peaceful influence with banish- es unrest. distrust. and evil as with a magic spell A man thus poised is fit for any position in life. At the bottom of such a condition of heart must be personal truth, charity for others, and a desire to do good unto all men. A man may never be great in the generally accepted sense of the term, but anyone can be sweetâ€"- wholesome. When you Want; a physio that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effect, take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Every box warranted. Get afree sample at Parker’s Drug Store and try them. largest wholesales establishments in this city, but who quarrelled with everybody. from his creditors to his family. and is now‘ in the street. There is another who owned a farm of a couple of hundred acres who “lawed” everybody in reach of him, and is now sawing wood for a living. Don’t go hunting for trouble. You will get enough laid at your door every morning. Barclay Bell Undertaking Percy 6. H. webster Day and night calls promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranted in Embalmin g . SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 Zflfls Pfl’ flow I have placed in stock a fine line of late. DURHAM, ONT. DON’T BE WEAK. The Best Physic. KEEP SWEET. and two-Steps All the world’s a. stage. says one famous author. andsome of us being bad actors get a. hot reception. files get quick relief from Dr. Shoop’a MagicOintment. Remember it’s made ALONE for Pilesâ€"and it works with certainty and satisfac- tion. Itching g, painful. protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see! MacFarc lane Co. “0"0 '0‘ 'uollllv v.» ré 2m. as v.» ré. as LS 2v 2 a! v A vén 11* 9? 2v ’4? «MW me fiwmmi «fix 14%! .34 Sad vv.’ 47/ Sr \\7/\ « S4 7 4% \\ (I 70 $4 $7 S7 9 Sr.“ :\ Ilfl‘l That is why FERROLâ€" is an unequalled system builder. FERROL is not a patent mystery. The formula is freely published. It is prescribed g; the best Physicians. It is endorsed by the most eminent Medical Journals. It is used in prominent Hospitals, Sanitariums, etc. «W; p.01 :33: a 32:33 Terms, Cash. Eggs same 9.8 Cash. In MITS and GLOVES we have a seed assortment of. prices that cannot be beaten for same quality. A few lines of HOSIERYin black for Men, Ladies and Children. We have not space to mention all the goods to be found here. but if you just ask we will deem it a. pleasure to send you anything in our store nndflet you judge the value We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber footwear suit- able for the present weather. Also BOOT and SHOES in abundance. Ourlines of Men’s Women’s. Misses’ and Chil- dren’s Slippers were never so nice as this season. When Going Up Street: ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Geo. H. Stinson Leggings for all Classes at Moderate Prices J. S. McILRAITH Custom Work and Repairing bone as Quickly as Possible at KEEP YOUR (Iron and Oil) “ FERROL” has wiped out the “ IF.” “FERROL” has brought the wonderful and uni- versally recognized virtues of Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus within easy reach of the multitudes who need them. “FERROL” is the only perfect emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, because it is the only one that contains IRON and no emulsion is perfect without it. Sold in Durham by MacFarlane 8: Co.’ It is well known that Phosphorus is the ideal nerve and brain tonic, IF it is properly administered. “ IF,” ah! there’s the rub. But everybody does not know that Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus have at last been combined in an emulsion so palatable that anybody can take it, so easily assimilated that the smallest infant can digest it without difficulty and so perfectly and scientifically prepared that the value of the original ingredients is enhanced fourfold. This emulsion is‘ known as WHO SAID RUBBERS ? Nobody doubts that Iron. is the greatest enricher of the blood, IF you can digest it. Everybody knows that Cod Liver Oil is a wonderful flesh producer, IF you can take it. Why not have a look at our Window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excened. MODEL BAKERY ON THIS SPACE. Toke LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets All (Imam: refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave’s ligature is on each box. 256. Marksâ€"Say old man, did I ever tell you about that awful fright I got on my wedding day ? d Parkeâ€"S-sh N a man should spat that way about his wit e. TOOUREA GOLDINONBDAY G. Lawrence’s Old Stand.

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