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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Feb 1907, p. 7

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HIE BWHIH Bfififlfllflfli '15 rcnmsnzn mkv THURSDAY momma mum Penman noose. mu ma Tm: Cm: 331cm. will be sent to any address, free of postage, for $1.00 per “113 . o o o year, payable m advanceâ€"$1.50 may b charged U no: sq pan}. The date to which every W h fiid IS denmed by the number on the address hbel 0 paper di‘cuminued untxl all arrear: u. mam at the Option of me proprietar. We,“ Transient noticesâ€"~“ Lost, ': “ P‘oundfi “Fa etcâ€"so cents for first msemon, 25 cent: “fad: subsequent msertion. MI '8'“ For tmaszem advenixcmcms 8 Cu: ‘5 , line for the first Insertion , 3 cents pct SITES . . . line web subsequent 1r.sntionâ€"miznon m I’mfésional cards, not exceeding one ingh, $4.00 pet annum. Adweni ements witho .t Specific W'fllbe published ti '1 forbid and charged ac- A}! advertisements ordered by strangers must be paid hmadmce. Contract rates {0: early at. enisetnents furnished or. Qplication to the 0 cc. a All advertise ne “S, to ensure insertion in current geek,should be bromght in not later than 1‘03.st FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"941 a..m., 2-4 0. m., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. THE JOB: : HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 6ce in the New Hunter Block. Ofiice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and. 7 to9 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvteriag Church. EXCLUSIVELY Will be at the Middangh House lst Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. Dâ€"bfice over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. Late Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Bugs. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers. Etc. Money to Loan. Ofices:â€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. ‘ er, Conveyancerf c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .of Max:- nage chenses. A general financxal bus:- ness transacted. OHN KIN NEE, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. June 06 DURHAM. ONT. d tioneer for the County of Grey. 8310:! promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE ceive pupils for instruction in Elocution d Physical Culture. Classes Tue ay and Friday afternoons in Calder’s Hall. Terms on applica- Elocutioh and tion. Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. l. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. Nov. 9. ’03. J. F. GRANT, D. D. UV" 0 o Is completely stocked with :PARTHENT all NEW TYPE, thus af- fording facilities for turninz out First-class l. P. Telford. ARRISTER, _ SQLICITORJ ETC. L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. _RADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- laxâ€"Calder Block, over Post ‘OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- :ialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and N080 DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) February 14, 1907 EDITOR AND Pnopxm'ron. Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. MacKay Dunn. Dental Directorv. MISS TWAMLEY, Honor Graduate Alma. College. 118- BED. S. BURT. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. Physical Culture. ‘, IEUGENLA FALLS DEVELOPMENT The right wav to cure a cold in the head or a cough and irritation 1D the throat and lungs. is by breathing Hyomei’e medicated air. Put a few drops of Hyomei in the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit and breathe this healing air for a few times and immeoiate relief will be noted. The medication goes right to the spot where the disease germs are located and renders them harmless in the future. At the same time the soothing and healing efieCts of Hyomei on the irri. tated mucous membrane give quick relief, and the cough or coldis broken up. The fact that many people right in Durham cough and hawk and snuifle for days and weeks after they treat a cold with the usual stomach dosing, shows how valueless are the ordinary cough and cold cures. A complete Hyomei outfit ., consist.- ing of a. bottle of Hyomei the inhaler and a. medicine drOpper, coats but $1. while extra bottles of Hyomei. if needed, can be obtained for only 500. Contract Let for Dam and Water Wheels â€"Four Hundred and Thirteen Feet Head. It seems just as ridiculous to put medicine into the stomach to cure a. cold in the head or lungs as it does to go out, in the rain if we want to keep dry. We are advised by oficers of the Georgian Bay Power 00.. that the contract for building the big dam at Eugenia Falls has been awarded to the Ambnrsen Hydraulic Construc- tion 00., of Montreal. the Canadian branch of the United States Ambur- sen Company, whose headquarters are at Boston. The dam, known as the Ambnrsen Gravity Dam, is built of steel and concrete, and will be built on the site of the old veneer mill dam. east of the public road crossing the river. Work is to com- mence not later than May 1, next, and the completion will probably call for two months continuous work. The bulkheads from the abutments to the river banks rise to the forty- seven feet level. The one on the south side will be three hundred and fifteen feet long. the ether one hun- dred and twenty feet. They are practically concrete steel bgttresses. The entire length of the dam from bank to bank will be about five hun- dred and forty feet at the upper level, and it will provide pondage for thir- teen million cubic feet of water, ne~ cessitating the removal of the veneer mill dam and building, the Miller sawmill dam and building and the Sloan sash and door factory dam and building g, and backing the water up a considerable distance on the Sproule property above the Sloan dam. All these properties have been acquired Healing Medication That is Breathed, Giving Quick Relief. The dam will consist of spillway. abutments and bulkheads. The spill- way, built on solid rock bed, will be forty feet high and eighty feet long. The base (up and down stream) will be sixty-two andahalf feet wide, and the crown ten feet wide. This sec- tion of the dam may be best described as consisting of a concrete shell form- ing the deck and apron, supported by concrete buttresses and the whole reinforced by steel bars imbedded in the concrete. Provision is made for flashboards raising the water level to the height of fortysix feet. and which can be reduced during flood periods. The abutments overlap the deck and apron at either end of the spillway and rise to the forty six feet level. All druggists should be able to sup- ply you with Hyomei, or we will send it by mail on receipt of price. and every package is sold with the dis. tinct understanding that it cost, nothing unless it cures. Write us to-dav for a symptom blank, which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us the symptom blank. our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charges Booth’s Hyomei Company, Buffalo, ‘7 T7 Percy Pennywateâ€"Alas, the gold- en days of chivalry are gone! I would do battle for you to prove my worthiness. Goldie Gotroxâ€"All right, Percy; just tron up to the library and ask papa. He is in a bad humor to-night. To stop a Gold with “Preventios” is safer than to let it run and cure it afterwards‘ Taken at the “sneeze stage" Preventics will head ofi all colds and Grippe. and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis Preventics are little toothsome can fly cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 25c. boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze. try Preventics. They will surely check the cold. and please you. Sold by MacFarlane Co. NOVEL CUBE FDR COlDS. The turbines under order for the Gecrgian Bay Power Co. are two in number, each of fifteen hundred horse power capacity. or three thousand horse power total. They will be mounted on horizontal shafts, and will run ata speed of Six hundred revolutions per minute. It takes a powerful wheel to Withstand the enormous pressure of water under a four hundred and thirteen foot bead. each square inch of surface being subjected to a pressure of one hun- dred and seventy-three pounds. If the stream, as it will strike the wheels at Eugenia, were turned upon the hillside. the earth would fade away before it like snow before a jet of steam. and rocks the size of an aver- age house would be whirled along as readily as a burr coming in the way of a stream issuing from an ordinary garden hose. The force 01 water carries with it is. however. taken up by the turbines and the high speed noted (600 R. P. M ) is the result. The dam is designed by the Com- pany’s chief engineer, Mr. H Von Schon. Detroit. who was chief engin- eer for the development of fifty-six thousand horse power on the Ameri- can side of the Son. and who has charge of the entire deveIOpment at Eugenia Falls. Mr. Iohn Grasby, who has had the farm of Mr John Graham rented for the last nine years, is leaving this part and going to live in the neigh- borhood of Wingham. A large num- ber of his friends and neighbors as- sembled at his residence last Friday night to bid him and his Wife and family goodbye and wish them pros- perity in their new home. They also presented Mr. and Mrs. Grasby with an address and a Morris chair each as a Slight evidence of the appreciac tion of their worth and kindness as neighbors while here. Mr. Grasby, although taken completely by sur- prise. and touched by the evidence of kindness and friendship, made a very neat and apprOpriate reply. thanking his neighbors for their kindness to him and his while living among them and expressing the hope that he would never forget his friends in Glenelg Centre. by the company. There will thus be created a. lake of considerable propor- tions, which will at least to some ex- tent atone for the interference with the scenic beauty of the Falls. caused by diverting the wa;er through the tunnel. Much consideration has been given the selection of the turbines, result- ing in the contract going to a well known firm of manufacturers in Swit~ zerland. which leads the world in en gineering practice as regards water power development under high head. DEAR Prawnsâ€"You have for a number of years lived amongst us and mingled with us as a neighbor and friend. and during these years the more we have become acquainted with you the more we have learned to respect and admire you for your many good qualities of head and heart. As neighbors your cheerful and ready assistance in time of need was much appreciated and command- ed the esteem of all with whom you came in contact. It was with feel. ings of regret that we heard you had decided to leave this neighborhood and for a time hoped it may not be true. But now that the decision is finally made and the time draws near for your departure. we have gathered to-night to spend with you a social time, give you a parting hand-shake and wish you God Speed in your new home. We also ask you to accept this gift from our hands as a small token of our respect for you and also hope it may at times call to your re- membrance your old friends and neighbors in Glenelg Centre. We earnestly wish you and yours long life and prosperity. May sorrow pass you by and adversity keep far from your dwelling. and when called from this Sphere of toil and care may you enter the home of endless joy and rest. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Drug gists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. MR AND MR8. JOHN GRASBY: The Eugenia Falls water power would be quite at home in a Swiss canton. While the four hundred and thirteen foot drop at Eugenia is the highest known here in Canada. it would be a modest head in Switzer. land, where small streams properly handled produce from one thousand to ten thousand horse power. under head of from one hundred to three thousand feet, in some instances calling for tunnels thousands of feet in length, through solid rock. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Signed in behalf of friends: ”M, “.rq .(4. 13,“: v“'. i.- " Nw. WW’NW Glenelg Centre. W.’ A. BEATON. MARY A. Bmum. MAUD M "GILLIVRAY. MAE Hopx'ms. A. B. MCLELLAN. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “Before we can sympathize with others we must have sufi'ered our- selves.” No one can realize the sat faring attendant upon an attack of grip. unless he has had the actual ex perience. There is probably no dis ease that causes so much physicial and mental agony, or which so suc- cessfullv defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avmded by the prompt use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has re- sulted in pneumonia or that has net recovered. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Well, Mr. Editor, the young Crow is out and I thought I would drop you a few items to let you know how this burg 13 getting along. It is dull since the C. P. R. men have gone from this part. It was so cheerful to see and hear them going to and from work and lookinz as if the work agreed with them. It is snowing to- day and is so dull, but the eleighing is very good. Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Every one knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold. ana chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggravated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chances when you have a 'cold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure it before these diseases develon. This remedy contains no opium. morv phine or other harmful drug and has thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its cures under every con dition. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Some of the young men leave their teams alone on Lambton street to upset folks going in to town and laugh at them. Some of your town constables should be around to make the young men mind their teams bet- ter than they do. Miss Mary Hurley and her gentle- man friend were callers on the form- er’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt. on Saturday evening. Call again. Glad to see Master Willie Staples is getting better and bow to soon see him around again in his usual health. We were pleased to see Miss Jane Staples looking so well. She is brightening up the home again with her cheery and winning smiles. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Bell are on the mend. We hepe they will soon be able to be around again. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Darkie’s Corners. Tlfe Grip. ififiéfifiéfigw‘éfi‘ MHHHMEfi' *Mflfifi'fifi: ’ts $15.00 Cash. afiflifi’a’flfififi%**%%$$$Â¥$§%§§fi$fi*éfi The Thrifty House éwife New Spring Goods SHIRTINGS. COTTONADE. PILLOW COTTON. SHEETING. DRE‘SS‘ G09DS,_ i9 plgig and ‘r- â€"- ‘- checkered godds, 20 didâ€"2230. APRON PRINT and GINGHAMS. DRESS GINGHAM S. MUSLIN S. ART MUSLIN. CHIN TZ. Boys’ and Men’s Sweaters, Smacks and Overalls in abundance. Everythmg in Fresh Groceries HICH is the only property subdivided into residental lots that actually adjoins the J. I. CASE COMPANY’S SITE, ofiers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a. pro position of almost unbound- ed possibilities as a money maker. Do not delay. These lots are selling fast. Call or write to-day. Map and full particulars on application. Property in this district is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged investment, and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort William, local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men WM} John S. Mortimer; C. McArthur Buys her spring oods early, so as to be ready or the busy season when it comes. Read this list of and discover What you want, Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM Top Shirts 34 McGill St., Toronto. Price from $65.00 up. CUSTOM sawing at the Durham Foundry, by Robert; Smithâ€"3 To cash in advance subscribers we‘ give the Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail {or ...... . $4.50 “ “ Globe for ....... 4.50 “ “ World for.. 3.10 “ “ News for ....... 2.25 “ “ Star for ........ 2.25 “ Weel‘ly Mail. ........ 1.70 ” “ Globe. ...... 1.70 Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Montreal Witness ............ 1.65 Farmers Advocate ............ 2.30 Weekly Sun .................. 1.75 and other papers at equally low rates. Take Rival Hem Tablets Sold by J. A. Darling I‘o cleanse the blood. To tone the stomach To move the bowels gently. To cure liver and kidney troubles. 200 Days’ Treatment $1.00. Trial Package 250. $5.00 per Month. CLUBBIN G RATES. DURHAM, ONT. oooooooo 0000000 0000000 ....... 1.70 1.65

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