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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Feb 1907, p. 3

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Extra heavy, massive, deep cut pattern, finish quality and 'finish, all pieces have r extra. heavy pure burnt in gold decorations that will not «wash off. 1-Piece Table 'Sets, at $1.75 and $1.85 a 7-Piece \Vater Sets, at $1.85 and $1.95 7-Piece Berry Sets, at $1.75 and $1.85 Water Pitchers TRY OUR NEW caomn. All up-to-date flour and feed . grocers keep our floor for m9, your grocer does not keep it, com the mill andwe will-nae you rig Gull us up by telephone No. 8. “www.mhut laud“ ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture “WWW": illlll IIIIWHW Factory. Wall sell cheap or trade. DURHAM. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates DEBI‘S COLLECTED. INSUR- W“ A\CES placed Difliculties arranged. 0 P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for Pumps. sale. Everythmg private. - - ‘ BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY GUS "w” Pmmpt NM" Negligent. I romans and the public in general that I H . H . Ml LLB R. _ am Prepared to furnish Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal. the heat on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea Chop, v A blend of § Manitoba and .1 Ontario wheat and is a strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba. flnur, made from No. 1 Manitoba. wheat cannot be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. 250 ACRES pear Durham. 3. good farm, splendxdly Improved. was askmg $7.500, will now take great deal less. 100 ACRES in Glenelg. near Durham, a fine well im raved farm, will sell very cheap or tra e. Is made from selected winter wheat and is a superior article for making pastry. etc. To change his advertisements butlinow 05ers some NEW BARGAINS : moo ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. . very large barn. frame stables and p12 stables. good soil good orchard, good bush. Price should 6 34000 but will sell tor less than saoooziz sold at once. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER : :HASBEEN: : Made of best Manitoba wheat. obtain- :able is in every respect aflour of People’s Mills 'Give these flours a. trial you will be delighted and will want no other. MATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER 10 Bag Lots. _ Godsdeli voted anywhere in Who by using: only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality, second to none .mode in Canada. wide, 250 a. square yd. ' ' TABLEd. OILCLOTH. 45in Wide, 250 a y FLANNELEI‘TE BLANKETS, large WENGER MILLING CO. A blend of best. Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a. strictly Imitation Cut Glass Water Pitchers, 35 and 40c each. Crystal Water Pitchers, 25c each. 4-Piece Table Sets. at 400 each. FLOQB. O_I_LCLOTH, l, _1§ and 2 yds. AYTON MILLS 11-4 size, inrwnite or grey, $1.20 fir. PURE HONEY in 25 and 350 Jars. Gold Nugget Glassware . . He Sells Cheap The Big 4 W, H. BEAN Superior Family Flour Are now being operated by Febrilary 28, 1907 PURE MANITOBA PASTRY FLOUR H. H. Miller Superior Quality SOVEREIGN CALDER BLOCK â€"FOR SALE BYâ€" ECLIPSE ENCORE 2 BUSY THE The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE râ€"â€"â€"’-~' .- téndod t6. I ALL WORK GUARANmnD at “Live and let. live” PRICES. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELI Dnmma. Rx-(iunmxe AND Pamcmme done with Comant concrete. All druggists should be able to sup. ply you with Hyomei, or we will send it by mail on receipt of price. and every package is sold with the dis- tinct understanding that it cost, nething unless it cures. Write us to day for a symptom blank, which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When youfill in and return to us the symptom blank. our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of advice Without charges _B_00th’s Hyomel Company, Buffalo, A complete Hyomei outfit, consist- ing of a bottle of Hyomei the inhaler and a. medicine dropper, costs but 31. While extra bottles of Hyomei, if needed, can be obtained for only 500. At the same time the soothing and healing efiects of Hyomei on the irri- tated mucous membrane give quick relief, and the cough or cold is broken up. The right way to cure a cold in the head or a cough and irritation in the throat and lungs, is by breathing Hyomei’s medicated air. Put a few drops of Hyomei in the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit and breathe this healing air for a few times and immeoiate relief will he noted. The medication goes right to the epot where the disease germs are located and renders them harmless in the future. The fact that many people right in Durham cough and hawk and snuflie for days and weeks after they treat a cold wish the usual stomach dosing, shows how valueless are the ordinary cough and cold cures. It seems just as ridiculous to put medicine into the stomach to cure a cold in the head or lungs as it does to go out in the rain if we want to keep dry. Healing Medication That is Breathed Giving Quick Relief. listow’el 'lionel Bread Floor AND lcsowan’s Eclipse . . . 9' ALL ORDERS taken at the old stud peat“ y‘cGowan‘a Mil] will be promptly s1 F. E. SIEGNER When We talk Paint to a cus‘ tomer We claim that we have a stock that stands for quality and satisfaction. A Paint must be made rightâ€"made to with- stand the storms of rain and snow, as well as burning sun. With Ramsay Paints goes a guarantee of satisfaction. The Ramsay Paints have been made in Canada since 1842â€"made for Canadian weatherâ€"made rop- erly. The quality of the am- say Paints remain long after the price is forgotten. Ramsay Paint Season Will Soon Be Here For Flours on give you whst you want you will and our prices right. NOVEL CURE FOR BULBS. Hardware and Tinware We carry duo other well ’ known brand- of Flour. Let us tell you all about it. GEORGE WHITMORE \VE HAVE THE WWW Paints Tea is a mental and physical stimu- lant. [t is an appetizer and a re- fresher of the Spirits. It is recogniz- ed by the most prominent physicians to have nutritive value through its gluten and nitrogen. According to Dr. John Coakly Lettsom, a noted medical writer, its staying powers and capacity for repairing the body’s wastes are very great, but all this is dependent upon the tea being grown at a high elevation, and therefore of fine quality, and this you can always rely upon obtaining when your tea is gotten in the well known sealed lead packets of the “Salada” Tea Co. Imperial Hypophosphites The best reconstructive tonic. invaluable to Grippe convalescents. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment, you can do him no greener favor than to tell him to try Chamber- lain’s Salve It gives instant relief. This salve also cures sore nipples, tester and salt rheum. Price 250. For sale at. Parker’s Drug Store. I guess I won’t. today. Fer Paw is workin’ ’rounn’ the barn. I daesent even say a. “ darn.” Imperial Syrup Cod Liver Oil For coughs and colds in advanced stages and for general abihty. An’ start. a dry goods store, I’ll have no fannin’ mill to turn, My trials ’11 be o’er, An’ if I ever hev a. boy I’ll let him run an’ play, l’d like to say a. bull lot. more. 0 Just milk that kickin’ cow.” An’ Paw. he staid arouu’ the barn, I dassenc even say a “ darn.” Some day I’ll leave the farm, you bet, Imperial Syrup White Pine with. Eucalyptol and Honey “The best cough cure.” We want to tell you about these remedies They ARE NOT patent medicines in the ordinary sense of the word, but they are a line of scientific specialties, put up by us, in our own laboratory. They are guaranteed perfect. Amongst others we will mention these as the most seasonable. * I wâ€"ant to sharp thé axe.” With Paw a-workin’ 'round the barn I dassenc even say a ” darn." W9 finishga it at half pas’ five,- I started off to skate. He called me back sgin an’ said : “ I guess you’d better wait. It’s tesdin’ time. Go shove me down Some corn-scalks from the mow, An’ after you have fed the beasts I thought than we was done, Is carted off with Billy Jones To have a lot 0’ fun, But. Paw, he called me back and said: “ Now. Peter, don’t make tracks, You got. to turn the grindstone now, But Paw is workin’ ’ronnd the barn, I dassent even say a “ darn.” We cleaned up twenty bags 0’ wheat. The Imperial Remedies . . I turned the fannin’ mill today From one o’clock till five. Gee whiflikens. my arms is sore, I wonder I’m ahve. My shouldersâ€"both of’ emâ€"is stoiEE As ever they kin be. An’ pains is runnin’ up my back, I’d like to use a “D" flarling’s ’ DRUG STORE A BUSY DAY FOR PETER. Itching Piles. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE large profits often recommend corn outer-“u good no Pntnnm’o.” ‘- There in only one genuine corn Extrutor ndthnt in Pntnem’e’ Pninleu- whioh‘ : I. L hillâ€".LAIA A: Aflnggn‘n. 4-1 -hAâ€"-L‘_ to Alaska. After several years of hard wark he “struck luck,” and came east to claim his sweetheart. Wilson, who was born in St. Johns, N. B,, was injured ten years ago in New York. He was taken to Roose- velt Hospital. His nurse was Miss Corbett. Friendship petween them ripened into love, and they became engaged, Wilson determined to win a fortune before marrying. and went In mud 18 0mm nun. Detroit, Mich.. Feb. 16.â€"-â€"Walter H. Wilson, Fairbanks, Alaska, was in Detroit yesterday on his way home after having travelled eleven thousand miles to marry Miss Margaret Corbett. of Durham, Ont. Travels Eleven Thousand Miles to Wed His N arse- ' Charles Shettle of Albemarle is an old oflender whose name has became sadly familiar in court circles. He was convicted lust September by Judie Barrett for cattle stealing and assultihg Constable Trout of ,Wiar- ton. Our readers will remember how be tackled Constable Trout, bit ing him severely and leaving a deep impression on that arm of the law. The Judge viewed his case in a leni- ent light, and after giving him a short confinement in the jail let him go on suspended sentence, He re turned to his old haunts and likewise ‘ to his old habits. He has since been? making himself obnoxious to Mrs. Moore a resident of that township,i by trespassing on her property. after being repeatedly forbidden to do so. Abench Warrant Was consequently issued for his arrest. and he was again brought into the presence of HIS Honor, J udge Barrett. The law in this case exacted the pound of flesh that his crime had merited, and a sentence of three months in the Walkerton goal Was the lot of the Albemarle ofiender He donned the prison garment on Monday last- Walkerton Times. That’s how you feel with neural- gia. But why lie awake at night, grumble or complainâ€"get busy with a bottle of Nerviline. It does act like magic, seeks out the pain and destroys it. Harmless and certain, instant in efiect, nothing is so popu- lar as Nerviline for aches and pains of all kinds. I‘ry it for lumbago, test it in rheumatism, prove it in neuralgia. pleurisy or colds. You’ll soon acknowledge that Polson’s N er- viline beats them all. Sold every~ where in large 25c bottles. J UMPING WITH NERVE PAIN. Huntâ€"Blackâ€"That the report {of the Reeve and Wm. Weir the com- mittee appointed to inspect the pro- posed new road to be built by the Welkerton and Lucknow Railway Co. be adopted and that they be paid $1.00 each for their services.â€"-Carried. Huntâ€"Weir-â€"That this council comply with the request of the On- tario Municipal Association by Pe- titioning the Legislature to amend Section 606 of the Municipal Act and relieve Municipalities from a! portion of their present heavy responsibilities for the non-repair of highways, and that Dr. Jamieson M. L. A. our rep- resentative in the House be request- ed to present the petition and support the bill when it comes before the House for consideration.â€"â€"Carried. Huntâ€"Blackâ€"Thac ward commis- sioners be appointed as follows: -â€" Wardl Wm. Weir; Ward2, J. A. McMillan; Ward 3, Malcolm Black; Ward4. E W. Hunt, and that Thos. McFadden be supervisor for town- lines and other bridges. --â€"- Weirâ€"Huntâ€"Th;t the auditors’ report as re audited by the Council be adopted, and that the auditors be paid $9.00 each for their services.â€" Carried. HuntéBlack-L-That Byâ€"Il'aw No. 47.3 for the appointment of township officers be now read a third time. signed, sealed and engrossed on By- law Bookâ€"Carried. The Council adjourned itili Airil 13th at 10 a. m. Weirâ€"Huntâ€"That James McGil vray be paid 75c for repairing road shims 3, (39m. 2. N. D. R.-â€"~Carried. Huntâ€"Blackâ€"That the report of Thee. Lauder be paid $2 for Regester- ing school debentures and 750 for searches re Treasurer’s eureties, and that the reeve be paid $1 00 for ser- vices re search.â€"Carried. The Council met February 9th. pursuant to adjournment. All mem- bers present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of meeting of January 15th. ,read and confirmed. Communica- Etions read as follows.-â€"-From [the 'reeve as chairman of committee ap~ pointed to examine and report upon the new road proposed to be built by the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway Co Also from the reeve as chair- man of committee appointed to ex- amine as to the sufficiency of the security given by the Treasurer. From the auditors their report. From Wm. Hampton. Reeve of Hol-l land're Walker deviation, from the Ontario Municipal Association re section 606 of the Municipal Act. Unoornpulous dealers tamed by me profits often recommend corn LONG TRIP TO HARRY. AN OLD OFFENDER. GLEN ELG COUNCIL. t ’nthARLANE a: co. 6t. I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place immi- grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domes- tic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required. when wanted, and what wages ofiered. The num- bers arrivlng may not be sufficient to supply all requests. but every effort Will be made to provide each appli- cant with help required. the above statemenn. PERIOL as the embodiment of health. stunt“ and “with ad “ You know what you THE PICK OF THE CROP 250, 300, 40c, 500 and 60c per lb. is unique because It combines Iron and Phosphorus with Cod Liver 011. It is pleasant to take and easy to digest. It #9145. disc A fesord‘ for iqcregsingflze It is quite true FERROL is an emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and a particularly good one at that. But it combines Iron and Phosphorus with the Oil, and these are just what are needed to make the emulsion perfect and they are just what all other emulsions lack. In a Class by Itself [32] Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. When Going Up Street: FERROL Terms, Cash. Eggs same as Cash. In MITS and GLOVES we have a good assortment at prices that cannot be beaten for same quality. A few lines of HOSIERYin black for Men, Ladies and Children. We have not space to mention all the goods to be found here. but if you just ask we will deem it. a pleasure to send you anything in our store andjet you judge the value We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber foetwear suit.- able for the present weather. Also BOOT and SHOES in abundance. Outlines of Men’s Women’s. Misses’ and Chil- dren’s Slippers were never so nice as this season. Farm Help Coming! Packed in sealed lead packets, which preserve its many excellent qualities. THE W BISSELL HEEL BULLET? Sold in Durban by Leggings for all Classes at Moderate Prices Custom Work and Repairing Done as Quickly as Possible at BLACK MIXED GREEN WHO SAID RUBBERS ? J. S. McILRAITH NEIL M CCANNEL. Box 114 Durham. Ont. Geo. H. Stinson ’9 MODEL BAKERY 0f the finest tea-producing country in the world With Three Drums and Strong 3131!! Frame. Some improvements are: Heavy Steel Axle, Thick Heavy Steel I’ll“, Drums Blveted up to stand any Roller Bearings. Runs like a. bird. fiarueulars free by mai). or a at your dealer. one genuine without; the name “BIS- SELL. Look out. for it. Address Teaâ€"30c for 25¢. Groceries for Xmas From now until Januaryist the following lines will be run off at: right; prices :â€" Woollen Blankets from $2.25 to $5. -â€"Heavy Tweed. â€"â€"Sheeting and Flaunelette. -â€"Ladies’ and Men’s Undei-wear ~Ready made Trousers ' (large stock) Flannelettesâ€"Call and fee my 180. flannelette for 10¢. XMAS . . SPECIALS 5:61? $31366 ii lboE at any at these and let the fit be the test. You will find it unnecessary to bring (a suit back for chum. We 991 W096 you a perfecq We reviously announced that Mr. lass is now in charge of our tailoring de ment. Mr. Glass has had a ong experience in city tailoring in centres both in Canada and t e United States. Still we did not like to talk too much on per. Now, however, it is ’ erent. Mr. Glass has already turned out a largenugnber of_sui_ts. [We ask T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Write for Booklet “ E” N eckwear Mufflers Gloves 5.3135 for Ladies and Gentlemen. .111: Handkerchiefs 22 to 50 cents. Raisins'and Currants, Candies, Peels, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, N uts, Candies, Figs and Dates. A Fit Guaranteed G. Lawrence’s Old Stand. S. SCOTT At all Grocers. 25c for 20c. 'and of

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