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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Feb 1907, p. 6

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m s v: ~. HUMAN). Fix-“MOW“ p-‘ s hind yew umlcrgmdua‘w of Queen's Unm- eit‘y. hciosm'e. History and *roognuhy. L‘s s.u1,_\ \wLEOD. B A. Honor Gudm of {a en'x ”haven-i y. K lam fictions, find Eng n h. a~ school in :horonnly equipped in WI “flag, in oh-nmqul umi electrml supplies I! 5 unga. 010., for ml: Junior Leavincand Mo- nmioa work. The follow in; competent an! an ' Margo: 3| Pumps of all Kinds. W. E. CBNNOR JURHA M SCHOOL. ; m)». aLLA N. 191 023.43 Carma, Pd]. flag“ Ca;3618mac;:N-éwfljé}i The nnacrsxgned navxng been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a ewzere lung affection. and that dread disease Consumption. 13 anxious to make known to his fellow mufflers the means of care. To those who desire It. be will cheerfully send, free of charge. a copy of the prescription used. which .hey will find a sure eure for Consumption. Asthma, Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all chroacand lung flaIadies. lie house all sufierers Will try his remedy. as it is iuValuable. 'l‘lmse desiring the prescription. which will cost them nothing And may prove a blessing. will please adrlreae‘ Re v. EDWARD A. WILSONBrooklymNew York vices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. «my old Worn Silver? If ~10, I am prepared to re- ,olateit, Bringit innow whiie [have the time. Ail won; guaranteed. Irmuu‘ ~.-zt.uieuté mould enta- “the «at the 29:21:. if ptw-iMo. Board an 4a. mwnahlo rates. .DMIB-ilOI u-(iw (own. making {t g“ d. -zf row-Mann; '.11g: Brass, Brass Linéd and Iron (Ivlinders. HAVE YOU? §a1mnized and Iron Pip. ck\y ,lar.(..‘ unthm as " .3:- atflcfiy v .: free UH ‘amnw in": aim motive For 13mm 0mm; -.: 3 ”three weekly. 1m? union of any a. 'tzucut. c gum-nu] Terms :2 mar mgr}: as an («an hymn newsdealerg aimsitox. ' ilhairman mum sur Pumas 1mm $2 upward. STAFF A}? i) EQUIPMENT. SOLD BY Percy (i. A. Webster J EWELLER. 5*.“ ‘ a D Oman awn) «ar’Lernoon. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Axle Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SA UNDERS P H30. 33L“) p0! m Manufacturer of And Dealer in -â€" Geo. Yiirs I‘l-I ‘.\'- ammptly and prop- '4 -’.-‘h and descnguon may igmmm free w ether am -. -~-»:-*r~table Com-mum -. 2.2.1 Handbookon Patent; I'm securing patents ,. mush. 31mm 6; Co. fecal“ charge. in the The Harnessmaker. One door south Post Ofice. We are having an npholsterer the firft week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods reno- vated to look good as new should advise us. We will be pleased to attend to it; at once. UNDERTAKINGâ€"Night calls will be promptly attended to. E. KRESS Upholstering Has a. full line of Curtain Poles. Win- dow Shades, Picture Frames, Frames to order of all kind. :3 DAY and EVENING classes. ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS ‘VRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk.‘ Trial lessons for one week free. Vistors welcome. BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TY PE‘NRITING COMMERCIAL LA‘V COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, CASH- MERETTES at. 15¢ per yard. FANCY PLAID Dress Goods, double fold, at 25¢ per yard. It; will be to your advantage to see these goods. Having purchased all COIIOHS mu- COTTONS early We bought at old prices, and custom- ers get: the benefit. \Ve are better prepared for the spring trade. than We were last year. Call and note numerous im- provements in our stock. Out of the Fashion ! Checked and plaid ends are the correct thing. \ e have a nice assortment; in these new spring goods, and more ordered. PART WOOL DRESS GOODS at 200 per yard. .__- .__..-. _. Dr. Roofs Kidney P3325 are 0 MM no ;)h. i, and permanent care for Rheumat’cm on .53 Bright’s Disease, Pain in the {sack and :11! forms of Kidney Trouble. 25¢ per box, at an dealers. DmT k $1853E3,Limited,179 King St. W., 1'6? .5373 -.9 -‘ II A PSYOH INE nevszr (iiénpnnints. PSYCHINE has no substitute. There is no other medicine “Just as good.” At all dealers. 50:. and $1.00 per bottie ' if not write to . â€" . -_-- â€"-â€"n---~-v wuu: (.Hu \J .‘Jnnfhs ago I stopped taking X’s perfe«‘-tly restored to health and 1th better in my life. Psyc'ixine I send to me. M113- Am ., x1 N 0 medicine has ever effected as large a number of wonderful and almost mar- vellous cures as Psychine. It has had one continuous record of victories over diseas- es of the throat, chest, lungs and stomach. i Where doctors have pronounced cases ' incurable from consumption and other treating diseases Psychino steps in and rescues num be! less people even from the very verge of the grave. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh. Bronchitis, Chills, KightSweats, in Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, 'ield quickly to the cura- tive powers of sychine. Mrs. Campbell, one of the many cured, makes the following statement: ' I cannot refrain from telling all who suffcr of my remarkable recovery With Psvchinc. in April. 1902. I caught a heavy cold which settled 0:2 mv lungs and gradually led to consumpum. I uvzlll not sleep, was subject to night swvms. Tl‘)’ I :‘xrr: were so diseased, my doctor considered me iiwmanle. Rev. Mr. Mahufi'y. Port Elgin l‘rcsbytsrilu; Church. recommended Dr. Slocum s i Pfirvhinefio m“. when I was livingr in 0mm?” 1 .iftertzsing l‘syohine for a short time [ ate and i Licpt well. theynight sweatsnnd cough ceased. i ‘..’1'\V'.!\(‘ nnr.\ ‘-.~‘-.,_- J A I A Marvellous and Triumphant Record of Victory Over Disease. PASTOR AND PEOPLE! Town Lot for Sale. asiness College LEADS IN Human being in general and ladies in particular object: to being checked; but exam the latter must; submit to it: next, season. or pay the penalty by being (Pfiuwucio sl’srxam) . McArthur The Undertaker Mount Forest '. T. CLANCY, Prin. skim; Psurhine, ab I was 1th and toâ€"day I never vcizinc has been a god- Ast W CAMPER L. ' (Tottnm'ivxl, N W T my. wingâ€"5.58m. Bad 15,193.17. ‘7 maxim. etc.. is indeed prompt. and max. “0 mining. no unplmt alter enacts m ex. mammammupmbawm Immuhmwmuam and 25 cent. , _ wv v-Il. ald- But combinéé with Eeyvtian iscnna. SH». 9017 Elm But. Solid Extract of Prunes. etc this we Cancun bark is given its greatest possible; power to none“ constipation. A toothmmu Gndy Tablet. culled Lax-eta. is now made at. tht. Dr. 3,1009 laboratories, from this incenuous mm not: 63er prescription. Its street on Consti- -_‘.. Nntum undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy tc ““9“ every ailment known to man. if physicians can but find Nature’s way to health. And this n- mnsly true with mud to Constipation The bark of a. certain tree in (hMornir-Cas. an Samâ€"03ers a. most exoeuent aid to this -_.I â€" She rang Dr. Braide’s telephone a few moments later and called firmly, “Dr. Braide, I want you to go with me to Skytown”- His cool, indifferent voice cut her short. “Who is it, please?" “It is Ann Rupert”â€" “Ah!” His voice changedâ€"becama “The operator says there is no direct connection with Skytown, but that the wire from Bozle to the south is uncut. We can try.” “Tell Don to wire Mr. Raymond that I am coming at once, and that I will bring Dr. Bralde if possible,” answered Ann, alert and self contained. and that you are to‘come, if you can, but not to worry. He is well cmed far.” “Can we reach him by telegraph?” asked Ann. “I can’t find Don,” said Mrs. Barnett. “He must have gone downtown. Some one has just phoned a message from Rob. He says Louis has taken a chill Ann flamed with wrath. “Have you no law out here that will protect a girl who goes to nurse her sick brother? I have nothing to do With your idiotic wars. I am going up there as a citizen of New York, not as a partisan of your side in this struggle. I shall not leave that boy there to suffer alone.” “What are you going to do?” “I am going up there.” Mrs. Barnett entered. “How can you go, with that mob in possession? You must not go! It isn’t safe for you, and I will not consent to have Don go again. Who will protect you?” Mrs. Barnett knocked on her door and called, “Have you seen the papers, Ann,.Marie?” “All the early part of the night,” the reporter went on to say, “bands of clamorous men marched from mine to mine, calling upon the gangs to lay down their tools. Only two firms re» malned unintimidated -- Reese Bros. and Kelly . Raymond. In the midst of all this turmoil,” said the reporter, “Raymond, one of the men most con~ cerned, was standing guard over a sick boy and would not leave his side for a moment.” Ann glowed with a sense of deep obligation to that watcher. “Then let us go I " she cried, a'is'ing‘ Constipation HE morning paper, which the maid brought to Ann while she still drowsed in her bed, con- tained the news of Louis’ ar- rival at Raymond’s cabin and his col- lapse. His voice changedâ€"became eaggg. “Cer’galn1y, certainly, COPYRIGHT. 1905. CHAPTER XXIII. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HAMLIN GARLAND toothless grin; “Step right this way as! zeta.“ 03h; muslin” . At about 11 o’clock they reached the wide mountain meadow out of which the Bear creek tell. The clouds hung just above their heads, a broad, seam- less my root. . At the halfway house they found a stage load of people and several freight- ers, and every man’s mouth was agape. The tavern was a survival of the days when railroads were of the far- away futureâ€"a long, low log structure with a root of dirt out of which dead weeds haunted. The trout room, which swarmed with men in rough clothing. seemed to be a country store and post- omce as well as an eating house. A small,_ active old woman met Ann with ; “So much the better for us,” answer- ed Ann, “for he will see that we are protected." “The morning papers stated that he had assumed absolute control up there, and that his men were drilled in true military fashion.” “He seemed very boyish to me and not at all terrible.” “Anywhere after we leave the half- way house, according to report.” “You know this man Munro?” “I’ve met him.” “Is he as terrible as people think him?" “There is something ominous in this stillness,” Ann said at last. “Where do you suppose We will meet Munro’s men?” Dr. Braide was waiting as Ann drew up to his door. He carried a big bear- skin robe over his arm and held a medi- cine case in his hand. “Have you plenty of wraps? It’s cold‘iiup there, they say. Let me arrange this robe around your feet. Shall I drive?” “No, thank you. I will drive.” The horses were marvels. They pushed up the steep, winding road with steady stride, their heads swinging. Not till they entered the canyon did they lag into a walk. The clouds hung low. in great gray masses, cover- ing even the secondary peaks. Patches of snow began to appear at the road- side. It was a bleak, inhospitable and silent world. “I can’t help.that. Don. I must go to my brother. He needs me all the more. Think of that [floor boy lying there burning with fever and a battle going on! Put off your attack. It’s all fool- ish, wicked, anyhow. What good will it do? You will only kill men or get killed yourself.” “No; Dr. Braide is going with me.” “Impossible! You mustn’t do it! Our attack is to be made tonight. The whole hill will be a battleground to- morrow.” “In twenty minutes I shall be on the road!’ Before she left the receiver Barnett came rushing into the room. “What’s all this? Jeannette tells me you’re go- ing back to Skytown today.” “Then let us go!” she cried, rising. “I will order a carriage at once and call for you in half an hour.” “I will be ready,” he alertly replied. By means of the telephone Ann or- dered the liveryman to harness his best span of horses to a mountain buck- board. “No, I do not need a driver,” she sharply answered to his query. “Get them here quick!” “If you feel that way, then the sim- plest and quickest route is over the old stage road. With a good span of. horses and a light cart we can drive to Bozle by 4 o’clock and reach Skytowr. before dark.” “I am not afraid of Munro or his men,” she answered. “In fact, they will be our safeguard. I will telegraph to Mr. Munro that we are coming, and he will see that we are protected.” “We can go by the Southern railway and drive from Sage Flat, or we can go over the stage road. In either case we must meet and pass Munro’s guard. According to all accounts, he has a complete circle.” “That’s very kind or you, but I must insist on making it a matter or profes- sional service,” replied Ann, for he, too. was a suitor, and she iiked him, but at this moment she wanted his skill-4118 training as a physician, not his adora- tion. This he had insight enough to perceive. “Please don’t troublé about my pa- tients. It is a pleasure for me to serve you. I beg you not to bring it down to so mercenary a plane.” “I am asking a great deal of you, doctor. I will gladly recompense you for any loss of patients,” said Ann. 11187" "Rt-1361f I Understand. I saw the note about your brother. It will be a privilege. I will run over at once and discuss the best plan for getting there.” Ann was eating her breakfast when the bell rang. and the maid at her or- der brought the doctor into the dining room. “Alone ‘3" HAMLIN GARLAND (To be Continued.) The Best Physio. AKansts City man has jugs suc- ceeded in getting a. potent on an energy motor fastened on a cow ’9 book"; the electricity being generated by ‘ (blond itt'ached to her tail. It “mini the am: and lungs up the jtho “finer. A small phono @"ifooomba‘nios the’ outfit ond ; fi'SO'?"‘”flon the cow «manor 35:1: 11"!” faked arm teaches the“: 1.-â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.-â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. MATTHEWS 62 LATI M ER The GURNEYâ€"TILDEN CO” The ventilating principle of other range: draws in cold air direct to the oven, heat: allows it to escape. Suppose you have a biscuits or a Sponge cake in the oven, and of cold air strikes themâ€" they fall flat at once and the whole baking is spoiled. a J @/ , imwwi‘g‘" >W Pure, cold air is drawn AnAerated Oven into the aerated Hue and heated to the exact temperature of the oven before it enters it. This Aerated Oven can only be had on the KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. Limited. Hamilton, Winnipeg. ,Montreal and Vancouver. Every Souvenir is absoluteiy guaranteed by the makers. 9 you. ' | TRY US. Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS firm Why you should buy your shnll hen:- tho toot of the wliietle on this branch. but the (we tint a obtr- ter in being uppliod fat" is good new. in “saltâ€"Winter: Echo. An 3pplicntion is being made for a charter to build line of railway tram Oww Sound through Surnwak. on to Sh‘llow Lute than to Wiarmn. Q0! of the Souvenir completely changes the air therein every few minutes without lessen- ing the heat one iota. 4.-â€"â€"You can always depend on getting full nwasure. (-nl'l'o-‘ot weight and enure satisfaction. ranges simply , beats it and 'e a pan of and a gust

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