West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Feb 1907, p. 8

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M ~ Millinery Lambson St. In the Surrogate Court in the County 9)}? of Grey, m the Matter of the Estate I! 93%.: of J amas Brecnm Park. Late of the g ‘ Township or~ Bwtinck m the Conntyé 1 of Gre , Farmer, deceased. 3 1 Feb’y 19, â€"6m. pd. Ribbons, Laces, Veilings, Fancy Blouses, Neckwer. Dress Skirts and Belts. “V“vv vvâ€"â€"vâ€"â€"" _ well ‘watered. Spfing creek running throu 11 part of it. Convenient to Chm-c and School. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to 100 ACRES, lot 24. Con. 21. Egre- mont. nearly all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Good frame house, comfogtable. barn agd stables, g O'l'ilfl‘l l8 HEREBY GIVEN : ,L Pursuant Lu it. S. 0. 1897 Chap? 25.) 5t--', 3% Mild muvmiing Acts that all prisons maxing claims against the‘ Est-HEB Ml: Jaiukfi: Bl'ecnin Park Who Lin-d on or about the 18th day of De- ceumer A. 1). 1906 me hereby required to send by post prepaid or to deliver c. , Mathzty Dunn, of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey Solici- tors for the Administrator, 0a or he lure the 250i) day of blal‘ch. A. D. 1907 their names and addresses and descrip- Lions and a; fun statement of particu- lars of their claims, and the nature of security (if any) held by them, duly Certified, and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall thenhave nc tice. Vaag’éao find just what you want in our Grocery Degavtment. Our Gaiocavies ave always fresh llur Shoes W me Whole Famaég a g g Most Stylish and Most Artistically Taliored Ready-2-wear Garments Ever Produced Rome San ' the New Spring Styles For flan, Young Men and Boys 4t Dapgd tbls 27th day of February A. Not ic: to Creditors. MACKAY 8r. DUNN, Durham, Solicitors for the Administrator, John Nichol. A LARGE STOCK OF We still have a large assortment of trimmed hats we are offering at greatly reduced prices. Farm for Sale. MISS [16K Do not delay coming here to see our magnificent display of Clothing for men, young men and boys. Every new style, fabric, pattern and coloring is in the collection. Our prices are sure to surprise you. E?“ W] ._ ‘ J . G. ORCHARD. 45 York St., London. ROBERT U RN ETT The People’s Store Dnr‘huh, Ont. A BlT 3.“)lFFERENT A MITE SB’EARTER A SHADE NEWER READY r0 @360 @OOOGOWIIIW . QuagHHoHHm .gga .311,- all: 9‘ 0-1; YOU’LL SEE TH E HQ? Me A?! ALEX. RUSSELLJEUE 4 Packages Jelly Powder, Regular loc‘ 3 Cans Kippered Herring, Regular 156 3 Packages Empire Soda. Regular 5c. 3 Packages Flaked Beans. Regular 15c. 6 Lbs. best Figs ...................... 10 Lbs. Oatmeal for .................. 22 Lbs. Granulated Sugar ...... ~. ..... Grocery Sale Saturday Only March 2nd. We are going out of this line entirely so you must get wall paper on the brain. Our aim and intentions are to clear it out this sea- son. If you intend to do any papering at all this spring it will not hurt you to come to The Big Store and see all the natty pat- terns of this season’s latest productions. You will find all kinds of snaps as we are determined to clear them out. You are aware that price must do the trick and that means a great saving to you, so come and help us to get rid of our wall paper. Since Stock-Taking we find we have $7,000.00 more stock than we should have. Look out for all kinds of sales this Spring at ‘WEARS $1,100.00 Worth of Wall Paper to be Cleared Out. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ”250. .81. 00 V V ‘ an"; gag * 93%. 931% 1'3. WE have been informed by Mr. Michael Kenny, of Edge Hill, that he has procured an Auctioneers license for 1907 and is’ open to engage for sales in any part of the County. Ap- Pwon may be made to John 'Mur- MARCH 13th~At lots 2 and 3, con. 13 Gleuelg, near Townsends Lake, an unreserved sale of farm stock and implements. 11 months’ credit. 6% per anumn discount. See bills. W. J. Lennox, proprietor; John Clark, Auctioneer. I MONDAY, MARCH 4â€"Oredit Auction Sale of farm stock and implements on lot 26, con. 12, Bentinck, 1;, miles from Crawford, belonging to Henry Boyce. Sale at one o’clock. Terms: â€"â€"$5 and under, 'cash; over that amount 10 months’ credit on ap- proved notes. B‘Z, per annum off for cash.- John Clark, auctioneer. For list see posters. TUESDAY, MARCH 54rOI'Bdlt Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, on lot 35. con. 2, N. D. R., Glenelg, belonging to Dan. McGinnes. Sale atone o’clock. Terms- 12 months’ credit or 5 per cent. off for cash. John Clark, auctioneer. FRIDAY, MARCH 8â€"Credit Auction ‘Sale of farm stock and implements, on lot 7. con. 21, Egremont, belong-; ing to John Lawrence, Sr. Sale at, one o’clock. Termsâ€"$5 and under‘ cash over that amount 10 months credit on approved notes, 6 per cent: off for cash, John. Clark, Auticon-§ He leaves to mourn his loss a large family, Mrs. Wm. Heslop, Port Huron Mich.; Marshall, of West Superior, Wis.; Edmond, of Fort Erie, Ontario; Woodthorp, of Hillman, Mich.; Archi- bald, of Port Huron; Lena. of Marine City; William, of Mt. Forest; James, of ”West Superior, Wis.; and Robert. who resides on the homesteadâ€"Com. FOR SALEâ€"A good young driver Apply to H. Burnett.â€"-tf. WALPom-On Thursday, Feb. 2181:, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Walpole, a. The deceased was always a hard- working, persevering man, who lived anhonorable lite and made an effort to do for hisfellow men as much as lay in his power. LAUDnRâ€"In Durham at "‘ Terrace The deceased was born in LEincoln- shire, Nortolk County, England, in 1821, where he spent part of his boy- hood days. At the age of fourteen he set sail for America and first settled in the vicinity of Ottawa. He remained there but ashort time and came to Grey Co. Where he took up several homesteixds. He finally settled in the township of Bentinck where he resid- ed until death. LAWRENCEâ€"IQDurm, on Tuesday, Feb. 2601:, to Mr. andfiMt-s. Jam 3 Lawrence, a. son. We ore sorry to report no improve- ment in the hoolth of Mr. J can A:- k_i_nson, Sr.. time of writing jigging 'Miss Jennie Staples visited dfln’endâ€" on the second can. end south line, last week. . Mr. Albert Davis had a runaway one day last week. He and Hiram Dean were hauling wood from Lime Kiln Valley. and their loads beinz heavy doubling was resorted to on Vinegar Hill. The two teams were put on Albert’s load and succeeded in getting it to the top. On going back to bring Hiram’s load up at the bettoin Albert dropped his lines to arrange the chain in some way, when his horses started running all the way to John Staple’s'gate where they turned in and were soon safely stall- ed in the stable. Everything turned out all right with the exception of the harness, some of it being broken up but the horses escaped without injury ‘Vibh sadness and deep melancholy we must now chronicle the death of anotheruf our old pioneers, Hinman Jonuston, who, on Feb. 20th, passed peacefully avmy Lo the land from which no traveller has yet returned. ‘MrT’éiia Mrs: A. is}. If. Mr. Wm. Borneau left: this Tues- day morning for Invermay, North. west after spending a few weeks with friends in this section of Glen- elg. Mr. Arthur Lawrence accompanied by'Misa Nellie Grasby visited at Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie’s a Week ago Sunday. Wedding belle will soon be ringing if reports are true. Not of poverty. but. of come, ach- ing cows, that, can be cured by Put nam’ 3 Corn Exuactor? Don’t :ufier, use ”Putnam’s ”â€"sold everywhere in 2.00 bULLleSO _Lavgn,’j on Tuesday, FeLfibh._ cu BOD. DO YOU FEEL THE PIN CH? Darkie’s Corners. SALE REGISTER. OBITUARY. Lander, :1. wafiqrm 01‘ Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININ E Tablets All druggista refund the money if 1t fails to cure E. W. Grave's signature is enleach box. 250 The Men’s Furnisher. In the McIntyre Block. HARRY BURNETT ak side door sets and front door sets. All the latest ii * American finishes with prices that will surprise you. * as We have everything you require in the line of *f @133 Builders’ Hardwaire. 03:11 in and inspect our in- as 701.: will hnmim mg one of Ayor'c Pill. m Gent’s Furnishings Shirts, Ties, Collars, Hats and Furnishing Goods "' 'm' 0 ix We are agents for the celebrated Imperial Oxford as 5* Range and Heaters and Furnaces made by the ale 9% oldest firm in Canadaâ€"the Gurney Foundry (,‘o. as ;x of Toronto. ate W 51% Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, as 3‘; Putty, Varnishes, Wire . of all g if Kinds, Graniteware, Tinware, :6 5i;- Stoves, Furnaces and all kinds as 3': of Seeds at Right Prices. ' g; $16 This new and up-toâ€"date Hardware Store has been *5 opened to supply Durham and surrounding coun- try with the very best sax: .2,» s32 s» s.» «I, ' W vwfimsazs§l§m Ayer’s Cherry Pectorul is not a simple cough syrup. ‘ It is a Strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asuhms, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. A Debtor’s- JWe’di-mn'ei T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY is recngnized tobe one of the leading commercial schools in Ontario Our courses are thnrough avd ractical. Each de artment is in the hands of experienced instructors. Our grad- uates are in demand and are meet- ing Witn great sut‘cess. Many lead- ing Business Colleges employ our graduates as teachers Write for free qatalogue You may enter at any tune. Elliott McLachIan PRINCIPALS. The host kind at ate-W- “ Sold to: om sixty yous.” W e are sole agents in Durham for the Keen Kutter Axe, the best in America. Everyone guaranteed before leaving the store. Wanton“! Wom mmmamoum A Famous School here. The choicest. stock in the town. If you appreciate g07d values, you will he sure Lu )1:)' your Stone Opens W; S},Z)b1;é-Uld§é_s- at’l'am. ‘ 8 I at630p.m. STRATFOR D, ONT. BUILDERS’ HARDWARE .,v ‘ «.1 STOVES AXES through our store laté- ly, do drop in and examine things. A look into our show cases will convinpe you that we are selling very suitable articles in silver ware for wedding presents. Now is the time to select Electric Light shades, as we have just received an- other large assortment and our prices are reasonable. In Pocket Knives we can satisfy the most particular in town as we have them from 50. to $1.50. If you require any kmd of a lamp we can satisfy your wants. In fancy lamps we excel, and our stock of common lamps is immense Do not risk the burning of your barn carrying that old lantern when you can get a new one so cheap. They are ranging in price from 150. to $3.50. Have you seen our table euttlery stock lately. If you requiIe anything in that line Give us a real! Table Knives from 90 cts. to $15.00 per dozen. February 28, 1907 '. BLACK. Table Cutelry LJth Shades Silverware ancy Lamps 'ocket Knives Lanterns

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