West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Mar 1907, p. 9

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The investigation of the murder of Constable Barron, of Hamilton, three years ago, is the subject of a. peti- tion to be forwarded to the Ontario Government. A oepntetidn of Hamilton citizens waited on the License Board yeater~ day and asked for the suppression of gambling in hotels, which evil, they allege, exists“ â€" â€"v--uv Voice culture and singmz, H L. at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertown. Feb tf “IILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice culture and sinmna uo...::- â€"_â€".r-v-~ “UV' U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales romptly attended to Orders ma be! fit his In: plementW Warerooms Mcflmnog‘f; old stand or at the Chronicle Ofii Nov. 9 ’03. ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er. Conveyancer, Szc. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- maze Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) A. G. MACKAY. K. C. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers. Etc. Money to Loan. Oficesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm oropertv. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Dakarâ€"Calder Block, over Post Oflice Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. 8:. J. Hunter’s. \I York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose EXCLUSIVELY Will be at the Middangh House let Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Late Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Bugs, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. l. fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. 01;}: 91:4ng LICENSED AUG. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"SH] a. m.. 2-4 a. m., 7-9 p. 111. Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, OF- fice m the New Hunter Block. Oflice FFICE AND RESIDENCE’ A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. THBJOB:: . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"vâ€"â€"â€"vâ€" vfiâ€"v'v-n am he brought m not --_A_, ~ mm for tgansient advgrtixevpcms 8 cams pr m him 01' ‘he first Imxon ;.3 “Nth pC’ o . o ling ac}: subcquem :nseguonâ€"mimon “00m MessxonalAzards, not exccedxgg one inc?“ . . 98 man. venisements viz out spcci u: fireman-ill be published :51! forbid and charged ac. Transient noticesâ€"“W3: “Found.' N I. . JG __ Eugggggtg for first mm 35 cents J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. a ”subsequent. mwnbm ’ _ :3 01(1qu by strangm must be paid hindm “Caucus we: {0:1me 3:. «thermal: furnished 0n . ya: pa e in advance-$.50 may no: $9,122.?de The date to which every 'd 15 dencted by the number on the 0 per discontinued arm) 3!! meat: . M” a: tee aptiog of the proprietor. m taunsoAv momma It“ mule flout. m m m. WEI“ flfiflflflIflLE Drs. Jamieson flaclaurin. J. 6. Hutton, M. D., C. DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. BADULATE of London, Now --â€" vvu . 0 , I: completely staked with .PAR’I‘nENT u: th TYPE, thus at. We: facilities for turning out First-class MacKay Dunn. énvadvertise sags. _to ensmfe insertion in cunem Enrron AND Pnornm'ron. Dental Dz’redorv. A. H. Jackson. March ‘7, 190 Arthur Gun, M. D. Miscellaneous, Medzkal Directorv. Legal Directory. DB- GEO. S. BURT. l. P. Telford. later thin T685541} §tudio ”I was and am yet afflicted With rheumatism,” says Mr. J. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald, Addington. Indian Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's Prin Balm am able once more to attend to 1b iness. It is the best of liniments.” f troubl- ed with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it , afiorde. One application relieves the pain For sale at Park er’s Drug Store. The table of the world’s champion- ‘ship sculling races for the past forty years is given below. Since 1876 the honors have rested with Canada and Australia. the former having a mo- nopoly since the defeat of our own Ned Haulan there by Beach in 1884. The list: Men Who Have HeldSHonors in Last Forty Years With aRaces Bowed in Defence of Title. msraor;chLLING CHAMPIONS. 1867â€"Kelly beat Chambers. 1868â€"Renforth beat Kelly. 1874â€"Sadler beat Bagnall. 1875â€"Sadler beat Boyd. 1876â€"I‘rickett beat Sadler. 1877â€"Trickett beat Rush. 1880â€"Hanlan beat Trickett. 1881-â€"Hanlan bdat Laycock. 1882â€"Banlan beat Boyd. 1883â€"Hanlan beat Trickett. 1883â€"Hanlan beat Kennedy. 1883â€"Hanlan beat Ross. 1884â€"Hanlan beat Laycock 1884 --Beach beat Hanlan. 1885â€"Beach beat Hanlan. 1885~Beech beat Matterson. 1886â€"Beach beat Gaudaur. 1886â€"Beach beat Ross. l887â€"Beach beat Hanlan. 1888â€"Kemp beat Clifford. 1888â€"Kemp beat Haulan. 1888â€"Kemp beat Hanlan. 1888â€"Searle beat Kemp. 1889â€"Searle beat O’Connor. 1890 «Kemp beat Matterson. 1891â€"Stanbury beat MacLean. 1892â€"Btanbory beat Sullivan. 1896â€"-‘-Stanbnrv beat Harding. 1896â€"Gaudaur beat Stanbury. 1901â€"Towne beat Gandaur. 1904â€"â€" l‘owne beat Tressider. 1905â€"Stanbury beat Towns. 1906â€"Towns beat Stanbury. Darling's ”2‘: .MIZ‘ my“ W’” The best reconstructive tonic. invaluable to Grippe convalescents. Imperial Syrup Cod Liver Oil For coughs and colds in advanced stages and for general abihty. Imperial Hypophosphites} m5“.â€" . ‘ Afilicted With Rheumatism. Imperial Syrup White Pine with Eucalyptol and "fig: Honey :i“ ::..,....,. H “i “ The best cough cure.” Wpyjdfs Racing Record. I We want to tell you about lthese remedies They ARE iNo'r patent medicines in the ordinary sense of the word, but they are a line of scientific specialties, put up by us, in our own laboratory. They are guaranteed perfect. Amongst others we will mention these as the most seasonable. SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW The Imperial Remedies. . Darling’s DRUG STORE I he People’s Druggists Laxative The Nova Scotia. L considering ‘ a bill I technical schools in centres Miss Catherine Henderson. of Cleveiand, Ohio, is visiting her pa- rents for a month. We mentioned in our last budget that Mr. W. T. Kerney sold his farm to Wm. Baker. That Statement has proven not to be correct as the farm is still for sale. It is with sorrow we chronicle the death of Archibald Hewitson. of Ben- tiuck. but formerlv of this place. He was visiting in this neighborhood two weeks ago and was the picture of health. He took la grippe which turned to pneumonia, and was sick only a few days. He wasin his 16th year. Interment took place on the 25th inst. to Latona cemetery and was largely attended. We extend much sympathy to the family in their sad afiiction. There is a lot of sickness around at present. Mr.T Dunn. D. Robert- son and Joseph McNally have ail been laid ofl‘ for the last. fortnight with la. grippe. Mrs J. Duncan, of Berkeley, is 'a caller of the Dunn family. Mrs.J. McArthur, of Aberdéen. is visiting the McKechnie family for a few days Freaty weather for the last few days. but the roads are good. You know that troubles exist which need quick attention, Proper action consists in a vigorous rubbing of the chest and side with Nerviline which sinks into the tissues where the pain is seated, and gives relief in o. few minutes. No uniment so clean, so strong so powerful. Results guaran- teed with every 25c. bottle of Pol- son’s Nerviline Get it to day. WHEN LONG BREATHS HURT. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, who were visiting around here for some time. returned to their home in the West lasc week. Say. girls. they say Theodore Lee- son is going to keep bach hall. N ow. won’t some of you take pity on him and go and keep house for him. Say do, girls. f Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lesson and 5 their daughter Eleanor, are this week ' moving down to Mt. Forest. While we are sorry to see them go, we hope the change may be for their benefit. and that they may all be spared for many years to enjoy their new home. They have lived in the home that they are leaving for 37 years and were good neighbors. R. B. Irvine from Greniell, N. W. T., who 18 visiting around here, took charge of the services in Varney church on Sunday morning in that absence of the Pastor, Mr. Saunder- son. We were glad to have our old friend Irvine to talk to us again on religious matters. We are sorry to have to report the death of Mr. Wm. Crawford which took place on Monday morning at 6 o’clock . We extend heartfelt sym- pathy to the bereaved friends and commend them to the Great God of comfort. A load of young peopledrove out to the entertainment at Allan's School House on Tuesday night. They had a good time. sure. District Master J. W. Blyth ac- companied by Past County Meeter Wm. Ritchie drove down to Cedar- ville to attend a. large Royal Arch meeting of the L O. L. Brethren in that place on Tuesdav night. It is needless to say they had a good time. 3 Mrs R. Pettigrew was in the city tier a few days with his little son Irvine at the hoepital. having on operation on his legs which were not very straight. We believe Mrs. P. received good encouragement. We ihope the little fellow will get aiong [all right. Thos. Renwick was in Varney on Saturday. In is a long time since Tom was in Var-nay before, we were glad to see him. Billy Bryans is moving the barn he boughc from John Kerr at present. It is cold Weather for the job. 3 The Vamey L 0. L. 689 will have 18 degree meeting in their hall on anesday night the 5th March when }the Purple. Blue and Raul Arch de- izree will be given. A good time is :expected. Brethren from other {LOdfles are coveially invited. Archie McDonald, we hear h :8 rented the J obnecon farm. Success Archie. ----- ".'V "v-“ vâ€"vâ€"wvâ€"â€"vâ€" Janet Johnston’s sale came 03 all right on Friday. the crowd was small but. they appeared to be Very good buyers, but 1) McPhail the auction car has a knack of muting men bid lively. ; ,Cam Laudfir is working on the new R. R. driving one of McFarlwe’s moms. Com is a. good worker and will give good estisfaccion. I (Intended for mat week ) (Intended for hat. week ) VVaudby. bill so" éétlfiiéfi Varney. .‘fl. A‘q 'V :P‘ industrial! THE DURHAM CHRULV [OLE Mr. Sam Ritchie was up to Owen Sound last week from Tuesday until Friday as juryman. The month of March is certainly doing its share of Winter work .by piling up the snow. Saturday last saw a severe snow storm, which left the roads vet; heavy. Quite a number from these Corners attended the dance at the home of Mr. Geo. Staples a week ago Monday luight and report a good time. Mr. Wm. Jacques has again chang- ed firearms This time he has pur- chased a Marlin rifle thirtytwo-forty calibre from the '1‘. Eaton Co. Ltd . {of Toronto, and is well pleased. ’ We regret very mud: to learn of the death of Mr. Joseph Atkinson. Sr“ who passed peacefully away 10 the great beyond on Sunday morning the 3rd inst. about 10‘o’clock. Deceased was well known and very highly re- spected by all who had the pleasure of an acquaintance with him. His remains were interred in Trinity Church cemetery on Tuesday wheth- er they were followed by a large con- course of sorrowing friends and ac quaintances. Rev Mr. Bice conduct- ed the funeral services at both house and grave. We extend our sincere sympathy with that of the community to the bereaved ones in this their hour of sorrow. A wtek ago Tuesday night was a. pleaswn one at the home of .‘Ar. and Mrs. James Bookins, when a dance was given and a swell one in was. A large crowd gathered and Spent the nighc in music and dancing until the morning hours Started to grow, after waning. A very enjoyable time was Space by all. Miss Jennie Staples iefts for the Queen city lass Thursday after spend- ing a couple of months at the. parent- al home The Wiarton Echo had the follow- ' ing yesterday :--The Echo has not said anything about smallpox on the peninsula, although for a few weeks We have known that this disease is rampant in St. Edmunds, Lindsay, and we are informed, throughout parts of Eastnor. A newspaper, per- haps. often neglects its duty for the sake of being quiet. No one wants to publish a thing like this from the housetop. But we are convinced that the time for silence has ceased, and the time for plain Speaking has begun. Information has been given us by a prominent resident of the upper townships which throw a light upon the way that the whole thing has been handled, and which calls, if true, for the most severe censure up- on the local board of health. There antine. Children from infected houses have attended the district school. Men stricken with this loath- some disease have kept on with their work, and Others from houseswhere it has been. have gone into public places of every kind. If these things are true the sooner the provincial health officer is on the ground the better for the peninsula and for this town. Because the disease is of a mild type is no reason for indifier- ‘ence. for it may devel0p into a t) pe of the most virulent character. Dur- ing the cold weather, anyway, where people are poxmarked, it has been enough. As far back as lasr. August we were told there was smallpox on the peninsula. and that on the last days of February it should be epi demic calls for censure upon the part of those'whose duty it has been to look after this matter. Smallpox Epidemic Spreadingâ€"No Quarantine and Everything Free and'Easy. AWFUL CONDITIONS ON THE PENINSULA. l Say, you Cught to hear ma singinL. ~ she’s. as happy as a lark, And her smile stays on from mornin’ till a long time after dark ; She’s been buying rugs and gettin’ a new, costly switch to wear, And she takes a cab whenever she goes callin' any where ; She has bought herself a dimund, and you ought to see it blaze : Ma’s as cheerful as a robinâ€"they have given pa a raise. Sis'er’s busy gettin’ dresses that’ll cost an awful pile. And the hats that she’s been h‘uyin’ , are the very latest style; ' She’s to go abroad this summer with ,' some people named the Cooks ; . Is she happy ? Well, I guess so ! You . can see it by her looks; “She, goes hummin' songs and dancin’ I and in forty thousand ways Lets us know that she is cheerful since they’ve given pa a raise. Pa still works the 'same as ever, and he ‘smokin" stogies yet ; Wears the suit he not last summer, and I guess he’s still in debt ; Anyway, he Starts 03 early and comes home lagged out at night. And his forehead’s gettin’ wrinkled and his hair is turnin’ white ; Can’t somehow, help feelin’ sorry as ‘ I sit and watch him gaze ‘ With a vacant look at nothin’. Yes, they’ve given pa a raise. THEY'YE 0mm 24 A Russ. Darkie’s Corners. In‘rwobiyg. k v‘v- ‘~---‘w ‘7'- VVV’ I West cohtalllin ’. g 36 feet fron e by 78-feet m depth, next to Gordtff’s resgdence .up-town. An excellent bugldmg sme. Will sell cheap to a qmck purchaser. Apply to ' BENJAMIN SHARPE, Feb’y 19/07 tf. Durham. 6t. PART of lot. 27, Gamfraxa. street, West, containing 36 feet frontage I have been appointed by the Do. minion Government to place immi- grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domes. tic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such ‘help should notify me by letter stating fully the ) PRINCIPALS. ) \ osny‘mmmo is recognized to be one of the leading commercial schools in Ontario. Our courses are thorough and oractical. Each de. artment is in the hands of experienced instructors. Our grad- uates are in demand and are meet- ing witn great success. Many lead- ing Business Colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write for free catalogue You may enter at any time. Elliott 8. Mclachlan Load Packets Only. 25c, 30c, 403, 50c and 60¢ per lb. At all Grocers. ' HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, [904 Perms, Cash. Eggs same as Cash. In MITS and GLOVES we have a. good assortment at prices that cannot be beaten for same quality. A few lines of BOSIEBYia black for Men, Ladies and Children We have not Space to mention all th goods to be found here. but. if you just. ask we wil‘ deem i:. a pleasure to send you anything in our store and let you judge the value Town Lot for Sale. Farm Help Coming! We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber footwear suit- able for the present. weather. Also BOO'P and SHOES in abundance. Outlines of Men’s Women’s. Misses’ and Chil- dren’s Slippers were never so nice as this season. To appreciate it if You Are A Famous School ”Cm Leggings for all Classes at Mod erate Prices STRATFORD, ONT. Custom Work and Repairing Done 38 Quickly as Possible at WHO SAID RUBBERS ? NEIL MCCANNEL. Box 114 Durham. Ont. . S. McILRAITH (mm TEA Mm. Alex. Beggs Suns DUBHAI, ON 1'. We can give you what you want and you will find our prices right. Manitoba Flours always give satis- faction. That always satisfies the Cook. Five Roses and Reindeer The People’sGrocery AND PROVISION STORE near MoGowan’u Hi1) will bév'firégpzifi; tended to. ALL Won GUARANI'EBD at "Live and let. live” Pawns. I BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM HY C'Uf- '1‘0MERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish. wa PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL Dnmme. RE-CURBING AND Pnnsscmnco done with Cement concrete. 3 ALL ORDERS ,mken a the old emd near MoGowan’e mu will be promptEy at 91“") All in Pumps. McGowan’s Eclipse . . listowel lionel Bread Floor For F lours We carry also other well known brands of Flour. a 3"!!! Tea Drinker. G. Lawrence“: Old Stand. GEORGE WHITMORE

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