West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Mar 1907, p. 2

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"Io Mn. an M33. W. '1‘. Emmy: * " Dan ana,-_-It in with fooling: Mr. James Hall is very ill at: time of writing; pneumonia is the cause of trouble. Mr. Ian. Ellison is limping around these days after getting a kick from 3 horse. Mr. Wm. Watterson has purchased a. team from D. Noble, of Markdale. Mrs. William Manlly and John Kingston, of Meatord. were callers around our burg for a few days. Mr. O. Heffernen. of Guelph. was uround Waudby last week and picked up a number of choice cattle. ‘ A number of the friends and neigh~_ hora of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kerney met at their home on Friday evening, Much lst to spend the evening with them befgre they leave for the fur West. They took them by surprise 3nd presented them with two up- holstered easy chairs, after which Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenney mode a very sniteble reply. The evening was spent by the older ones in hy-gone days chat while the younger ones en~ ioyed themselves in dancing until the wee ema’.’ hours in the morning when all went home wishing them a sofa journey to the for West. Our mail carrier, Mr. S. J acques. is brave. He makes his trips regularly and on time through sunshine and storm. Changeable weather still prevails. 0n the first of March the soft wind blew and the rain that fell that night made it look like spring, but the her ricane that came the next day would lead you to imagine you were in an- other climate. Mr. Nicholas Melosh had the mie fortune to lose one horse lately. A well known gentleman in Black Bay, Ont.. Mr. John Cowan. has dis- covered an absolute specific for Rheu- matism and writes: “I was afiected with Sciatica and chronic Rheuma tism. which I contracted years ago. The disease had a great hold in my blood, and it was hard to make any impression on it. Reading of Ferro- zone I was convinced of its merit and it’s certainly the best I ever tried. Why it just drove aWay the Rheumatism. Even stifiened old suflerers will eXperience quick re- sults. The reason is that Ferrozone acts through the blood and thereby destroys the cause of the disease. Price 50c per box at all dealers. ANOTHER GREAT DISCOVERY. Mr. Will Allan left on Tuesday for Dnndnrn,near Saskatoon. Will will be missed as he was a friend of everyone who knew him. We wish him look in the golden West. as noth- ing is too good for him. We regret very much to learn that Miss Ada Brown, who has :been at tending the College of Music in To- ronto. is not in good health at pres- ent and is expected home to recuper- Mr. Tom Hergrave visited his sis- ter, Mrs. J as. M. Allan last. week. He intends leaving on Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs. Ragen. of Cale- don East, and then go to his home in Weybnrn. Seek. Quite a few from our burg took in the shadow social at Mr. J as. Eden’s last. Thursday night and report a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Thomas Brown. of Holstein, accompanied by her two daughters, Misses Sarah and Maria. are visiting her son, Mr. Thomas Brown. Mr. Robert Matthews sold a. horse to Mr. Curlet, of Markdele, last week for the handsome sum of $200. Mr. Charlie Reid is wearing a bright smile these days as Miss Nellie Kennell, of Proton, is visiting there for a. few days. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lawrence vis- ited at Mr. Thomas Brown’s one any last week. Mr. Wm. Hunter and Andrew Henry drove over to Howick last Monday to visit friends and returned on Thursday. Mr. Wm. Brown sold a fine horse to Mr. Petty, of Saskatoon, for a handsome sum. Some of the boys from our burg at. tended the box Social at Mr. Wm. Tucker’s and report a. good time. Misses Kate Allan and Bella. Mo Lsuchlan spent last week wish Mrs. Mr. Robert J. Matthews purchased a fine colt the other day from Mr. llat. Hooper for a handsome sum. Mr. Charlie Reid gave a party to the youth and beauty of this part and a very pleasant time was spent tripping the light fantastic till the wee sma’ hours when all went home satisfied that Charlie can do the Quite a large gathering assembled at Amos Church on Tuesday Feb. 26th. ior the Induction of the Rev. Hr. Kendall, who has beau chosen by the two congregations for their Pastor and may God speed him in his largo field of labor. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Patterson; visited the lattar’s sister. Mrs. Rob: ‘ Ratio, of Traverscon par: of last Mr. Thos. Doily bid 1 boo draw. in; wood one day lut week ond cove tho boys a very pleasant hop in the Waning. Mr. Andrew Henry had the mis- fortune to 1030 : horse from indiges- Henry’s Corners. VVaudby. Much Int, 1907. “*- . CANADIAN PACIFIC i ‘. RAlLWAY HOMES The Manitoba Free Pram prim every N tram three toflom-mnoolmot“m Vacant," over a column at “Bin-loom Oppor- tunities." and usually two column 0! “Bond and Room" MW Every m at Mel-n Cam who is mtemplatlnc mov- immthemtwmndnnduotthom advantagetombocflbofortheMPm-M a m~um~for tnie purpose or m h‘mselr with actual (:0an before In“. The (rubbing Offer of the Durham Chronicle advertbed on another page. snort you an op- opportunity of securing .thg Chronicle and tho ._-_v_â€"â€". o-vvv‘lu Vb uuv tabé conditions existing in w t; u; kuuupcg that emf. tbs climate, the chances for employment. the cop; the manna-tannin.- ot living. house rem- em-- In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. N o delays in making Withdrawals. > . Present than Mend; with a, copy of the Chronicle. . The Durham Chronicle has arranged h satisfy these want. by entering a. 01m W writ: the “Manitoba. Free Pres." ‘peg, t oldest and leading newspaper or Western Chanda. The "W Free Press" daily edition. will tell you 8.111 than: the wonderful growth _01' th_e ci-t_y 91' Wfimflpg. ..hA “38“.“- -_l _A __ , yuan and western conditions. 80 pages but Information invaluable to settlers and maps and statistics. train service for settlers WWI-lin‘gwfmt:e Itock and effects to the Northwest in March and April. with passenger and freight rates. howtopmcmlt. lnlikeumermerearé many in the east who have {fiends 1n the Ego; th_muld welcome new: from their old TIME TABLES â€" vwv-v- O. awn)” hmie moveld to Wes on. who ‘are anxious A... S â€"h wwvvw Upâ€"to-dato des- cripmop of the The cause of sleeplessness is re- movedâ€"~health is restoredâ€"you can work. eat, sleepcâ€"(eel like new after using Ferrozone. Don’s put offâ€"get Ferrozone today it does cure insom- nia, 50¢ per box at all dealers. SETTLERS’ GUIDE éivinz tun partic- 111m of Special L“__ _ ..- _ CANADIAN WESTERN ONTARIO PACIFIC MANITOBA ‘ ' “W" SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached Fen-ozone vitalizes every pa the body. makes the nerves b completely rebuilds the system. Without sleep there can be no bod- fly or mental vigor. consequently sleeplessness is a. dangerous condi- tion. Nothing so surely teetores sleep as Ferrozone; it’s harmlessâ€" just: a nourishing. strengthening, tonic. Better Correct Matters Before Nerves and Health Are Shattered. Don’t You Sleep Well? When in the far West. we desire you to give us an occasional thought and we assure you that as our- thoughts turn westward they shall pause with pieasnre to remember the kind family whom we now desnre to honor Signed in behalf of friends. WAUDBY CLUB As a slight token » of . esteem we present you with these chairs and hepe you may be long spared to en- joy them. Of .1138?” "3" we learn of your inq tention to remove from emonget ut‘. end es friends end neighbors for‘ meny yeere. we eeeemble onthis oo- ceaion to bid you ekind ferewell. In privete and public life you heve el ways been alive to the best interests of the rommunity- An e member of the school board your services were well rendered end in your connection ministration. You end your beloved *pertner end femily heve been kind end obligiuz neighbors and your jov iel end geniel conduct elweyelent e cherm to the society in which you mingled We truly regret to have you leave us, but since you he've de cided to‘do so we sincerely nus: it may be for your own personel wel~ fire. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS tum‘ WESTERN 9ANADA. Write for free copies of a‘ a. Head Office For Settlers shown): double dagly DURHAM BRANCH mo Ar Won Ann ; pug in every part of nerves bardy‘ :snausuen 107a J r. Pt. II-'-Nellie .Fluker and Pearl Wright eq., 'Zetla McClocklinr Willie Lauder, Doris .McAuley and Lorne Jackson sq... Norman Lenahan. Sr. Pt. lIâ€"Irene, McPhee, John Duncan and Harold Sharpa'eqw Willie Watt. Mary Legato and Neilie Mc- Kechnie eq., Fred Cntton. at. P5. IIâ€"â€"-Leona Faganl. Murray Williamson, Percy' Bryan, Cassie ”Mc- Nally, Wilbur: Kuisleyr ‘ Jr. II (b)â€"â€"‘Sadie McDonald. Bertha Havens. Cecil M cN any. AnnielRuasel. Theresa. Vollet. and Lillian .McCrie, equaL - Search. Cissie, Russell. Jr. Pt. II (a)-â€"-Thos. Wright, Eddie Hutton, Laura Bryan, John ‘ Hare bottle. Ben Benton. Sr. IIâ€"Helen Ireland, Ray Far. quhareonfi Pearl Mitchell, Edwin Search, Cassie, Russell. Jr..IIIâ€"-Milton Mills, Thos. Dol- ighan, Ruby Catton, Nettie Daniell, Evyline Levi. ~ - Sr. IIIâ€"Devena Warmington, Herbex‘t Murdock, Florence â€"-â€"â€" Bessie Saunders. Nellie McLean. Sr. IIV~Jamie Farquharson, Gar- field Colling, Agnes Ramage, Marion Currie. Jeanie McGowan. Jr. IVâ€"Willie Petty. John McIl- raitb, Edna. McCrie, Ray Fluker, Willie Clark. Form I--Ruby Mills, Lizzie Kear- ney. Ella. Kinnee, Nellie Hepburn, Sadie Kress. Form II-â€"Edith Allan. Louise Wmeon. Annie Aljoe, Bessie Weir, Maggie Weir. DURHAM SCHOOL. H. s. DEPT. Form III-- Lizzie Aldcorn. Farquharson, Pearl Hopkins, Halpenny and Thos Allan eq Edge. Men’s, Boys’ 6: Youths? Furnisher HARRY BURNETT Easter Go'ods Arriving Daily We want to collar every man ‘in town with our “Outlook ” brand. We have just received this pOpular line which is sure to please all good dressers. “ Outlook ” 15c Each 2 for: Wait. for our new Neck wear. HONOR ROLL. P. 8. DEPT. THE Imam CHRONICLE - 2 for 25¢ . Willie Minnie ., Mary .foa. Nuggetâ€"4‘ You don’t love me as, much to you used to.” Mr. _Nngget-â€"-" Think so ‘9” Mrs. Nuggetâ€"“No; you used to say I was worth my weight in gold, “a“?! ’ Mr. Nuggetâ€"5‘ Well, yo'u’re not’s'o atogc‘uyon and to be. you know." “We would not be without Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearney. editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured inmueh less time than after it has become settled in the system. This remedy is also Without a peer for-croup in children. and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy 0008b appears, Which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. ' Sr. II-s-Alex Edge, Maggie Ector, Eliza. Williams. Jr. IIâ€"Myrtle Ector, Nona Will- liame, Maggie Ritchie, Cassie. Ritchie, Edith Edge. Jas. Vaughan. :Josie Kenny, Vincent Baylor. Pt. IIâ€"Carrie McNalljr. Sr. iâ€"Alex Vaughan, George Wile son, Willie Ritchie. Jr. Iâ€"Katie McNally. Average attendance ,30. Always Keeps Chamberlain’ s Cough Remedy 1n Hie House. IV-v-Fanny Ector, John Green- wood Mae Spittell. Emma Ritchie. Ernest: Greenwood, Herbert Edge. Will Williams. Jr. Iâ€"Chisteua Williams, Mary Cameron. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Edne Suckers, Annie Mchnnel, Mary McCannel. Sr. Iâ€"Jas. Haw. Annie Marshall, Mary Ferguson. Jr IIâ€"Gordon Sachets. Duxifican Cameron, Joe Wilson.. Pt. IIâ€"â€"Donald meanneu. James McDonald, J enuie Marshall. IIIâ€"Jessie Goddard, Ethel Haw. Daisy Haw, Sr. IIâ€"Johu Wilsod Jeanie Mc- Cannel, Christena Cameron. II Intermediateâ€"Stanley Williams, Alberta Wittera. Lydia. McKinnon. IVâ€"â€"- Olive Sackett, Eva Haw Wilson Jr IIâ€"Diantha Redford, Maggie Clark. Hugh Hendry. Pa. II-â€"-Harry Cox Sr. Iâ€"Neilie MacDougall, Jennie Britton. Jr. Iâ€"Etta Twamley. Present every day-~Campbell Clark. ANNIE HARROW, Teach er. Jr. IIIâ€"Jame? Brown Frankie Twamby. Archie MrcDougalI S. S. No. 6. BENTINCK, (MULOCK.) Sr. IV-â€"Catharine MacDougall. Jr. IVâ€"Sarah MacDongall, Clifiord Howell. Mae Britton. Jr. Iâ€"Eva McMeeken, Elmer Meeken. ‘ Sr. I Howard Baird, ‘Hazold Baird, James Finnigan. 20 Jr. IIIâ€"Myrtle Allan, Earl Mead, Sarah Allan, Andxew Gray. Sam Morrison. I. S. N o. 14. EGREMONT AND Pno'rox S. S No. 2, EGREMONT. Sr. IV-â€"Stanley Mead. . Jr. IVâ€"Esther Tucker. Archie Allan. Joe Morrison. Sr. IIâ€"-Wi1fred Barbour, George McLaughlan. Willie Grav. Bridget Woods, May Allan. Jr IIâ€"Willie Woods. Pt. IIâ€"Alice Gray, Willie Finni- Sr. IIâ€"A. Pottigrew and F.‘ Kerr aqua. S. Grant. W. Hutton, M. Lee- son. Sr. Pt. II-â€"-W. Eden, M. Lesson Jr. Pt. IIâ€"G. Grant, 0. Barber. Sr. Iâ€"P. Barber and C. Pettigrew equal 0. Pottigrew. Jr. lâ€"J. Leeeon, E. McIlvride, A Petnigrew.~ Average attendance 23. ANNIE C. MACKENZIE, Teacher. Jr. IIIâ€"M. Kerr. undfi E. Barber. equal W. Blyth, H. Barber. W. 30:10 E. Morrison. Jr. IIâ€"L. Pettigrew. A. Lauder, E. Morrison. U. 8. 8. No.1, N. ARI) E. St. IVâ€"J. McIlvridg,~ H. Barber. Sr. IIIâ€"O. Morrison’B. Barber. Pectin-aw, A. Morrison, 0. Pet grew. E. Trotter, M. Roy. ' J 1'. Pt. Iâ€"Bobin Pgrqnhtroon. Gib- son Wu: and Arthur Btu-.35 cg" Henry Hughes. ‘ Jr. (OJâ€"Eleanor "Swdl'owJohn Mo. ' Phoo, Bunsen Gun. Eric Elvidge. Ocuvis Masha". Jr. (b)â€"Lorne Smith. Mildred V01. lot. Donald McQueen, Hazel. Hutton” Muriel Shelly ~ 1 EXPLAINED EDGE HILL. CLARA ALJOE, Teacher . A. Wmn, Teacher. . Clara Rudd’s Harness, Robes. Furs, Blan- kets and Belle. Geo. White Son Threshing Ma- . chines. ' Toronto VVindmilfs. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Ploughs and Manure Spreaders. IMPL EMENTS 5i Bargains in Men’s Fur fi COatS.‘ -v a} Bargains in Ladies’ Fur 5} Coats. astleswemsmsmsmw A? IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. luttingBoxes, Horsepowers, ‘ Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. C. Smith 8: Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... Implement Agent, . and FARM MACHINERY Farm Implements Machinery, MANURE SPREADEBS HAY LOADERSx BIIfi. 0538 M0 WERS RAKES SEED DBILLS DISC HARRO W8 WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. ~ ALSO A OOHPLETE 8100K OF Democrats and - Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. ' Raymond Sewing Machines. Boll Pianos and Oriana. BURHAM FOUNDRY White Sewing Machines. Sherloch 85 Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. Bargains in Men’s Fur Caps. Bargains in Men’s and E Boys’ Clothing. 5g JflHN N. MUHBflBK. Monuments and Tombstones OWEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN During Harvester Co.'s Sash 6’ Doors Bargains in Ladies’ Skirts. Frost 8’ Wood MANUFACTURERS OF AGENT FOR All Kinds of Middzngh House Block. u .‘, I .; DURHAM . Berlin Pianos. Auctioneer. It hurts to sit down on a pin. Butâ€"you’ll admit it’s trueâ€" It hurts a. good deal more to has A wup nit down on you. ___.â€" .av ‘VL [still ing machinery, a uantity of ood bush on each lot. ell wate b { never failing well at house with Wind): I mill pum ing arrangement and sprin hatrearo lot27. On lot 27areag brick veneered house, a good bank barn 45x60 feet, stone stables underâ€" neath, also fair driving shed. Wood- shed 18x24 feet and other b ' dings. There are no buildings on lot 23. Good bearing orchard on both places. ING LOT N0. 24', CON. 2., AND Lot 28, con. 3, S. D. R., Glene . Containing 100 acres, 50 acres in eac got, 85 ac‘rgs cleared and fit_ for harvest - Feb. 6th, 1907â€"tf. w-v, ku‘ “Luv class, ' all clei'red except 20 acres Snap to quick purchaser. balance at 45 per cent. A $1500 down; pplv to .. One of the best farms in the Town- ship of Bentinck. 208 acres. new brick house, txxo lz‘u'ge bank barns, land first, _._ _. - â€"v - -, vvb‘e LL, uunl‘nw, D Containing 100 acres. On the prom- ises is a brick house, fifteen rooms. heated by hot air furnace. Soft water in kitchen. never failing well of good hard water at door. Good bearing orchard. Barn 50:60 with stone basement. Hog pen 16m. Never failing well at barn. 85 acres clear- ed. 75 in good state of cultivation. balance new land and bush. Fenced throughout with cedar rails and wire. Convenient to Post Ofllce, Church and School on leading road between Markdale and Durham. Sold cheap to quick purchaser as proprietor 18 going West shortly. Apply to W. F. KERNEY, on the premise P. 0. address, Waudhy. Ont. Nnv 1904‘ 1001! at Nov 13th motifâ€"RE 7-18-06. Anumber of improved valuable terms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to JOHN W. MCKECHNIE. Owner. Aug. Ist. IKEâ€"15f. Rockv Sangeen P. O. and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry closets. can eat floor cellor. etc. Good airy location in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft water. one acre of land. Snan for quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" adv ‘V L‘ vuln l. of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing acres more or less. For terms and particuw lars applv to Farm for Sale or Rent Feb A good stone dwelling. in town, known as the Parker 1 on Garafraxa street. Go hard and soft water, and goo ing orchard. For further par: apply to Feb. llâ€"lm J an. '01“ glâ€"IN THE SECOND CON- Houée and Lot For Sale, Normanby Farm for Sale J. P. TELFORD. :. 2.â€"tf. Vendor’ s Solicitor. Durham Good Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. FARM FOR SALE. House tor Sale. For Sale or Rent Farm for Sale. PAIN FUL Solicitor for Vendor‘ '. J. FIRTH Poxom' 13. o. _sf_ablé, upper

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