West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Mar 1907, p. 5

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THE": B I S S ELL. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Geo. H. Stinson When Going Up Swim Muslim, per yd .............................. 1250 to 25¢ lady Dress Muslim per yd ......................... 10c to 35c Scotch lawn. per yd” ..100 Viutotit Luna and Indid Linin. per yd .......... W5”. . 12§c to 300 Vdmim md Broadcloth, per yd .............. ham: and Mohaira, per pd .................... Wind Borges, per yd” medeoxuna,pel-yd.. Trends In stripe and check eflects .............. Nun’s Veiling and Grape do Chane, pen-yd ...... Jun-n mm, 1; yds., finished ends .......................... 40c Emlcnrtlina, white. P03 Pr .................... 350 up to $5.00 Colaod‘ Madras Curtdn goods, 52 in wide, right and left with fringe, per yd ............... ' .................... 50c to 60c Bobbin“ Curtain goods.... ......................... 25 to 500 WM” Spot Muslin: ................................ '. 150 to 25¢ DootBom Fommoa. «ch ............. . ............ 750 to $1.25 Womb: Sateen, Etc.... Gm Seams. with border, 8x3 to 3§x4 yds., in Tapestry and Brunch ..... . .............................. $8.50 to $15.00 Ibmin 0.11)», per yd ............................. ' . .35c to 50:: Tephtry- end Brussels Carpet, per yd ............... 50c to 81.35 Floor Oil (Roth. 3, 44} end 6 at wide, per sq. yd ............... 25c 131161011!!! 6 and 12 ft. wide. per sq yd ................ 400 to 600 mo: um and Bug: .. ...... . ...................... 350 to $4; 50 Our range for Spring and Summer comprises a larger and better assortment than ever. The store is rapidly filling up in all departments. New Spring and. Summer Goods EA meal prepared with the help of a chafing dish has a great fascination for many. But the woman who usesa chafing dish ahd hasn’t tried what the addition of a few drOps of Iovril will do, has yet to find out how delightfully piquant and appetising, a chaf- ing dish preparation can be made. Not only does “BOVI'il” add to the richness and taste; but also very materially to the nourishing qualities, and that’s best of all. New House Furnishings A Household Necessity Why not have a look at our window ‘2 Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. ' Dress Goods MODEL BAKERY McIntyre Block. BOVRIL Muslins ift'er' 'm‘â€"‘.'.‘z. ‘EBâ€"o‘k 10518635130 "WEâ€"IE SELL." None genuine withoua it. For Sale by Agents and Maniac by T. E.’ BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. [3] Drops. postcardtor Bookleb“l.'; The only Disk that does Twice the Walt whflehalt easier on hornetâ€"a Record Not ullcd by anything also bmlt for onluva g. A Since“ for mk- ing Seed on Fall Plowed mil. Fpr Summer [allows or Stubble Held} ,. ....vvu w gum, persq.yd...... ......... 25c 3d ............ ....40c to 60¢ ............. ....350 t034,50 ......................... 400 ............... 356 up to 85.00 ........... $1 25 :6 $1.50 ........ 350t0600 .............. 25cto750 ....... 50cto75c .........:..50c to $1 25 d ...... . ...... 45c to 60¢ f It is e. short-eightedpolicy, and an exceedineg expensive policy. for our people to buy Manitoba wheat flours. when we have the tee: floors in the world right. here at home. newly appointed tax collector must ‘not think that it is Bill Lawrence collector although he is an old and tried oficial, but he is aConserva tive and we hear that they are not being admitted this year to the sal- ary departments of our township. but it is said the Council is ROiDS‘ to SP point some of them pathnasters so as to allay all suspicions that politic- cl leanings are having an influence with the council. ~ A social gathering in the home of Mr. Jim Eden 3 week ago proved a plenum and profitnble nficir, $20.00 who added to. the new church fund through it. The fund, we believe, is now swelled to upwards of fifteen hundred dollars and recalls to our mind the great diflerence in the liber- nlity of the people since hack in the‘ curly sixties 'when a. minister Vggt. honrd to dealer. the: no we: “£99933 We must have struck the nail square on the head regarding the haunted school section, if there is truth in the saying that nothing hurts so much as hearing the truth. Their little encounter with us did no harm, we have survived it and their loss of time has no doubt taught them that if they are going to get their resolutions before Parliament this session they have got to walk straight through with them now and not let on that they know they are being laughed at. If they kick up a dust by the Way with every one who will be amused with their ideas same as they did wih us. Colonel Denni- son will be the man that they will be arranged before on their arrival in Toronto in place of Hon. J. P. Whit- ney. Mr. Robt. Mead had a. very suc cessful wood cutting bee last Thurs- day. It was a new method for him and a very satisfactory one too. It is high time that we all realize that every dollarepent {on Mtnitobe wheat flour means a dollar taken out of’the pockets of the Outario’ people and put into the pockets of the Maui toha'farmers .aud, millet-s. We. in Ontario. are much to blame for t-hiq. Our farmers raise too little Wheat. an; what little is raised. is 5 )1d our. side the province in either when; or flour. How much better to gt‘OW Ontario Wheat,sell Ontario whett. buy On- tario flour. and keep all this money at home among our own people It means, not only rn'oney sa Vrd but it also means giving our wives and mothers a;.d sisters better flour for their baking It is a fact that a blend of Ontario wheat, with a little Manitoba wheat. makes the best all round flour that can be milled. In the Open markets of the worldâ€"in Great Britain, in Europe. in the United Statesâ€"the blended flours command the highest prices. Down in Nova Scotia. and in fact through- out the Maritime Provinces. blended Hours are properly appreciated and used in pl't ference 0 all others. Mrs. McIivride, of Normanby, re turned home last week after Spend- ing a few weeks in this part. Your Top Clifi correSpondent ad Vises that the authorities of his school section get our well written sketch of our past and present photo- graphed and give us a copy of it. If it could be got up for the same price we would also like to have the smil- ing countenance of the T. 0. man reading the item included in it. . Mr. Joe Lennox is getting to be an expert at handling horses, he can buy or sell a horse equal to the most ex perienced buyers. Squire Wallace, of Normanby, gave us a. short call last. week in'eearch of a good horse to buy. Then they turn around and buy Manitoba. wheat flours. They sell at the wholesale price and buy at. the retail price, which includes expensive freight charges from {he Northwest‘ And the wes'em farmers make all the proflzs. The whole Province will share in the benefits. On the prOSperity of the farmer, depends the prosperity of the nation. And the prOSperous community is the one that is able to live within itself and selling to its neighbors its surplus, and to buy from them that which they can sup- ply to better advantage. On Monday our friends and neigh bors gave us a most pleasant surprise when they presented themselves at our ranch wuh saws and axes and cut as a good supply of wood. There is no denying the fact that we appre- ciate such klndnes-, yet it adds to the debt of gratitude we already oWe to our many friends and neighbors. There is a considerable sickness in this part at present from grip, colds and other such malaiies. Mr. Sam Ritchie goes to Owen Sound this week as Juror. Our farmers should get the idea out of their heads that “there is no money in Ontario wheat,” There is ubtcatl) and increasing demand for prime Ontario wheat, and wheat nets an excellent profit. The demand regulates the supply. With more Ontario flour being used. more wheat will be grown. Our farmers will plant larger wheat fields, harvest larger camps and make mon’ey. Those who hear evil reports of the HARITOBA WHEAT ,nouns 1'. Corner Concerns. (Intended for last week.) THE DURMM‘ CREME ". Mr. J. Grasby left this part last week bag and baggage. Mr. I‘hos. Tucker took a load for him. Some people from a distance last week reminded us of the old saying that ehoemakers wives and black- smiths horses go barefooted. They wanted to know why we had neglect- ed reporting home news regarding the health of Joseph Mack. The fact is we have long been haping for the chance to report his recovery, but as the weeks roll byiothose hOpeSsbec'ome more dim. to drive a gig to this seztfon ashe could not get enough for his services to buy axle grease for a four wheeled vehicfe. A dancing party was given at the home of Mr. Joe. Hopkins on Tues- day as a fitting parting for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawrence who leave this Thursday to begin life anew in B. C. as they have reconsidered their thought of working an Ontario farm. A very pleasant evening was epent in the home of Mr. Jas. Allan last Wednesday night, there was about fifty of the young people present and dancing was the chief attraction. His daughter Kate arrived home from Toronto a few days previous and will remain for a short time. F03 SALEâ€"A good young driyer pplyl to H. Burnett-eâ€"tf. - » .. MERCHANT TAILOR J. A. GLASS, Manager. - is manufactured from the best qualityl of Cod Liver on (the whole of the on) 1 and is richer in oil than any other emulsion, and while it contains just the right quantity of the best form of Iron and Phosphorus, it is so scientifically prepared that not one person in a thou- sand finds any trouble in taking it, and infants digest it without difficulty. Moreover the well-established value of the Oil and Iron is immensely enhanced by the process of mammo- ture, and as the formula is freely ex- posed it is not to be wondered at‘that physicians everywhere have fully; endorsed Nikki“. and used it largely‘ in their practice. FERROL is invaho able for the treatment of any kind of Lung or Bronchial troubles; while {on wasting diseases it has no equal',,and that COD LIVER OH. and IRON are beyond question the greatest medi- cines known. Then why does not everybody take Cod Liver Oil and Iron? Simply because most people cannot take the Oil and few can digest the Iron in any ordinary form. These difficulties have been entirel removed by the introduction of F RROL, in which the Iron is scientifically com- bined with the Oil, rendering the Oil palatable and the Iron digestible. Everybody Agrees We previously announced that Mr. Glass is now in charge. of our tailoring de artment. Mr. Glass has had a ong experience in‘ city tailoring in lar centres both in Canada and t _e United States. Still we did not like-to talk too much on gaper. Now, however, it is di erent. Mr. Glass has already turned out a large number of suits. We ask. you to have a look at any of these and let the fit be the test. You will find it unnecessary to bring a suit backgfor changes. We can guarantee on a perfect fit. Our stock is rge and of the very latest patterns. Light and pliable, because no wear-destroying adultemnts are mixed with the firgest 13am gum. l'laCFARLANE :5: CO. Conform to the shape of the shoeâ€"give a glove-like, accurate, stylish fit. Stav 1n shape. Wear long. a" "va 'Mapie Lear Rubbers it you want a nod. mm. mounts nwâ€"wueu- from ‘the old woman who lived In a shoe." ' ‘ ‘FERROL “You Know What You Take” A Fit Guiranteed J. L. FLARITY Sold in Durham by -'"r"._ v; W “v.- to 19139113.ch Dunn, of the Town of Durham, m the County of Grey Solici- tOrs for the Administrator, on or be. fore the 25th day of March, A. D. 1007 tpeu‘émmes a nd addresses and deacgipâ€" t1Otis-and a full statement of partncu- 13-1'3 0! their claim, and the nature of seem-19’ (if any) held by then». duly certified. and that after the sand: dey the Admitfiflmton will - proceed to d15- tribute the assets of the deceased‘ 9mm the,’ parties - entitled; theretgl‘ on] to the claima of Which “11$ theihave notice. ' Dated thus 27th day of FebruaryA. D. W. _ “vvv vâ€"w' *- fiersons having claims ainst. the ptate of James Brechin ark who dled on or about the 18th day of De- oemberA. D. 19% are hereby required to semi by p981; prepaid or to_delivet_' ‘A If- .1»- ._ 'In the Surrogate Court in the County of Grey, in the letter of the Estate of James Brechin Park. Late of the Township of Bentinek mthe County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. \-â€"â€"â€" OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to 11.8. .1897 011331 129 83c: 38_ax 1d amendingo Acts that There is one notable exception to this decrease is sale, and that is Hyomei. This remedy is, in fact, re- sponsible for the decrease in sale of catarrh medicines. as it has made so many cares of catarrhal troubles that naturally there is much less demand for remedies for that disease. Inquiry' at the local drugstores shows that the sale of remedies for cetarrh has decreased very in the last ;year. Some medicines which were formerly bought. a gross at s time are now purchased in half dozen‘ lots, and are rarely called for. People who have been crying as ferent medicines (or cmanh d.. manyiyears were induced. L- the use of Byome: , Um g .a that the remedy wuuld m.» u ' is unless cured. Mucu. xo tuer prise. they {band that; H..-'omui .. whet itclaimed Lif'ix. nor, it. cOuld x. be sold under this. guarantee) an they Soon become ardent advocacr of the use of Hyomei. Due to the Use of Hyomoi. Cures Without Stomach Dosing There.‘ :3 no disagreeable stomach dosing with Hyomei; it is used by being breathed through a. neat pocket inhaler. The complete outfit costs but. one dollar. extra. bottles, if need- ed fifty cents. All: druggista should be able to 81113pr you with Hyomei, or we will send :it by mail on receipt of price. and every package is sold with dis- tinct understanding that it costs nothing-{unless it cures. Write .us to-day fora sy‘mptom blank, which we will send yo :1 free. together with treatise on. Catnrrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us the symptom blank, our consult- ing physician will give your case the best care anél attention and write you a letter of advice without charge. Booth’a Hyu’mei Company, Bufialo, , LION? am’L Tiger brands red clover and other ‘high grade seeds at Macfar- Lanes” Dru-g Storeâ€"Feb. 21, 4. TEE large 12x14 Photograph that, we have beam giving with 'each dozén of ourbest cabinets has taken so well, that. we. intend to continue making them for a. while longer.â€"F. W. Kel- Lsey, Pho bographerâ€"tf. 005mm sawing at the Durham Foundry. by; Robert Smithâ€"3 : WE have been informed by Mr. Michael Kenny, of Edge Hill, that he has pro cured an Auctioneers license far W1 and is. open to engage for saw in any part of the County. Ap- plication may be made to John Mur- floch, Middaugh House, Durham, or to himself at Edge Hill.â€"4pd. $7.9M 1 CATARBH-GRDWING [ESS- Notice to Creditors. The Big 4 CALDER BLOCK He Sells Cheap Gold Nugget Glassware . . 4-Piece Table Sets, at $1.75 and $1 7-PIece Water Sets, at $1.85 and 8 3 85 95 7-Piece Berry Sets, at $1.75 and 35 1'. 1 \lade of best Manitoba wheat obtain. ' bie is in every respect. aflour of wide, 25¢ a square yd. TABLEd OILCLOTH, 45-in wide, 25¢ a. y . FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, large ‘1 1-9, o co. ‘_ “ â€" â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€"-~, "-6- 11-4 size, in whiteâ€"or grey, $1.20 pr. PURE HONEY in 25 and 35c 3m. urgrocerdoes notk i thq mill andwe will 32! ~£11.11 us up by telephone: THE HANOVER CONVEYANCEB WENGER MILLING CO. ' A. blend of best Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a strictly Who by using only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality, second to none mode in Canada. To change his advertisements butltnow offers some NEW BARGAINS : 250 ACRES peer Durham. 0. coed hm. splendidly Improved. was “has 87.“. will now take great deal less. 100 ACRES in Glenelg. neer Dru-nu. fine well im raved farm, will sell very cheap or tr e. t ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. AYTON MILLS 100 ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford. brick veneered dwelling, very [sure bun. frame stebles and_ pjg gtablgs._ good soil, Goode delivered anywhere in ANCES plaeed. Difficulties W0 P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tick»: ‘2‘ sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Hogan-t. H. H. MILLE‘ A blend of i Manitoba, and § 0111 wheat and is a. strictly first . family flour. MATTHEWS. 6’ LATIMER Constantly on ’ hand the best of Rolled Oats. Also our m Rolled Cereal. the best on the: Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Ch Chop, Bean Shorts and Feel Our pure Manitoba flour, made No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be for either bakers’ or domestic '18 made from selected winter and is a superior article for I pastry, etc. People’s Mill frame stables and pig stables. good so' ood orchard. good bush. Price shon . 6 84(0) but Will sell tor less than min sold at once. ' John Mc‘ Superior Family Flour Are now being Operated by n :erl‘ a «trial youwillbe n «. and wil. Want no other. PURE MANITOBA Extra heavy, massive, deep cut. pattern, finish quality and flyish, all pieees page e: ‘a 11qu pufe burnt in gold decorations that will not. wash off. . H. BEAN H. H. Miller Water Pitchers PASTRY FLOUR Superior Quality March ‘7, 1907 ':HABBEEN:: 2 BUSY SOVEREIGN - FOR ‘ZALE BYâ€" ENCORE ECLIPSE Em

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