Capital Subscribed Capital fully paid Reserve Fund - , Assets, over - General Banking. At the regular meeting of the Session of Chalmers church on Fri day lest the following memorial res olution was unanimously adapted. Whereas the Great Head of the church in His inï¬nite wisdom has seen tit to remove from this life our respected end well beloved brother Mr. Wm. Nell who on February 21st 1907. pessed to that "rest that re. meineth for the people oi God †Resolved that we the Session of Chalmers church Flesherton.‘ place on record our deep sorrow for the loss sustained by this Session and our congregation as a whole by the death of one who has been so inti- mately associated with the work of this church since its organization. and whose time and means were so generously at the disposal of the congregation; and whose heart’s de- sire, we believe. was the selvetion of souls end the furtherance of Christ’s cause. We shall miss his familiar face as well as his wise fatherly counsel in Session. His vacant place in church will continue to speak to us mute words of exhortetion to move eernest work for the Master, end to lives of more consistent holi- ness. The Session conveys to Mrs. Neil its deepest sympathy in the loss she-hes been celled upon to bear, and prey that she may be restored to health, end that she may ï¬nd rich consolation in the Gospel of Christ, which it was her late husband’s chief aim to promote. At the regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Chalmers church on Thursday last a resolution was unanimously adopt ed instructing the secretary to send aletter of condolence to Mrs. Neil conveying the sincere sympathy of the society for her in the great loss she has sustained by the death of her beleved husband. Mrs. Neil greatly appreciates these tokens of sympathy and wishes us to express her gratitude to all friends who have so kindly ministered to her comfort in her illness and bereavement. Rev. L. F. Kipp preached at the preparatory service in the Presby- terian church on Friday la3t. The communion service on Sunday. which was well attended was specially touching and impressive it being the last communion to be dispensed by the present pastor Rev. L. W. Thom, who is under call to another charge. Mr. Thom paid touching and ï¬tting tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Wm. Neil. who had for many years very faithfully served in the oflice of older in the church. The Baptist Sabbath School have elected oflicers for the current year as followerâ€"Supt Richard. Allen; Asst.,Supt., W. J. Mill; Sec Miss Lillian Rutledge; Trea. Mrs. Andrew Wilson; Lib. Miss Jessie McAuley. Teachersâ€"Rev. L. F. Kipp, W. J. Mill, A. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Mill, Miss Josie Richardson. The school and congregation are in a prosperous condition. The pastor who has been preaching four times each Sabbath will soon have the as- sistance of a student from college. The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid have announced for an apron social at Mr. Jacob Thompson’s east back line. on Tuesday evening the 19th inst Mr. and Mrs. John Brown are Spending a week with their son J. J. and wife on the old homestead. Mr. Ed. Sykes who has been for some time on the cld James Beecroft farm east of the village is moving to near Rob Roy. Mr. Geo. Trueman, who has bought the Beecroft form will take pessesaion this month. Mr. John Thistleth/vsite has rent- ed Mrs. Christoe’s residence end will take possession shortly. Mr. N. Pevenick of Maxwell has rented Mrs. Armstrong’s residence, on Durham street: and will occupy at once. Mrs. Bnlmer is oï¬ering her real- denoe and photograph gallery for sale. It is an excellent opening for a good photographer, Mrs. Bnlmer havinga well established business. At a. recent meeting of the Trustee Bond of the Methodist church Mr. Robt. Waller was elected pew stew- ard in the place of the late Robert Trimble. Mrs. Milligan has moved to‘ Mrs. Grsinger’s farm on the west back Mr. W. W. Trimble is moving this week into the new hotel. He has bought back the bus outï¬t from Mr. Adams and will continue it in con- nection with the new house. Mr. Trimble has sold his residence on Toronto Street to Mr. Herb Smith who will move in this month. Mrs. John Heard is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Harrison.~'l.‘oronto line, who has been-very ill is, we are pleased to learn recovering. HEAD OFFICE - - TORONTO Randolph Macdonald, President. . . A. A. Allan, Vice-President. / D. M. Stewart, General Manager. Capital Subscribed - - $. 4,000,000 ' Capital fully paid -' - 3.998.000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,255,000 .Assets, over - - - 25,000,000 General Banking. Savings Department. Mr. Goo. Wardrobe son and daughé The Sovereign Bank of Canada Flesherton: ' 14, Interest credited quarterly. J. C. TELFORD, DURHAM ter decided on Mondey to move to Toronto 1n n couple of weeks. Mr. Wardrobe’e eons in Toronto heve purchased ereaidence nt 271 Queen 8:. cent, where ell will hnve their home together. Little Miss Elsie Dunsmore of Owen Sound is visiting her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bellamy. No it's as bad as ever. Nothing seems to help. Why not use the up- to-date speciï¬c "Catarrhozone," which drives out cold in one day. Inhale Catarrhozone and you will be releaved in two minutes. Continue the treatment and cure is assured. Healing. germ destroying and pleas- ant, nothing for colds, throat trouble and Catarrh compares with Catarrh ozone. Sold everywhere 25, and $1.00. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hunt spent Sunday last with friends in Allan Park. Mrs. Cross of Louise visited Mrs. W. A. Livingston recently. Mr. Joseph Lindsay left Monday morning for West Superior where he Will remain for some time. Rev. L. W. Thorn md Mr. T R. McKenzie will “tend the Presbytery It Orangeville, to-morrow, Tnesdey. Miss Reid and Min Darren: milli ners. hue returned to their former positions here. Mine Reid er I. t W. Boyd’s end Miss «Darren: e: F. G Kuretedt’s. Mien Eu ‘Pu'ker end Mien Annie Johnston. eeet of the villege have returned from nn extended visit, the former et Port Perry, end the letter et Orillie Mr. Emerson Bellomy is spending a few dnya with relatives n Collin;- wood. Mr. John Kerr has returned from an extended visit at Detroit. Mr. Fred Karetedt and sister Elle waited relatives at Elmwood the pest. week. Mrs Ward Harriflon, of Silver Creek N Y , is visiting relatives bore Mr. Fred McMnllen of Otcarvillo, is visiting his uncle Mr. J. L. Mc- Mullen. Mr. Geo. Boyd and doughtor Mr: C. Potter-son of 11:. Forest, visited the farmer’s sons J. W. Boyd last week. Mn. Sidney Gilbert. of Ynndolour spent 139: week with Mrs. J. Mc- Clocklin. Mrs. F. D 603 of Clukaburg', visited the past week with her mother Mn. J. W. Armstrong. Mr. Albert Blackburn of Nottewe. visited relatives in this vicinity last week. Miss Mary Vickers of Durham. Sundsyed with her mother Mrs. J. W. Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. W. G‘. McCulloch visited the latters mother Mrs. W. Herd. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Picken spent Sundav with the latter’s father Mr. G. Cuï¬. Miss McLeod, teacher. spent a couple of days in Durham last. week. Mr H W. Hunt has a severe cold. hepe it will soon be better again. Mr. and Mrs. who and family. of Allen Park have moved into their new house which they have recently rented from Mr. H. Livingston. A number of the young peeple from. around here spent a pleasant evemng at the home of Mr. D. Don- nelly. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets All druggista refund the money if it fails to cure E. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. 250 - music. New music resolve (1 each week. Songs, waltzcs va. G H. webstcr T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY IS YOUR COLD BETTER? 1 have placed in stock a ï¬ne line of late 2's mus Per ¢ovv OLD AT HALF PRICE. Vickers. and Cwo=Stcps All of these diseases 'are attended by intense itching. which is almost instantly relieved by applying Cham- berlain’s Salve, and by its continued use a permanent cure may be eï¬ect- ad. It has, in facthnred many cases that had resisted other treatment. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. M12831]: Patterson. J 1-,, and his sis- tsr, Balls, of Egrsmont. an up on a. visit to their cousins the Hastis ism ily. Miss Bells will visit smong them for some time. Rev. Mr. Ellis, of Konnilworth. occupied Zion’s pulpit on Subbsth cf- tarnoon cud his discourse wu speci- slly ranked for its pncticul helpful- ness cad its hurt searching truths. While chopping in the woods on Thursday of last week, Maurice Con- nor accidentally cut a bent sapling. which flew up striking him with great force on the nose and forehead. It bled profusely, yet. Maurice was plucky enough to be driven to Mark- dale and had his wounds stitched and bandaged. Mr. Louis Pollock took his last peddling trip through the township some weeks ago He is going out West to go into business there. Louis was the most trusted of all the travelling, rural salesmen and for many years has done a big trade. He won hosts of warm friends by his square dealing and they regret very much his going away. We thought it was one of Tom Mercer’s thoroughbrede, when we met Mr. Wm. Sirrs of Egremont, one day last week leading a glossy, big ï¬lly rising three years old. but later, we found that he had purchased it from Mr. Will Connor of the 8th con., paying the handsome price of 3190. She’s a beauty. Miss Lizzie Firth. of the 4th con., and Miss Annie Staples. of Edge Hill, have rented a snug little home in Markdale and had three teams move their household efleots up on Wed- nesday of last week. They are open- ing a dressmaking establishment and being clever, honest and industrious will undoubtedly make asuccess of it. Three of Mr. Wm. McNally’s sons. of Bentinck, visited their cousins here the ï¬rst of the week. They are robusz, ï¬ne-looking lads and will be fortune makers out in 8331:. Mrs. Mike Quillinan and baby girl spent. the greater part of last week with grandma Ryan on the 4th con. Sometimes ’cis a. shaft, ofttimes a crossbar. and now and again a. run ner. but somehow the boys make Mondav a. busy day for our Smithy with wrecked cutters. Well Mr. Editor this is our ï¬rst budget for the Spring month 31 though it don’t look much like spring as there is more snow now than there has been this winter. Mm Dick Atkinson left. for his home in N. D. after spending a pleas- ant time with friends and acquaint- ances in this vicinity. We wish Dick a safe jeurney and hope he will pay us another visit in the near future. John Lane and Burton Renwick left for N. D. this week. Success boys and a safe rewrn. BUTTON HILL SCHOOL. . Vâ€"Edward Lawrence. IVâ€"Marion Petty,- Agnee Peta-y, Chas. Lawrence. Florence Mountain. Sadie Langrill, Rebecca Grierson. Earl Vollect. __ Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Mountain. Leilla Vollett. Jeanie Picken, Victor Noble. Fred Suï¬, Bobt. Cuï¬. ' ‘ Mr. J. C Caldwell of Gall: and his son James spent a pleasant. week with Mr. ann Mrs. Geo. Sackect. and renewed old acquaintances around the corner. It will not cost you a cent to try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. and they are excellent. for stomach troubles and cmstipation. Get afreesanr ple at Parker’s Drug Store. Jr. IIIâ€"Joseph McCaslin. Willie‘. Langrill, Nina. Noble. Maggie Don-‘ nelly, Willie Bonglgss. . Messrs. Neil and Sandy McFadden are rushing in logs and hauling lumber. and the general rush of chop still goes to Dromore. SAILâ€"Benn; Ayling. Ella Cuff. Sadie Lawrence, Grace Petty, Her- bert Noble, ‘Jamee Lanai-ill, Clare Mc- CuSliD. Miss Eva Ferguson of. Durham is visiting her aunt. and uncle Mr. and Mrs. G. Sackett. Miss Bertha Lane of Toronto visit. ed her parents this week. Jr. IIâ€"Annio (Smith, Maxwell Griers’on. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Lorne; Mountain, Willie Vollett. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Theodoro Awyling. Alice Picken. Jr. Iâ€"Rneben Noble. ' J om! Jamaal, Teacher. Sr. Iâ€"Cecil Mountain, Goo. Lang- Bing Wom. Harps, Barbou’ Sackett’s Corners. IIâ€"Annie {Smith Méxwell 'l raverston. ' HONOR. ROLL. ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE As Easter comes in about three weeks, we invite those who want Millinery for the Easter holiday to call at any time and we will show you through our carefully selected stock of We want to make this season one of the best. We want your custom and will try and please you if you will give us a call. There is a charming variety. The trimmings and shapes are small and largeâ€"the majority on the mushroom order. We begin the season Wednesday. March 6th. Some have already given us their Easter orders. Millin'ery For EASTER Lambton St. Extra heavy, massive. deep cut pattern, ï¬nish quality and ï¬nish, all pieces have extra heavy pure burnt in gold decorations that will not wash off. 4-Piece Table Sets, at $1.75 and $1.85 7-Piece. \Vater Sets, at $1.85 and $1.95 7-Piece BerrySets, at $1.75 and $1.85 Imitation Cut Glass Water Pitchers, 35 and 400 each. Crystal Water Pitchers, 25¢ each. Gold Nugget Glassware . ,.. FLOOR OILCLOTH. 1. l; and 2 yds. wide, 25c a square yd. TABLEd OILCLOTH. 45-in wide, 25¢ a. y . FLA_1_\TI)TIj3LE:l‘TE. .BLANKETS, large A.- A- He Sells Cheap The Big 4 11-4 size, in white or grey, $1.20 fr. PURE-Ham in 25 and 350 Jars. of delighc. just see our new spring DRESS GOODS PRINTS . MUSLINS . GINGHAMS APRON PRINTS A BRAIN STORM W. H. BEAN XMAS . . SPECIALS N eckwear l ' Mufflers (jloves â€"Cap 3 for Ladies and Gentlemen. -â€"Silk Handkerchiefs 9" to 50 cents. Groceries for Xinas Teaâ€"300 for 25c. DURHAM. Flannelettesâ€"Call and fee my 18c. flannelette for 10¢. From now until January lst the following lines will be run off at. right. prices :â€" Woollen Blankets from $2.25 to $5. â€"â€"Hea.vy Tweed. â€"Sheeting and Flannelette. --La.dies’ and Men’s Underwear â€"Readymnde Trousers (large stock) 4-Pioco Table Sets at 400 each. UASHMERE HOSE TABLE LINEN S LINOLEUMS OlLCLOTHS FLANNELE'ITES TOWELLINGS OORSETS SHIRTINGS UNDERWEAR DOMET TOP SHIRTS SWEATELS HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES GBOCERIES C. McArthur If you want to experience Raisins and Currants, Candies, Peels, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies, Figs and Dates. Everything fresh in S. SCOTT“ Water Pitchers MISS DICK CALDER BLOCK HATS Durham. Ont. ONTARIO. 25c for 200. A TRIAL ORDER SOLICI TE D C. P. Kinnee ' = = Prm The undersigned begs to intimate to farmers and all users of Harness that he is opening out business for himself in Clark’s 01d stand. . New work and all kinds of Harness repairing attended to with promptness, neatness and despatch. '.T In Builders’ Supplies we have the very latest and most up-toâ€"date stock, and our prices are such that they will meet the approval of all. ‘ 1T Our Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges are well known and s ak for themselves. They are t e McClary’s famous lines. 1! In Tinware and Granite- ware we carry a full stock, and customers can get. almost anyâ€" thing they wish 1n these lines. THE NEW HARDWARE AND FURNITURE STORE l.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. F R0 M Groceries MATTHEWS 5’ LATIMER Lenahan 6: McIntosh MATTHEWS LATI M ER Our Hardware department is now in full swing, and we are able to supply our many customers w1th almost anything they want. We are also agents for the National Portland Cement. New Harness Shop " 'u‘l‘n ‘4 "N "'3 4A.“. a you. ' I TRY US. Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS Why you should buy your ‘5 It will ay you to see our samples of pe and Binder Twine before placing your mï¬er elsewhere. 17 We have a full line of soft black Wire, and also coiled 5 ring Wire. The very best ire for fencing. kept on hand. '5 “7e also carry a full line- of Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Also a good supply of American and Canadian Coal Oil always 4.â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. Proprietor f . 2%; 1 l2. 51M“ ,- ,- ’1‘" E