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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Mar 1907, p. 8

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A blend of; Mzmimba and§ Ontario wheat. and is a strictly first class famiiy flour. You’l! find just what you want in our Grocery Department. Our Groceries are always fresh Our pure Manitoba flour, made frdm No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be beat for either bzzkel‘s’ or domestic use. People’s Mills Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal. the best on the market. élso Chgppedflpats. MigeiCh‘oQL Pea Also Chopped Oats ts. Mixed Ghog‘ Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed lour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. All kinds of Gra_in_ bought at Earliest NEW Goods delivered anywhere in town. TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. All upâ€"to-date flour and feed and gmcers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it. come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Chopping Done Every Day ALL Won Grumman at “Live and let live” Pumas. Most Stylish and Most Artistically Tailored Ready-2-wear Garments. Ever Produced Pumps. THE 2nd and 3rd Division of Lot 230. 1, E. G. R... in the Township otGlenelg 100 some known as the “ MoKinnon Farm” at. the Rocky Snngeen. Immediate possession given. For particulars spply to J. P. TELFORD. mead March 11th, A. D. 1907. come See the New Spring Styles For Men, Young Men and Boys I BEG LEAVE TO MOB)! MY CUT-- moms and the public in general that I m procured to furnish Datum, R2 szxa m Pusscmma done with Ccment. concrete. 9' ALL ORDERS than u the old ma near MoGom' 3 Mill will be promptly m 54...)“ A- «Media. made from selected winter wheat 1 is a. superior article for making pastry, etc. John McGowan For Sale or to Rent. PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN GEORGE WHITMOBE. ECLIPSE Do not delay coming here to see our magnificent display of Clothing for men, young men and boys. Every new style, fabric, pattern and coloring is in the collection. Our prices are sure to surprise you. up. .- -O:M*O- . ”3’33““: W». “and WE KEEP THE ROBERT BURNE The People’s Store A BIT DIFFERENT A MITE SMARTER A SHADE NEWER READY YOU’LL SEE THE '«fi-PW. m «r» u WEARS THE DU RHAM CHRONICLE A very noticeable feature is that Upper Town built on me clifi has more modern buildings and wider Streets than are to be seen in Lower Town. Eievators are in operation in the summer time tooarry people into the upper part of the City, but these do not run in the winter time, there fore my friend and I passed through lower town market place and walked up what are known as the break neck steps. v-fi . . .i 77“"! ,. W?“ W ; letter“ «garga‘mm? 'antgeiii ‘-in the colutiins of Thephronidle lest week end having“ ‘pronii‘sid to say; ’Iomething ebout Quebec leter oii, I‘ now do‘so. -- «1 mu‘st'hbt take up "too much of your specs by describing everything]; sew. es it cen bade voted to something else onshore vefue. In the first piece ello one. to say Quebec is the most historic-e 3 city in Cenede. end indeed is well‘ worthy of e visit. The first ‘thing on entering the city that the streng- er will observe is the very nerr‘ow streets end the next thing to take his ettention ie the ancient looking build inge that meet the gene on ell sides. But all the; buildings ere not of the old type, not by any means. Modern structures 'er'e' rising on ell sides end some of them are the most beautiful that can’- be seen anywhere. Among the most importent and interesting pieces eeen were the Cheteeu Fron tenec, one of the most magnificent hotels on the American continent built by the C. P. R. at the cost of about a million dollars. It is situat- ed on Dufierin‘ Terrece end commends one of the most picturesque views of the city. harbor and Point Levis. Crossing Dufierin Terrace we see the Champlain monument. e beautiful statute erected to the memory of the founder of Quebec. We next come to the monument of Generals Wolfe and Montcalm. a very interesting feature in connection with this been- tiiul monument is that 'it is commem- orative of both victor and vanquish- ed. The Parliement buildings are magnificent and the City Hall is also an elegant building, then again sur- passing in grandeur either of the last named is the Basilica. or French Cathedral, which my friend Mr. F. Hutchings took me through. The inside of this Church is just beautiful and lined throughout with the most costly and artiStic decorations. An- other quaint and beautiful building is the English Cathedral inside of which isa gold communion service presented by George the III; the Post Office is also a very fine struc- ture and all inside is life and activity. Then there is the Holt, Renfrew 03., Furriers, a large building which {is very fine. The Y. M. C. A. Bldg He also worthy of_ passing mention. FI also had the pleasure of seeing the old time residence of Queen Victoria’s father, then Duke of Kent, which is new used as a curiosity shop An- orher place of historical interest was the house wherein the great French, General, Montcalm. passed away in the year 1759. I had the privilege of being in the room where the last scenes in Connection with his death rcoir place. ' I have been appointed 'by the Do- minion Government to place immi grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domes. tic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted, and what wages oflered. The num- bers arrivlng may ,n0t be snficient to supply all requests. but every efiort Will be made to provide each appli- cant with, help required. < 6t. WE have been informed by Mr. Michael Kenny, Of Edge Hill, that he has procured an Auctioneers license for 1907 and is open to .engage ' for sales in any part of the County. Ap- plication may be made to John Mur- doch, Middaugh House, Durham, or to himself at Edge Hill.â€"4pd. m OBOW’S BRIEF VISIT 1'0 LION and Tiger brands red clover and other high grade seeds at. Macfar. lanes’ Drug Storeâ€"Feb. 21, 4. All along; the line of the C. P. R. from Montreal to Quebec, the most beautiful scenery is presented to View. The Laurientian mountains look grand as the trains rush along. and also a fine view of them can be obtained from Dnflerin Terrace. CUSTOM sawing at the Durham Foundry, by Robert Smith.â€"3 Taking 9. birds-eye-view of Quebec it. is a beautiful city surrounded by massive walls, towers. parapets, gates and so on. Mounted on top of those wells are the numerous can- nons which guard every point of entrance into the city. Again thanking you. Mr Editor, for your courtesy and ~pace. I remain as ever, Well. there were many other places I had the pleasure of seeing but I did not ad0pt the method of taking notes I had to trust to memory for what I have already written. Although my stay in Quebec was not a very long one, I thoroughly enjoyed my brief visit to that dear old city and pleas- nut memories connected with that trip, will long be cherished. Farm Help Coming! . Respectfully vours. THE CROW. .. NEIL MCCANNEL, Box 114 Durham. Ont. “I was and am yet afflicted withI rheumatism,” says Mr. J. C. Bayne.‘a editor of the Herald, Addington,f Indian Territorv, "but thanks to. Chamberlain’s Prin Balm am abiei once more to attend to business. It; is the best of liuiments.” If troubl-g ed with rheumatism give Pain Balm ' a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief; which it affords. One application ‘, relieves the pain For sale at Park i er’s Drug Score. i Fall Wheat .......... 3 Spring Wheat ..... . . . Oats ....... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Potatoes per bag Apples per bag. Flour per cavt ........ Oatmeal per sack. Chop per cwt. ..... ........... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per 1b Sheepskins Wool 0000000000000000 i536 “37b3iolâ€"Tm whim"! Ayers fill: at me, Just om. Ask Your OivnDoctor We have the largest stock in town. Clover * Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Alsike, at thls store at the rlght prlce. Raddish, in fact any kind you want you can get * Mange], Beet, 5* £6 a‘fi We have a few ranges left that \\ e are offering 5)}; at the 01d price, and as stox es have adv anced 5° ,0 a} which means 3 to 4 dollars on a Iange, it u ill pax as you to buy at once. Once these are sold up (goes a}; the price. i%%**%: Come and have a look through our tool case. “You ll be sure to see something you need. 1%:- If you intend building this spring it will pay $36 as you to let us show you our special lines in build- 9* 3% ers’ hardware. . 9% If" he tells you to take Ayer’s Cherry Pectornl for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take thnt. We have great confidence in this medicine... 80 will you, when you once know it. Thobutmdutecwz “8916; to: over sixty M Afflicted With Rheumatism. Come in and let us show graniteware and Tin“ are v closest inspection, and 0111 p 1.â€"-â€"Because everything is new and up-to-date. 2.â€"Because our prices are right. 3.â€"Because you can get. anything you need in the hen-aware line :1, this store. Mechanics’ Tools ............... ................ Market Report. “batman-mm“ “w“.â€" Reasons why you should buy at this store. DURHAM. Mar. 14. 1907 Builders’ Hardware 3 68 to 3 68 to 9 to 90 to DtO NJ at us Show you the new lines in Tinware which W111 stand the and our prices are right, Ran ges 7O 14 00 20 22 7O 1 00 2 3O 2 45 70 73 ELECTRIC LAMPS We are always consider- ing our customers in every way, and are offering our town customers this week a 16 Candle Power Electric Lamp that gives 32 Candle Power of light, without increasing the current or cost of power for having double light. KNIFE POLISHING BoARos Clearing sale of Mitts and Gloves now gomg on. If you secure an English Knife Polishing Board and a tin of Oakey Knife Polish you will surely be happy. POT SCRAPING KNIVES COAT AND ROBE BARGAIN MITTS AND GLOVES W. BLACK. STABLE BROOMS A bargain in one Fur Coat and one Robe. Every farmer should procure one lb. of our as~ sorted Screws for 100.; ordinary value 300-. Keep your stable clean by buying one of our Stable Brooms. We are selling Butcher Knives, Pot Scraping Knives at prices never before heard of. ASSORTED SCREWS Another 85 lot of those 350 Broom Holders going at 50 each. BROOM HOLDERS March 14, 1907 3 w nesin. i the Hover cu § mmswmmm

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