West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Mar 1907, p. 2

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Are You Weak ~ Instead of Strong? Mrs. Samuel Lawrence and family have the sincere sympathy of the community extended to them in their sudden bereavement. The record has been beaten for teaming, six teams having hauled twelve hundred cords of wood from McLean’s mill to Durham since the late fall. We wish to extend our sincere sympathy with that of the commun- ity to the Corner Concerns corres- pondent in this his hour of trouble. The J. D. King Co. Boots and Shoes, in in financial trouble growing out 0! “)8 ontal'iO bank failures Thomas Martin. M. P.. for North Wellington, died at Ottawa on Mon- day. He underwent an operation which revealed a complication of dis- eases. At the last general election he defeated John McGowan, Conserva- tive. by 308. Previous to his election he filled prominent positions in Mt. Forest and was also Mayor of the town. He was born in 1850 in Fergus. In religion he was a Presbyterian. Rev. L. W'. Thom, of Flesherton, has rPceived a. call to 'Waldemar, Pres- by terian Church. On retiring from his position as principal of Clarkshurg public school. Mr. J. A. Bailey was presented by the pupils with a. hook of Shakespeare’s plays. Mr. E. G. Stevenson. Supreme Counsellor of the I. O. F., has been chosen as successor to Dr. Oronhyteka, He is a Canadian by birth. but for many years has been a. resident in the United States practising law in De- troit. His income last year is said to have been $30,000. The salary for Chief Ranger is $15,000 and the new appointee will be required to live in Toronto. The seven year-old son of Donald Gillies, former editor of the Clarksburg Reflector, but now manager of Ed- onton Bulletin Job Printing Depart- ment. died suddenly in Edmonton, on the 21% of February. ‘ Mr. Geo. Aljoe sold a. fine colt recently to Mr. John McKechnie, of Rocky Saugeen, for a little over $90. It pays to raise good stock. Owing to the serious illness of Master Joe Staples from a complica- tion pneumonia and inflammation of the lungs. his sister. Miss Jennie Staples, is again home. We hope to hear of the little fellow’s speedy re. turn to health. Later we hear that he is on the mend. The business portion of Warkworth, a village of about $0 in Northumber- and County, was destroyed by fire on Monday last. The Anglo Amprlcnn Hotel, Gorrie, was fined $20 for selling liquor to minoxs. Scouting for information, ’Twas here the other dav, We asked \Villiam a question, But yes he would not say. It was about a fair one ; Who is it ? we did say. He sent us to an old Gray Cone, Who lives across the way. The lad} wouldn’t like it, If her name in print she read, So of course we let it go at that, As he would not tell. he said. Mr. Jas. Lawrence recently became the owner of a fine spirited team of horses, having purchased one from Mr. Charles Ritchie and the other from Mr. Fred Noble. Jim has a. fancy for good horses and paid a. handsome figure for this team. We have noticed Mr. Wm. An- drews doing quite alot of driving recently. and um alone either being always accompanied by a fair one of the opposite sex. He may be pre- paring to join the ranks of the bene- dicts. Rev. W.: G. Reilly rector of St. Georges Church Chatsworth, has been appomted town clerk of that place. Dr. Oronhyatekha’s estate is esti- mated at about $75,000, of which about $40,000 is in life insurance. You are discouraged. You feel old and worn. You are sick and not aware of the fact. You can drag yourself aroundâ€" but work is impossible. With your stomach crying out for assistance and the nerves all on edge why no: try Ferrozoneâ€"it will surely do you good. ' When you feel despondent, Ferro- sono cheers you up. Fen-ozone is a wonderful combine.- tion of vegetable extracts. fortified by excellent tonics for the nerves and stomach. When langonr and oppression weigh you down, Fen-ozone braces you up. When Bleep is impossible Ferro- sone cdms the nerves and gives you Darkies’ Corners. *1... Wk}. 5. One of the filthiest acts of vandal- ism conceivable was perpetrated in Hamilton’s school house on Wednes- d:u lzl-Jli‘ of ln~'~ «res On Thursday morning the school was found in a beastly conditionâ€"the walls were covered with filthy drawings and writings, the desks and seats were covered with filth, books were torn to pieces and burned in the stove along with frames which had been broken from the slates, which were smashed, and books which were not burned were torn to pieces and strewn over the floor. The trustees found trace of the perpetrators here and constables Dudgeon and Shea got on their trail and the Owen Sound police arrested William Temple. Har- vey Holmes and James Pollard, on Thursday night or early Friday morn- ing. They were haled before Geo. Menzies, J. P., on Friday morning and found guilty and sentenced to a of fine of $20 and $5 damages each, besides $21.15 costs, or in default of payment to go to jail for two months at hard labor. As might be expected of such characters they took the two months each. It appears by an un- dervaluation of the damages commit- ted on the part of some of the trus- tees and ratepayers of the section the extreem penalty was inflicted, but had the damages been properly val- ued the wretches would have got from five to fourteen years, which they well deserved.â€"--Chatsworth News. THE ONTARIO LIBRARY ASSOCI- ATION. The coming rnnual meeting of the Ontario Library Association, to be held in Toronto Easter Monday and Tuesday, April lst and 2nd, will be devoted largely to conferences and discussions on practical library mat- ters. One conference will be on “ How to purchase our books.” and representatives from some ten or twelve libraries will briefly outline their methods. This is a live topic, and it will be handled in a live man- ner. You can’t cure catarrh by dosing the stomach. The disease is in the throat, nose and bronchial tubes. Inhale Catarrhozone to the spot where the disease really is.â€"-it clears away foul secretions. stops discharges at once, purifies and heals the pas- sages. literally annihilates every trace of catarrh. Nothing else is so direct and certain as "Catarrhozone." Results guaranteed. Two sizes, 256 and $1.00 at all dealers. Dr. A. H.â€"U. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of Education, will give an informal talk on Public Libraries on Monday evening, and Inspector Leav- itt will describe his plans re travel- ling libraries. Mrs. Mutch will dis- cuss the selection and purchase of pictures for l.bruries. Programs may be had from the Secretary. E. A. Hardp, 65 Czar St.. Toronto. ° In our Savings Pepartmmt. on which the highest current in making Withdrawals. THE STANDAD BANK THREE FILTHY WRETCHES LET THE STOMACH ALONE. V,_ H... x; . .A‘ 9911:...»mm; $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT ESTABLISHED 1873 Don’t Use Any Rem edy That Keeps Its Formula a Secret. Mr, William Lnnney was buried on Saturday. Deceased appeared to be in good health until a .short time before his death. The deceased’e mother and brOther Fred are far from being in the best of health for some time past. People Who are troubled with stomach weakness cannot afiord to use any remedy unless they know what. it contains. Mi-o-na is not. a mere digestive givmg only temporary relief, but. a specific for all disorders of the diges- tive organs, and so affects a perma- nent. cure for stomach troubles. Your physician will tell you that nothing is better than a combination of chemically pure bismuth subgal- late to allay any inflammation of the stomach and bowels; cerium oxalate, to strengthen the stomach and ner- ve‘; sodium bi-carbonate, which neuâ€" tahzes the poisonous acids that are present in stomach troubles; and nux vomica. which will restore vigor to the digestive organs and tone the whole nervous system. This combination is found only in Mi-o nu stomach tablets, and it so rarely fails to strengthen the diges- tive system and cure all forms of stomach disorders that the remedy is is sold under a guarantee to refund the money unless it cures. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison of Glenelg, were the guest of their aunt Mrs. Heddle. FORSTOHACH SUFFER- ' ERS. Mr. 73nd Mrs. Archibald Brown have left for their home near Saska- coon. If you sufier from indigestion. dis- tress after eating. specks before the eyes. headaches pains in the back and side. emaciution, bloating, ner- vousness, sleeplessness. or any of the other symptoms of stomach tronble~. begin the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets at: once. Sold in 50 cent boxes. H. Redford returned from Owen Sound with a handsome bride. -Mies O’Neill of Lamlash spent. Fri- day evening with her aunt in Mulock, Louis Mann lost. a. valuable horse one day last. week. William Curry is engaged with Charles Emke. The Rev. J. O’Neill of Paisley. passed through town on his way to Mulock. Write to-day for a free sample package, and also give us your symp toms, and one of the best known stomach Specialists will give your case his careful and personal atten- tion without charge. Booth’s Mi-o- na Company, Bufialo, N. Y. Dougald McCallum 18 engaged with George Brown for the summer. G. Brown, W. Johnston, and J. Heddle are talking of going West in April to buy land. (Hanover Post.) Lamlash. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Get a. pair and keep your feet dry. ' Bub: 'rnn FOLLOWING: 1 horse rising eleven years old; 1 horse rising five years old; 1 horse rising two years old; 1 sow rising: ten years old. in calf; 3 cows rising! eight years old, in calf; 1 cow rising six years old, in calf; 1 cow rising three in calf; 1 cow rising six years- old with calf at foot; 4 heifers rising two years old; 3 steers rising two years old; 4 steers rising one year old; 3 heifers rising one year old; 13 sheep, Leicester, thoroughbred; 1 sow, Yorkshire. registered; 1 tur- nip slicsr; 1 turnip pulper; 1 binder. Noxon; 1 mower. Sylvester; 1 sulky rake with pole and shafts, Peter Hamilton: 1 wagon; 1 democrat; 1 road cart; 1 cutter; 2 pair bob sleighs; 1 stock rack; platform scales 2,000 lbs. capacity; 2 sugar' kettles; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 grindstone; 2 sets team harness; 2 sets plow harness; double .set driving harness; single set harness; 1 buggy pole complete; 2 set buggy shafts; 1 gang plow; 3 long plows; 1 set iron barrows; 1 disc barrow; 1 fanning mill; 2robes; 1 pair allwool horse blankets. nearly new; 1 large spinning wheel and reel; 1 cupboard; 1 Daisy churn; 1 box stove; neckyokes. whifiletrees. chains shovels, turnip boss and other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of hay will be sold for cash Everything must be sold as the pro. prietor has sold his farm and will move to Owen Sound. There will be ofiored for .3319 by public auction 3: lots 6 .nd 7 . con. 3, S. D. 3., Artemeais on Auction Farmers of this country are advis- ed to keep up the hog supply. The Farming World gives this advice after scaning the world's pork mark- ets. The chieiinterest in the world’s output at the present time centres in Germany, where the price of live hogs has reached the very high figure of $18.21 per 50 kilograms (110.23 lbs.) Germanby like Great Britain, is be- coming more and more dependent upon other countries for her food products. Formerly Italy, France and other European countries eXport- ed hogs and hog products. To-days with the exception, perhaps of Den- marl: and Ireland. every country in Europe is compelled to import hogs. Southern Europe no longer deter- mines the market price of ho in that section of the world. Th ex- ports of Denmark and Ireland find market in England so that other European importing countries have to look elsewhere for their supplies. This is the European situation in a nut-shell. Considering the market situation asa whole and that pork products are steadily gaining in pop- ; ularity as a food the farmer will be% quite safe in keeping up his hog sup-3 ply. While there has been the usual‘ fall slump in prices here. they are sufficiently high yet to make it quitel profitable to produce the bacon hogi in Canada ! Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrnding Piles. Drug gists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c SAW LOGS WANTEDâ€"Hard and soft Wood logs, shingle and lath timber, for which good prices will be paid, at the Durham Foundrytâ€"Roht. Smith. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES hand. Store. Spring appears to be approaching with giant strides..as the Ytown Confed. would say, be caws the crows are numerous and noisy. Jas. Nickle also claims to have seen a robin, but Jim is possessed of the gift of second sight and may have dreamt it. How ever, we have had contributions from two spring poets which we refrain from printing out of consideration for the feelings of the relatives of deceased poets, whose remains now repose in our empty coal bin. Their obituary poems Will appear later in the Y-town Rep. But our advice is do not shed your winter tags or de- spise tha woodshed just yet. You can’t always generally tell what a Canadian winter has up it’s sleeve. the string is often in the tail.â€"Har- riston Review. “We would not be. without Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home,” says W. W. Kearney. editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become settled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children. and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the oronpy cough appears. which can only be done when the remedy is kept at Always Keeps Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in His House. J. A. McLEAN. D. McPHAIL. Proprietors. Auctioneer. 3.16 to commence at one o’clock sharp TERMS zâ€"All sums of $5.00 and un- der, cosh; over that amount 10 months’ credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. 5/0 per annum will be given for cash in lieu of notes. Stock and Implements FRIDAY HARCH 22. 1907 For sale at P'arkor’s 'Drhfi CREDIT ,fi‘v‘é firth/Rh ‘ AW“ 5' ' .1ka A‘rl‘ 310. L. GRANT 5: chines. Toronto Windmills; Rudd’s Harness, Robes, Furs, Blan- kets and Bells. WWWWWWWWWWWW WK‘ Geo. % Bargains in Men’s Fur in; Cents. g Bargains in Men’s andF "’ a‘ Boys’ Clothing. E IMPLEMENTS Binders, Mowers, Rakes. Ploughs and Manure Spreaders. â€"â€"â€"‘.â€"râ€"*_-'-â€"- w.- â€"-nâ€"- v~-<ov“w~“v. ’5.“ Bargains % Bargains 1n Ladies’ Fur 3); Coats. Farm Implements 85 Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MO W ERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARRO WS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. C. SMITH SONS IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK 01" Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. Implement Agent and Auctioneer. MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. B. Smith Sons, PROPRIETO RS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... DURHAM FGUNDRY AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones OWEN SOUND. Bargains in Men’s Fur (laps. FARM MACHINERY White Sewing Machines. Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. Sash 6’ Doors JOHN N. MUHDUCK Middaugh House Block. Bargains in Ladies’ Skirts. John Clark Frost 8’ Wood AGENT FOR All Kinds of DURHAM. Threshing Ma- Berlin Piancs THE large 12x14 Photograph that we have been giving with each dozen of our best cabinets has taken so well. that we intend to continue making them for a. while longer.â€"-F. W. Kel- 86y, I'NG LOT No. 27. CON. 2. AND B Lot 28, con. 3, S. D. R., Glenel Containing 100 acres, 50 acres in eac lot, 85 acres cleared and fit for harvest- ing machinery, a q‘uvantity of good bush on each lot. 'ell watered. by never failing well at house with wind- mill pum ing arrangement and sprin at rear 0 lot 27. On lot 27 are a good brick veneered house, a good bank barn 45x60 feet, stone stables under- neath, also fair driving shed. W'ood- shed 18124 feet and other buildings. There are no buildings on lot 23. Good bearing orchard on both places. Lightning conductors on house and Feb. 12â€"41mm One of the best farms in the Town- ship of Bentinck. 208 acres. new brick house, two large bank barns, land first, class, all cleared except 20 acres. Snap to quick purchaser. $1500 down, balance at 45â€" per cent. Applv to MACKAY. DUNN, Vendor’s Solicitors. '- I A.‘ ‘AAâ€" .- Death. Con venient to station. Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Wi qulck purchteer. _ _ _-_ -, vvvvvvv ,vuuauuuu, D Containing 100 acres. On the prem- ises is a brick house, fifteen rooms. heated by h0t air furnace. Soft water in kitchen. never failing well of good hard water at door. Good bearing orchard. Barn 50:60 with stone basement. Hog pen 16x3). Never failing well at barn. 85 acres clear- ed. 75in good state of cultivation. balance new land and bush. .Fenced throughout with cedar rails and Wire. Convenient to Post Office, Church and School. on leading road between Markdale and Durham. Sold cheap to QUlck purchaser as proprietor is going West shortly. Apply to W. F. KERNEY. on the premise P. 0. address. Waudby. Ont. \T--- 101.1. cm;- a! A number of improved valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to J. P. TELPORD, 7-18-06. Solicitor for Vendor. Feb. 6th, 1907â€"tf. Nov 13th 1906.16; Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf or JOHN LEGGETI‘E, Feb. 23. 1907.â€"tf. OT 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON; cession West of the Gamfraxa Road, in the Township of Normanby. in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD, _ _-v --v“uu. UUL$VV U Lot 14. Con. 4. N. D R . About 85 acres cleared, bal ' twenti-five acres ploughed. four aéres in tall w eat. Possession may be had after Mar lat. For further particulars apply to DONALD BEATON. Prop" Jan, 20th. 1906â€"tt Pomona P. O. ONTAINING 100 ACRES. BEING , Lot 14. Con- L N n p manna- A good solid brick two storey dwelling. alongside Presbyterian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham. Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry closets, cement floored cellor. etc. Good airy location in good locality. Good frame stable. hard and soft water. one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. MCKECHNIE. Owner, . Aug. lst. 1m6-tf. Rockv Saugeen P. 0. A good stone dwelling. ' town, known as the Parker property on Garafraxa street. Good stable, hard and soft water, and good bear- ing orchard. For further particulars apply to PAR 11 ,. 1..- \V. J. FIRTH. -'\ U about six miles frothâ€"1371:1130). title. Possession at once. Good land. be sold. For particulars apply to ,__- â€"v -vvud.“ of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county nf Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to Feb. 11â€""-1m. Feb Park Lot For Sale. â€".â€"-.- PARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH House and Lot For Sale DOC. 2oâ€"tfo 39:9 LQT 5,90N. 11, GLENELG Farm for Sale or Rent Normanby Farm to: Sale Good Farm for Sale. THE. GABAFRAXA ROAD. For Sale or Rent Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. Farm for Sale. mm Farm for Sale. House tor Sale. FARM FOR SALE. March 21. 1907 J. P. TELFORD, Durham J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham Barrister. Durham. Durham P. O. Lty of good watered, by with wind- ;and sprin 7 are a. g good bank .bles under- zd. VVood- 3 buildings. at 23. Good

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