This week’s budget. Mrs. Alex Allan presented her husband with n bouncing baby boy which breaks _tbe munotuny of u fun- ‘ -â€"â€"-2- “- 11y of girls. home. Mr. Joe Lennox sr is engaged for ntime to look after things around 'uqu â€" vv_, noted for his trustworthiness. Mrs. Dennet had a very successful wood bee on Thursday and got her summer’s wood prepared. Mr. Garrison, of Winnipeg. is vis- iting the Sirrs’ family as a sequence. we presume of Miss Aggie Sirrs hav- ing visited jhat city for a while last ,iL2__. -_-.l a}... "in: ms V’D‘UVU VIIIâ€"v '_- summer. It is wliispered that Miss Sirrs will be going west soon. A social gathering is to be held in the home of Mr. James Tucker this, Tuesday, night. ‘ It promises to be a very hdï¬py ‘event. tax-eating with marriage notices. may need space. Mr. John Barbour returned home from Manitoulin a week agu. A deep sadness “as {pit in the neighborhood when it. was learned that Mrs Thompson. neP Miss Lizzie Denver. of Wiarton. had been fatally burned bf: her clmhing taking fire. rescuing in death a few days later. “"9 all lea rte-l with sorrow that. Mr. John Calvert near Orchardville had passed away last Wednesday. He was always held in high esteem by the peeple of this part as he did an honest business for many years in cattle and lamb buying. Mr. Frank Grasby has always been a sturdy chap who never tried to shirk a difficult task, but last Friday he began keepin "bachâ€. Saturday at noon he began to soliloquize and this is how his thoughts and words ran: “Work sixty hard hours in the week, three poor meals in a. day and do the work of an ordinary woman be- tween times, a man might better be dead. I’ll let the farm go to grass and take in cattle to pasture and I’ll go and work on the Railroad." He acted accordingly and before night he had the place closed up and had left the neighborhood. The Ritchie Bros. got the contract for the mason work on the new church. They are good workmen. “ 1 suffered for ï¬ve years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had dys- pepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathartic. I was cured by Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months,†says Mr. Arthur S. Stickland, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Suffered for Five Years With Kidney and Liver Trouble. e0 25.. m>zcmh bingow“ DEAR MADAM.â€"We. the members ofL O. L. No 1192, Glenelg. wish to convey to you and your family our sincere sympatBy in the loss you have sustained by the death of your beloved husband. We would willingly bear a part of your burden and share the grief which now ï¬lls your home with sor- row. During the many years several of us have been acquainted with our departed brother. For ï¬fy years he was a worthy and consistent member of our association, but while we share your sorrow let us remember that what is our loss is his gain. We pray that the wise God who doeth all things well will lessen your sor row by ï¬lling your heart with a strong desire for a glorious re-union where parting shall be known no more. \Ve realize how vain are words to bring comfort, but. we trust you will seek consolation from Him who doeth all things well. While we know that death is the lot of all and sooner or later those who are near and dear to us will be taken from us, yet we feel the blow heav. ily when it comes. A happy home is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its comforts if you are suï¬ering from rheumatism. You throw aside busiv ness cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from' * those rheumatic pains also by apply- ; ing Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. One - application will give you relief and ‘-'its continued use for ashort time M will bring about a permanent cure} «For sale by Parker’s Drug Store. In conclusion we commend you tol the word of His grace who has called our brother from scenes of labor to those of abiding rest. praying’ that His ever loving Providence may watch over you and vonchsafe to your family the blessing of many years till in the Sweet By and BY we shall meet to part no more. Signed on behaif of the members of Glenelg Lodge No 1192. WM. Rlscnm,'Fin. See. Titles. MCFADDEN, Treas. JOSEPH BROWN, Rec. Sec. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. CON DOLENCE Wen Me. . Editor we notice that non of your scribes are prophesying about the kind of weather we are go- ing to have this spring. but as we are no: a prophea nor yet the son of a prophet 1 wi‘l not venture :2 make any prrdic'ions. Miss Bal' 3 Patterson has returned from Traverston her spending e week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hestie and Other relatives. ‘ Jim Banker is back again from Wilbertorca. Haliburton. We hen heintends going to Cobalt to seek his fortune. ' Mr, R. J. -MactheW8 has engaged Mr. George Schenk for the "autumn. Mr. and Mrs {nines M. Allan nnd Mrs. Hooper visited friends inNorth Egremont over Sunday. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. James Mack and also to Mrs. Satimel Lawrence of Springhenk in their time of son-ow. ‘ Miss Grece Reid visited her friend Miss Kate Allan, for a. few days last. week. Mr. W. F. Patterson who has been attending a. Toronto Business College is home hit his Easter holidays. ’Mr. W-m. Hunter disposed of his fat cattle to King Brown for 5c. a pohndr They certainly were dandies. 1 Mr. Wm. Hunter, while on his way to Durham met with what might have been a serious accident. As he was Opposite the farm of Mr. J. Len. nox he was met by Mr. Lennox’ team which was running away, His horse took fright and While trying to get oï¬ the road was struck broad side by i the wagon. Both shafts and a wheel were broken and Mr. Hunter was thrOWn out but luckily escaped an injured. Miss Ada Brown is home from To- ronto, Mr. Wm. Lawrence, Jr., had asuc- cessful wood bee and gave to the Youth and Beauty 3. dance at night. “Turkey in the Straw†wafced to us on the midnight air, by one of our promising young men who is going into the poultry business, a Green house being in consideration. As he was out to the Second Concession to exchange a turkey to get into larger fowl we would advise him to get some of Mr. Allan’s p ltry food and an incubator {ram the armers’ Sup ply Company. “ Mr. Tom Lawrence is home from Rocï¬ester to see hi< fa‘bnr Who has been very ill. We tn..;~.e to her of his speedy recovery . Mr. Max Allan of Varney Spent Sunday at. Mr. Wm. Brown’s. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white. creamy. healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test. and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by Mac- Farlane Co. Mr.George Smith sold a. ï¬ne team of horses recently to Messrs. Ryan and Heï¬ernan for the handsome ï¬g- ure of $415 00. The Sangeen River is very high at present nnd all the low lying land in the vicinity of its banks 18 under water. Once more we hear the whistle of the train which is again running to and from the Cement Lake, with the necessary material for repairs of ma- chinery there. The C. P. R. construction work be- gan operations Monday, April lst, in the Glen east of Bunessan. Mr. George Ryan, Jr.. has been preparing for future co1d weather. havinga stock of over 65 cords of wood piled up in his yard. Mr. M. J. Staples visited friends in Glenelg last Sunday. Lambton Street is in a bad state with mud and slush, but a .few days of the kind of weather we have will improve them wonderfully. Mr, John Staples invested recently in a new Peter Hamilton Seed Drill. John knowsa good thing when he sees it. THESIANDARD BANK Deposim may be made or withdnwn by either of the two members of 5 household. This form of account): Specially nimble for thoso living in the country, as ember member an ottend. .to the. ’ whenin town. Inase of death, the mooey may be withdrawn bythesnmmthhontdelayorcost. Wtiteormnforfnrtherpatï¬cnlars. ' DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly. Manager ~ BRANCHES mo AT WITCH m PRICWILLI bythesntvimwithontdelayomnst. Writeormuforfurtherpamcmm Interestaddedfow timasayear SavingsBmk WinConnecï¬on wilh all Brandis- Ploughing has commenced. Henry’s Corners. Darkies’ Corners. JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ISTABLISHED 1.73 5 Funny Grashv has been staying twith her aunt, Mrs. Vollett. during {.her sickness We mis~z Fanny’s Ismilinz face around Var-nay. John Morice spent. a week visiting his sister at Arthur and Cummook. We heat that. Billv McCalmon wu twenty davs getting to his destini- tion. A lone. tedious trip. We also heard 'hat Mrs McCalmon, who left two weeks later. got. then-e the same day. Tom and Max Allen bod a wood boa one day last. week sod cot [ï¬ne 10: out. They ulso gave the young peoole I party at night. Mrs. 3. Neal was visiting at. her sismr-in-ltw’a. Mrs. Aaron Vollett’a. a. few days last week. Stanley Telforid was around the vil¢ 19.29 for a few days: last week. He attended the partv at. Allen’s. Mabel and Gladys Dunn gave the voung people a party on Fridav night. Gladys left. the next morning for the Queen city where she intends to re- main for'some time. Billy Prew' is Mr. Clark’s right hand man around the mill these days. Florence Clark returned home on Monday after spending a. week visit- ing her brother, Arthur. in Hanover. Arthur and Miss Mamie Redford ac- companied her home, but returned the same day. We were sorry to hear of Art’s misfortune in getting two of his ringers out off while work- ing in the cement mill at Hanover. He will be laid off work for a good while. Mrs. Thomas Barclay, of town, was Visiting Mrs. “’31. Crawford last week. Ethel Pettigrew went to Mount. Forest on Tuesday morning- where she will remain for some time. A Mr. Cole is visiting at Mr. Wm. Bryan’s at present. District Master 1. WV. Blyth paid an oï¬icial visit. to L. O L. 1192 on Monday night: also to Allan {frk L_. O. L. 668 on Tuesday night. He had the pleasure of Wm. Ritchie’s com- pany. They had agood time at. both places. Mrs. kt. Pettigrew goes this Thurs- day with her little son Irvine to the hOSpital in Toronto for the purpose of getting splints applied to the little fellow's legs, which we hope will have the desired effect. We are pleased to report that Harry Grasby is about. all right again. You’ll Feel Worse Every Day Unless You Brace Up Quick. The Best Treatment is Ferrozone. No Appetite. “About three years ago†says Mr. Meehan, “I had the Grippe which left me in a very run-down condition that ï¬nally developed into Dyspepsia. Every day comes the good news of wonderful cures with Ferrozone. In Petorboro is worked marvels for Louis A’leehanâ€"eput h1m right. on his feesâ€"made him entirely well. I was unable to eat but a few things and had a craving for acid. I gave up treating with the doctors because they did not help me and on the ad- vice of a friend used Ferrozone. It not only cured me of Dyspepsia and Biliousness. but has built up my strength to what it was before I had the Grippe. I can recommend Ferro- zone as an ideal restorative.†Ferrozone gives you force, energy, vim. It strengthens the stomach cures indigestion prevents headachesâ€" guarantees good health. Thousands use Ferrozoneâ€"tbey all improveâ€"get better healthâ€"«look betterâ€"feel better; try it yourselfâ€": sold in 50c boxes by all druggists. I will not be res'ponsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Margory Caswell, or any of my family after this date. March 9th, 1907. . Your Food Disagrees. You’re Tiredâ€"Lifeless. Skin 15 Yellow. March 2l.â€"2pd. Toronto Varney. NOTICE. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE \ GEORGE CASWELL, Aberdeen . 31%: W A it»; PASTOR AND PEOPLE A Marvellous and Trhmphnnt Record of Victory Over Disease. No medicine has ever effected II large a number of wonderful and almost mar- vellous cure- as Psychine. It has had one continuous record of victories over diseas- es of the. throat, chest, lungs and stomach. Where doctors have pronounced cases ' curable from, consumption ,and other Wasting dJseases Psychme steps in and rescues number less people even from the very ve of the grave. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, ronchitis, Chills, Night Sweats, La Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, geld quickly to the cura- tiv_e_povg_ers o_f _ych1ne.- __ - Mrs. Camp bell, one of the may cured, makes the following statement: ‘I cannot refrain from tellin all who suï¬er of my. remarkable recovery th Psychine. .In April. 1902. I caught a heavy cold which settled on my lungs and zradually_led to consumption.- 1 con d not sleep, was subJect to night sweats. 'my lungs were so diseased, my doctor considered me incurable. Rev. Mr. Mahaffy Port Elgin Presbyterian Church, recommended Dr. Slocum’s Psychinetome, when I was living in Ontario. After using Psychine for a short time I ate and slept well, the night sweats and cough ceased. Months ago I stopped taking Psychine, as“ I was perfectly restored .to health and to-day I never elt better in my hie. Psychine has been a god- send to me. Mas. Axnnmv CAMPBELL. Cottonwood, N.W.T. OB. T. A. sLOOOM, Limited, 179 King St. W., TORONTO Dr. Root’s Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism Bright’s Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 25¢ per box, at all dealers. ’ Messrs. Thomas and J. W. Firth Spent Easter at. their home here. Miss Ellen Mann of Toronto has been Visiting her aunt Mrs. S. Edge [01' a couple of weeks. Several in this part are making maple molasses. The season has not been one of the best. Mr Edgar Ritchie has been oï¬ work for nearly three weeks nursing 9. foot which he cut with an axe. Mr. Archie Wilson and family who for the past ï¬ve years have lived on Wm. McCracken’s farm .moved to town last week. Mr. \Vils‘on and sons left for the West on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Howey who taught in our school last year. was visiting in the neighborhood thzs week. His siSter Miss Edna accompanied him. Mr Earl Ritchle is engaged with Mr. Dan Greenwood for the summer. Mr. C. H. Oym was in Guelph on Good Friday Quite a number in this part have been plowing and it will not be long until the full rush of Spring work is on. The sooner it- comes and stock can do for themselves the better. as scarcity of provender is a problem which confronts more than one in this part just now In debility and weakness medicine should be mild and far reaching. Many pills and purgatives are too harsh, are drastic instead of curative Excessive acticn is always followed bv depression and knowing this. Dr. Hamilton devised his pills of Man drake Butternut so as to mildly increase liver and kidney activity, flush out the elementary canal, tone and regulate the bowels. Thus do Dr. Hamilton’s Pills eliminate poisons from the body, restore clearness to the skin, bring strength and 'that sweet restorer of healthâ€"sleep. Best medicine on earth, 25c per box at all dealers. In debility and should be mild Many pills and harsh, are drastic At all dealers. 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. I! not write to A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding. Protruding Piles. Drug giats are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 500 PSYCHINE never disappoints. PSYCHINE has no substitute. There is no other medicine “Just as EW DWELLING HOUSE IN Durham. good lot. of land and stable thereon. modern conveniences. good well never failing. frame stable. Tltle perfect. possession at one month’s notice. FoLparticulars ap- ply to Spring Term Opens AMI 2nd Dated March 30th, 1909. Select Your Medicine with Care. M STRATFORD, ONT. Edge Hill. For Sale. J. P. TELFORD. Vendor’s Solicitor. April 1.â€"4 w. Implements During Harvester 0033 Farm Implements 8: Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY prnns 3n; arms MGWERS SEED DRILLS DISC HARBOWS WAGGWS GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A COMPLETE 8700! OF Democrats and Buggies ' (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. 0 Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Implement Agent and Auctioneer. 0. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, . Machinists, Iron a’ï¬d Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... DURHAM FOUNDRY Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs . promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. $§2SW¢S123§2§V4¢$WxVe§D$WW T 1118 Means YouE " ‘ 50 Come Along I: Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. C. SMITH SONS \ ,:2SW2$2SM2SMESMESMESflZSWkSMESï¬ES WE we trus nage. attracti lawn (3 self. V to sho: :M%S%SMMM§A E ARE NOW READY to do business with you, we trust to our mutual advan- tage. Our stock is new and attractive and our prices are low. Come and judge for your- self. We are always pleased to show goods, whether you buy or not. If you do non buy now you will again. Look out for our locals. Monuments and Tombstones OW EN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN 20.L._g1§ANT§§ viwwaswwwmwwwaï¬ G80. White Son Threshing chines. Toronto Windmills. Rudd’s Harness, Robes, Furs, I kets and Bells. White Sewing Machines. Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. IMPLEMENTS rgeswsxesxesxegms -3 %§¥eslb$!k§é;4 ' Binders, Mowers,, Rakes, Ploughs and Manure Spreaders. Sash 8’ Doors MANUFACTURERS OF Amman-m JOHN N. munnucx John Clark Frost 6’ Wood Al‘l Kinds of DURHAM. Middangh House Block. Berlin Pianos. 0N BRUCE ST., DURHAI. NEW brick house. mx32; 2} storeys high; (gentile cellar, cement floor in One half. furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station. Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to f!“ I 1‘" nunâ€"‘1. AAAâ€" quick purchaser. or JOHN LEGGETI‘E, Durham. Feb. 23, 1907.â€"tf. u Lot 14. Con. 4. N. D. R. Glenelg.‘ About 85 acres cleared. balance in good hardwood-bush. Well watered. well fenced, good frame house. bank barn an'l imple- ment house. Good bearing orchard. about {Monti-ï¬ve acres ploughed. four acres in tall w eat. Possession may be had after Mar, lst. For further partnculars apply to DONALD BEATON. Prop., House and Lot For Sale CONTAINING 100 ACRES. BEING __ Lot 14. 00:1. 4. N. D- R- Ghnnlo. Jan, 20th. 19(Bâ€"tt A good 7‘ stone dwelling. in upper town, known as the Parker roperty on Garafraxa street. Goo st able, hard and soft. water, and good bear- ing orchard. For further particulars apply to h i â€"- _ \V. J. FIRTH, Feb. 11â€"11:). V about six miles from Durham. Good tltle. Possessxon at area. Gnod laud. Must be sold. For particuhrs appiy to J. P. TELFORD. Durham Feb 22nd 1905) â€"tf. l of Saddler street in the Town ofDur- ham, in the county uf Grey, containingé acres more or less. Fur terms and particu- lars applv to ARK LOT NU V BER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- A good solid brlvk two storey dwelling. alongside Presbyterian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham. Corner of Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floored cellar. etc. Good airy location in good locality. Good frame stable. hard and soft water. one acre 01 land. Snan for quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. MCKECHNIE. Owner, Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. Rockv Saugeen P. O. J. P. TELFORD. Dec. 2.â€"tf. Vendnr's Solicitor. Durham :IJ cession Wegt of the Garafraxa Road, 11) the Townshnp of Normanby. in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD, A number of improved valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on applicaiion to J. P. TELFORD, 7-18 06. Solicitor for Vendor. THE 2nd and 3rd Division of Lot- No. 1. E. G R,. in the Township of Glenelg 100 acres known as the "McKinnon Farm†at. the Rocky Saugeen. Immediate possession given. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD. throu h part of‘ it. V Convenient as Churc and School. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to -AA Feb’y 19, -6m. pd. I N G LOT No. 2". CON. 2. AND B Lot/23.001]. 3, S. D. R., (ilenelg. Containing 100 acres, 50 acres in each lot. 85 acres cleared and ï¬t for harvest- ing machinery, a quantity of good bush on each lot. \Vell watered, by never failing well at house with wind- mill pumping arrangement and sprin at rear of lot 27. On lot 27 are a goog brick veneered house, a good bank barn 45x60 feet, stone stables under- neath, also fair driving shed. “'ood- shed 18x24 feet and other buildings. There are no buildings on lot 23. Good bearing orchard on both places. Lightning conductors on house and barn. A snap for early urchaser as owner has.dec1ded to go est in the Spring. "- A Feb. 10 ACRES, lot 24. Con. 21. Egre- mont. nearly all cleared and in ood state of cultivation. Good frame ouse, comfortable barn and stables. well watered. spring creek running Dated March 11th, A. D. 1907. One of the best farms in the Town- ship of Bentinck. 208 acres. new brick house. two large bank hams, laml ï¬rst class, all cleared except :3!) acres. Snap t6 quick purchaser. $154)!) down. balance at; 45- per cent. Applv to MACKAY DUNN, Vendor’s Solicitors. Feb. 6th, 1907â€"tf. N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" OT ‘21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- Good Farm for Sale. , Aprilé. 1907 . 3. 1906.â€"tf Nmmanby Farm for Sam Farm for Sale or Rent Park Lot F-‘or Sale. For Sale or to Rent. For Sale or Rent Farm for Sale. House for Sale. Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. WM. COURDT, Durham RIO. J. G. ORCHARD. 45 York St... Lond< Barrister. Durham. Pouozu 1’. 0.