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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Apr 1907, p. 3

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I V Has a mu line of Cumin Poles. Win- dow Shades, Picture to order of all kind. ‘ Frames, Frames (he door south‘Poot Ofloe. Upholstering To change his advertisements but now 060:: some NEW BARGAINS : l0) ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford. brick z'eneered dwelling. . very large born. rune stnblee end pxg stables. good soil oodorchnrd“ ood bush. Price should e «mo but w: sell tor less then sanm it sold st once. 50 ACRES peer Durham 3 good form, splendidly improved. was sskxng 37.500, will now tnke grout denl less. [0) ACRES in Gleuelg. nest Burma, 3 fine well in roved farm, will sell very cheep or e. t ACRE LOT near Durban Furniture '- Fsctory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. "’ “a uni; esum of money to lend at lowest EBI‘S COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Dificulties arrsng ed. 0 P. R. and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Preoptâ€"Nevcr Negligent. #1 Paint Season “’11!." Soon Be Here Ramsay When we'talk Paint to a cus- tomer We claim that we have a stock that stands for quality and satisfaction. A Paint m_u_st BXmQaé fightâ€"made to with- stand the storms of min and With Ramsay Paints goes a guarantee of satisfaction. The Ramsay Paints have been made in Canada since 1812â€"made for Canadian weatherâ€"made rop- erly. The quality of the am- say Paints remain long after the price is forgotten. F. E. SIEGNER Hardware and Tinware DURHAM. Let us tell you all about it. HANOVER CONVEYANCER ° : HAS BEEN : : H. H. Miller WE HAVE THE The Undertaker 2 BUSY Messrs. Barclay Bell have sold the Undertaking Department diatheir business to Mr. Alex. Bell Of this town, The undertaking will be conanctedhy Mr. Allan Bell, of the firm of Barclay Bell. - Day. and" nightf'c‘allls attended to. ' ‘ H. H. MILLER Paints A unit for breach of promise of marriage is, likely to be the outcome of a love afiair of a middle aged lady, of this city. and a Palmerston man. It was rather a case of love at first sight, and the parties were engaged after a short acquaintance, which etarted while he was visiting in the city some weeks age. . The wedding 'O'J 'vâ€" wee errenged to teke pleoe e few deye ego. end the hrideâ€"to-be mede the journey to Pelmereton, where the nuptiel knot wee to heve been tied. But there in meny e elip twixt the cup end the lip. end when the ledy em rived et her deetinetioe‘, her feelince my be better imegiued then deeorih- ed, when ehe found thet her huehemli to he hed elreedy tekee unto himeelfi e wife. heving wedded hie houee- keeper only e couple of deye previoue. There wee I. eoweitln’ et the Church, Weitin' et the Church, Weitin’ et the Church, e When I’d found he'd left me in the lurch, It reelly dld upeet me. Then eround he eent 1:. little note, Jnet e little note. This is whet he wrote : I oen’t get ewey to merry you to-dey My wife won’t let me. RHEUMATISH ALMOST KILLED For years Mrs. S. Stahlschmidt of Humberstone. Ont.. was a martyr to rheumatism. "I was so stifi and lame I could scarcely walk” she writes. “An attack striking my limbs made walktng impossible. Friends and doctors gave prescrip- tions but I only got relief from Fer- rozone. I took twelve boxes and gain- ed from the first To-day I am well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and look the pieture of health.” Whether mugcular or inflammatory, chronic or otherwise. Ferrozone does cure rheu- matism and sciatica, 50c per box at lall dealers. Montreal, March 29.â€"â€"Somewhat oil a sensation has been caused by a statement made by the Rev. John! MacKay, of the Crescent Street' Presbyterian Church, in an address‘ at the induction of the Rev. W. J. Clark to the pastorate of. St An- drew’s Presbyterian Church. West~ mount. last night. Mr. MacKay, after remarking that the congrega- tion must trust its pastor to the full- est depth, if there Was to be a proper understanding between the pastor and members said: “I am rather eur- prised that an institution which ex- ists at present in the Roman Catholic Church has never been introduced into the principles of our Church. It is the only true medium by which I. ‘pastor can be to his congregation what he ought to be. I refer to the confessional.” DIET NOT THE WHOLE THING. Your tehle is loaded with food-â€" digestsble and wholesome, yet you never gain strength. What’s the trouble? Look within and what do you find? A lazy liver. stomach overloaded with workâ€"useless work because the bowels and liver are not suficiently active. Relief is quickly supplied by Dr Hamilton’s Pills. They make weak folks Strong by re moving the cause of the weakness. Digestion improves. cousdpation leaves, liver lake-s new life, kidneys wake 110,â€"er whole system is en- livened bv Dr Hamilton’s Pills. No better medicine for the sick or well.‘ 256 a. box at all dealers. FAVORS THE CON FESSIONAL. (Guelph Mercury.) CHANGED HANDS 033 01‘ m BADDEST 81303138- First it was 3 cold. neglected of course and cant-r1} dc “10904.. He‘d}. m." -â€"â€" v..-.__ _ in; use done and consumption fol. lowed. Wetob the little cold, keep it from growing by using "Cetnrrh- ozone." N othing oirnpler then in- haling the germ-killing vepor of this trend remedy.. Colds end cotnrrh flee as before fire. Every trooe of three: trouble yields immedintely. Cotorrbozone in scientific end obso- lntely gnnrnnceed for preventing end curing oetorrh and kindred ille. Two nine, 25c and 81.00, n :11 denlere. Wedneedey morning et 10 o'clock the wedding oi Mien Eugenie Moe Hnnheretone. second denghter of Mr. end Mn. Wm. Bumbaetonwof Euphreein, to Ir. 8. G. Crone. eon of Mr. Green, merchant and nnderteker, Winrton. took piece very quietly nt the Pro-bytery. fierkdele. Rev. A. C. Weltere, D. D. oflicieted. The bride end groom were onnttended The bride wore n 13retty trevellingi dreee e! oheetnnt cloth, the ahortl ,ooet opening over a. blouse of eilk rend lace; hot to oorreepond. Mr end l Mrs. Croce Spent a. few hours in town Wedmeedey on route to their home in Wiurton. The bride wee n vnlned member of the Sun etefi nbont two years ago, and has many friends here who join us and Winrton irinde in wishing hit. nnd Mre. Cross 3 long' nnd happy wedded life.â€"O. S. San. GOOD REASONS FOR ITS SUCCESS. The majority of catarrh remedies are useless. But one that does cure is "Catarrhozone." It clears} the head of all mucous discharge. Put- rid matter in the nOStrils, phlegm in the throat and disease germs are completely swept away. The cause of the disease is destroyed. it’s re- sults are destroyed, and the system so thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is permanent. All types of catarrh. throat and bron- chial trouble, colds and coughs are more certainly cured by Catarrh- ozone than anything else. Two sizes, 250 and $1 00 at all dealers. (Toronto News.) It is reported that there is a move! ment to increase the seesional indem; nity of members of the Legislature. If so it should not be permitted to make serious headway. The indem nity now is $1000. and the amount is: adequate. If we consider the length‘ of the session and the fact that many members are able to return home each week and so to give some atten- tion to their private business. an in demnity of $1000 at Toronto is equal to an indemnity of 82500 at Ottawa. “It was right and necessary that the 'salaries of Ministers should be in- creased. There is no valid reason for increasing the sessional indem- nity. It is said that Mr. Whitney discourages the movement and we cannot think it will succeed. THE PROVINCIAL INDEMNITY. Have you near at hand a remedy that will alleviate pain and help till the doctor comes? A wise thing is to have right in your home a bottle of “Net-viline” which gives instant relief. and prevents disease from spreading. Nothing known for the Stomach and bowels that competes wnh Nerviline. For cramps, indi- gestion heartbfirn and headache, it’s ind13pensable. For fifty years Pol- sou’s Nerviline in 256 bottles has been a family Stand-by. Get it to- duy. ’ CROSSâ€"RUIBBBBTOIE WHEN ILLNESS COMES. THE DURHAM .‘ CHRONICLE: A Teschers’ Union has been estab- lished with the encouragement of the Outurio Educationsl Association; This prohsbly means thnt the new movement will be successful for the Associstion has infl some and stand ing. not only with the community. and bith the Government, but with the profession itself. The situntiou throughout the Province not bound to resultin some such revolutionsry notion. Dr. Embres, at the orgsnix~ tien meeting. showed thnt the settled hostility of trustees to the minimum celery sinuses of the School _Act en- vâ€"vâ€"â€"â€" ' ooted o your ego proved that the teocbere but nothing to upeot by relyiu; on the generoelty of their employers. It wee time, he acid, some eotiou wee token whereby the teachers would be able to protect themselves. Trustee: were numer- ooe and influentiel, and by united nation could compel the Government to bend o lleceniu: our. It does seem unfortunete that the breech betWeen trustees and teachers could not have been heeled without e resort to the weapons of industrial warfare. Surely it is time for pee-i pie to realize that it is the height of ‘ injustice end cruelty to- starve the' men or women who is imparting. knowledge to their children. Yet in spite of the minimum salary clauses. in spite of protests by educationiats end public men, in spite of the urg- ings of inspectors and in spite of the pleas of the teachers themselves. trustees have shown little inclina- tion to realize the needs of the pres- ent. Indeed they have shut their eyes ’ to the truth and have displayed a blind conservatism unworthy of them selves, and of the Province in which they live. The situation is intoler- I able tor every self respecting teacher. No wonder the ranks of the profes- sion are decimated and no wonder that the country is facing a teacher» famine of no inconsiderable pro- portions. The more belligerent methods of trade unionism should have no place in the opvration of this new organi- zation. We cannot afiord in this Province to have boycotts or strikes organized or countenanced by the teachers. Their warfare must be of another kind it it is to gain public sympathy. and it must be remember- ed that public sympathy is the found- ation stone of a successful union. 1t behooves trustees in all parts of the Province to mend their ways or they may find themselves under popular condemnation. The Newsâ€"No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure isâ€"and has been for 20 years. The National Law now re quires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture. it must be printed On the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others. should insist on having Dr. Sheep’s Cough Cure. No poison-marks on Dr. gShoop’s labelsâ€"and none in the med- icine else it musr by law be on the label. And it’s not only safe. but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough- remedy. Take no chances, particu- larly with your children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Sh00p package with Others and see. No poison marks there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop’e Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by Mac- Farlane Co. The roof of the Paisley Street Methodist church. Guelph caught; fire yesterdav afternoon and the building is a total 1095. It. Was valu. ed at, between 34.000 and $5 000 and carried $1,200 .lnsuuuce. This is the fourth fire in a week as Guelph. TEE TEACHER? UNION. (Toronto News.) Universally Acknowledged GREEN TEA Get a Trial Package To-day LMPukotIOIIly. 260.306. 406. SdeBOopor 1h. “31161-00011. Ready for Spring Suitable for all classes. We invite you to call and inepect our goods as we feel sure we can interesn you either in quantity. quality or price. Call and see the goods whether you purchase or‘not. in stock at moderate prices. CUSTOM work and REPAIRING as usual at TOWN-DOWN Shoe Store Terms. Cash. Eggs same as 01811. When Going Up Streetâ€"fl ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, Trunks, Valises, Club Bags and Telescopes To Be Superior to the Finest Japan Growth . S. McILRAITH Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY With a large stock of WE ARE NOW 1907 (None genuine without this name). Th!- is our special ty. W e've been at it my years and going to keep on longer. For nalit of work and amount. of wax-haul gfisk s {gmous throughout 8.11 01mm Constructxon is simple, comm am with immense cgpaqlty. Pulverlm an -- n- ,‘â€".._.__-_A with immense ca aclty. ruvenm gnu makes a fine seed god. ”(In of Draught. No Neck Weight. Sold. b our Agent; Manuuctured by y 'r. E. BISSELL, 21.095081. Write tor Booklet “ E.” G. Lawrence's Old Stand. -. 85 SUPPLY CO; ,I:

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