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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Apr 1907, p. 7

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In Win mum .ll! nounnv m I.” m lulu. w my rfiwmaaawma gsg'm ‘ “-"'.:i mm ’ormnsaent admiwau 8 Cenn ems Km for the fits: mxcmoa; 3 LCA n ;..- . . . hue Ouch sabbath“): urnuziun- tum. Wands. not uoecdu-g c...c Em; .\ ”3 Lawn Advcni mu. h. unmo'lt 5"“: .x! in be published c t forbid and char: «1 a; '- .16” Tandem noticesâ€"“ 1.0m,” " F‘oux... “Fa _ etcâ€"59 cams fur first nannies, 25 Cud- mBJOB:: FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s 30:61. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Dun-bun Ofieo hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Ganfran and George Streetsâ€"at foot of_hin. Ofigqhoprsâ€"gll‘gmn 2-4 5.111.. 7-9 rim; Telephone No. 10. I fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4p. m. uni 7 £09 p. In. Special attention given to diseases of yomen and qhildren. Residence op- posite Preebvtemn Church. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fico in the New Hunter Block. _ Qficg Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose Into Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoe. ms. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hos. “CLUSMLY Will be u the mdhugh House lat Wednesday ofeachnonth.from12to4p. m. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, Now York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hours-14 p.111. HONOR GRADUATE, UN IVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Dr. VLC. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: 'Over J. J . Hunter’s. Ufice ever 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Wear-Calder Block, over Post ABRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Oficesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Stamina! Bank. A. G. MACKAYs K. C' OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, Conveyancer. c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financxal busi- ness transacted. Drs. lamieson laclaurin. V““ vâ€"â€"â€"â€"_. _ tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Orders may he left at hrs Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Office. l. 6. Hutton, M. 0., 0. fl. V V Voice culture and singmz, S at Mr. Latimor’s Uppettown. Feb tf. ART of lot 27, Garafraxa. street, West, containing $ feet frontage by 78 feet in depth, next to Gordon’s yesjdenee _up-town. An _ excellent 5.51 OI 106 m, uaran'axa some», West, containing :fi feet frontage by 78 feet m depth, next to Gordon’ 8 residence tip-town. An excellent _ To curé a 001d. m one Daym hm ' 'I 5. THE POPIMR 6‘3" SHIRE mew”. “313%” ‘° ‘ *1QLantiYQ Bremeguinine 1% (g g‘é_ egg - â€" OB Feb’y 19/07 t1. C“ vvu . ° 1: completely stashed with iPARTflENT 85 Na“? TYPE, thus .11- m facilities (or turning out First-can Nov. 9, ’03. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S..L.D. .ARRISTERtSQLI-CITOR', 3:130. April 11, 1907 DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) "mailman vm 50 In: tony dds-.fmofmfa3lwopc "I my ”F150 ’pbhfimhnml‘m? E0‘ 2: dangled :yth. nub-n or. to. upper 65% mimic-3 In!!! a}? "mu EDITOR um Pnorm'ron. Medical Directorv. Town. Lot for Sale. Arthur Gun, II. D. BB- GEO. S. BURT. Dental Directorv. MacKay 8:. Dunn. DR. BROWN Ben. H. K. Midfdrd §A. H. Jackson. Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. l. P. Telford. 'Ml Baum Sm PUPILS - IN HOW T0 1%? 2 YOUR KIDNEYS. If on: of your funny hove been :rouhled with kidney diocese make u to» of the unne end anti-f3 your-elf whether you need 3 good remedy be fore the dieeeoe hue oouood oerioue oompliootim. Tomorrow boning put lone urine in n glu- or hotrle end let- it stud for twenty-four hours. If it thorn particles or germ flout- ing shout, io milky or cloudy. or con- teine n reddish sediment, then your kidneyo ore dioeeood. Commence nt once to uh Ferro- lono to nrrost these nnnntnrnl con- ditiona. Refuse point blank to accept a. sub- atimte. and insist. on your druggist supplying “Fen-rezone”; price 500 per box at all dealers. Ferrozone ie eepeoielly intended for the immedinte relief end core of kidney and blndder troubles end its heelth giving properties will he felt at once in new blood healthy circula- tion, generel . strengthening of the system. J. Irtine Walker, an old Toronto boy is a graduate in theOIOgy from the Manitoba College this year. He won the Robert Carswell scholarship of 870 for proficiency in Old Tests ament literature. Mr. Walker 'will shortly assume the pastonte of the Riverview Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg. Ferrozone quickly’ corrects urinal disorders. headache, end pain in the back. It improves the appetite di- gests the food. makes it nourish the nerves, makes them strong and en- during and fits one for lots of hard work. Don’t be misled by cheap, so colled kidney cores ofiered by dealers for the sake of extrn profits. There is only one sole and reliable spe ~ifio for Kidney. Bladder Liver and urinal troubles. and its name is Ferrozone.‘ Spring . . Millinery Mourning Hats Durham It is quite true PERROL is an emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and a particularly good one at that. But it combines Iron and Phosphorus with the Oil, and these are just what are needed to make the emulsion perfect and they are just what all other emulsions lack. ' is unique because .- It combines Iron and Phosphorus With Cod Liver Oil. - , It is pleasant to take and easy to digest. It holds the record for increasmg the weight (951} lbs from the use of 25 bottles). ' The formula is freely exposed and its bonaofides are vouched for by emi- nent analysts in Canada, the United States and Great Britain. . It is endorsed by prominent physx- cians of all schools. . It is used in all the leading HOSpltals, Sanitarium and other Public lnstl- tutions. The London (Eng) Lancet, after care- ful analysis in its own laboratory, fully endorses it. . We are prepared to - substantiate all the above statements. FERROL is the embodiment of health. strmgth and vitality. and _“ You know What you take ” MCFAARLANE a: 'co.--: We invite your attention to the fact um we make a Spec- ialty of trimmed hats from two to five dollars during all the season. Every Monday we devote special attention to that class and price of bat. We also have asplendid choice of Mourning Hate in ,black chip. tulle, mohair and chiflon We have never before carried such a large stock. We deem it a pleasure to show you our grand assortment whether an intending purchaser or not. For Sale in Durham by MISS DICK Ontario arm In TREES- ‘ It will pay every farmer to use hia'influ‘p‘nce in the direction of spar ingthe'trees growing on or beside the public highways. particularly true on roads running through our more thickly settled rural districts. In Ontario we are accustomed to read about hliztards'. but as a role. we are not fainili‘a'r with them through entering from‘ or witnessing their “rattan However, as the few re- maining tree‘s" '6! 'our' small forests are falling. the custom is growing of the telling of the few trees found growing along our highways and in our more inaccessible ravines. The result will be that our farms will he- come more and more exposed to the ravages of the deadly cyclone. Some farmers urge that the trees shelter the portion of the field lying along [the roadside._ to the loss of their crops. No doubt this is the case in many instances. At the same time ‘the trees repay for the loss in crops. .by providing homes for useful birds1 and by giving shelter to cattle, toi say nothing of the good they do by [relieving the countryside of mono- ’t‘ony and giving the landscape a beauty and an interest to be had. from no ether source. Besides there are large sections of our country, ‘ such as many of our hillsides and ra- vines, that will not be available for for agricultural purposes for many a day. but which might well be devot- ed to forest purposes. The man who 'guards his young trees will he bless- ed by his children and his grand- children,:and Will be doing not a 'little to save his native land from > the ravages of the tempest. SchooL children should be reminded of the ‘value of trees, and educated to ap [preciate their beauty. Our native sugar maple served our fathers in many an hour of need. both on the fire-place and on the table, and it may he that its spreading branches and sturdy trunk may yet be our bulo wark against those dreadful hurri- gcanes that sweep away in a moment Ithe careful hu-bandry of years. Let township councils and all public leaders appeal to the intelligence of all with whom they come in contact, in order that our beautiful trees may be spared. charged with amost serious crime. The evidence implicates two profes- sional men in a questionable transac- tion which they will be exceedingly fortunate if they can disprove. Last summer, Dr. Park, of Fevershsm. Osprey township. while attending the family of W. Patterson, who reside in the adjoining township of Col- lingwood. had his suspicions direct- ed to the condition of the thirteen- year old daughter of the house. whose mind is somewhat unbalanced. Direct questioning elicited a con- fession that for two years the girl had maintained illicit relations with Hugh Thompson, a farmer whose farm adjoins that of the Patterson’s home. Shortly after the girl’s par- ents and other members of the fami- ly were taken by Dr. Park to the!‘ oflice of John Bernie, K 0., towu‘ l l l AAâ€"HHAAuu-AA-o-nsmh‘ Tuesday night’s C. P. R train brought from Flesherton a prisoner l solicitor of the town of Coiling .WOcd, and depositions were made. The latter wroxe to Thompson who appeared next morning early at Mr. Bernie's oflice, where it is alleged in' evidence at the preliminary trial that he made a settlement for $800, paying $600 in cash and giving a mortgage on his farm for the bal ance. It is here that the matter reached the attention of the authori- ties. Dr. Park. hearing that the Patterson’s had received nothing of the amount interrieWed A. S Van- Dusen. J. P., at Fiesherton, who in turn referred the matter to County ,Crown Attorney Armstrong. ’l‘helat- iter instructed Mr. M. K Richardson. iEx-M. P.. the Special agent of the gUliildren’ Aid Society to look int. lthe matter and as aresult of the finformation the Attorney General’s Edepartment was communicated with Eand Provincial Detective Greer was ‘sent tip to make a thorough invesri f cation. On Saturday last he was in Owen Sound and consulted Mr Arm- strong, and warrants were issued {or Thompson’s arrest. Monday he serv. ed Mr. Birnie and Dr. Park with subpoenas as witnesses and on Tues- day the prlimiaary hearing took’ place before Magistrate VanDusen. The egidence was of such a conclu- sive nature that there was no hesi l taucy in a commitment for trial. It; is alleged that $200 of the amount‘ paid by Thompson was handed over to Dr. Park, which together with ' $160 already paid was for profes- "_ sional services. The balance it is claimed Mr. Birniejretained. Mr- Birnie’s explanation is that he heard that the crown were about to take the matter up and he thought it ‘Tbompson denies having paid the money. The Pattersons are a most illiterate class and live an squalor and dirt. Only the father is able to read, the depositions being signed by marks of the others. Thompson gave his age as fifty-nine when registered at the Gaol and is married. Mr. W. L. E. Wright appeared for Thompson - at the preliminary hearing. . “a". (Farmer’s Advocate ) (Owen Sound Times.) A Serious Charge THE DURHAM DHRUN [OLE (By a Banker.) Amongot tho moot owe inspiring opootoolee ever witnoooed ’upon- this earth a greet. norm or heath fire takes a foremost plane. Originating perhaps from o ooreloooly thrown lighted match. a otrong wind loan the flame, and in an incredibly short opooo of time a broad otretoh oi heath ie blazing furiously. Ever’ broadening out. the. oonflogrotioe io: a very deluge of fire, curling billowe; of wild firo oarogely leaping and bounding onwards; now no o' wioe= breadth of gorse is reached, with e do no roar ond livid flameo meaning high in air. forked. blood red tongues of palpitating fire quivering and vi ' broting half concealed midst the roll- ing gyrating wreaths of blinding smoko; now as a clump of tall fire is gripped by the devouring torrent. a very inferno, a whirlwind of eddying flames, surging madly in a frenzied spas‘m of lurid rage with n hoarse stridor as though it were the blast of a wild. infuriate hurricane; and now. the gale moderating. stealing along with diminished fury, though still a hissing sea of tossing fiery rollers; until at length the destroying blast subsides, the convulsive roar is still- ed. and the wild raging orgasm is quelled. Where once the lark carolled forth his love-song on high, or the yellow- hammer warbled its harmonious chaunt, or the blackcap trilled out its melodious strophes, all is now si- lent as the grave; not a songster of the wood ventures near that charred and gruesome desolation, nor enliv- ens its dismal melancholy with its tuneful harmony; not a squirrel will caper on those lifeless. blackened trees; not an animal will gambol on that stricken waste. For now the the blithesome scene is but a dreary lugubrioue wreck, the gay, flowery QrOSpect a lifeless, withered ruin. But what a terrible metamorpho- sis! Where once was a smiling landscape is now but a black ruin, a ravaged devastated wilderness. Where once all was gay in floral beauty. tufts of bell-heather all’ aglow in a brilliant pink, tassels and gar- lands of traveller’s joy hanging in luxuriant profusion from the boughs of a tall thorn or hazel, erect Spikes of purple IOXglove or pendant drapes of the graceful bittersweet, all now are swept away or reduced to ashes, and in their place is but a desolate waste. And we too, if the taint of sin, in- herited or committed, is washed away and blotted out from the record through faith in the atonement made for us by the Saviour of the world, then is our lot in this life an exist- ence enlivened with buoyant. exalt- ant joys ; and in the life to come. an inheritance of ecstatic gladness and of ravishing enchantments. But if we forget our Creator and reject His plan of salvation, then the fires of retribution pass over us; our heart becomes but a seared and aching void. and the world to come but a dread vision of blackness and ruin. CAUGHT COLD WHILE HUNTING A' BURGLAB. Mr. Wm. Thos Lenorgan, provin- cial Cons'able at Chapleau. Ontario. says: ‘° I caught a. severe cold vi'vhile hunting a burglar in the fares: swamp last. [all Hearing of Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy, I tried it, and after using two small bottles. I was completely cured ” This remedy is intended eSpeciélly for coaghs and colds. It. will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by Parker’s Drug Store The Big 4 2 Yards long, 26 inches Wide, 25c. pair 2% so u 30 u ‘6 50C. 65 3% u u 30 u u 700. 66 315 $6 56 36 u u 900. u He Sells Cheap 3; u ‘. 50 .. M $1.00 u 3% u u 54 u u $1. 40 u Tazble Linen 54 inches Wide, 25¢ a yard 68 “ 500 Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 350. a. yard. Ladies’ black sateen under-skirts at; $1.00 each. Ladies’ White lawn under-skirts at 75¢. each See our ladies’ fancy collars at 250. each. â€"Ba.rga.ins. See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams. " FLANNELE 131 E BLANKETSâ€"Large 1114 size in White and gray, $1.20 pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd., 1:} yds. 2 yds. wide, 25c. a‘square yard. SMYRNA BUGSâ€"30x60 inches $3.00 each. TEAâ€"Salada. Ceylon Tea, black and mixed at 25c., 30c., and 400. 3. 1b. Pure Canadian Honey in 250. Jars. W. H.‘ BEAN AI AVALAICHB OF nu CALDER BLOCK C. P. Kinnee Theundmignedhegswintimnfieto Mariel-dd!” .ofEaa-ness that he is Openingouthsineaa for himsefi’n Clark’s old stand. New work ad an kinds of Barnes repairing attended to with pgomptnesg neatness and ”unaware: 0! Fur Mits' Repairer Bindgr Canvas, Buggy Cushions and Taps A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED FLOWS AND HA RROWS Farm . . . Machinery FARMERS ! Barclay Bell 1‘ ‘IVUM. Groceries MATTHEWS e LATIMER 1.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"-Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"-â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. MATTHEWS . LATIMER |' Opp. Middaugh House Stables. GIVE US A CALL N" 6. J. McKechnie Spring will soon be here, and you will be thinking of tickling the earth with a plow. We carry the best in And every other kind of machinery that: is wanted on the farm. New Harness Oglivie’s Flour'Always in Stock All New Goods and very Popular CALL IN AND GET PRICES FOUR REASONS mee .. - Proprietor BETTER KNOWN AS JACK why you should buy your rvvv To cash in advance subscribers we give the Chronicle and Toronto Daily _M_o_il (or ....... $4.?) .. .. ‘ Globe. ...... 1. 76 Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Montreal Witness ............ 1. 65 Farmers Advocate ............ 2.30 Weekly Sun .................. 1.75 and other papers at equally low rates. All persons are warned not to trespass on the following lots with dogs. guns or other- wise. for the purpose of hunting or prosec- utions will follow :â€" John Bell. No.67 3rd Con EG R: No 3 and4. lst Con N D R Chris Firth No 5 lst Con N D R WmYoung NoSConl. SDR; N06 00:: LNDR Abraham Crutchley, No.62, 3rd Con. E. G. R.; No. 3, 4th Con. S D R. Wm. Wall, No. 3, 4th Con. S D R. 4.â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight; and entire satisfaction. TRY US. Enos. McGirr. No. 61 and 62. 2nd Con. E Ct H NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. CLUBBIN G RATES. “ - Globe for, . “ World for. “ News for. . “ Star for . . . Weekly Mail. . . . Lfiflifim m:

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