West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Apr 1907, p. 3

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THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER To change his advertisements but now ofl‘ers some NEW BARGAINS ; 100 ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick veneered dwelling. . very large barn. frame stables and pig stables. good soil. good orchard. good bush. Price should he 34% but will sell tor less than 33% it sold at once 250 ACRES near Durham. 2. good farm, splendidly improved. was asking $7.500, will now take great deal less. 100 ACRE»: in Glenelg. near Durham, a tine well improved farm, will sell very cheap or trade. i ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Difiiculties arranged. C P. R. and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. H. H. MILLER Ramsay W'hen we talk Paint to a cus- tomer We claim that we have a stock that stands for quality and satisfaction. A Paint must be made rightâ€"made to with- stand the storms of rain and snow, as well as burning sun. \Vith Ramsay Paints goes a guarantee of satisfaction. The Ramsay Paints have been made in Canada since 1842â€"mad'e for Canadian weatherâ€"made prop- erly. The quality of the Ram- sa y Paints remain long after the price is forgotten. Auction Sale F. E. SIEGNER The undersigned Auctioneer been instructed to sell by public tion at. the Varney Hotel on 0F flousehold Furniture Friday; April 26th, 1907 The following Goods and Chattels, belng the prepercy of the iate Wil- iiam Crawford: 1 buggy. 1 cutter. 1 wheelbarrow, lbufialo robe, 1 rubber spread, 1 horse blanket. a quantity of lumber, ‘ i l 4 forks. 1 shovel. 1 snow shovel, 1 hand rake, 1 garden rake, 1 potato fork, 1 hoe, 1 wagon jack. 2 chop-| ping axes. lscythe, 3 hand saws, 1 oucksaw, 1 square. 1 cross cut saw, 1 jack plane 3 hammers, one auger. 11 inch, 1 brace and hit. one riveting hammer. 1 sledge hammer, 2 cold chisels. 1 trowel, 1 monkey wrench. 1 wagon wrench. ‘2 pair of pincers. 2 pr. ice tongs. 1 set eteeL yards. 1 step ladder, 1 small ladder. 3 barrels. 1 dog house. 3 bee-hives. a numbelof bee boxes. 1 bee smoker. 1 honey extracter. 1 large woodl cook stove. with tank. 1 wood heat i er. 1 large coal heater. 1 ~ugar ket-| tle. 4 b-d sreads. l bed-room suite. ‘2 cupboards, 3 tables. 2 rloz. chairs. 1 1 easy chair, 1 lounge 1 case etufiedl birds. 1 bird cage, 3 lamps, 1 cage for: gold-fish. ‘2 clocks. 1 601:. bags. glass-‘1 ware. tinware, cooking utensils.i l .- crooks. dishes, fly net for horses, set light harness. names and should- er tugs. shell loading tools. a quarr-i tity of car pet. There will be offered for sale at the same time and place €136 following: Rea! Eztatezâ€"Hotei and Lot. A parcel of land containing five and} one-half acres. Stable and Lot"! Ono acre Lot near Post Ofice. 5 Sale at one o’ciock sharp. TERMS:â€"Cash on all except real estate which will be made known at time of sale. Real estate subject to a. reserve bid._ Satisfactory title.~ Hardware and Tinware Let us tell you all about it. _ Mas. Wu. CiZwronn, Administratrix JOHN CLARK, Auctioneer. WE HAVE THE : HAS BEEN : : DURHAM . 2 BUSY . Miller Paints ‘ Mr. Tom Gray has his poultry ghouse nearly completed and is at spreseut slacking it He has bought some fancy birds from noted bird fauciers down the country, to help ghim take his share of fires prizes at ithe fall fairs. He has also bought upwards of a hundred common labourers to supply the egg murket during the spring mouths. The S. S. workers are getting things in shape to reapen at the first of May as usual. Miss Esther Bridges, who has help- ed to enliven things in this part for the past month. had hemisit sudden- Very little spring work has been done so far this Spring, but a rush will be made this week and kept up till seeding is done. Holstein is talking of a big demon- stration on the 24th of May. It. will be well for Durham and other towns contemplating a celebration to take notice. intimated last week. was a very suc- cessful one despite the nasty stormy day which kept many good animals away. some very close to the village too, which reminds us of the old say- ing: the nearer church the farther from grace. The five fine Clydes-I dales in the imported class would be hard to beat, and Gov’t J udge Reid said they far beat anything: South ‘Grey had ever showed, and would ;surprise the best horse breeding counties in the Province. They are! all owned in Egremont except Steve1 ‘ Moore’s and he lives on the townline.‘ F. Rnsnell’s fine fouryear-old carried off first prize and the diploma over all classes of the heavv breed. Steve Moore’s three-year-old colt took sec- ond, and his old horse that seemed to attract much attention on account of the honors he took last year was awarded third. There was only one entry in the Shire class. J , Belton’s __ c - 1 O- O_ __:J L‘A‘. UIIUIJ .u DUI-I vw-â€"v three yenr-old, which, it is said, took 1 first and sweepstakes in Toronto last fall, and J. Isles’ Percheron was the only one in this class. It is a fine Specimen, weighing over nineteen hundred lbs and as neat and active as a carriage horse. There were two Canadian bred heavy horses, the first prize going to Arthur’s and second to Calder’s. Jack Roberts’ Hackney was alone in his class and came in for llots of praise from the Judge. Chamberlatin’e Salve is good for any disease of «the skin. It alleys the itching nd burning sensation in- stantl For sale at Parker’s Drug Stor l- Corner Concerns. ASH-WIZARD’S SECRET HAS BEEN DISCOVERED . No More Big Coal Bills For Happy Al- toonaâ€"Whole Town Burning Ashes 2', and Saving Moneyâ€"Moisten Them ifWith Solution of Alkaline Salt -â€"0xalic Acid Still Better. Altoona, Pa.. April 17.â€"The re° markable ashes-burning secret dis- covered by John Ellmore, an Altoona cobbler, which has excited ‘attention almost the world over, is out. Al- most every householder in Altoona is now converting his ashes into fuel, with great saving in coal bills. Several well known chemists. im- mediately when it was lannounced that Ellmore had solved the problem of obtaining heat from ashes. set to work to try and discouvnr the for. acid has been disolved a mixture con- taining one part coal and three parts ashes, and a better fuel than pure coal is obtained. The ashes of an- lthracite coal burns as readily as do those of bituminous coal. I‘he mix- ture will, upon being placed upon a burning fire, fuse into a coal-like mass and deposit but little residue. The salt water may be obtained by the dissolution of common salt in water. The chemical action of this com- pound is thus explainedzâ€"When an; is formed, which, .when mixed with any combustible material, such as coal. and upon the application of heat. gives ofi oxygen gas. thus pro- nmting rapid combustion. The addition of oxalic acid causes a chemical change of greater value than the first. for the reason that the second chemical breakdoWn re- sults in the formation of a carbide. ,which in turn gives ofi afetylene gas, this adding to_ the intensity of the heat and facilitating complete com- bu9tion, It is possible upon moistening a small quantity of ashes. without the addition of coal to readily detect the odor of. acetylene gas. and if the treated ashes are placed upon a light- 1 ed fire they will {use and burn to a fine powder. The ash-binning»~ compound is now being used in many large industrial and mercantile places here; and it is claimed for it that it has reduced the gfuel item more than half. It has ‘eliminated almost entirely the ques tion of disposing of ashes. which :has been con siderable where great quanti- ties of coal are consumed. The discovery has resulted in a number of complications. and is re- tarding the work of paying contrac tors who have utilized ashes as a foundation for sidewalks. Hereto- fore it was possible to secure all the ashes required for this purpose with- out cost. but contractors are now complaining that it is impossible to l get them. Luau quauvau.’ v. wuuv diition of coal to readily detect dor of. acetylene gas. and if the inhaler. so that its medicated nu the reaches the most remote air-cells of rested ashes are placed upon a light- the nose throat and lungs, killing all d fire they will {use and burn to a catarrhal germs, soothing the irrita- ted mucous membranes. and restor- ing a healthy condition. The ash-burning»~ compound is now .eing used in many large industrial If you suffer “0‘31. catarrhal .nd mercantile places here: and it is troubles, such 9‘3 OEWSW" breath. .laimed for it that it has reduced the "‘ng 0‘ mucous, treqnent sneezing, uel item more than half. It has huskt’ voice,discharge from the nose, uliminated almost entirely the ques dropp "‘33 in the. “”0“". 1°99 0‘ .ion of disposing of ashes. which :has S‘Wflgtm Sg‘asmodlc coughing. or a men considerable where great quanti- “91mg 0f t‘gh‘me“ “”099 the upper part of the chest. you should begin iies of coal are consumed. . . ' to use Byo met at once. It Wlll de- The discovery. has resultedoin a stroy all disease germs in the nose. lumber 0f complications: and ‘3 "5' throat and lungs. and provide the: tardtng the work 0f paying contrac .blood with additionat ozone. ‘ tors who have utilized ashes as a W , foundation for Sidewalks. Hereto- 9 ‘10 W" Va?“ anyone 3 .money fore it was possible to secure all the . unless Hyomet gives relief and cure, ashes required for this purpose with- “f1 We absolutely agree that money out cost. but contractors are now W‘u-h“ ”funded “111633 the remedy complaining that it is impossible to 38W“ SMWNCHOD- get them. .ne powder. All druggists should be able to Ellmore. who discovered the secret l sum"? 3‘0“ With Hyomei 01‘ “’9 will and focused attention upon the p08_‘send It hv mail on receipt of price. sibilities th at lurked in ashes, claim l 8% °9~ "ml every Pae‘kage IS 891d mm that his patent will protect his secret. 'd's‘m‘“ undersl‘mdmg that "3 003“ nothpg unless it cures. Booth’s He claims to have received an odor . from the British Government if he Hyo'“"l Company Buffalo. N«.\Y- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ’. demonstrate the compound. be will not derive any tangible bene- fits from his discovery. in the fact that hun secured the same results. his lead. view of dreds of others have following A happy home is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its comforts if you are suffering fro m rheumatism. You throw aside busi- ness cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by apply- ing Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. One application will give you relief and its continued use for ashort time will bring about apermanent cure. For sale by Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. Hall Caine has a great horror of the autograph hunter. but during his visit to America he was trapped way. One day a porter at the hotel brought him a registered letter. He; signed the receipt. and was then ask- ed to sign a second paper, which he was told had to be returned to the sender of the letter. New to Ameri- can ways. he did so. and when he openedt he letter found it to be a note of thanks for his autograph. which he had, of course, appended to the paper. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable Right Breathing Cures Catarrh. Simple Way to Kill Catarrhal ( in Nose, Throat and Lungs HALL CAlNE’S AUTOGRAPH. vuaâ€" “â€"7 i that. its medicatéd air practicability of his Germs Packefl'i'fi Eealed leaa pac KagUH, W ”ll/Ll. preserve its many excellent qualities suitabfe for all classes. We inVi'a yuu to call and impact, our goods as we feel sure we can Call and see the intereerx vou either in quantity. quahtv or price. goods whether you purchase or not. in stock at moderate prices. CUSTOM work and REPAIRING as usual at TOWN cDOWN Shoe Store SOLD IN DU RHA'A Perms, CaSbo When Going Up Street Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, etc. Trunks, Valises, Club Bags and Telescopes gs same as Cash. M BY THE FARMERS’ ) Of the finest tea-producing country in the world With a large scock of \VE ARE NO\V Wit-h Three Drums and Strong 3181!! Frame. Some improvements are: Heavy Steel Axle, Thick Ileavy steel Plate, Drums Riven-d u to stand any Roller lzearixrgs. uns like a. bird. nurticulara tree by mail, or ask your dealer. None genuine without: the name “BIS- SELL.’ Look out for it. Address T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Write for Booklet “ E.” G. Lawrence’s Old Stand. MFG. SUPPLY CO.

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