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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Apr 1907, p. 7

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' mu mam Baalmm m mono“ nouns-o I.“ m.lm.mu nur- 838mm L Benjy-..lomu J Tilt afflicts: in h: .03: to an) “I“. ma postage. or 0.00m - o . o mmayakJeiundnnee-Snso ...:;~ *1“ "fin 39 Fed '51:; dateto which. ewe-r- W ’ 1s Germ: y the Dumbo uh uh db an 0 per «inc nmmr'l mm! ad; urn-av .fl.” :3 I. owner. 08 Ah: hrvpfictffl I fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice heal-3,8 to 1.0 e. m.. to 4p. m. and 7 1.09 p. :1. Special attention ngen to diseases of women and qhxldren. Residence op- posite Presbvtenan Church. ‘ mm Fwtmien: ‘d‘cm-t'f‘: IL) 8 C9: T n :- Em (91 HA ML“ "lac! :Uh . :5 Qt ’- ; am - o a fine 35C}! “ltd-€006“. n“: "I‘fl- "u H' m Maahzaican‘é .1 -! C‘Cccfi‘i n: a. .A “009:! 83.130!!! Adscr .31: xx «mu-w .~' ~ MU”! N published: 0 fir'hid anv Chi. 1" :. Transient notiuc: " L052. '° “.4. “Fa ¢tc.-â€" ”M!\ tor first magnum, '.‘ -‘ " “55 subsequent. mwrnon. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, 1:991!) _ton Sgreet,_Lovyex_' _To_wn, Durham 0500 hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. 111., 2-4 9.111., 7-9 0.11:. Telephone No. 10. Specialist: Bye, Bar, Throat and Rose HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. ‘ Ofice Lou Auistant Roy. London Ophthslmio Hon. “to. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hon. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Grsdnato Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All advertise ac :s, to cmurc insertion in cane: a mgshould be brought in um lam: man Tram»: m be u the Midland: Hone 3rd Wodnooday of each month. from 11to| C p. In. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. BADULATE of London, EN! York and Chicago. Diseases 6! Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Km p House. Durban. the 2:11! Saturday in month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G pan. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. «t J. Hunter’s. Aflodnnisanents order 6 by strangers must 2- ,. pz... hundunce Consumes {04%va at. emsemcms hrms‘mJ ..; 0‘: - "Bunion tothc D Ufiice over ' Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm W Dentistry in all its Branches. Mam-Calder Block, over Post Ofico ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyazncers, Etc. Money to Loan; Oficesrâ€"In - the McIntyre Block. over Bnfidard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. er, Conveyineer. ' 8m. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuerpf Max:- rnge Lxeeneeq. A general financial bum- d tionoor for the County of Guy. 8:10: mtgamndetdvgo. Order: at be left omen storms, 'I oflshnd. orutha Chroniclo 06a. Voice culture and singing. Studio aux. Latina-’3 Upponown. Fob ti. ~ up-téwn. An excellent building site. Willaell cheap ton quiékpurchuer. Applyto Drs. lamieson laclaurin. l. 6. Hutton, M. D., C. M. Nov. 9. m. J. P. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. 8. I“ “V” o g : AR FIE!" ls completely stosked witt- ‘P T T 1.13 NEW TYPE, thus a! fouling facilities for naming: out Fur-mm ARBISTER,_SQL101TOR_, ngrc. 'OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- IA. “Jackson. - ’OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- or. Conveyaneer. 8m. lnsgrgpoe DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) April 25, 1907 EDITOR AND Pnopm'ron. Town Lotifor Sale. Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz’rectow. MacKay Dunn. Gen. II. K. mm DR. BROWN Legal Directorv . of lot. 27, Miscellaneous. l. P. Telford. DR- BURT. g and Blood Tonic. He gets aluky. starts .1: trifles. tomin hi0 slap. is rudy to fly 03 the bundle my minute. When I would go to fairyland, Upstairs the station lies. Just after dark the good train leaves; An early start to wise. I take a special sleeping car; There is no fare to pay. But mother dear collects a kiss Before I start away. And then she tucks me in my berth And turns the light down low. I always fall asleep before The train begins to go. Through all the night the train flies on; It is a famous run. And,when the morning comes at last I’m wakenod with the sun. And then I find I’m somehow home And ll) my little bed ‘ Do you suppose ‘t‘v‘vas__all a dream, Try Ferrozoneâ€"sold everywhere by druggiste in 500, boxes To the whole organism is imparted I. vim, endurance and reserve of vigor that. the nervous man never knew before. A's my 133;} sister «id? â€"Pa.ul Pinkerton in Youth’a Com- psnion. . The Pacific cones steamer. Mongo- lia. ran ngronnd Monday morning nmong the reefs of the cons: of anan. The daily grind of life burn: up a. {DID'O vinlity later than in renews t. I John D. Bockfeller will donete 61". my million dollers for the educetion of the Chinese. The nervous msn is nervous be- osuee his blood 18 so thin his nerves sre starved to desth. He needs Ferrosone! Its first sction is upon digestion. Itetimulstee accretion of gsetric juice, ensures perfect digestion. pre psreephe food so it can be st once Hence the _blood is nourished. is fortified, made redder. richer. stronger. How Are Your Nerves? For Sale in Durham by The “Jolts” and “Jars” of Life are what use people up. Most pe0ple live pretty well up to the limit of their powers, and so long as everything goes smoothly that is apparently all right; but a “jolt” or a “jar ” in the shape of business worries, domestic anxieties, or an attack of La Grippe, Pneumonia, Typhoid, or other wasting disease, suddenly reveals the fact that there is a sad lack of reserve force to meet these contingencies and the result is serious, often fatal. A wise man will see to it that his system is fully fortified against sudden attack. To attain this result nothing is so sure and effective as FERROL This fact has been full established by actual experience. I ‘therefore, you feel you are not in first-class shape physmally, do notfail to take a course of PERROL at once. It contains Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorusâ€"just what you and, it is easy to take, never fails, and you ' MCFAARLANE 6: CO. THE DREAMLAND TRAIN. “ Know What You Take ’.’ Miss B. Donnelly entertuned s large company of young people one evening last. month. It was creeping into the large hours of the morning when some of the gentlemen reached their destination. Mrs. J. Merchant. and children. of Toronto. are visiting Mrs. Thomas Baskingand other friends here. The last news that was sent from here there were several mistakes made when printing it. We are pos- itive the editor did not do it inten- tionally One error was concerning Mrs. Wm. Picken’s wedding, the hridesmaid‘s name being omitted. in the person of Miss Cecilia Hopkins. The correspondent was not to blame Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lawrence and Mrs. Dowling and children have re- turned to their respective homes in the West. Their brothers, Messrs. Jno. and Cameron McKenzie, are left alone again. The poor dears, it’s a. shame, and so many fair maidens who could help them Boys. you must. not be so shy. Too bad it’s not leap year. We were pleased to see Mr. Wm. D. Hapkine around again, but. sorry that his eyes have been troubling him. We saw an item in Corner Cone cerne news which aroused our curi- osity. He was informing the editor to allow him plenty of space as he had two or more weddings to chronicle. We wondered if some lady Was going to take pity on him. Don’t forget our Sunday School. It commences on the 12m of May. All are cordially invited to attend, and those who take an active part in it will find it a great benefit to them. We had good attendance last year and also very good order. as some Bf the people any hsvo imagined. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Noble have moved into the late Mr. Jno. Barker’s resideuse. We hear he inceuds work- ing in town. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp and family to our neighbor- hood. Mrs. Wm. Sharp is better known to her old friends as Miss Jennie Dunsmoor, and while living in single blessednese was a. lovely re- fined lady. and we know we will en joy her company snill. Miss Winnie Hopkins went West near Brandon a little over two years ago. Do you know girls, I have good news for those who t’are seeking a husband. She was united in hely wedlock on the 3rd inst. We cannot tell you what his name is, but what’s the difierence. Mr. C. G. Hutton arrived in Antler, Soak. the 6th and reports n great amount of snow. Although we‘h‘nv‘e’ not'heen favored with snow since March, we have been blessed with plenty of cold weather and frost. M}. Wm. Scsrf was in Toronto on business recently. Misses B Petty, D. Vollect and A. Donneliy are being instructed in the line of dress making in town. and in a few months will be able to do first class work. Mrs. G. Hopkins has recovered un- der the treatment of Dr. Hutton. Miss A. Lawrence spent Sunday with Varney friends. She did not tell us who she liked best in that vicinity. We give the editors of the town great. praise in the way they Openly expressed their opinion in regard to 3 pool room. If we had more gentle- men like these who would Dare to be 3 Daniel, Mr. Chas. Lawrence is rushing business. having three men engaged to work his farm of two hundred acres. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Langril hnd their infant die the 2m} inst. * Mrsf Briton was paying her best respects to friends in our burg lately. Dare to stand alone, DareJo have a purpose firm. And dare to make it. known. There would be less. vice and wicked- ness practiced in the town and sur- rounding country. We regret. to learn that. Mrs. Pick- en (the old lady) has been ill, We feel assured that she would find great comfort in her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Picken, during her illness. [The name of the bridesmaid was non given in the correspondence re- lating to Mr. Picken’s wedding. Our compositors enquired at the time for it. It is simply a little omission that i liable to occur with any one.-â€"-Ed.] Tovaurm m: ran nus You don’t know whether it’s going to stay down or come up. You feel like thirty cents sndlook even worse. If one thing is quicker than mother, it’s “Nervilinef, Ten draps in sweetened wster gives relief instant- ly. Almost like msgic is the chance you eXperienoe. The cause of the nausea. is removed; every symptom of vomiting and indigestion is cured within ten minutes. When Paleon’s Nerviline is so trusty and economi- csl,’ s_ 'bgttle st home wouldn’t be Itching Blind. {3%,Wrna Drug m a. sum to refund my: 11 1:920 amias' Largo ones for ; gnu-tor at til deflate. bmrmrwhumnounun OVEBTAKEN BY NAUSEA. Hutton Hill. THE DURHAM 'uuuuvaE- v -.._. 1",. : . > . . L’~_$1T~_ <‘_» ”f ‘31. Q. l ’h u .“ I d Mr. Quad Mrs. Thos. Brown visited the luter’s sister, Mrs. Will Clark. of Varney. one day recently. _ Mrs. Andrew, Henry end Mre Themes Brown visited as Mrs. J :3. M. Allun’ a one day last. week. Mr. G. Schenk. of Normenby, visit- ed his niece, Mrs. Robe. J. Metthewe, one day last week. Mrs. John Allen is attending her daughter. Mrs. Walter Hectic. who has been seriously ill. but we are glnd to report is improving nicely. Once more we hear the dredge ge- in: at. full blast. as thev have got. on a full gang both day and night} and the output of marl this summer will be larger than ever as Wes. Arnott and Arthur Aljoe are doing the dis:- ging. Mr. Ronald McDonald has rented his fsrm .to his brother Sandy and is going into the implement business at Proton Station. Mr. John Allan gor asevere fall last Sunday. While opening the driving shed door the wind being very strong blew the door againsc him knocking him down, causing him to lie in bed8 for a. few days, but he is able to be around again Once more the fine weather has put in in erpennnce and we are likely to have spring now. We are pleased to hear that Mrs Wm. Marshall of Boothville who has been very sick is a little better. We hope to hear of her recovery soon. Mr. James Renwick is engaged in making maple syrup and has made a fine supply of that splendid article. Mr. George Schenk, accompanied by Miss Sarah Matthewn. visited at Mr. Henry Schenk’s, of New Eng- land, the fore part of last week. Mr. Jas. Matthews intends to hustle along with his work this summer as he has got aeEnglishman engaged to help him. Mr. G. Haw paid a visit to his parents at Port Hope and while there had the pleasure .of attending his father’s and mother’s golden wedding. A very pleasant time was indulged in. Mrs. John Witter of Neuetedt is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Witter of this place at present. Mr, G. Witter had the misfortune to lose one of his working horses which died of lock jaw. This is a loss cape-jelly at this time of the year but Mr. Witten met his loss bravely and purchased a. colt from Wm. Sackett. at a. reasonable price. Mrs. Geo. Witter presented her husband with a fine baby boy this week. Both are doing well.‘ They usually contain acids and burn the flesh The one safe cure in liquid form is Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. which is purely veg- etable, causes no pain and cures in one day. Don’t forget the nameâ€"- “Putnam’s." Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allan, of Dur- ham, visited at Mr. James M. Allan’s the beginning of this week. Mrs. Hargrave, of Swinton Park, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James M. Allen, at. present. Mr. Charlie Reid was a welcome visitor at, Mr. Samuel Patterson’s last Sunday. The weather is looking more Spring like and farmers are begining to think that they are going to get their crops in {air time yet. gYapds lgng, g9 inches wide, ga'jc. pair The Big 4 He Sells Cheap 3S “ “ 50 .. “ $1.00“ 3% u u 54 fl “ $1.40 “ Table Linen 54 inches wide. 250 a ya_rd Bleached Table Linen 54 inches Wide 35c. a. yard. FLANNELET'IEBLANKETSâ€"Lme 11-4 size in white and gray. $133 P”- FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd., 1% yds. 2‘yds. wide, 25c. 13. square yard. . SMYfiNA BUGSâ€"30x60 inches $3.0) ' eac TEAâ€"Salads. Ce lon Tea, black and mixed at 25c., . ., and 40¢. a. II). Ladies’ black sateen underskirts at $1.00 each. Ladies’ white lawn underskirts‘ at 750. each See our ladies’ fancy collars at 25¢. each. -â€"Bargains. See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams. ‘ Pure Ca‘mdian Honey in; 250. W. H. BEAN ‘6 DANGER IN CORN SALVBS. 6‘ ‘6 Sackett’s Corners. Henry’s Corners. 6‘ ‘6 H 6‘ CALDER BLOCK 6‘ 5‘ ‘6 ‘6 66 “ ‘6 1*! b. " l y ' ('“M.a.=~ ‘- Ln""" ,4; ‘42, v . I 1" 70c. C. P. Kinnee The undersigned b« 22's to intimate to farmers and all usem of Harness that In» is opening enthusiness for himselfin Clark’s old stand. New work and all kinds of Harness repairing attend ml to with promptness, neatness and ;-; ., despatch. Manufacturer of Fur Mits Repairer Binder Canvas. Buggy cushions and Tops , A {TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED FLOWS AND HA RROWS Farm . . . Machinery Barclay Bell FARMERS! Groceries , MATTHEW?01§ LATIMER l.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. MATTHEWS LATI MER Opp. Middaugh House Stables. GIVE US A CALL was» is? «41% «a And every other kind of machinery that is wanted on the farm. Spring will soon be here, and you will be thinking of tickling the earth with a. plow. We carry the best in New Harness Shop Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS mee -- - Proprietor BETTER KNOWN AS JACK Why you should buy your Abraham Crutchley. No.62. 3rd Con. E. G. R.; No. 3. 4th Con. S D R. Wm. Wall, No. 3. 4th Con. S D R. Thos. McGirr. No. 61 and 62. 2nd Con. E G R. John Bell. No. 67. 3rd Con. E G R: [N033 and4. lst Con N D R Chris Firth No 5 lat Con N D R Wm Young No 3 Con 1. S D R; No 6. Can 1. N D R All rsons are warned not to trespass on the fofigwing lots with dogs. guns or other- wxse. fogtbe purpose of hunting or prosec- utxons wxll follow :â€" “ “ Globe. ...... Family Herald and Weekly Star Montreal Witness ............ Farmers Advocate ............ Weekly Sun .................. and other papers at equally I'll 69. Tarantd Daily Mail {or . . To cash in advance subscribers we give the Chronicle and 4.â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. TRY US. NOTICE TO TBESPASSEBS. CLUBBING RATES. “‘ Globe for . .. World for. “ News for. . “ Star for... Wee’ 1y Mail. . . . for. ...... 4.50 l for ...... 3.10 for ....... 2.25 or ........ 2.25 11 ......... 1 7C obe. ...... 1 7C Veekly Star 1 75 .......... 1.65 .......... 2.30 .......... 1. 75 at equally low

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