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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Apr 1907, p. 8

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Patent, Canvas, Kid in the Blucher style. These are the best fitting Shoes on the market to- day Gray, Plain and Striped. In Black, Gray and Brown in all styles. In Hard and Soft: Busom. Plain and Colored. A perfect fit. Fedora Shirts SHOES Made by the most upâ€"to-date tailors, guaranteed a perfect fit. Latest styles in shades and stripes The newest style ‘Thoroughbred’ _A new line of Plads and Plain in Strings and Four-in-Hands. A full lmeofallsha’des and shapes newest: in stvles and best fitters Christy Suits Caps Ties The prepbet’s soul was filled with awe. ' 8 cause he in the Temple sew The Lord enthroned on high. And when the glory he had seen, He felt. himself to be unclean; . He said “undone an: I.” The sweetest incense filled the air; The six winged Seraphim were there. And when his helplessness he knew A shining one toward him flew Upon his mouth to lay That which was from we aim: brought, And which the work of cleansing wrought And purged his sin away. Then from she man made white as snow "Whom shall I send and who will go?” Received a prompt reply: Prepared was he the path to tread; An(lz_"here am I. send me,” he said, Obedneds to His'will: They. holy. holy, holy,” cried To Him Whose gloxy shall abide And all creation fill. 0083. a truly remarkable cough remedy.. Take no ominous. portion- luly With Your children. Insist on hIVing‘ Dr. Shoop’a Cough Cure..- Qompere carefully the Dr. Shoop 19‘0“” with others ‘.o_nd 60?- N9 poison marks there! You an always be on the safe side by demndiqz'Dr.= Shoop’é-Oongh‘ om. ' Simply "flue 'to oooept'on‘y or.- Gold by MW ‘FarleneficCo. ' ' , â€" T To serve the Lord Mover. High. quu our souls the radiance glows W h1g1 unto us most clearly shows Haw vnle we are within: , But through the great Redeemers name To us there comes the cleansing flame Which takes away ali sin. And then this truth is clearly seen That all who are by Him made clean And sent His grace to show: For with His own the Saviour lives And unto them a vision gives That they for Him may go. The Newsâ€"No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoo!"8 CODRh Cure isâ€"and has been for 20 years. The National Law now re- quires thag if any poisons enter into a cough mixture. it. must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others. should insist on havingDr. Shoop’s Couch Cure. No poison-marks on ‘ Dr. Shoop’s labelsâ€"and none in the med- Iicine else it. must by law be on the ,label. And it’sno: only safe; but it. is ssid to be By those that know it 'THE VISION. ‘i-THE DURHAM 'canomm ' An enjoyable At‘flome Was mum-I by the Epworch League in the Merlin." dist church on Tueedny evening ’of last week. Candy- refreshmrnts were! served. and in i-bfl course 0! the evening a short programme was ren . dered. consisting '0! u solo by Mrs. Blnckbarn, duets by Miss Zilla Trim ' _.ble and Miss Florence Thurston, and in rendering each by Miss Christine Richardson. Mrs. Robs. Mauro Mr Edgar Bellamy and Mr." Elwood Genoa. Mr. C. E. Pryon presided. A. silver Collection was taken in be boll of the Forward Movement for Missions At the regular meeting of the Ep- worth League on Monday «waning the unnual election of ~$oers tuck place as follows : President, Mr. Ed car Bolluny; lac Vice-Pres . Miss Ktta Bellumy ; 2nd Vice-Pres , Mrs. vv wan-us, ’ auu VIUU’L IOU ’ cum W. A Armstrong; 3rd Vice Pres, Miss Florence Thurston , the. Sec , Miss Francis Bellomy ;.Cor Sec . Mr. A. 8. Thurston; Treas.. Miss May Hales; Rep to District Executive. Mrs. W. 3. Thurston. Mr. J emee McClocklin and family moved on Mondnv to the residence in Medical Hall block recently vacetv ed by Mr. M. Wilson. Division Court was held hare on Wednesday of last week but the docket was very light. occupying only about half an hour of the time of the Court. Miss May Jamieson is home from Toronto spending two weeks with her mother. Miss May Fisher 13 Spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. (Rev) Thom at: Waldemar. A diseased condition of the sur faces of the air passages causes bad breath, but more commonly emanates from indigestion or an ‘impure con- dition of the blood. Thousands of cases prove that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills through their specific action on the secretory and eliminative organs, not only cure bad breath. but so thorough- I'y purify the system that anything suggestive of blood or digestive troubles 18 imnossible. Through Dr. Hamilton’ s Pills the skin grows rosy and clear. activity of agthe body and mind increases, and bounding health is established, sold everywhere in 25o Mr. F. Tucker, tailor. has added a new stock of tweeda. c , to his bus- iness. A new grocery store is being open- ed in the shop formerly occupied by the Standard Bank. Roy Kerr will be in charge. Prof G. N. Kellistine, of Oweh Sound. spent, Fridaiy and Saturday last in town piano tuning. A new tinshop in Medical Hall we learn is also to be Opened by our young townsman, Mr. Pete Norms. Mr. Walter Loucks, who has been at Meaford for some time, left recent 1y to epend the summer in the North West. Miss Trelford, saleslady in F G. Karstedt’s store. sustained such se- vere injuries by a fall on the sidewalk over a week ago that she has since been laid up. and is at present at her home at Proton Station. Mrs. Hauley. of Ottawa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Stewart, east back line. Master Norris Tucker arrived from quville last week to ,remain with his parents how. We were surprised last week to learn by the Chronicle that the editor was yet out of pocket so large a sum on the libel suit brought againsthim {or his gallant fight to.retain for Durham the cementmill established there. The debt is not lastly the editor’s, and that it has nor. long, since been covered (as we supposed it had been) is a burning shame to the shareholders of the Company and the town of Durham, all so materially benefitted by the works remaining where they armâ€"and that largely due to the influence of the Chronicle. Mr. Ira Pinnock is working at Cement. Lake. \dr. Angua McArthur purchased a new buggy from agent; A. B McLel- lan. We expect; to see Angus going north 9. little oftener now. Mrs. E. Brown lost her valuable cow last. wee-k from some unknown 68088. On Friday morning of last week the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edwards died after only a few hours sickness with pneumonia. The de- ceased was a bright little boy. jusn a year old the day he died. The funeral took place to Durham ceme- tery on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Newton oficiating. . We extend our sympa- thy to the bereaved ones. Mr. an'l Mrs. C R. Watson Spent Sunday with their friends at; Wand by Mr. Jess Edwards and daughter flies Lindy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Britten of Bentinck and Mrs. Britten of Dnrhem attended the funeral of Mr. Edward's little boy. Miss Jennie McArthur returned home from Toronto last week looking as if city life agreed with her. Mrs. John Sutherland who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C McArthur for a month or 90. returned to her home in Stratford recently. A SUGGESTION OF RARE VALUE Flesherton ' Bunessan. mgfi‘lf'? 1,5115 . x I m .. . “r .. " . o. Fall Wheat ..... . . . . .1 Spring Wheat. . . . . .. . . Oats Eggs ....... Pocatoes per bag. . Apples per bag. ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 roMERsind’thS 13116136 Hamâ€"r271 tth‘I am prepared to furnish NEW Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELI DRILLING, Rn-Cmma m Pnnsactmnmo done with Cement concrete. w ALL ORDERS taken at the old emd near MoGowan’e Mill will be promptly m tended to. . ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and _ let live” PRICES. Pumps. Thefiour blood must be in‘ a 'very 'bad condition. You certainly know what to uke, then take it-‘-Ayer’s Sam- .parilla. Il’ you doubt, then consult your doctOr. We know what he will say about this [grand old family medlclne. . “35.0.? yer’s iwaekmmemmwwwwfi? 3% *Hunter’ 5 Hardware: ale :"gAnd Seed Store! *ikfié We are Sole Agents for the Ideal Iron Fence Right here are Right , Goods at Right Prices ag Favorite Tl“’MNIVERSAL W m Mu m IBREAD MAKER] 4‘?!) ”0“ '74? 5% THE GEM . . . 3;": HEAT CHOPPER BEG LEAVE _'1‘O INFORM MY GUS. â€"A_____ We 15v. no M! '0m mar-lulu «mm-m It would be practically im- possible to sell any other bread maker to any intellig- ent woman who knows The Universal Bread Maker and its nerfebtions. The Uni- versal is simply an easier. quicker and cleaner way of :11 king bread. 1? accom plishes us much in three minutes as far as kneading is canoerned as can be ac- complished by band in half an hour. Now We have a full line so call in and let us explain to you how we can save you time. money and hard labor Just. figure in out in your own way and if you can come to any other conclusion we would like to know about; it. Market Report. GEORGE WHITHORB. DURHAM. Mar. 25. 1907 ‘29 to 5 to 12 to 14 00 2‘30 140 650 850 00 39 Il'arling’s ‘ « DRUG STORE plete line of garde seeds in bulk We carry in stock a full strength (40 0/0) Formalin Kills smut germs. Try it. Teese seeds are bought from reputable growers and are pure Giue us a Trial \Vhen Needing These We also have in stock a full line otll‘urnip, Mangel and Sugar Beet Seeds. Darling's GARDENERS ATTENTION 2 PEAS, ONIONS, CORN, BEANS, AND: RADISHES I he People's Druggists Formalin April 23. 1907

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