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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 May 1907, p. 5

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Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and one half per cent. (11/3 per cent.) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six per cent. (6 per cent.) per annum on the capital stock of this bank, has been declared, and that the ~same will be payable at the Head Oflice and at the branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next. , Toronto, 30th March, 1907. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER F“: The transfer books will be closed from the let to the 15th May, both days inclusive. For Easter could not be better than at the present time We are” also showing a large stock of Diamonds. Our Diamond trade has got to be a by-word throughout the country and our Engagement and Wedding trade has com~ pleteiy doubled that of last year. Why? Simply because we buy quality. - I Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly l pzur at 11. 1:1. MOCKler's. reSpected resident of Faisonia, Miss., . was sick with stomach trouble for BUY a Progress Brand su1t_at 8° F' more than six months. Chamber..M0rlock’s. lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets DON’T fOrget to attend the piano cored her. She says: “ I can now . . , , eat anything I‘ want and am the recntal on May 3rd, When Geo. Fox proudest woman in the world to find the violinist will appear and other such a good medicine.” For sale at“popular talent. Admission, reserved Parker’s Drug Store. Samples free. seats 35C and others 250. W. BLACK Do you require Turnip, Mangold, Carrott, Cabbage, Lettuce, Tomato, Squash, Cucumber, Radish or flower seeds, if so, dew-drop-in. Manufactured for you to pick from WIRE FENCES ’ and POULTRY 'NETTING We have enough drain Seeder Tubes in stock to supply ex cry Farmer, \Vork made easy by one of them. Every farmer should see our Potatb Planter such as Rakes, Hoes. Spades Shovels and Barrows. Are you making a veg- etable garden! if so, call and examine our Fishing . . . Tackle .Tha Sovereign Bank of Canada STOMACH TROUBLES. FENCE WIRE WATCH REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY EVERY KIND OF May 2, 1907 Percy (i. A. Webster In abundance. D. M. STEWART, )th March, 1907. General Manager J. C. TELFORD, DURHAM By Order of the Board, “ DIAMOND HALL.” SPECIAL long kid gloves $2.00 per pair at H. H. Mockler’s. cut. a few weeks ago, is gettingalodg fine, and, it is thought, will have the use of his arm again. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per will be administered next Sunday in the church here, and on the follow ing Monday the Quarterly Board meeting will be held in the basement of the Methodist church. Durham. We are pleased to say that Albert Morrison, who had his arm so badly The Epworth League held their an nual businesh meeting on the 20th when the following ofiicers were elected for the coming year: Presio dent, Mrs. R.\J. Allen; let Vice, Wilbert Blyth; 2nd Vice, Mabel Mead; 3rd Vice, Mrs. Con. Kreller; 4th Vice. Eva. Blyth ; 5th Vice, Lena. Allen; Secretary, Nella McAnulty; Treasurer, Maggie McCalmon; Lib- rarian, Winnie Lauder. Under the above stafi of omcers the League is sure to prosper during their term of office. the League will hold a social evening on the 17th of May. A good time is expected. E Mrs. J. M Hunter, of Durham. .viaited :t 1111]. W. Blyth’s one day :‘lu‘ week. E to: o very good prica. _ Billy soy: it’é I: cloudy and it would take 3 good lot fmore money to buy B now. Wm. Caldwell treated himself to a dandy young horse lately. He got is up near Priceville. . ', The people of thin community ;eympethize very much with Mr. Geo. gM. Leeeon in his and bereevement. * more no on ecconnt of him so lately ,coming to Verney. A and boginning i in his new home. We commend him to the One who is alone .610 to bind up the broken hen-t. ' Mr. Wm. Renton is busy building the atone work for Alf McCabe’s house. Albert McClinton is about the proudest fellow around here now-a.- davs. He says he is King .Daddv. The baby is a. fine little girl, and mother and child are doing nicely. - Ethel Pettigrew. of ‘Mt Forest, spent a week ago Sunday at home. Calvm Deene is burning lime for Bxlly Bryans. They burned and sold one kiln. and are at. the second one. We were very sorry to hear of lit- tle Cecil Barber getting his arm brok- en last week. The poor little fellow had only nicelv gotten-over a broken leg. He is a. son of Mathew Barber. Pearl Crescents and Rings Mrs. Crawford’s sols want 03 good and lively on Friday. Auctioneer Clot-k was in good spirits. Every- thing put up was sold excepting the hotel. J. W. Blyth got the 5} acre lot of land. Miss Ids'McTier has been stopping with her aunt. Mrs Wyn. Crawford, for the past. few weeks. Tommy thlnco sold a fine driving {horse to Wm._Blnck. a: ypur town, Vamey. OF OPTICIAN The Hot Huffman. The invention of. the hot blast tur- nace as at present need; hemmed.“ Nathan, a Scotch engineer. who W ented his twentieth-31828.- . . TaxonI-lah. ' InthereignofGeorgemhamo: mmshilfingslnmnepfldataxg ot26hinings. ‘ The Bible. The authorized version of the Bible was pnepared by forty-seven 88101818.: .who were divided into six companies.‘ toeach of which a'certain portion at} the; Scriptures was assigned. The work took three years, from 1607 to 1610. The cuckoo is the earliest riser 0t anybird, and the greenflnch next. The lark is the latest. Anise. Anise is a favorite flavoring for bev- erages in the Mediterranean countries. In Athens anise brandy is a- popular think and is sold not only at cafes, but also by street venders, who carry their glasses in a belt made especially there- for. A Fighting Couple. The Duke of Marlborough and the famous Sarah Jennings fought like Ki]- kenny cats. He often threatened to horsewhip her, and she as often vow- ed she would leave him. John Chinaman. So far as can be learned the earliest instance of the use of the nickname John Chinaman as a designation for' ~(L‘elestia-ls is in “A Letter to the Com- mittee of Management of Drury' Lane Theater,” published in London in 1819. Juanita River. The Juanita, in Pennsylvania, was named from a tribe of Indians living on its banks. London’s Smoke. London’s smoke travels far. A cor- respondent of the Times tells of seeing the country air filled with soot sixty- four miles away from the metropolis. He asked a shepherd where it came from. The answer was: “We call it London dirt. In the winter when it comes up the snow here is covered with black." The Prison “Cat." The “cat” used in English prisons has eighteen inch lashes. It is never used except as a very last resource and in the case of utterly brutalized Why so man'y people feel' worse after taking pills than before ? Trouble is that detic pills am used No remedial action is obtained. the bowels are irritated and dreadful non stipation follows. In using Dr Ham" ilton’s Pills you are scarcely Con scious of having taken medicme Although very mild. Dr. Hamizron’s Pills do regulates the l70Wt-‘lfi, stimu- late ncrmal acticn of Lhe glands. rind create nvizhar nausea. griping or violent action "osiiivvly guaran- teed. for biliousnns~*, indigilsrinu, stomach. liver and kiiim‘y ms FM a safe familv pill rplv on Dr Hamil Lou’s .‘2? 3 per box at ai 1 (ll'fllr‘rS “ That the Executive Board of the Lord’s Day Alliance of Ontario. com- posed of representatives from all parts of the province, desires to ex- press to the ho. orahle Premier of Ontario, the Government. and the Legislature; its Sincere and Cordial appreciation of the firm Stand, taken in the Private Bills Committee and in the H use in favor of maintaining the Lord’s ay as a day of rest and quiet in this province.”â€"-S â€"The Lord’s Day Advocate. ' White Lead. White lead is the result of exposing sheets of lead to fumes of vinegar. Paste Diamonds. Imitation diamonds are called “paste” because most of them are made of a paste which is composed of red lead, rock crystal, carbonate of potash, b0“ tax and White arsenic. This substance: is technically known as “straas.” a The Hon.'J. P. Whitney, Premier of Ontario, whose portrait appeared in our last issue, in connection with the announcement of the firm stand he had taken in the Legislature in opposition to Sunday care for Port Arthur and other-places, has been elected by the Executive Board a Vice-President of the L. D. A. of Canadaand has readily accepted that oifice The Executive Board of the Ontario L. D. A. adopted by a Stand ing unanimous vete the following resolution : Han. J. P. Whitnei a'Vico-Preaident Life is a rush, but we can’t all get there together. In consequence. we worryâ€"Can’t help it because nerves are week, vitality is form up and there’s no staying power left. Cut out the worry part. and BUILD UP. Let Ferrozone help you. It’s a most strengthening nutritive tonic. Fills the blood and iron, supplies building material for worn out organs, gener- ates the sort of vitality that makes you want to do things. No meeioine more helpful for men. women and children. who need strength and stay ing power. Try Ferrozone. 50¢ per box at all dealers. A QUESTION OFTEN ASKED. Resign From the Worry Club Early Rising Birds. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE New music received each week Songs, waltzes music. Gloves â€"Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen. â€"Silk Handkerchiefs 22 to 50 cents. g N eckwear 3 Mufflers E Percv 6. fl. «um DURHAM. “ MADE to walk on ” is What the manufacturers say Of Campbell’s V111 nish Stains for staining and varnishing 11001 s, woodwork and f 111 niture Well if they will stand being walked upon, they must be made from a. varnish that is all right. Why not try a. can ? For sale by A Russell. In Vanleek Hill. Ont.. no one is better known than Geo. 3. Watson. When he says “Catarrhozone is a real cure.” depend on it being so. “My wife,” he writes, “was subject to bad attacks of throat irritation and bronchitis. Many remedies were tried but few proved at all useful; Catarrhozonewas diflerent. It seem- ed to get right at the sore spots and brought relief quickly. We have found Catarrhozone an absolute cure for bronchitis and catarrh.” Noth- ing cures more quickly so get it to- day. two sizes, 25c and $1.00. at all dealers. Teaâ€"300 for 25c. AN Emergency meeting of Durham» Lodge N o. 306 A. F. and A. M. Will be held in the lodge room Thursday evening at 8 p. m., May 2nd, 1907; Official visit of the D. D. G. M. Visitâ€" ors welcome. W. E. Brooker, W. M. James R. Gun, Sec’y. THE large 12x14 Photograph that-we have been giving with each dozen of 0dr best Icabinets has taken so well. that we intend to continue making them for a. While longer.--F. W. Kel- sey, Photographerâ€"H. NOT YET ?â€"-â€"You have not; ordered your spring suit? Haven’t seen any- thing you like, eh? -We’re looking for people just like you. We can help you by showing a larger and choicer selection than can be seen elsewhere. â€"â€"-H. H. Mockler. JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A choice selection of shoes that are on tip toe to get out of the store. Ladies’ and Men’s styles in Calf, Kid and Patent Kid and Colt. There’s that little “something” which we all call style about them all. Let us show you.â€"H. H. Mockler. Groceries for Xmas QUALITY HATS. â€"We sell good hats and recommend the “King. ” These are Britam’ s best. Light weight end flexible. Let us show you. â€"H. H Mockler, ' WASH belts, chllars, silk belts, long gloves, etc., arriving daily,â€"-â€"the kind you’re looking tonâ€"H. H. Mockler. HAVE you seen Macfarlanes’ new wall papers. Borders same price as wall paper now. From now until January lst the following lines will be run off at right; prices :â€" Woollen Blankets from $2.25 to $5. â€"Heavy Tweed. â€"Sheeting and Flannelette. -~La.dies’ and Men’s Underwear - â€"Readymade Trousers (large stock) Flannelettesâ€"Call and fee‘ my 180. flanneletlte for 100. A BOTTLE of Macfarlanes’ Spring Tonic will give renewed energy. Try it. ' THE very latest in millinery “F. S. Morlock’s. STYLISH trimmed millinery at S. F. Morlock’s. XMAS . . SPECIALS . HORSE F93 SALEâ€"Choice of three, -Apply to Rowe and Hughes, Dur- Prominent Manufacturer Speaks. SOLD AT HALF PRICE Raisins and Currants, Candies, Peels, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies. Figs and Dates. I have placed in stock a. fine line of late 25 was Per (my S. SCOTT Business Locals. 9'14910-Stws ONTARIO. 250 for 20¢. are is contmuaily changing. your selection if you. Wish to get first class goods at right priCcS. We berry a full lme ot Bedroom Suits, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Kitchen Tables, Parlor Tables, Dining Chairs, etc. I All kinds of Picture Framing done ‘ on Shortest Notice. Agents for Ready Roofing, l‘letal Sheeting and Shingles also the National Portland Cement Eggs taken in exchange for any Goods. Highest Prices Paid. Lenahan 6: McIntosh Our Paint. line is complete in all the latest shades and colors. If you want Muresco, Alabastine, Paint, Var- nishes, W hiring, Glue, Oils, Kalsomine Brushes, Pair" All and Varnish Brushes. Call and see our assortmem We also carry a full line of Tinware Stoves and Ranges, Aluminumware. A few doors south of the Middaugh House. House Cleaning And Decorating .3...- --- {£2131 0000000 c. 13110;": a. ll me of Tinware, Granitewaref , Aluminumwate, Nickieware, eic m up-LU-uate 1n every right. Buiders would and get our prices on .ve a full supply of H fl

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