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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 May 1907, p. 8

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In Hard and Soft Bosom. Plain and Colored. A perfect fit. Genuine imported Scotch tweeds newest in Stripes, Checks, Grays, Blues and Blacks. In Black, Gray and Brown in all styles In Gray, Plain and Striped. Rain Coats The People’s Store Suitings Fedora Shirts SHOES Made by the most up-to-date tailors, guaranteed a. perfect fit. Latest styles in shades and stripes A new line of Plads and Plain in Strings and Four in-Hands. The newest style ‘Th orougzhbred’ A full lme 0t allshades and shapes newesn in styles and best fitters Christy Suits Caps Ties ton a daughter. M. D. Tugendhaft’s improved fam- ous patent ear drum is meeting with great approval wherever he has de- monstrated. that he finds it necessary to remain only a limited time in each locality as the demands for this article all over the country from unfortunates make this step necessary. BORN . 26th, choNâ€"On Friday, Apt-11 w \ Mia”) to M1. 0 and Mrs-‘Albert MCOHn‘ MCKINNONâ€"MCKINNQN -On April 24, at the Parsonage. by Rev. T. 001- ling, B. A_., Mr. 4ngus McKinnon to If ever a man deserved the fruit of his labor, that man is Mr. Tugendhaft for he treats the poor and rich alike. \Vhile his strength holds out and in the short time he has to meet individ- uals during his stops through the country he wants everyone to call on him who have lost their sense of hear- ing, no matter how poor they may be and he will do what he can to restore them the happiness they yearn for. At Mr. Tugendhaft’s headquarters, (58 King street west, Hamilton, Ont., he is daily besieged for particulars as to dates when he expects to speak in dif- fm-ent towns and cities. â€"~vâ€" vw UV UV "IV“ “1’ ‘u a knot at midnight. Keep Nerviline handy. Ten drops quiet cramps in- stantly. Used occasidnally, Ne’rvi- line prevents this tronble entirely. From Stratford. Ont.. Wm. Dee writes: “Nothing I know of will give such quick relief to cramps, colic or pain in the stomach as Nerviline. If you feel squeamish or sick. just ten drops of Nerviline in water and you’re well next minute.” Think of the protection and comfort contained in a 25:: bottle of Nerviline. and get it today. - ' . Mr. Tugendhaft will give a. free de monstration of his wonderful Ear Drum, at the HAHN HOTEL, DUR- HAM, SATURDAY MAY 4TH. ONE DAY ONLY. Owing to great reputation this gentleman has made for himself as an eye specialist, his name isa guaran- tee of merit in his new discovery, the famous patent invisible ear drum. He causes those to hear as readily as he restores the sight to others, and hundreds throughout the country have benefitted through his efforts. Be sure and see him; it may be the only chance of a life time. Mrs. Catharine McKinnop, BEES} Glenelg. : ~ A Boom to Humanity. m CHRbNIcLE - “To THE EDITOR on THE OHRoxICtE : DEAE SIR.- Permit me tmough your columns to briefly discuss the above imports.“ by-la-w. A great deal of discussion bass been going on in Town during the last tendays abouti ..this matter and it seems to me if this discussion had taken place last fall at 'the time of passing the By- law it would not have been passed in its [present condition. The t1ouble has been that the By-law was 1ushed through without either the in unhers of the Council or the ratepayers know- ing its provisions. Another iii fiil ulty is tnat the By-law was copied from either the By-laws of the cities of Guelph or Berlin and our conditions are not at all similar to theirs. Every one Will admit that it is absolutely necessary that there should be a Fire By-law covering the business portion of the Town .in order to receive the benefit of insurance rates, but there is‘ not any By-law that can be framed inj our present, or possible future condi- tions that will in any way reduCe the insurance on the residential portion of the Town. If this is the case and con- sidering the large difference in tastes in regard to the kind of . dwellings, why should any law be imposed on any prospective builder compelling him to build a brick, stone or cement dwelling if he would prefer to builda frame, brick veneered or roughcast house? There are many as good looking and ubau brick veneered houses in town as brick houses and Why should these not be built in any place in the residential parts of the town ? Then again at the present time the most urgently needed houses, are a supply of houses for the mechanics and work- ing men of the Town that will rent from $6.00 $10.00 per month. If these are not supplied at once there are a number of good and desirable citizens at present working in the Furniture Factory, with their families will have to move from the Town. Surely the Council will not retard but will rather encourage any public spirited citizen who will build a number of these houses irrespective of What the ma« terial may be used in construction. Give us the houses, increase the popu- lation and assessment by all reason- able means. I understand that at the present time the restrictions in the: By-law are preventing a number of houses being built and improvements being made in others. If this is the case when the By-law has only been in existence six months, how many times will it occur if it remains in force? By all means let the Council repeal the objectionable clause in the By-law and not delay the prosperity of the Town. Thanking you for space, etc..." I will subscribe myself. FATHER, dear father, come home with me now, for ma has some carpets to beat; she’s got all the furniture out in the yard, from the front door clean out to the street. The stove must come down and be put in the shed, and the yard must be cleaned of some grass. for it’s time to clean house and old nick’s to payâ€"and the front win- dows need some new glass. Father, dear father, come home with me now, and bring some bologna. and cheese, it’s most twelve O’clock and there’s nothing to eatâ€"I’m so hungry I’m weak m the knees. All the dinner we’ll have will be cold scraps and such, and we’ll have to eat standing up, too, for the table and allare out in the back; oh, I wish that house-cleaning was through. Father, dear father. come home with me now, for ma‘is as mad as a Turk :' she says that you’re only a lazy old thing, and that she shall put you to work. There’s paint- ing to do and paper to hang, for it’s house-cleaning time and you’ve got to come home, and revel m ends and cold Ink. LAXA'HVE BROMO QUININE Tablet- 111de rotudthomoyitit hflntoouro 1W..Gronfuimmzun whom. 350 ' A couple of town lashes :mnouncod last week, that contributions to the Chinese Famine Fund might be handed in to this ("rl’lir-e, and in response we have the following nmnes to report :â€" .‘elrs. Adam \Veir, Durham, 5300 S. 'l‘. Chapman, Vavrney. . . . 2.50 This is onlyzt beginning and We hope to see many others take an interest in the pressing and present need. “'0. are not asking for large amounts. but would ask each one to contribute as he see's fit; even ten cents will be a help, and all contributions will be duly credited in these columns. Dont try to do better than somebody else; just give what you feel you can lâ€"L’lTOI‘d. Later we will ask the collectors to give the full list of those Axho have con tributed in town. Frequezp. 1y follows the use of cheap corn salveq and plasters. The safes: is the best and that’s ”Putnam’s.” whir‘h has a record of fifty years suc. cese. Refuse substitutes for "Pur- nam’s wh ch 003:3 $250 in every drug store. TOOUREA COLDINOMDAY FATAL BLOOD POISONING CHINISE FAMINE FUND. ANOTHER RATE PAYER. mm BY LAW; NJ R fl “up. u. ‘21? . .5 .na: 49" $ “:2! I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WEu DRILLING, RE-CURBING AND Pansscmmmo done with Cement concrete. 6' ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan’e Mill will be promptly In tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. Fall Wheat .......... SpringWheat ........ Oats Peas Barley .............. . Hay ................ . Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag. . . . . Apples per bag. ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs ........... Dressed Hogs per cwt Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... ............... Pumps. Martin=Senour 100% Pure Paint With confidence that the public will appreciate the advantages of an absolutely pure mixed paint, thoroughly prepared by mill. grinding over the old process of stirring the ingredients by hand From the character of the advertising matter sent out by the paint‘ housm. one would think there were no adulterated paints at all. All claim to make the best paint; yet it a fact that not one brand in twenty is PURE. By a PURE paint we mean one that containg no ingredient that cheapens it, such as barytes, whiting, silica, sulphate of lead, china clay, alkali, benzine, water. adul- terated linceed oil. marble dust, etc. These substitutes for what should be used only add weight or bulk. Bénzine is likely to fade the colour, and water and chemicles deStroy the bond of the oil. MAKE PURITY YOUE STANDARD and see that the paint. is guaranteed, just as the Martin-Senour 1000/0 Pure Paint is. The Difference between a 100% PURE Pam'r and a cheap paint i- so marked that anyone can tell as soon as they begin to use which one is JUTH One brushful of the Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paint will cover more surface than two or three brushfuls of cheap paint. and do it in a more thorough manner. :4? 'h)‘ S4 Yes. 100,000 films each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad bloodâ€"Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Ono! «manual Md Moodhm liver. Th produces may Mon. I‘m subsujc-eg urq than “gym-«l {nu tho 1 Keep the Woman-each! Wop-hm thalamus- Manon-m as per bag...... Market Report. boiv'o‘b'oponâ€"m 3%" 1,7357“: yers GEORGE WHITMORE. DURHAM, Mar. 25. 1907 58M: 6 68 to 8 68 to 40 to 75 to 50 to 13 00 to 1 21 to 15 to . 60 to 50 to 2 10 to 2 40 to 1 25 to 6 00 to . 8 50 to 9 to 90 to 29 to a to 12 to $ 70 73 40 75 5O 14 00 15 7O 1 00 2 30 2 45 1 4O 850 1 00 39 flarling’s ‘ DRUG STORE We have in stock : plete line of garde in bulk Darling’s These seeds are bought from reputable growers and are pure We carry in stock a full strength (40 0/0) Formalin Kills smut germs. Try it. Give us a Trial When Needing These We also have in stock a. full line of Turnip, Mangol and Sugar Beet Seeds. PEAS, ONIONS, CORN. BEANS, AND RADISHES GARDENERS ATTENTION ! I he People’s Druggists Formalin .1907 a. com-

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