West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 May 1907, p. 7

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Save your stufi till I call, or give me me notice when you have a quantity M. Glaser DURHAM, - - ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsehaig, Sheepskins ' OHN CLARK, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiice. IL L A C C E PT P U P IL 8 IN 0 1c _ - â€" n - _ lo D Oflice over 'Gordon’ 5 new Jewellery Store, Lo“ er Town, Durham. Any amount of monex to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. V 7 Voice culture and singmg, s at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertown Feb tf. and Junk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid. er, Conveyance)“. c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- nage Llcenses. A "general financial busi- ness transacted. D veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Ofliceszâ€"ln the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. Dcxx. HONOR GRADUATE, UN IVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofioe.-â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. U York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"1â€"6 p.m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose EXCLUSIVELY Will be at the Midlangh House 3rd Wednesday of each month. from 11ml 4 p. m. Late Asuistam Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. £112.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofl‘ice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and qhxldren. Residence 0p- posxte Presbvterzan Church. U Garafraxa and George iSEreeEsl-Ei foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 p.m., 7-!) p.m. Telephone No.10. Nov. 9, ’03. Dr‘s. Jamieson Maclaurin. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to ‘3 o’clock THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT , , ~. ---- 9v - -v - - .,. u- "’:\.|'L' J1, - 5 Mt- hem}: subsequem. mu; to)“ Alladvertzsemems Ln‘... Iliuadvance Contract rates ‘0 ,"uui‘, at. "Luz-mews f'l Wimtiou to the off.- .- a All advertise m 1-. :3 vtzmr- Inertia!) 1., V . ”ektsbould be bang“. in ..-u; tat: man 3"": m, . n '-y.s‘..'.".u;.'c:%....1.”’ 9-. - ‘.s .du‘ .3. m PI'Hrnio'mi ..= W Lmum .-’-. :\.:;, WMWJ1b: (ul‘Ji :.r.:' ; mgaldye Ira: .Icg“ ;...n. - “F e. ctc. 30r9‘3N n: muse no: so pram wadv-‘noe- $0.50 mu. [no date to which csvr' ad h d-wN-ri : yr the nnmrw m .n- O pd'Nr ’4 L “MWItURH n... 3;! u c . mm; 3'.’ aha-.1- Y V: Ms: I‘m-«0' ‘8 '0an In" mono“ non-no cum-nu mm»: mm. mu (nu ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CON- J. P. Telford. ARRISTER,__SQLICITOR_. EfPC. nu: Bflafifia mum J F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. A. H. Jackson. 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of Lofidon, Nr-w ?. 19.. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town): F1310}; AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR :pAfiffiEl'V']: is “nay”??? Stocked w?" all. Nagy {‘YO’E):. {:VJ' o. Geo. H. K. Midford MacKay 8:. Dunn. May 9, 1907 fl“...- ca. Dental Dz'recz‘orv. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Dz’rm‘orv. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. Fortn‘rsvr.‘ .ad‘. 3: hi'q foo Liv .vls‘ ‘3? DR- BURT. Ty: Cm: unru- M. GLASER '0‘ we we: " 1.0"}. O fl'ayfr ‘0‘: 9 5‘ ‘ h." xuon CA 0.0 a... ’3 *9: to an £0131 .' \‘1 H Fortunately the remarks above quoted contain not one atom of truth. the writer may speak for himself, but he has no right to speak for others. It is all very well for a man who is marked with smallpox to say his face has not one nnscarred inch on the surface of it, but he has no premises to land upon when he says “Men the man with brains does it he should be ashamed to look his fel- low mortals in the eyes. In is a sin ten times deeper dyed. than giving a stone to those who ask for bread. It is giving poison to those who plead for a cup of cold water. This is a morbid and unwhoiesome talk which can do no human being any good to utter or to listen to. But it can depress and discourage the weak and struggling souls who are striving to make the best of circum- Stances and it can nerve to suicide the hand of some half crazed being who needs only aword of encourage- ment and cheer, to brace up and win the race. This is the unpardonable sin to talk discouragingly to human souls hungering for hope. When the man without brains does it. he can be pardoned for knowing no better. “Life is a hopeless battle in which we are foredoomed to defeat, and the prize for which we scrive to have and hold, what is it ? a thing that is neither enjoyed While had nor missed when lost. So worthless it. is, so unsatisfying. so inadequate to pur- poseless, so false to hone and at its best so brief, that for consolation and compensation, we set. fantastic faiths of an aftertime in a better world from which no confirming whisper have ever. reached us out. of the void. Heaven is a prophecy uttered by the lips of despair. but hell is an inference from history.” Talk faith. the world is better ofi without Your uttered igntrance and morbid doubts: If you have faith in God, or man, or self, Say so : if not, push back upon the shelf Of silence all your thoughts till faith shall come ; No one will grieve because your lips are dumb. Not long ago I read the following bit of pessimism from the pen ofa man bright enough to know better than to add to the mental malaria of the world he said :â€" A Mental Malaria which should be cured. “76 have often thought that the Chronicle would be a much better paper if it had a little particle of Sunday Reading. we thought it would not be any harm to add a. little to this budget of news. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hulton, would have had their dwelling house destroyed by fire. only for the U.P.R. gentlemen who so kindly assisted, and they desire to thank them for their aid in helping to to put it out. Don’t forget: the Sunday échool; it reopens the 12th; every person is welcome, those who take an active part will n ceive much benefitâ€"open at 3 o’clock. 4th Mr. Thos. Lawrence. jr.. had a cow die lately. When Mr. C. Smith and Co., were in the act of coming over the Saugeen Bridge with their thrashing machine engine, it broke through and fell into the river. No person was killed. Mrs. J. Marcbunt and children re- turned to Toronto on Sacurday, the We regret. to chronicle that Mr. Robs. J. Stimson has had an operation We do not. know how he is, but sin- cerely hope he will >003 be all right agam. You ought to see Mr. and Mrs. E. Armstrong. Why they are all smiles. and so very Jolly. Well the reason of this is, there was a little daughter came to spend her infant and child- hood days with them. She arrived the I‘Jth of April. Miss C Hepkins, third daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hopkins, and Mr. C. Mighton, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘hos. Mighton, were united in Holy Wedlock at Hanover, on the let inst. We wish them much joy and happiness in their new sphere of life. The young couple are highly respected, and we shall miss Miss C’s pleasant face and cheerful company very much. Mr. G. head manager of the G. T. R. Toronto. visited at Mr. Geo. Cnfis lately We are expecting to hear the wedding bells ringing again soon. Miss M. Petty spent Sunday, with Miss B. Sparling in town, and enjoyed .her visit. very much, as Miss B. is excellent company. We are sorry to learn that Mr. C Milfigen is ill this Spring. We h and he intends going Wee: for his health. dost week. When Miss Leeeon let t home the 23rd of April, there was good eleighiog, also when Mrs. C. Johnstone left the let, their was 10in of snow, so we good people must not grumble may more art the weather we have in good old Grey County. Mrs. R. Bur-dick. Chicggo, Mrs. C_. Ramble. and Miss H. Lesson, Rainy :River. visited f Mrs. Thou. E. Hulton. lust. Hutton Hill. Your Human Hill correspondent and when we asked for space to re- port matrimony her curiosity got the start of her to know if we were go- As we said last week the imported Clydesdale class at Holstein was an even bunch of horses, it would have taken a committee of three some time to arrive at a decision. A few days subsequent they showed at Kennel. worth and the decision of Govern- ment Judge Reid as given at Hols- tein was entirely changed and one that got that and sweepstakes here was entirely left in the cold. Fall wheat seems to have stood the hardships of a cold Spring well, but spring seeding is very backward Many of our farmers had no sowing done till this week which is the latest start in the memory of our young farmers. Mr. E. Johnston has purchased Mr. Lorne Allan’s fancy driver. a very valuable animal. Lorne has engaged in farming this summer and will be contented to go a bit slower. Mr. Wm. Alian has gone back to his old position as Superintendent in Knox Church 8. 8.. and Miss Irwin, teacher in No 12. Egremont. has been persuaded to take the Bible Class in our S. S. Among: the Other new officers are Misses Edith Allan. Sarah Tucker and Elda McLaughlan. and Messrs Thos. Tucker and John Queen. Mr. Geo. Lawrence, of Port. Arthur. is back to Spend a few weeks renew ing old acquaintances and visit his relatives, R. as it was too wet for seeding and the gang lacked a man he was induced to hire for a day to fill scrapers and just as the twelve o’clock whistle was about to biow he got a stroke from the lever that fractured his coi- lar bone and will lay him 03 work for a while. Mr. W. Brown is a very unlucky young man. On Saturday he went {town to see the work on the new R For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St, Min neanolis. Minn , was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehension. Nething gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. One application of that liniment re lieved the pain and made sleep and ram. possible, and less than one bottle has efl'ected a permanent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 22 cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quick- ly it releaves the pam. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store SCIATICA CURED AFTET TWEN TY YEARS OF TORTURE. If no whisper has ever reached inf out of the void confirming; our {nun in immortality, then one third of the seemingly intelligent and sane beings of our acquaintance must be fools or liars, for we have the'assertiou of fully this number that such whispers have come, besides the bibiioul eta. is. tics of numerous messages from the other realm. All that our dearest hopes desire; will come to us if we believe in our ' selves as rightful heixs to Divme? Opulence, and work and think ulwms on those lines Neither is life “false to hape” he who crusts the divine sourcm of life. Shall find his hopes more than real ised here upon earth. I but voice the knowledge of thousands of souls when I make this assertion. 1 know whereof I speak. No human man says his life is worthless it is because he has eyes and sees not. It is his own fault, not the fault of God, fate or accident If every life seems at times an satisiamory and inadequate. it is only due to the cry of the immortal Soul longing: for larger Opportunities, and fewer limitations Life ever was and ever Will be. it. is a continuous performance. 13 is not worthless to the Wholesome nor- mal mind, it is full of interest and rich with opportunities for usefull- ness Of course life is nor. mtssed when lost because it is neverloet; it is indestructible. o Life is not a hopeless battle in which we are'doomed to deleu Life is a glorious privilege. and we on!) make anything we choose at it if we begin early and are in deep earnest. realise our own divine powers; no- thing can hinder us or stay us. we. can do and be whatever we will. the prize of life is not a thing which is neither enjoyed while had nor missed when 103:: It is enjoyed by millions of souls to day. this. great privilege of life, I for one declare that every day of misery in my existence I have had a week of joy and hapiness For every hour of pain I have had a day of pleasure. for every moment . of worry an hour of content. I cannot be the only soul so endowed with the appreciation of life. I know scores of happy peeple who enjoy the many delights of earth and there are thou- sands Whom 1 do not k'now. there is not a face in the world whicn is free from smallpox scars. Corner Concerns. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Pure Canadian Honey in 250. FLANNELE T’l E BLANKETSâ€"Larze 11-4 size in white and gray, $1.20 pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd., 1.1; yds. 2 yds. wide, 25c. a, square yard. SMYRNA BUGSâ€"30x60 inches $3.00 each. TEAâ€"Salada Ceylon Tea, black and mixed at 25c., 300., and 40c. a. Ib V ._._..-.a.- VI A..\4.¢A\:â€".' "'-“‘-' 350. a yard. Ladies’ black sateen underskirts at $1.00 each. Ladies’ White lawn underskirts at 750. each See our ladies’ fancy collars at 25c. eachâ€"Bargains. See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams. 9) .L ad.) 0 I 0.. l4. 1 l5; .1 4. 1 iv. Table Linen 54 inches wide, 25c a yard 66 (.5 (SS 5! 56 50C “ Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 2 Yards lung, 20 inches wide .X‘ Psychine can be procured from any druggist at 50c. and $1.00. It is a very “I had been suffering from La Grippe. My lungs were weak and I had a cough, but Psychine cured me." MRS. H. BEAN. Cheapside, Ont. " Years ago I was almost a. physical wreck and was suffering with lung troubles. Friends and neighbors thought I would never get better. I began to despair myself. Losing faith in my physician. I pmcured another one who reoorn- mended the use of PSYCHIN E. It was surprising be 0nd description the effect it had. I seemed to go n with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was able to attend to my housework again. There are no symptoms of consumption about me now." MRS. HENDERSON. St. John, NB. _ _-‘-- --.‘ ‘«- “..\_. WU IJKT‘JLILLICQ This prescription has been used in thousands of cases and has been so universally successful that a number of leading physicians regularly pre- scribe Psychine in their practice for any of the above troubles. or any run- down, wasting or constitutional diffi- culty. It is the most reliable and valuable home remedy. It tones up the entire system, giving a feeling of youthfulness and vigor, adding many years to the life of those who use it. “Choice of the latter can be made accordmg to thc- judgment and pre- ference of the patient. “Mix thoroughly and take regularly before each meal and at bedtlme.” The following very valuable pre- scription, by an eminent and success- ful physician. will be appreciated by many who are suffering from la grippe, cold, cough, pnem-nonia, or any throat, lung nr stomach trouble, or run-down system. as it is a certain cure, and will save many a doctor’s bill. It is almost a certain preventive as well :â€" “XYhen you feel that you are taking cold or have chilly feeling or aching in any part of film body or head, or feel weak, tired. dizzy, unfit for work, pain in the head 01' back of the neck, do not neglect these (langerons symp- toms. lmt send iz'nnie(liat«‘-ly to your druggist and exit a bottle of Psychine (pronounced Si-keen), and prepare as follows: “Psycliine, ‘2 teaspoonfuls. “Sheri-y, whisky or water, 2 tea- spoonfuls. Recommended by a Well-known Toronto Doctor, Whose Love for Humanity is Greater than His Prejudice Against Pro- prietary Medicines. ing to insert our own name in the space. but we were not thinking of our selves at the time. we were thinking of the Burton Hill correct- pondent as we hear her name very gprominently mentioned in connec :tion with one of the'hneet young men in Verney and we feel plenSed {to welcome her down after the em- phatic denunciation eh« gave lust Ilset Week to pool rooms and other learning concerns. 'We thought the I talk we had with her lusc full on the Esubjecc must eventually result in ‘ good and we are delighted to find her {such an apt pupil and know that Varney is to have such a bright citi : {zen although they will owe us for .‘the missionary work we have per- iformed A very pleasanc evening was Spent week ago Fridav night in sh» home of Miller McLean. He had prnmised to give the young peopio. a party be- fore leaving here and he did it grand. VALUABLE MEDICAL PRESCRIPTMN We are an pleased to see Mr. Wm. Lawrence able to go one again. The place would be very lonesome with- out his ready wit at public gather- ings. The carpenter work of the new Church is likely to ‘go to the Me- Kechnie firm. Carpenters are very slow to bind contracts this year, they seem to think wages in that parricu tar branch of business may run high this summer. “ LACE CURTAIN S. CALDER BLOCK 20 3G ‘6 ‘6 The New Harness ShOp is bright and tony. Call and see how Jack can suit you. Zam Buk. on she contrary is a healing balm, composer] of highly re fined sape and juices: got from certain rich medical herbs. and evprv home hold may rely on its healing aid. When the. little one runs in from his play with a summing: dirt filled scrape x‘n his hand or knee, simply The old Roman hero- - who were 'torn by wild beans at ' Muir fights! in the now ruined COIOSSWI .u at Ron‘e the Greek charint'eers. » ad the gladi- ators who made fightin: -s profession all knew the virus of herbal 99590- 088 for ~kin injuries' :ind diSvam-Q They would cinema from a comhet sore, Needing and covered with wounds. They would apply at night their secret herbal balms. and in a few days w‘ould again be readv for‘ combat. Their ideal of a balm or; “Ive was a correct one-n prepaxa- tion which must combine power with purity; and the' ideal is realized in‘ Zam-Buk. - l Ordinary ointments. salces and embrocations are generally composed of rancid~ animal fats and mineral poisons. HISTORY OF A GREAT 7‘ I'SCOVERY LIFE! ! LIFEY !” l.-â€"-â€"Prices will please. you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries will suit; you. 3.-â€"Prmnptsts of delivery w111 surprise you. Groceries MATTHEngmg’ Black de black dressing for your harness Torn 8y Wild Beasts . Kinnee 3 you. I TRY 1'9. Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS \Vhips and Sweat Pads why you should buy your John Bell. No. 67, 3rd Cull. E G R: No 3 and 4. lst Con N D R Chris Firth No 5 lat Con N D R All persons are warned not to trespass on the following lots with dogs. guns or other- wise. for the purpose of hunting or prosec- utions will follow :â€" Abraham Crutchley 30. 62 3rd Con. E. G. R; No 3 4thCon. SDR. \Vm m. \Vall, No. 3. 4th Con. S D R. “Enos. McGirr. No. 61 and 62, 2nd Con. E “’m Young N0 3 Com 3, S D R; No 0. Con l. N D R E When mus: returns from work [with n cut bend, the handy box of Zsm Buk sgsin meets the emergency end the housewife or mother contino uslly finds it n resl firiend in need for the burns, the scslds. scrapes and bruises of general household duties. For eczems, ulcers. itch. fistula. abscesses. scalp sores, and all skin diseases, it acts likes charm. It eases the pain and stops the bleeding ofpiles sud cures this painful sil- ment quickly and surely. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50c a box, or from Zsm Buk 00., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50. wash the part, and amen with Zun- Buk, btndngiqg if nocossoyy. ~1.â€"â€"Ynn can always depend an getting full nzcasm'r. run-wt, Weight and entire szltiSfeurliun. are not forgotten. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Proprietor LATIMER

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