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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 May 1907, p. 8

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House Cleaning The house cleaning season is here again, and it is up to us to help you make some IMPROVEMENTS 1n your home. We can do this by selling you your LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, and OIL CLOTH. Oil Cloth in all widths l yrd.11/ yrd. and 2 yards, all new and beautifully designed. - We always have on hand a Full Line of Gent’s Furnishing. Brussels and Tapestry Carpets and Beautiful Rugs. Linoleum in Floral and Block Design, 2 yards and 4 yards wide. LACE CURTAINS in all varieties and patterns. ROBERT BURNETT The People’s Store ' Tapestry and Chenille Curtains in all shades and Designs. Linoleu 'â€"â€"-vv -â€" 9d; if pallid. the kidneys are faulty ;l Mrs. McCulloch, Sr., visrted Mrs. lf' skin is murky and dark circles be. Alf. Corbett a few days 880' . neath the eyes, look for constipation. Mr. “‘1 Mm- 3- W' Huntana'Miss Whatever the cause, no remedy com- Berta Cufi spent Sunday Wlth All“ Dares with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Park'friends. « , . which are mild, safe, purifying and Miss J oasis Contts, 0f.T0r°nt°- 18 Vitalizing in their action. They give spendin'g a few weeks With her‘parf a marvelous rosy tint to‘the cheeks, ents. ' . ' brighten the eyes and establish health Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falknngham that defies age. and disease., Sold '96” Sunday With “1° McCulloc everywhere in 25c boxe§;‘~._ ' . family. ‘ _ -' . \, uni" A clear clear complexion is the out- ward evidence of inward cleanliness. In bad health the face becomes a. sign-board, milling of disease within. If yellow, bile is my properly secret:- To frame a barn 48x64 -with an annex 113x44 in five (1 ye is counted pretty fast work by those who know; yet this is what Mr. Fred Heft and his gang of three accomplished at our ranch last week. And they didn’t seem to rush or worry either; but every step, every stroke of the chisel, mallet and adze was made to tell. Fred himself is a horn leader of men With a cool head and a quick steady hand. His brother Harry has one of the best knit figures to be found in a country and is as deft and strong as a young lion; Andrew Mitchell is the adzeman of the gang and plies it with a grace that shows long experi- ence. ' He is a droll-humored chap. Will Vasey is the youngest of the party. but the Way he makes the boring machine fly would convince avnyoue that he has vim and muscle to boot. They are an agrâ€"egiblé quartette and a. happy 10: to be about. any man’s place. May 61b and quite a. number of farmers have not been able to sow a grain of seed yet, while others will finish this week. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup oer WAS held in Zion on Sunday af Lemoon and quite a large number participated. In the annual resting for fh» election of officers held by the Zion Laaque lately. the following bright staff were appointed: Vice-Pres” Earnest- Cook; 5th'Vica Pres . Miss Stella Jack; while R. '1‘ Edwards keeps the books. Miss Lizzie Firth, of Markdale, visited the old neighborhood the first of the week. She and her partner am doing Well there Pxesidenc. W. ’L Falkingham. re- elected; 'lsc Vice-Pres. Thus Jack; 2nd Vice-Pres... Miss Olive Cook ; 3rd Vice Pres.. Miss Myrtle Hunt; 4th \lrs Wm Greenwood, Sr., was taken seriously iil on Sunday and medical aid was hastily summoned. 011. For a Clear Complexion 2 '1 raverston. THE DU REASM‘J CHRONICLE "firâ€"s". EébdiISEfi'," SET, viéited Mrs- Alf. Corbett}. few daygfigo‘ â€" Mr. Wes. Hunt, of Priceville, vis- ited in thisAvicinity Sunday; 1 I. -â€" w _â€" â€"_v__d Mrs. John Cuff, Aberdeen, visited her daughter, Mrs H W Hunt, one day recently._ rift. John Coutne has been ill for the pass two or three weeks, but is improvipg nicely. o._"| Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Smich, of Dar- ham. Spent Sunday before last mm the Janet’s mother, Mrs. J. W. Vlck- BIB. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50‘cent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mi-o-na. is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mai1 on receipt at price. 50 cents. Boath’s Miona Company, Bufialo. N. Y. Mr. W. Livingston And Mr. Wes. Lyons, of Durham, were over on Sunday the former a visitor at Mr. Wm. Wilcocks’. On Sfimrdas’ last Arteme ia Coun- cil let t§e contract,for rehnuidmc thu. Boyne star :bridge.’ Several tend‘ ere were. presented. hm. the «me no . cepted was that of Walker Baas . u.’ Southampton. who are to can view the job for 81400. .The bridge.‘ which is to be of cement with a “Want. hm span. is to be completed hefme -he firm of July, Walker Bum .uf. secured the contract for mu ue s cement sidewalks to be laid here sms summer. the price is nine onus pm equate foot and three tktOUsnud dui lure are to be expended Thu Homers. Walker are, We learn. Ilflgnnufl‘Hg fur the rebuilding of the Flflstlvr hm It is not the acute attacks that: in theme the insurance examiners alone but the constant feelings of weakness. headaches, indigeStion and stomach troublesâ€"these things. physicians say, kill more people than many more serious diseases. Mrs. John Wright. who has been on an extended visit with her son :c Hagersville has returned to Spend the summer at, her home here. Mr. Joseph Blackburn was gnen a pleasant surprise by a generomg it from the ladies who thuq GXDrehm-d their appreciation of services render ed the Society by him. At the cou clusiou of bueinessrefreshmems were served and an enjoyable time WAS spent over the cosy cup 0’ tea. Mr. J. Gamey, who has} bean for some ‘ime with Mr. A Wilson. has opened a barber shop at Priceville. Mrs. Ostrom and daughter. of Pem- broke, paid the farmer’s cousin, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, a short visits last week. Mr. John Nuhu has the GXOaVatiun dome for a new buck residanceo on the lots xecemly purchased near the Bapticc church. Mr. Nuhn expects no commence work soon on rebuilding the woollen miil dam washed away in January last. For curative pOWer in all stomach troubles, nothing else is as safe yet: effective, nothing else can be chor- oughly relied upon to relieve all cron- bles from indigesnion as Mi-oma. IL is unlike any remedy heretofore known, and is really one of the valu- abie diaCoveries in modern medical SCIBDC . Quarterly Communion service Was held in the Methodist church on Sun day the pastor preaching an appro- priate sermon. Rev. Mr. Wright was again listened to with deep in. terest in the Presbaterian pulpit which will be occupied next Sabbath by Rev. Crawford Tate formerly of Moorfield. At. the montb‘ v meeting of uh» Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid held in M: ~. Smith’s on Thursday [mt Sire A S. VanDuseu was elected Preaidem in the place of Mrs Thom who r. cunt y moved away. Th9 day of m» BM; was changed from the first. Thur-via} in the month to the first. \thm~dn\ Principal Mill and his staff direcsed Arbor Day work at the public school on Friday last when the interior of the school got; a wholesome cleaning,' and the grounds were much improv- ed in appearance. Mr. James Russell, who was one of the party who recently lefc here for Idaho. writes in glowing terms of the delightful weather they are en- joying and of the advanced ,vegita' tion over this section. Why Insurance Companies Discrimin- ate Against the Gentle Sex. Medical examiners of insurance companies any man she reason a woman pays more [or the privilege of Insurance than a. man, is [rum me fact. that. women more readily fa.“ victims L0 indigestion and Stomach troubles and the fatal ailments that Spring [now these causes. Mr. and Mrs. Porter moved recent- ly to Mrs. McMillan’s residence on Alice street. All persons. they say. who have a weukcnsd digesmve system and sufier from sick headache, dizzy spells. dxs- tress leLeI‘ eating, specks before the eyes, blunting, nervousness, Sleepless- ness and the many ocher symptoms of indigeStion, soon lower the tone of the whole system and are moss susceptible to a fatal illness. WOMEN PAY MORE. ‘ Flesherton' ' Vickers. ah?! Fall Wheat .......... 1 Spring Wheat ........ Oats ................ Peas... Barley .............. . Hay.... Eggs ................. Pocatoes per bag ...... Apples per bag; ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins ........... Wool ............... . Tallow . . . . H . I Lard ....; ........... 1 rOMERsl‘ndâ€"thé infifi‘c’ {xxâ€"fangs? ciIQ't'i em prepared ”furnish NEW Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELL Dnmnme, Rm-Cunmxe AND Pansscunmm done with Cement concrete. w ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan’e Mil) will be promptly 3‘ tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let, live” Paloma. wuâ€" \‘oz ?§ Hfsfikfifiiléfiéfiéilé We suggest to those about to paint to make a practical test and convince themselves. Buy a small can of the Martin~benour 1000/0 Pure Paint, and one of any ether brand with which you may have been favourably impressed, selecting about the same color. and paint a few feet Carefully measure the paint so that you use no more of one than the other. Thus with the conditions the same. you. can determin for yourself which paint has the better body or covering compacity ; which is the easier brushing our and has the better finish. If you do net decide in favour of the Martin- Senour 100°/‘J Pure Paint. ' our agent will return the money you paid for the can of MartinSenour 100% Pure Paint used in the exPeriment. and we will credit the same to him. Pumps. 5% Investigate before you buy. In these delvsofshuzp >2? competition, it is well to know that you get what you pay for Sl’é Their arefio many brands of house paints on the market. now a- 31!); days. aoivertised as "pure” (#1 1t iittle better than ‘ depe”) that a? a man ought to lnvéstigate what he intends to buy. QM ”0‘ “IN Q". WK: mam; qeris %%% (D \ % N. 10 2% ’ \ 45‘ :kyé %% With com gig. of an absolu g), grinding: 0w 47$ From the ( % paint house: “A? \"II «72$ \w, :)i¢*$§(’<% %$'%*§é%%‘§é%s %%>%%*~mi’s cars #45???» :{éWe are Introducing *6 THE Martin=Sen0ur 100% Pure Paint WM %%*%%%M t ’5' 4!}; %§ 318‘ Unless there 1: dc“ - ”“0110“ Product. "3.3333131“? “m1 who. bin-mum“. an d .- . preventing th. 8.11‘”: fr-‘~ma:‘tuw {fin-k. A “of: rm. no liver pull. Act may. 1mm 1.). If you no suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bllity, nervousness, exhaus- tlon, you should b gin at once with Ayer’ a San: parilla, the Sarseparllla you l: we known all your lite. Y mr doctbr knows It, too. Ask 1; im about it. We: 1 rust Ddctors BEG LEAVE _T0 INFORM -A--â€"-h~ For Sale only by== The Difference between a 100% Puma mer and :1 cheap paint, iq SC mark-ml that. auvmxe can ted as soon as they begin *0 US“ Whic‘" 0W- iS All” 0‘16 brushful of the \Iartin- Senour 1m) /0 FUN Pain! will cn'nv' morn urface than two or three b ushfuts of cheap paint. andfl .0 :c in a more thorough manner. With confidence that the public will appreciate the advantages of an absolutely pure mixed paint, thoroughly prepared by mill. grinding: over the old process of stirring the ingredients by hand From the character of the advertising matter Sent out by the paint houses. one would think there were no adulterated paints at all. All claim to make the beet paint; yet it a fact that not one brand in twanry is PURE. By a ”7.313 paint we mean one that containg no ingredient that cheapens it, such as barytes. whiting, silica, sulphate of lead, china clay. alkali, benzine, water. adul- terated linceed oil. marble dust, etc. These subStitutes for what should be used only add weight or bulk. Benzine is likely to fade the colour, and water and chemicles destroy the bond of the oil. MAKE PURITY YOUE STANDARD and see that the paint is guaranteed. just as the Martin-Senour 100‘}; Pure Paint is. W0 Mn no «out. ! ‘70 mm the formula of .11 our mama“. We Guarantee the MartinSenonr 1mm Pure Paint (except a. few dark shades that cannot be prepared from lead and zinc). to be made from pure carbonate of lead, pure oxide of zinc, with coloring matter in proportionate quantities necessary to make their respective shades and tints, with pune linseed oil and turpentine dryer, and to be entirelyfnee from water. henzine whiting, and adulterations. and sold subject to chemical analysis. THE MARTIN-SENOUR Co., LTD. ooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Market Report. GEORGE WHITMORE. g. S. HUNTER DURHAM. ~ Mar. 25. 1907 .3 68 to 8 m 5O 14 00 21 70 1 00 230 245 140 650 850 70 4O 00 39 Darling’s DRUG STORE We have in stock a com- plete line of garde seeds in bulk We carry in stock a full strength (40 C'/C) Formalin Kills smut germs. Try it. We also have in stock a full line of Tm mp Mangol and Sugax Beet Seeds. Darling's These seeds are bought from reputable growers and are pure Give us a Trial ‘When Needing These - PEAS, ONIONS CORN.BEANS, AND RADISHES GARDENERS ATTENTION ! r he People's Druggists Formalin \“f;

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