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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 May 1907, p. 3

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A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MO W ERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS “'AGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A counters STOCK OF THE HANOVER CON VEYANCBR : HAS BEEN : To change his advertisements but now (i Ears mme \E\V BARGA135: A large sum of money tn land at invest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Difficulties avmnged. U P. R. and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. IwACRES Bantinck near Crawford, brick \eueered cl“ elling. very large barn. frame stables and pic stables gnod soil, good nrchard good bush. Price shmxld be 4001) but. will sell tor less than $3000 1: hold at once 4 2:0 ACRES near Durham. 3. gum! farm, aplemlidl) Improved “as askmg 37 500 “ill HUW take great deal less. l0? ACRES. in filer-em. near ernam. a tine well 1mpr0ved farm, will sell very cheap or trade. } ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Facmry. Will sell cheap or trade. A PROVITA RLE Blacksmith slmp stand, “ell lava ted. Implements Ramsay \Vhen we talk Paint to a cus- tomer We claim that we have a stock that stands for quality andsatisfaction. ’A Paint must be made rightâ€"made to with stand the storms of rain and snow, as well as burning sun. ‘Vith Ramsay Paints goes a arantee of satisfaction. The amsay Paints have been made in Canadar-since BILLâ€"made for Canadian weither~made prop- erly. The quality of the Ran» say Paints remain long after the price is t‘nrgotten. Paint Season - Will Soon Be Here F. E. SIEGNER Hardware and Tinware DURHAM. May 16, 1907, Let us tell you all abuutit \VE HAVE THE . H. Miller 2 BUSY H. H. MILLER Paints 31.. F rent, P. O C. NICHOLSON, Sec. E. \Vellingt‘on, Mt. Forest P. O. All are invited, and all Should take: this opportumty of v’lsltlflg: the fnrm.l which in all its different. departmental is; worthy of inspection --T‘be experi-: mental plocs of all varieties of grains,| graézses. roots. and forage crops; the: difierem breeds of Live Stock; the; Farm Dairy. the Creamery. the! Cheew Factory, the Museum and; Flower Department; the Rural Cow. bolldated School Buildings. Where thei children from five School Sections are? taught to a good graded school. and l the \chonald lunitute. a school for: farmers’ daughters These immense? buildings have been erected by Sara Vfi illram McDon lld, of Montreal ' Ample train accommodation wxll be promded. and evelyrbing will be comfortable. Make your arrange meuts early and take in this Excur- Si )u. I..- - s.... a.» qâ€"â€"â€"~- ROB'I‘. MORICE}, Pws. 8 Grey. Uurh .m P. O. GEO BlNNIE.S-c S Grev. Buueswan P. O. A. HUVCHISON. P: 6‘ E. Weiliug'ou, Durham 7. Varoey 7. Bahrain 7. Mt. Forest. 7«' Palmerston 8' Ehnwoud 7 Hanover 7 Neustndt 7.. Ayton T. Alsfeldc 7 Palmerston b Arrive at Gueiph 9 332-; m. Re- turning. leave Guelph 5.50 p m. Tickers gnod m rwrurn on any train 01! the IO'h The Excursion will smart by Special Trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations and tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip. Trains will run accord- ing to the following Time Table: Leave Addlrs Cbild’n Durham 7.10 a.m. $1.15 $0.60 Varoey 7.15 " l 16 60 Holstein 7.99 " l 15 60 Mt. Forest. 7.45 “ 1.0:") :35 Palmerston 8 05 “ SATURDAY, JUNE B; ’0? Lunch Provided on Farm GUELPH 80th Grey and East Wellington P B d T k 'I fill [an ngun fial way \Vill be held under the auSpices of the South Grev and Bass Wel. lington Farmers’ Insdcuces on TMTMTHS’ INSTITUTES 'Experiméntal Farm AND Ontario Agr’l College \IIE GRAND IO 0 10 10 .10 60 6a) i Anv mother who has had experi ’enCo with 'his distressing ailment iwill be pleued to know that a cure gmay be afic'nd by applying Cham }berlain’s Salve as soon 9.9 the chiid is done nursing Wipe it 06 with a . soft cloth before allowing the babe to 5 nurse. Many trainud nurgee 099 chis salve with has: results. For sale as Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. Clark is making great changes in the house he bought from Billy McCalmon. He has raised it up and 'is putting a cellar under it and is in- tending to make it higher. When all fixed over it will be a fine place for some one to‘ live in. Varney is looking up Mm. Crawford is stopping at Wm. Caldwell’s until she gets her busi- ness settled up. Arbor day was observed in our school by giving: the school and the yard athorough cleaning. They had a tafl'y pull after the work was done. McCabe sold his dandy driver to the Veterinary. Mr. Sim. of Holstein. also the harness and cart to the same man. J. \V. Blyrh is rattling up the wire fence. He arecmd 40 rods for Jas Kerr and :30 for John Backus. John was so well pleased that he came back and ordered more. \Vimn Bogle is attending: the ma- son that ia hui‘ding the stone work of NlcC.:be’s house. He hustles around in goad style. Billy Bryann is getting ready to put scone work under the barn he got from Mr. Kerr That is the thing Billv, nothing like good Sta- bling for stock V â€"â€"- â€"â€"V'---v vâ€"u-vwâ€"‘I-J last.” I We do not want anyone’s money The prorth League will hold a ‘ unless htyomei gives relief and (are, . . . 53nd We absolutel a ree that, money 500”“ 1n the Orange Hall on Friday ; will be refundedyurfess the remedy nights. the l7ch. A good program .is . gives satisfaction. in preparation and refreshments Will be served. Silver collection at. the All druggiste should be able to Sup door. Everybody welcome. ‘ply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price. $1 00, and every package is: sold with the ‘distinct understanding that it costs moshing unless it cures. Bootn’e Hyomei Company. Bufi'alo, N. Y. McCabe sold his dandy driver to the Veterinary. Mr. Sim. of Holstein. also the harness and cart to the same man. ‘XYIV‘ TAI‘m La.‘ ‘mn.\‘..A L:N~:‘£ LA! Murrav Hm- has gor, war the sore leg: that he hrs had for some time caused by a bite from R. J. Allen’.: dog. Max Allan and Wilbert. Blyth vis- ited at Mr. Wm. Brown’s on Sunday last. Wm. Long has treated bimsilf to a dandy new organ He got: it from Mr. Jackson. of Eiora. A numbaar of Knox Young people attended the Varney Sunday SohooL and Epworch League on Sunday. Miss Mary Brown, from Toronto. and Miss Ads. from Holstein, stopped over Saturday night with their aunt Mrs. Will Clark on their way home. The most welcome visitor around here is the beautiful warm weather that has only come this week. It puts a smile on everybodys face. Alf McCabe has moved into the hotel until he get-s his new house finished. We hear he is going to keep a public house, so Mr. Editor. if you should happen to be near Varney about meal time. you will know Where to go. Misses Flossie and Hattie Leeson from Rainy River. are living at Geo. Leeson’s and Albert McClinton’s. We believe they intend stopping for the summer. We welcome them to our village. SORE NIPPLES. Varney. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE London. May 13.â€"The Registrar- Geoeral of Vital Statistics in England and Wales reports that in 1906 the births were 934,391 This is at the rate of ‘27 per 1,000 of the mud pOpu- lation. the lowest: hitherto recorded. It is 1 7 per 1 000 below the average of the preceding ten years. There were 530,715; deaths. The rate is 15 4 per 1.000 as compared with an average of 16.8 during the preceding ten years. The Hyo-mei medication, laden with nature’s remedies, is breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, reaching every part of the bronchial tubes and killing at. once the disease germs. It allays all irritation and heals the in- flammation of the mucous membrane with astonishing rapidity. Treetment with sprays. douches and aromizers in bronchial troubles in condemned by the best physicians. as they cause further irritation. The first bretth of Hy-o-mei’s med- icated air seems to soorhe the inflam- mation, atop the cough, and thus re- lief eoon becomes permanent, and a cure results. Mr. Harris. Property Commia- sioner, who returned Saturday from Cleveland, States that the United States Government has appointed a commission to go over the country and Study ways and means for smoke prevention. Special tests will be made during the Jamestown Exposi- tion At. their convention in Milwaukee next month they will start a moVe- men: (or a universal law for the two countries making the emission of smoke itself for anv length of Lime illegal. and non forcing; the State to prove a nuisance in each case. Bronchial troubles are purely local. They cannOt be helped by stomach dosing. They are caused by irrita- tion in the, air passages and can be relieved and cured by medicated air alone. In this lies the secret of the great success of Eye mei in the treatment of bronchial troubles. International Action May be Taken i the Matter. PREVENTION OF SMOKE NUIS- ANCE. Combined action by the Canadian and United States Governments {or the prevention of the smoke nuisance is being sought by the international Association for Smoke Prevention. Readily Yield to Soothing, Healing Treatment of Hyomei. BRONCHIAL TROUBLE S. A LOW BIRTH RATE. «4‘. 'i‘V' in i‘:i;Ԥl~.‘ .‘ m' Pressure otnhome on thetopwlne b1 gig prevents tihem tram bending, and when 1 place n. - The total wires are High-Cuban expansion and contraction by heat: and cold, of the stays and strands to prevent the stays t are needed. . Buy the Dillon HingeStny Fence. I1 investment. Catalogue 3‘00. * 'I’Im flwnn Ram"! Mn 1 THE CHRONICLE ONLY ‘ FIFTY CENTS ' m (.Dwon Sound Wire Fence 00;, Limited, Owen Sound, am. I .DILL OHM/(69%; I "V 1 3 I: . .. -.-. :1)” fiv/g’fl .0.’ ; {t} ‘53:}? .c‘ 1““ 411m". ”HM!!! 'WHHH “mm! ‘7"F’t?Ҥ*"?“:§“12"“’2“: ' ~1 m“ u. f ‘3"3‘5M1gnwif 3 g "\ M551 .1" J! 3 9753* W" ' 42m. - .. .32 { MIMI! m! 3:2" I'J ”:11!!me . KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. A Souvenir Range is built to draw well on any chimney. The GURNELYâ€"N LDBN CO will fit any'chimney. It will draw freely and perfectly on the 'meanest chimney that was ever constructed. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLYsATTENDED To. Geo. H. Stinson Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. When Going Up Street: CUSTOM work and REPAIRING as usual at TOWN-DOWN Shoe Store Ready for Sprmg ‘NG iUVin, you to call and inspect, our goo-‘38 ax‘ we {an} Q“;T':3 wax can interest vou either in quantirv. q'mlirx‘ or price. Ca” and s. «goods whethgr you par.) hase or not Perms. Cash. Eggs same as Cash. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence. The short. stiii' hand steel wire in our hinge-stays cannot bend when the lateral wires are weighted down, owingto their being so shortandjointed at each strand wine. Pressure of a horse on the top wine brings the “hinges" in the stays into action and prevents them irom bending, and when pressure is rel eved the fence springs back into place in. - The teral wires are Bixharbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and are also crimped at the intersection 2311:9333 and strands to prevent the stays from slipping sidewaysâ€"therefore no locks Buy the Dillon Hinge-Sta Fence. It's “twice as stron .” Twice as investment. Catalogue tree. y g 800d an ‘ The Owen Sound Wire Fence 00;, limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Hamilton, \Vinnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver SOLD IN DURHAM BY THE FARBHCRS‘ MFG. >l7'5’5’LY CU. BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, etc. Trunks, Vaiises, 8th Bags and Ieiescnpes fl \ .. fin: rang; :3 W5; .3 mm * " gCS Wi W} WM draw all right if the chim- . imam ”U {Keg ney Hue 18 built m a certain ekeâ€"M a s \i‘" ‘ way; if not, it will not draw at all, or very imperfectly chimney must fit the range. A ‘ To January I, ’08 15.8. McILRAITH Why not have a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. MODEL BAKERY Limited. in stock at moderate price-z. Suitnbm for all dawns. \Vith a large szcck of “'13 A HE N0 \V Is 3 Handy D’sk. Frame locks to the Games with a simple half-tum. Scraper knives combined with Cleaner Bars keep planes free of all sods orhush. Ball Bear- lngs. 4t} antirfriction balls make draught very light. Flelee. Will fill furrows or fit. uneven ground. Plain the correct shape. turns and I ulverizca the mi]. Other Di~ks and c..Jtivators wswd azainqt the “ BI‘SSE1.!." get. a surprise. Sold by our Agents. Manufactured by T. E. BlSSELL. ELORA. ONT. ‘Write for Booklet. “ E." On common fences the continuous wlre staysere sure tobend and the lock: toloee their grip under continual prea- eure of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wire. soon followed by those below. will one and destroy the emclency of your fence. G. Lawnmch 05d Stand

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