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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 May 1907, p. 5

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Toronto, 30th March, 1907. Gem J. C. TELFORD, DURHAM Notice is hereby given that a’ dividend of one and one half per cent. (11/. per cent.) for the current quarter, bein at the rate of six per cent. (6 per cent.) per annum on t e capital stock of this bank, has been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office and at the- branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next. The transfer books Will be closed from the 1st to the 15th May, both days inclusive. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Shch as a 17 Jewel Elgin, hickle movement complete in case 101 312, and 1n the best 25 yea1 filled case with same movement for $16. _ The above p11ces are something veiy seldom heald of in this count1y, and while they last, we will sell at the price mentioned above. Every watch carries a SPECIAL GUARANTEE _‘ ' ‘ ~ 1".‘ . cop‘rmcn'r 6””, Watches ! ! ! Watches ! ! ! We are going to offer to the public A SNAP g '" Amerian Watches V W. BLACK TURNIP CARROT MA NGE L And all kinds of Garden Seeds in abundance. Washing Machines, Clothes Ringers, Wash Boards, Tubs, Clothes Lines, Clothes Baskets Clothes Pins, Ironing Boards, and Copper, Tin, and Galvan- izedlron Boilers. In WASHING ARTICLES we lead the Market such asâ€" OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN- Alabastine Ashestine Whiting Glue Gillets Lye Whitewash Brushes Scrub Brushes Paint Brushes Mops Curtain Stretchers and Step-Ladders Do not forget for one moment that -We sell the best paint man- ufactured-The SHERWIX-VVILLIAMS to 1* able tarinforx'h' 56611 $223313 that we have everything for that purpose. Owing to ch ackward weather. some people a. behind with their hou‘ie-cleaning, .aqd we are pleased The Sovereign Bank " of Canada It is a pleasure to be able to deal in a. store where you can get every- thing fromâ€" stock of National Portland Cement always on hand. K Needle to an Anchor May 16. 1907 By Order of the Board, :DIAMOND Jâ€"lALL.” D. M. STEWART, General Manager. DURHAM. last. nvvwâ€" “~1va vuJVIIU UL Tweeds 'ahdHS litings. which we would like you to see. Call and get one of our $1.50 White Bed Spreads for $1.00 while they ‘nn‘ Our New Spring Stock ofGrocenies and Crock- ery Ware Is now in, and are offered at RIGHT PRICES..- Date? May 10th, 1907. And Notice is hereby further given that business meeting of the Council will be held at the same place at 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. Shinning will-6e attended to as usual. The h’ Cash or :fhest- price will be paid in rade. Saturday, the 25th Day of May, 1907; NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Glenelg, fornhe year 1907. will he held at the Town- ship Hall. on 1 00.000 Pounds WOOL WANTED I I Court of Revision Bunessan. Mav 8th. 1907- i V V hereby give notice that 56 _will not be responsible tor the payment of a note of $30 00 made by us about three weeks ago in favor of Thomas Wilson. of Durham. and payable in July next. as we have returned the property for which the said note was given. DONALD MCARTHUR. ARAHIE MCAR’I‘HUR. 1 D“‘__ " 3-... â€"AA_ TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG, 1907. S. SCOTT THE UNpERSIGNED. Warning. OPTICIAN J. S. BLACK. Township Clerk. assortment of l ONTARIO. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR. FILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protmding Piles. Drug gist» are authorized to refund money if PAZO Anm‘mm . a. . fore- Mr. Alfred Down. .of Bermuda visiting his cousin. Mrs. F. G. I stedt. Mrs. C. W. Bellamy is ' daughter in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackburn. 0f Mt. Forest, visited the farmer’s brother. Joseph. here. last Friday. Mrs. Grier, of Dundalk, was the guest of Mrs. J . A. Boyd over Sunday and Monday. The Band rendered an exfiellfint programme on the street on Friday evening last. Bandmaster Tucker is getting his boys in good form. and their open air concerts will be a source of pleasure to the citizens. A band stand is much needed. Who W111 move in the matter? On Sunday last Mr. W. Gaudin ex changed pulpits with Rev. Dr. Ca (1- well, who conducted Communion ser- vices on the Eugenia Circuit. Rev, Crawford Tate, who supplied the Presbyterian pulpit, preached an im- pressive sermon and so pleased the congregation that a strong feeling exists in favour of calling him to the} pastorate should he intimate his will- mgness to accept. Txeas.. Mrs. W. H. Bunt; Pres. of Systematic Givingy Mrs. Jos. Clin- ton ; Delegate to Branch Meeting in Toronto, Mrs, Nicholson. ' The Quarterly Board of Flesherton circuit met in the Methodist church here on Thursday last, Rev. Dr. Cald well presiding. Messrs. W. Clayton. F. W. Nicholson, R. Waller. W. H. Bunt, W. A. Armstrong, W. G. Shan- non and R. Douglas were elected Stewards wrth W. Clayton Recording Steward. Wm. Buchanan was sleet ed delegate to District Meeting. Dr. Caldwell was cordially and unanim- ously invited for the third year. Although the circuit has lost nearly twenty families by removal, there will be for the year a slight increase in membership and the finances will be in full. The Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues are in a proSperous Icondition. At the annual meeting of the W. M. S. Auxiliary 1n the Methodist church on Thursday last oficers were 1 elected as follows: President, Mrs. W. H. Thurston; lst Vice Pres., Mrs. . \V. J. Boyd ; 2nd Vice Pres... Mrs. F. g Nicholson; Cor. 890.. Mrs. William I Moore; Rec Sec._. Mrs Geo. Mitchell; . Tress. Mrs. W. H. Bunt; Pres. 0Hl Miss Mary On Tuesday of last. week Mr. G McGrucher drove down from Mark- dale with a livery horse, and while here the animal indulged in a. little runaway. Dashing into Munshaw’s stable there was acollision and one wheel of the buggy was badly smashed. Jimmie Stafford, 6 years old, who lives with his aunt. Mrs. J. P. Otte well, had a narrow escape from drowning on Tuesday of lasr. we- k. Be and Eleanor ”Bobs” Trimhle. the same age, were returning from school and got playing on a raft at the Boyue river. Both fell into the Wacm er, but “Bobs” succeeded in getting out and started for home, on the way {meeting C. N. Richardson, druggisc, whom he told of their plight. Charlie hastened to the river, and in about three feet of water found the appar ently lifeless body of little Jimmie. over whom he wrought energetically for some time before signs of life were apparent. Resuscitation secur- ed. the little fellow was carried to the Baptist parsonage Where Dr. Car- ter gave him further attention. It was so close a call that only one with Charlie’s skill on resuscitation could probably have saved the boy’s life. A meeting of citizens was held in the town hall on Monday evening of last week to discuss holding a cele- bration here on\\Dominion Day, but as near by places have arranged to celebrate. Flesherton will reserve her former annual event for another year and the funds in hand. $360, will be preserved for the occasion. at 5 o’clock. a choice wedding supper was served and the evening was en joyably Spent by the company. Over sixty guests were present. a number being from Toronto. Collingwood, Stayner, Creemore and Mt. Forest. The bride received a large number of beautiful wedding 'preeents The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold watch rind to the bridesmaid a. pearl1 pin. The bride’s travelling costume was of brown cloth with chique hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. McKee Will visit Toronto and other points on their honeymoon. I A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs. W. R. Sim mons on Wednesday evening of. last week. when their eldest daughter. Ida Ethel. and. Mr. John G. McKee. youngeut son of Mr. W. T. McKee. of Flesherton, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. L W. 'Ihom. of Waldemar. conducted theé ceremony, and Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. of this place. played the wedding march. The bride. who was given aWay- by her father. looked pretty in a dainty gown of cream eolienne trimmed with lace. who wore the customary bridal veil with orange blossoms Miss Teresa McKee. the groom’s sister. was bridesmaid. and was becomingly attired in gray crepe de chene trimmed with cream lace. Mr. Albert Blackburn, cousin of the bride. of Duntroon, Was beet man. After the marriage, which took place! Flesherton Iermuda. is F. G. Kar- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Believe the physical sufiering of come. Quickly done by the reliable Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Beware 'of acid,â€"fleeh-eeting substanCes and moist on “Patnam’e;” it’s the one sure and painless cure. . Mr. Hugh McDonald, contractor, owns and drives Queen Barnes, so called because he bought him from John Barnes, of SD. Thomas. She was sired by Wlldbrino. 2.1%, dam by Rooker.â€"â€"Ca.nadian Sportsman. "‘ Mr. J. U, Nichol, the merchant tailor, . has a peach of a high actor in a big ch. ‘gelding, 16.1 hands, weighing 1,270 lbs., one of a pattern that makes a combination horse. He was sired by Sorby’s Squire, dam, a thoroughbred. When the roads get so this fellow can be driven every day he will make up into a very handsome and stylish horse. ‘ ‘ f Hall B., 2.04, dam by Captain Hunter, 2.131;. He is not overly large, but led down the read, he would impress one that he was an old campaigner. No matter which way he is turned he al- ways has his speed With him, and I predict he Will be a very fast, natural pacer. Mr. R. Scott, about the only regular trainer in town, has a 5-year-old mare by \Vilbrino, 2.191,, dam by Lord \Vel- lington, that gives promise of being very fast. She is smoothly turned, With good legs and feet. Mr. Scott al- so owns a 3-yemnold stallion, sired by 1 Mr. J. H. Hunter drives a five-year- old by Cremore, dam by Winfield Scott, that shows any amount of speed, but as he is high in flesh Mr. Hunter is going slow with him. Tom Swallow, the barber, has a very handsome two-year-old ch. g. He is very breedy looking and speedy. Mr. Swallow owns a broncho, and from personal observation I would pro- nounce him a peach ; but his high act;- ing is all behlnd. Mr. Miehlhausen, of the Middaugh House, has been a little under the Weather, but is recovering nicely. With the approach of the warm weathâ€" er he expects to get out behind his pa- cer. The best reading room of any hotel in the country is in the Middaugh 1 House. Every daily paper from all the principal towns is to be found there on file, and the Canadian Sports- man in the front. I stopped over Sunday in this thriv- ing town. I can assure you one rarely meets with as pleasant a gentleman as Mr. William Black, merchant, of Dur- haun. “Billy,” as the boys familiarly call him, is at the head of every move- ment of industry for the furtherance of the business interests of the town. He takes a lively interest in the light : harness horse, and always keeps a few of an extra pattern on hand. He is so well known all over Ontario that his word is a guarantee that he can sell horses to outsiders on his word and personal description. Very few men have achieved that prominence in the 1 horse world. But such are'the facts. He is well posted on pedigrees and is ever ready to give information and advice to those who may seek it. TO IMPROVE ILL TEMPER. thn nursme; comes on unoeasing strain on the mother’s vitality. The blood is weakened. Nerves are irri- table through the loss of sleep. Anxiety and care break down even the strongest. EXperience teaches that nothing is more helpful than Ferrozone. What an appetite it brings! No blood-former or nerve: tonic more potent, no medicine known that so steadily brings back the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It’s because Ferrozone nourishes. because it supplies the materials for rebuilding that it does such permanent good, 500 per box at all dealers. Mr. S. F. McComb of yofir town is doing some carpenter wcrk for Mr Wm. Jackson of the Gien these days The Brodie men of Ceylon-are busy framing the timber for Mr. Archie McArthur’e new barn, which they in- tend to raise about the 23rd of this month. Mr. J. D. Kennedy of the Toronto Police Force spent: his holidays at. his home here and rdturned on Tues- day of less week to resume duties Mr. Hugh Edwards was laid up for a. few days with acute dyspepsia, but is able to be around at. present, we are glad to say. Arbor Day was observed in our school by the teacher Miss Edge and the children, planting trees, flOWers etc. Some of the farmers have finished seeding in this neighborhood, while others have much to do yet. The wet weather has kept some from getting their grain sown ,as soon as they expected; Quite a few. are source of feed and very little grass to take its place. Look Out For Swelled Heads With nursing; comes on Invaluable for Nursing Mothers Bunessan. See our assortment of Pictures, and 01er stock of Mouldings. We can g‘laf‘antee satisfaétion in Picture Framm g. Remember we have and Carnages, and we Lenahan 6: McIntosh We always have a full ligle- of. Stoves, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Glass at If you require oils of any kind 131-5 American and Canadian) Linseed Oil. Cylindgr Oil,‘S~epa.rp.tor Oil, Sewing M m tuULC (LL'DISUIC Ilnlsn, M URESCO, and you W \Ve also have all other lines than can be ohtaified bv ill use no other wall fifii Alabastine. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glue. Br Tc _‘-- ,,-_ . --n I, _- -uv VJLA, luvuxl'zllgi‘ any other maternal. ’1: sh. for painters’ and decorators’ uw ' k ,‘ smrh : The best wall finish for painters and ( with a soft velvety effect, restful and more artistic finish, than can be ohtai MURESCO, and 5.7.011 _will_t_lse no other v ‘XY- A1-- ‘- BflSketS, HOOkS, In these also we hak'e a full supply and are able CflStS’ Leaders etc. ‘0 Stlpply the wants of a} l. eeeeseeeeafiee afieemso as: , \.. "-1.. .WA. . - " a. nu . - .zf'..$.'.....~*' £34m #farsvrsnw Reels and Lines A few doOrs south of the Middaugh House. . wuuxj. L L 0 Brass and Nickel Plated. In lines we have anv- thing‘ required Braided Lines, , ranging from the Twisted add to the very best Silk Ones. 511ng P0165 We carrya full assortment including the Common Bam- boo, Jointed Bamboo, Split Bamboo, Greenheart, and the very best British Steel Rods. :94 RTS _A ND BA BY CA RRIA ass Eggs taken in exchange for any Goods, Highest Prices Paid. ‘ we stock 18 new and up-bo-date. and we invite you to call Ices Whether you wish to purchase or not. __-* ‘7 'e have a full‘Iine of the very latest s'tyfiles of Go-Carts and we sell them, but at the RIGHT PRICES. â€"â€"â€"-â€"MURESCO 'FURNITURE H A RDWA RE any kind try us 1” 3-. . - -_ inters and demrators use. restful and pleasing to the nc‘nL- A" . Of Stoves, Ranges Tinware, G raniteware, Glass etc. HY Kind try us for such as coal oil. :‘bnbh Linseed Oil, (raw and oiled) Machinv on. Sewing Machine Oil. Harness Oil. Carriage Turpentine, Benzine, Gasoline etc. «:5 eye. producing a It dries dead Hui . "‘c

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