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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 May 1907, p. 7

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15 1'0an ""7 THURSDAY .OIIIIO M. Glaser DURHAM, - -. ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsehair, Sheepskins and Junk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid .' Save your stnfi till I calLor give'me me notice when you have a. quantity V _ iVoice culture and singmg, Studio at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertown. Feb tf. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at he Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiice. er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- nage chenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. D vey ancers Etc. Money to" Loan. Oficesr-In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. D (Jfiice over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. ONOR GRADUATE, UN IVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofice.â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice U York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at. Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Satan! aw in each month. Hoursâ€"l-G pan. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Will be at- t-he Midisngh House 3rd Wednesday of each month. from 11mg 4 p. m. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, or- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 £09 p. 111. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Eng, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- -v-‘JI-u““vu a U S's-mt distance east cf mep‘s Hotel, Lamb tun Ctmet. Lower Tuuu. Durham Ofice hunts from 1‘2 to 2 o’clock '0 190' MacKay 6k Dunn. ’ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CON- A. H. Jackson. 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- 'ARRISTERKSQLICITORA. ETC. THE JOB : : DEPARTFIENT J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. mm For transient advertisement: 8 cc: «5 pr line {or the first 1a~enion;3 Cent. pm JTES o . 0 line each subsequent mtionâ€"minxon We. Prd’essioaal cards, not exceeding. one ing‘; “.00 per ' be pubfished t2?! forbid and charge-J 3:: ”(Hugh Transient ' ‘ “For Sale,“ etcâ€"50 cents for first msertion, 25 cem beach subsequent Insertion. “advertisements ordered by strangers must be par: Irinadvance. Contact rates f0: v'. arly at. two to the of! ;e. a A!) advertise newts, to ensure insertion in curzc: welt, monk! be brou- ;:1t in not lat; :- man '18st13: mm:-:.. enisements furnished on DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town): L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. _RéD_ULA_.TE_ of London, va Drs. lamiescn Maclaurin HIE ”Will“ nunnmm' 1. G. Hutton, FF‘ICF: AND RESIDENCEhâ€"COR FPICE ‘ “'\.l II‘A‘I all NdW TYPE. thus af. iordfnz facilities for turning out First-class Geo. H. K. Midfnrd Denial Dz'reciorv. EDITOR AND Paomumoa. Miscellaneous. Arthur Gun, M. D. May. 16, 1907 M ed ical Dz'mcforv DR. BROWN Legal Directory. l. P. Telford. D. m. TelefihBIâ€"xe 1"" 3- 16. 08- BURT. AND RESIDENCE EXCLUSIVELY M. GLASER Is completezy stocked l \V. Ross. and Mr Austin Hutchinson were wedded. Rev. (r. M. Milligan, iD. 1).. being the officiating miniSter. iII: was a house wedding and quietly )celebrated at the home of the bride’s ifather, where so recently ajoyous gparty of guests made merry at the lmarriage of the youngest stepsiscer 10f Tuesday’s bride Mrs. Lesslie Wil- , son. Miss Nell Ross has been. since lher stepmother's decease some years ago, the constant companion and careful nurse of her father during! his si ges of rheumatism. and were not other arrangements in contempw llation of which we shall hear latent l her loss would be quite a calamity to‘ lthe senator. She was married in a {quiet gray cloth travelling costumej and a hat to match With pretty floral: trimmings. After the ceremony thel bride and groom went to the States {for their bridal trip. and will on their return to Toronto reside in College St. Both are most highly esteemedl for their many fine qualities by a: large circle of friends, whose con- gratulations and good wishes follow them. Mrs. Hutchinson inheritsa keenuess of intellect anda .love of study and literature which have al- ways led her into the quieter ways of life, combined with a warm loyalty to high ideals, and has fdpnd in her life partner a truly congenial Spirit. â€"Saturday Night. A marriage, which I Spoke of last; week as likely to occur immediately. took place on Tuesday afternoon at halfpast two, when Miss Ellen (Nell) Ross. daughter of Hon Senator G. The marriage of Hon. Senator G. W. Ross and Miss Mildred Peel. was quietly celebrated at the home of the bridegroom in Elmsley Place, on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. G M. Milligan, D. D., who has within a month performed the same ceremony for three members of the Ross family. Mr. Belden, a son in-law of Senator Ross. and who is also a brother in- law of the bride. brought her in. and very handsome and well she looked in a dainty cream lace gown mounted on tafl'eta and carrying a shower of white roses. Her two little nieces. 1 Clare and Mildred Belden, were heri only attendants. Miss Peel belongs a to a well-known family in London I the-less, and is an artist of much ability. Her late brother, Paul Peel, ' was a painter known on both sides of! the sea, and died in the full tide of} succeSS.â€"Satui'day Night. ‘ l For Stomach troubles. biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable curps have been ofincted by thnm Price. ‘25 cents Samples free. For sale at. Parker’s Drug Store. Mr and Mrs. A. Vollett, Varney. visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank \Vise, Sunday of last week. Mrs. H. W. Hunt apart one day last week with her sister in-law Mrs W. D Mills. Mrs. Geo. Hopkins and two daugh- ters. Hutton Hm, visited Mrs. Chas. Mighton Mr. and Mrs. Harbottle of town were guesm of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Mrs. Will Mchlloch visited rel atives at Allan Park one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robb, Burnett.’ of Durham Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. \V. Livingston. Mr. Robt. Lindsay u asin \Iarkdale one day recently Mrs. E Roseborough who has been with her mother. returned to her home in Owen Sound last week. Miss McLami teachpr here spent a fpw dagw with Mrs. Herb Livingsmn of Durham. 31m. John Bailey Spent Sunday with friends in town. HON. G. W. ROSS MARRIED. which time a noted physician told me that the next dress that I would buy for her '. would be‘ a shroud. She used PSYCHINE and is “Several years ago my wife was so scri- ously ill of lung trau- ble as for months to be unable to walk. at “MRS. HENDERSON, SLJohn, BBB." flame: For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. “mum For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. melts of For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. ' For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For afierâ€"efl’ects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and For Run-Down System take PSYCHINE. Pleunsy take PSYCHINE- 7 To F eel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE. practice with the most mastectomy results. “Several years ago my wife was so seri- ously ill of lung trou- ble as for months to be unable to walk. at which time a noted physician told me that the next dress that I would buy for her. would be a shroud. She used PSYCHINE and is .37... - now reasonably well. ' '~.>“=<‘~'4¢.-r. .fr‘fi‘ Rev. C. E. BURRELL, n A ° ' . ° . For sale at all druggists, 50c. “Baptisminism’ n Unfafllng Cure for all. Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. and $1.00. or D“ 'r. A. swam, Forest.0nto' A Rehable Remedv for (hm-12cm: ranepr‘l 1111 avnnnccan LA -44 __ ___-L . Rev. C. E. BURRELI “Baptist Minister, F orcst, Ont. Vickers. Without a moments Warning pain {springs upon us. At the outset it is instantly cured by Nervillne. Sur- fprising what fifteen drone of this ’ marvelous medicine will do. It’s ex- ternal action 18 no less certain than it’s wonderful eEect when taken in- ternally. Of course Nerviline is powerful or it couldn’t be so pene- trating. But not irritating or caustic. There are other pain rem. edies. but when you use Nerviline you see the difierence. That dif- ference is this,â€"-others reheve, but Nerviline does cure sprains, strains. swelling. earache. toothache. neural» gia, lumbago. in fact all muscular-l pains. Large bottles 250 at all deal- ers. . t YOU MAY BE SICK TO-NIGHT. ---__-_.-r -vwvv on the barties reSponsibIe for the shipment. The value of the consign- ment is over three hundred doilars. and there were nearly nine hundred bottles in the loc. Owen Sound. May ll.-â€"Shortly be- fore midnight last night. a wholesale seizure of whiskey was made by Li. cense Inspector Beckett and P. C, Andrew Shute. Earlier in the night is. farmer’s waggon came over the easc. hill road with a heavy load. and the scary is that two small boys {climbing up on the back to tahe a iriiie Were ordered 03' by the driver. {A suspicious rattle of bottles was .heard. and the lads, suspecting: the {contents to be contraband, are said gtO have given the police a tip, and ElnSpector Beckett was informed. 1 The waggon was tracked to the yards of the city hotel, and, just as the un-1 leading,r began the seizure was made. The farmer said he took the load on at Holland Centre and was to deliver it to a man named Riddle in the city hotel yards. He loaded the wet} 'goods back into the waggon, when directed by the license inspector, and hauled it down to the lockup, where the stuff is held. There is no man of the name of Riddle in town, and as the farmer’s direction was vague. the , onus of proof as to ownership r’ests Farmer Drove Into Owen Sound With A Wagon Load- W'ith the advance of years the vital lunccions of the body slow down. In consequence the organs of secretion sufler. the action of the bowels are lessened and there is no longer healthy circulation. The brain is congeSted with blood. giddi- ness. trembling and cold extremities are common No assistance is so potent as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills By their direct acrion on the stomach, liver and kidneys. they cause an im mediate change. Mild, free from gripe, strengthening and cleansing the whole system. no medicine is so Valuable in old age as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake Butternut. "Try these Pills. 25c per box at all dealers. E (Special Despatch to the Globe.) Cornwall, May 10.â€"-A serious case [of poisoning happened to a son and daughter of Mrs. Win. \Veiie. of Winchester,aged respecrively five and seven years. It seems that one of the children had been troubled with sore eyes. and she had occasion to pour some eye water from a bottle into a cap. which she placed in the cupboard. The children got hold of this cup, and, in is supposed, drunk the contents mixed with tea. They were seized with pains and became deliriom. their condition for a day being: quite serious, after which they: quickly recovered. Drank From 21 Cup Containing Eye Water ~Both Recovered. BIG SEIZURE OF WII'ESKEY. TWO CHILDREN POISONED THE DURHAM 0111mm [OLE For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSYCHINE. . Pure Canadian Honey in 250. Jars. FLANNELE T'l E BLANKETSâ€"Large 11-4 size in White and’gray, $1.20 pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd., 14; yds. 2 yds. wide, 25c. a. square yard. SMYRNA BUGS-30x60 inches $3.00 each. TEAâ€"Salada Ceylon Tea, black and mixed at 25c., 300., and 400. a. 115 ' I Ladies’ black sateen underskirts at $1.00 each. Ladies’ White lawn underskirts at 70c. each See our Iadies’ fancy collars at 25c. eachâ€"Bargains. See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams. Table Linen 34 inches wide, L5c 11 ya1d 66 H 68 H u 50c n Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 35¢. a vald. 2 Yards long, :0 inches Wide. 25.; u 66 30 u u : 3L; .6 ‘ ‘6 3‘0 ‘6 66 He Sells Cheap 5 Songs, waltzes New music received each week iPumpS. - Percv G. H. webster and Funeral Director NEW Pumps 4M) REPAIRS W Datum“. Rm! Cmunxa A'N'D Paxsscca (Iona with Human: .concmte. Snow Huang-Nu Barber Shop. 'z'a‘m'e F m. 1}: big on shortest 7101712). Full line of Catholic Robes; and b1: and white Caps for aged peuplc. ’. H. BEAN u. W035 ‘3” ALL ORDERS eaten at the near Mc‘}«»waxz’s Mil‘ will iw p tended to. I BEG LEA VE 1‘0 INFORM MY CU? l‘UM HRS and the public in general than 1 am Drmmrod to furnish Embalming a Specialty 66 LACE CURTAINS. CALDER BLOCK 36 00 GEORGE WHITMORE GUAKAN PEN“ at “LJI'H em ' Pumm 6‘ 'x b to Swalluws’ i swarm. Em: >76 vmmamadxuio I the Old 31.31.} h? prompth- 5' ack 3 The New Harness {see how Jack can suit Axle Grease, Baggy Top Dressing Gall Cure different kinds, Harness 0_il, Polish, and Metal Polish. ].â€"â€"-Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.-â€"Pmmptness of delivery will surprise you. Groceries MATTHEVfijgwléo’ . Kinnee For Loss 9f Appetite take PSYCHIN E. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run-Down System take PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCH IN E. Oglivie’s Flour Always in i or wet. FOUR REASONS \Vh i {)8 an mess Shep is blight and tom Cam suit \ on why you should buy your and Sweat Pads. are not forgntten. For sale at all drug'g‘ists, 50c. and $1.00. or Dr. 'I'. A. Slocum, Limited. 179 King St. V65. “tomato ‘8‘ sndwassutt’eringwith lung trouble. Em and neighbors thought I would never g‘ better. I begun to despair myself. Les“ faith inmy physician, 1 procured soothers. who lea-mended the use of PSYCHINE. It was surprising beyond description d.» ~effect it had. I seemed to gain with em dose. Inside of two weeks I was able to attend tomy housework again. There an no symptoms of consumption about me 00'. “MRS. HENDERSON, SL10hn.N.B." USED PSYCHINB 20 YEARS AGO. LATIMER TRY 1's. Stock Proprietor LATIM ER all and

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